After reading the new reviews and watching the newer leaks, I'm actually excited about it and I think it might actually be better than what I used to think. But, we'll have to see soon!
Boat God vs. Pallet God, eh?
Tie game. Can't decide.
(Actually, I think Kenny would win a verbal fighting match, while Joel would most likely win a physical fighting match.)
So I preordered Part II online back in September of last year, back when we had that February release date, and Best Buy finally says they're getting my order ready.
But unfortunately, for some reason, it will arrive by June 23rd - next Tuesday - at the earliest.
The reviews for this game are all over the place. Critics love it to death and people hate it. I don't have any decisions to make other than just play the game myself and make my own opinion.
Oh, and for anyone who missed it a couple months ago, there's a free TLOU2 PS4 theme out there you can download. It's been given away through a universal code for some reason, but it's legit.
I really don't like that ending, whatsoever. They legit wiped all logic from Ellie in those last few parts of the ending.
Although, I did like one scene. The only way I could describe it without spoiling it is, they gave Ellie a really badass moment where they make her look so cool... But, they also make her super smug in that scene.
But, ughhhhh... What were you thinking, NaughtyDog!
Well if it is fucked up like GOT season 8 and like the Disney's Star Wars Ep 8? Then wow naughty dog fucked up on that. Like wow.
Also Angry Joe's review will be interesting and hilarious to watch. Rage reviews are funny,but they are sad too. Cause hype goes in the game and ppl go in with high expectations and it doesn't help when those things are bad.
Warning: possible accidental spoilers from what sounds like an ignorant weeb
So Ellie turns into a big buff chick with hair that flows like candle smoke in order to punch an ambiguous villain who was sorta being redeemed to death?
Here is a tip everyone who finished playing/watching the game.
If you guys wanna talk about spoilers, use the spoiler tag. THEN add a warning statement above with bold font, like this: WARNING!!! DO NOT CLICK, SPOILERS AHEAD. Everytime you talk about spoilers, you add that warning no matter what.
Happy Release Day!! (Omg I can't believe I can finally say this. The road to release has been rough.)
Cannot wait to be able to play this sequel and engage in discussion with everyone else. ( 4 days because my delivery is slow )
I'm both super-duper hyped for this game, and also really really scared of it. Critic reviews are blindingly positive, though there are a few outliers with some unique problems. It's also really interesting to hear the extent of people's opinions on this game.
Some find the characters likeable, some find them all boring.
Some like the first half of the game, dislike the second, some feel the complete opposite.
Some like how bleak and hopeless this game is, others hate it.
Even here, apparently the ending might suck? Yikes.
Kinda makes me worried about whether I'll be one of the people who dislikes this game by the end, but I've got my hopes up that all those positive reviews are a sign of something good. At least the gameplay is going to be fun.
Enjoy Part II, y'all!
2 hours in, and already, fuck this game. Like no joke, fuck it so hard in the asshole it fucking bleeds. A New Frontier, congratulations, you’re not the worst anymore, there’s a new king in town.
And while I’m at it, fuck the marketing/advertising too. They lied to us, so fucking much, I feel more insulted by that than anything.
2 hours in, and already, fuck this game. Like no joke, fuck it so hard in the asshole it fucking bleeds. A New Frontier, congratulations, yo… moreu’re not the worst anymore, there’s a new king in town.
And while I’m at it, fuck the marketing/advertising too. They lied to us, so fucking much, I feel more insulted by that than anything.
2 hours in, and already, fuck this game. Like no joke, fuck it so hard in the asshole it fucking bleeds. A New Frontier, congratulations, yo… moreu’re not the worst anymore, there’s a new king in town.
And while I’m at it, fuck the marketing/advertising too. They lied to us, so fucking much, I feel more insulted by that than anything.
I look forward to hearing everyone's opinions on the game. Not as bad as ANF and I don't really have a problem with the false advertising, but yeah I don't like the story as much as I wanted to. There are a lot of parts that I like and think can work in this shitty universe, and there's a lot of parts that are just executed badly. There are also a few plotholes, depending on how you look at it. I also want to like the ending, but it's more bad than it is good. The context made it worse lol.
And there's a lot of stuff that I said before this game came out, worries and stuff, and it looks like my fears and suspicions were confirmed true. In any case, I have no idea how this game got so many 10s. It's a 5 to 8.
One more thing, I'm confused at Sony for allowing Druckmann to do this. Most of their narrative games are decided on by the team, but this seems more like one man's vision, definitely more interesting but obviously it's a terrible idea because it'll be divisive and it's just not worth the backlash.
I look forward to hearing everyone's opinions on the game. Not as bad as ANF and I don't really have a problem with the false advertising, b… moreut yeah I don't like the story as much as I wanted to. There are a lot of parts that I like and think can work in this shitty universe, and there's a lot of parts that are just executed badly. There are also a few plotholes, depending on how you look at it. I also want to like the ending, but it's more bad than it is good. The context made it worse lol.
And there's a lot of stuff that I said before this game came out, worries and stuff, and it looks like my fears and suspicions were confirmed true. In any case, I have no idea how this game got so many 10s. It's a 5 to 8.
One more thing, I'm confused at Sony for allowing Druckmann to do this. Most of their narrative games are decided on by the team, but this seems more like one man's vision, definitely more interesting but obviously it's a terrible idea because it'll be divisive and it's just not worth the backlash.
The first 15 minutes are good then it goes down the fuckin hill. About 2 hours in I had to pause and if it wasnt for the fact that I am a trophy hunter and want this platinum, I would have uninstalled it then and there.
That's all I have to say about this shit. The leaks look gokd in comparison to this. "HURRDURR You only saw the scenes out of context, you dont know the full extent yadayada". You're right. I didn't. It was even worse than the leaks made it out to be.
I highly doubt anything that will happen from this point forward will change my mind on this game. If it does, I'd be very happy. If it doesn't, I'll continue to be sad that another franchise has been ruined.
I'm confused at Sony for allowing Druckmann to do this. Most of their narrative games are decided on by the team, but this seems more like one man's vision, definitely more interesting but obviously it's a terrible idea because it'll be divisive and it's just not worth the backlash.
Early on Druckmann made some controversy when he hired a person which angered ppl and turn this game into a shitstorm with ppl attacking the game before it came out. Possibly that was his worst mistake including Sony's too. You don't bring outsider who knows nothing about the gaming community other than the team who directed the first game of The Last Of US.
I think that is why this game become more related to bad writing and plot based past involvement from Druckmann instead of the team. Sony really back the wrong pony on this one.
I look forward to hearing everyone's opinions on the game. Not as bad as ANF and I don't really have a problem with the false advertising, b… moreut yeah I don't like the story as much as I wanted to. There are a lot of parts that I like and think can work in this shitty universe, and there's a lot of parts that are just executed badly. There are also a few plotholes, depending on how you look at it. I also want to like the ending, but it's more bad than it is good. The context made it worse lol.
And there's a lot of stuff that I said before this game came out, worries and stuff, and it looks like my fears and suspicions were confirmed true. In any case, I have no idea how this game got so many 10s. It's a 5 to 8.
One more thing, I'm confused at Sony for allowing Druckmann to do this. Most of their narrative games are decided on by the team, but this seems more like one man's vision, definitely more interesting but obviously it's a terrible idea because it'll be divisive and it's just not worth the backlash.
The gameplay is good. The story is a 50/50. Some parts are actually good, while others seem to have been written thinking: What would make fans piss off and feel disgusted?
Like Abby's sex scene. They really thought somebody wanted to see that. Ugg.
I have no idea how this game got so many 10s. It's a 5 to 8.
Because this was Naughty Dog/Sony to all the reviewers:
People were saying the review scores were paid for last week, everyone kept saying it was bullshit. Based on where I'm at now, it definitely seems like it.
I look forward to hearing everyone's opinions on the game. Not as bad as ANF and I don't really have a problem with the false advertising, b… moreut yeah I don't like the story as much as I wanted to. There are a lot of parts that I like and think can work in this shitty universe, and there's a lot of parts that are just executed badly. There are also a few plotholes, depending on how you look at it. I also want to like the ending, but it's more bad than it is good. The context made it worse lol.
And there's a lot of stuff that I said before this game came out, worries and stuff, and it looks like my fears and suspicions were confirmed true. In any case, I have no idea how this game got so many 10s. It's a 5 to 8.
One more thing, I'm confused at Sony for allowing Druckmann to do this. Most of their narrative games are decided on by the team, but this seems more like one man's vision, definitely more interesting but obviously it's a terrible idea because it'll be divisive and it's just not worth the backlash.
After reading the new reviews and watching the newer leaks, I'm actually excited about it and I think it might actually be better than what I used to think. But, we'll have to see soon!
Question unrelated to The Last of Us 2, but who do you guys think is the better character between Kenny or Joel?
Nah, dude. You're okay, it's kinda related to TLOU as a whole.
As for the question...
Y'know, this question makes me think of how similar in character the two are... I'd have to say Kenny.
Boat God vs. Pallet God, eh?
Tie game. Can't decide.
(Actually, I think Kenny would win a verbal fighting match, while Joel would most likely win a physical fighting match.)
That's a weird pick for me.
It's not about who would win a fight. It's about who do you think is a better written character.
@DabigRG: Can't decide?
Don't really have room to.
Kenny has very good saltlick skills (and well versed with a crowbar) but I think Joel's ability to use bricks to solve problems pales in comparison
Joel because I love his new look in Part 2.
So I preordered Part II online back in September of last year, back when we had that February release date, and Best Buy finally says they're getting my order ready.
But unfortunately, for some reason, it will arrive by June 23rd - next Tuesday - at the earliest.
angry chicken noises
The reviews for this game are all over the place. Critics love it to death and people hate it. I don't have any decisions to make other than just play the game myself and make my own opinion.
Wow. I just saw the ending. I'm not gonna give spoilers but is pretty fucked up.
Thank you for your restraint. For a minute I thought you came in here about to spoil the ending.
Oh, and for anyone who missed it a couple months ago, there's a free TLOU2 PS4 theme out there you can download. It's been given away through a universal code for some reason, but it's legit.
big image
If people compare it to Game of Thrones Season 8 and the infamous Disney Star Wars trilogy, then I am not ready to see it at all.
Yeah, I saw it too.
I really don't like that ending, whatsoever. They legit wiped all logic from Ellie in those last few parts of the ending.
Although, I did like one scene. The only way I could describe it without spoiling it is, they gave Ellie a really badass moment where they make her look so cool... But, they also make her super smug in that scene.
But, ughhhhh... What were you thinking, NaughtyDog!
No problem, check ur dms.
Well if it is fucked up like GOT season 8 and like the Disney's Star Wars Ep 8? Then wow naughty dog fucked up on that. Like wow.
Also Angry Joe's review will be interesting and hilarious to watch. Rage reviews are funny,but they are sad too. Cause hype goes in the game and ppl go in with high expectations and it doesn't help when those things are bad.
Can pls dm me it too.
Is the whole game up now or something?
So guys when will it be ok to start talking spoilers here? Perhaps we should set a date and hour or something?
Warning: possible accidental spoilers from what sounds like an ignorant weeb
So Ellie turns into a big buff chick with hair that flows like candle smoke in order to punch an ambiguous villain who was sorta being redeemed to death?
I think the whole game has been leaked, or most of it has at least.
Maybe when the game actually releases to the public, someone can make a SPOILER thread. Where you can talk about the game and its story/gameplay.
it's already out, the embargo is lifted
Here is a tip everyone who finished playing/watching the game.
If you guys wanna talk about spoilers, use the spoiler tag. THEN add a warning statement above with bold font, like this: WARNING!!! DO NOT CLICK, SPOILERS AHEAD. Everytime you talk about spoilers, you add that warning no matter what.
Happy Release Day!! (Omg I can't believe I can finally say this. The road to release has been rough.)
Cannot wait to be able to play this sequel and engage in discussion with everyone else. ( 4 days because my delivery is slow
I'm both super-duper hyped for this game, and also really really scared of it. Critic reviews are blindingly positive, though there are a few outliers with some unique problems. It's also really interesting to hear the extent of people's opinions on this game.
Kinda makes me worried about whether I'll be one of the people who dislikes this game by the end, but I've got my hopes up that all those positive reviews are a sign of something good. At least the gameplay is going to be fun.
Enjoy Part II, y'all!
2 hours in, and already, fuck this game. Like no joke, fuck it so hard in the asshole it fucking bleeds. A New Frontier, congratulations, you’re not the worst anymore, there’s a new king in town.
And while I’m at it, fuck the marketing/advertising too. They lied to us, so fucking much, I feel more insulted by that than anything.
And that says a lot about this game. Man,Angry Joe or Boogie2988's reviews will be LIT!
Also I am pretty sure I know where you at now bin the game. Just watching the gameplay on a YouTube channel. So obviously I know where you at
My game is downloading now and you already made me feel afraid of the game finishing downloading.
I look forward to hearing everyone's opinions on the game. Not as bad as ANF and I don't really have a problem with the false advertising, but yeah I don't like the story as much as I wanted to. There are a lot of parts that I like and think can work in this shitty universe, and there's a lot of parts that are just executed badly. There are also a few plotholes, depending on how you look at it. I also want to like the ending, but it's more bad than it is good. The context made it worse lol.
And there's a lot of stuff that I said before this game came out, worries and stuff, and it looks like my fears and suspicions were confirmed true. In any case, I have no idea how this game got so many 10s. It's a 5 to 8.
One more thing, I'm confused at Sony for allowing Druckmann to do this. Most of their narrative games are decided on by the team, but this seems more like one man's vision, definitely more interesting but obviously it's a terrible idea because it'll be divisive and it's just not worth the backlash.
I already have a feeling that I'm not going to enjoy this game as much as the original and even the whole Uncharted franchise.
I forgot it even existed for a few week. But I don't care much to shit on it again.
The first 15 minutes are good then it goes down the fuckin hill. About 2 hours in I had to pause and if it wasnt for the fact that I am a trophy hunter and want this platinum, I would have uninstalled it then and there.
That's all I have to say about this shit. The leaks look gokd in comparison to this. "HURRDURR You only saw the scenes out of context, you dont know the full extent yadayada". You're right. I didn't. It was even worse than the leaks made it out to be.
I highly doubt anything that will happen from this point forward will change my mind on this game. If it does, I'd be very happy. If it doesn't, I'll continue to be sad that another franchise has been ruined.
Early on Druckmann made some controversy when he hired a person which angered ppl and turn this game into a shitstorm with ppl attacking the game before it came out. Possibly that was his worst mistake including Sony's too. You don't bring outsider who knows nothing about the gaming community other than the team who directed the first game of The Last Of US.
I think that is why this game become more related to bad writing and plot based past involvement from Druckmann instead of the team. Sony really back the wrong pony on this one.
Life Of Strange is by far the cringeworthing game based on bad writing too. Including the damn plot like what?
I know. I just don't care about this game anymore cause its fanbase fell apart.
Well the fanbase become really weird and stupid. Including LIS 2. Like look at that bad writing and bad plot points lol
The gameplay is good. The story is a 50/50. Some parts are actually good, while others seem to have been written thinking: What would make fans piss off and feel disgusted?
Like Abby's sex scene. They really thought somebody wanted to see that. Ugg.
Because this was Naughty Dog/Sony to all the reviewers:
People were saying the review scores were paid for last week, everyone kept saying it was bullshit. Based on where I'm at now, it definitely seems like it.