The Last of Us Discussion Thread
Aron wants to distance himself. So I'm taking over.
The Last of Us is Naughty Dog's foray into the Post-apocalypse genre, selling over 20 million copies across both games and the PS3-PS4 console generation.
In The Last of Us, you follow Joel and Ellie: one, a rugged survivor 20+ years into a zombie apocalypse and the other, an immune young girl needed to develop a cure. As you take the harrowing journey across the USA, you'll encounter a handful of memorable characters, groups of bloodthirsty hunters and zombies, and slowly uncover a parental relationship between Joel and Ellie.
[Released June 14, 2013]
Part II takes place 4 years after the events of the first. Ellie and Joel have settled down in Jackson, with Joel rekindling his relationship with his brother and Ellie developing a new one with her patrolling partner Dina. But something turns their world upside-down. You take control of Ellie after she experiences an unimaginable loss and sets out to take revenge against those who crossed her, not letting anyone get in her way. As Naughty Dog's most ambitious game yet, with photo-realistic graphics and a longer 25-hour story, discover what it means to be pushed to the brink of humanity.
[Released June 19, 2020]
WARNING: In April 26th, the major spoilers of TLOU2 have been leaked through the internet. DO NOT POST ANY SPOILERS OF THE GAME WITHOUT USING THE SPOILER FORMAT
This is the place where you can talk about anything related to The Last of Us. Hype for Part 2

Go backwards
Ellie and Joel are back bitches!!
Whoa...this is such good news!
I usually don't follow the PSX, but it seems they are showing off a bunch of big titles this year. Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite, first footage of the Crash remakes, and now this. It's practically E3 2.0 for Sony right now.
Now I'm about to go replay Last of Us. Beat it on Grounded on ps3, Guess it's time to do the same for Ps4.
I'm gonna do the exact same thing.
Me too
You know, I never liked The Last of Us. I thought it was overrated, had a bad story and the gameplay... well lacking is a light way to put it. But that is one fantastic fucking trailer right there. Good enough to even get me hyped up. Gotta give Naughty Dog some serious props on this one.
I think it was great
That's something I can agree with. It was too mediocre and realistic to be considered a gameplay.
I trust them to make it feel like Uncharted 2.
It was well written of course, but it was also really generic and cliche.
Not to mention you get 7-13 minutes of gameplay followed by a long ass cutscene.
Same here. Good gameplay, interesting story, tight controls and beautiful visuals. Uncharted 2 (and 4) have the story based game formula perfected. All we need is for The Last of Us to follow it.
Ellie is on a revenge quest too? All my video game children are turning into bloodthirsty killers.
I'm so proud....
2018 or 2019
Holy shit I'm crying I'm going to throw up
Holy shit!!! You just changed your profile pic sooo fast!!
Speaking of The Last of Us 2, we have the Uncharted 4 Story DLC announced as well.
It happened while you were gone.
Excited for that too.
This is definitely going to be like TLOU Left Behind but bigger and more fun I hope.
This is quite cool, I was kinda hoping they'd start with new characters in the same world. Im interested in what new story they are gonna tell with these two I guess but I'd rather they didnt die
I changed it before the video was even released.
Well, they always continued their franchises with the same characters. I hope they're making it feel like Uncharted 2.
right? :,) lol
hmmm.. maybe its kinda on purpose, kinda how HBO does it with GoT, that they only have it at 720, but it doesnt look too clear if the tattoo is covering her infected mark, or like i said, the quality isnt that good.
This is the highest quality you can find of the video.
It's nice to see The Last of Us back. I thought they said it'd get delayed for a few more years. Ellie must be the main protagonist this time around [and with a coolie hairstyle] her playing the guitar is just like that drawing the artists for the game did, so cool. Really creepy with all the dead bodies around though, god o.o
Also 50 bucks Joel dies! I sense doom for him, dooom.
I was being sarcastic. I was just saying that to portray how fast I changed my profile picture.
Machete a the bottom is the same one from TLOU S1??
EDIT: Can I just say that this doesn't even look like a video game. That body on the floor looks like a god damn real life person.
yeah i saw it in 4k, took a while but worth it. yeah it looks like a cover up.
Fuck. YES.
Now hopefully Joel in the trailer isn't some sort of hallucination made up by Ellie because the Firefly's killed him. Though that would explain why Ellie wants to kill them all.
I got goosebumps! Waited for so long to hear news about this.
I'm definitely picking this one up once it's released.
Someone on a different site made a theory that Joel and Ellie's relationship will go the opposite direction as it had in the first game, starting off as allies and eventually opposes each other due to conflicting ideals, especially with the idea that Ellie may be less than pleased with Joel's lie about the Fireflies.
Should we be finding this fact concerning
I mean, I ain't implying nothing, but...
Fuck yeahhhh and her tattoo looks awesome