The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited July 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    Another one of my doodles....

    Yog-Soggoth Monday!

    This is awesome! :D

    After playing Beyond the Alley of the Dolls - I couldn't resist but draw glowy Max ^_^

  • edited July 2010
    I loved the glowy Max...he looks so peaceful, for once.
  • edited July 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Shouldn't he NOT wear clothing here? ;)
  • edited July 2010
    GLOWY MAX AWW yeauh.
  • edited July 2010
    Shouldn't he NOT wear clothing here? ;)

    Sometimes I hate you so much XD


    And, if by any chance someone thought about it:


    And the still incomplete set with this two alternatives
  • edited July 2010
    Yay, that looks awesome, especially the glazed look. And way more fitting for the episode than the original (IMO).
  • edited July 2010
    MRN wrote: »
    K, so I drew this in Art class a while back and now I'm couloring it.


    Here's the no-coulor version:

    Attack of the No Eyed Sam: Episode 401
  • edited July 2010
    I would SO do a caramelldansen gif of them if my computer would save gif's right...

    But yeah I apologize for what you are all about to see...

    I actually spat on my laptop with laughter. Oh Lord, that's the best thing I've seen since Sam busting Michael Jackson's moves in the unreleased Freelance Police game. Fantastic. <3

    And to everyone else's work in the past couple of days. Lovin' it.
  • edited July 2010
    I actually spat on my laptop with laughter. Oh Lord, that's the best thing I've seen since Sam busting Michael Jackson's moves in the unreleased Freelance Police game. Fantastic. <3

    And to everyone else's work in the past couple of days. Lovin' it.

    Oh lord that makes me happy :'D I am such a nerd that I downloaded said clip. I watch that half second where Sam grabs his crotch over and over because I have problems.
    (PSSST it's ShadRen4ever from devART, incase you didn't know ;0 )
  • edited July 2010
    I actually spat on my laptop with laughter. Oh Lord, that's the best thing I've seen since Sam busting Michael Jackson's moves in the unreleased Freelance Police game. Fantastic. <3

    And to everyone else's work in the past couple of days. Lovin' it.

    Saw that video a while back, I wasn't sure whether to laugh or burn out my eyes with bleach XD

    Also, I've been a busy bee today and done another picture!


    I feel so sorry for that Sam clone :( He looks so sad.
  • edited July 2010
    Saw that video a while back, I wasn't sure whether to laugh or burn out my eyes with bleach XD

    Also, I've been a busy bee today and done another picture!


    I feel so sorry for that Sam clone :( He looks so sad.

    I think the clone should (nsfw)
    put the Max toy in his underpants. Because I have a sick mind like that.
  • edited July 2010
    But... the toys naked (just as Max).

    EDIT: Wait, nvm. Read it wrong. Yup, sick, sick you.
  • edited July 2010
    Oh lord that makes me happy :'D I am such a nerd that I downloaded said clip. I watch that half second where Sam grabs his crotch over and over because I have problems.
    (PSSST it's ShadRen4ever from devART, incase you didn't know ;0 )

    You're welcome! =D That clip just pwns so much.
    (Ooooh! Hello there! *waves*)
    Saw that video a while back, I wasn't sure whether to laugh or burn out my eyes with bleach XD

    Still freakin' awesome either way. :D


    Oooh~ I should really stop coming here until I can play more of the Devil's Playhouse... XD Still lovin' the art though... <3
  • edited July 2010
    So yeah I made this and it's not great, the paint job ruiend it! I don't sculpt much and it shows, painfully.

  • edited July 2010
    SillyStell wrote: »
    So yeah I made this and it's not great, the paint job ruiend it! I don't sculpt much and it shows, painfully.


    Freakin' unreal job! <3
  • edited July 2010
    SillyStell wrote: »
    So yeah I made this and it's not great, the paint job ruiend it! I don't sculpt much and it shows, painfully.


    Still better than anything I could sculpt. ^_^ It's adorable! Now I wanna make a mess outta clay that looks nothing like this!
  • edited July 2010
    Stell wtf you are amazing
  • edited July 2010
    There's so much awesome that I want to comment on that I'm going to have to take the copout route and just say that this thread is filled with awesome.

    I especially like Skylark Starflower's baby versions picture, but I would. Sam was such an adorable child.
  • edited July 2010
    You don't sculpt much? Could've and would've fooled me.
  • edited July 2010
    The clay Max is pretty much spot on but the clay Sam looks more like the dog in the original version of Monkey Island 2.
  • edited July 2010
    SillyStell wrote: »

    Can I have this? Pleeeeease? :D
  • edited July 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    The clay Max is pretty much spot on but the clay Sam looks more like the dog in the original version of Monkey Island 2.

    Is there a Clay Sam in this topic? I've yet to see it.

    If, by the off chance you're talking about the thing Max is holding, that's not Sam, but a Weasel on a Stick, a very awesome reference to Sam and Max's first comic: Monkeys Violating the Heavenly Temple
  • edited July 2010
    Yup, it's Weasel on a Stick, mainly because I love to comics the most (Though the games are kicks ass as well) and the concept of it made me laugh :D

    The photo for this to be honest doesn't show the terrible paint job. I don't have airbrushes or anything, just regualre brushes and acyrlic paint which gives it an uneven and lumpy coating. I actually took pictures of how it was progressing just incase it fell apart or something. If anyone is interested I could post em' here
  • edited July 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I especially like Skylark Starflower's baby versions picture, but I would. Sam was such an adorable child.

    I'm glad ya liked 'em. ^_^ Tell the truth, I actually like drawing little Sam more than adult Sam, so you'll probably be seeing more of him from me in later days. ^_^
  • edited July 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    Is there a Clay Sam in this topic? I've yet to see it.

    If, by the off chance you're talking about the thing Max is holding, that's not Sam, but a Weasel on a Stick, a very awesome reference to Sam and Max's first comic: Monkeys Violating the Heavenly Temple

    Oops, my bad. Over in this part of the world, we've only been exposed to the games.
  • edited July 2010

    Sam as the title character from "Don - The Chase Begins Again".
    Because I wanted to.
  • edited July 2010

    Sam as the title character from "Don - The Chase Begins Again".
    Because I wanted to.

    Sam looks classy. I like it. ^_^ Though I can't say I've ever heard of...I'm guessing it's a game? ^_^ But now I'm interested.
  • edited July 2010
    Sam looks classy. I like it. ^_^ Though I can't say I've ever heard of...I'm guessing it's a game? ^_^ But now I'm interested.

    Thank you~!
    Nope... it's actually a Bollywood film... an awesome looking one at that. XD
  • edited July 2010
    Thank you~!
    Nope... it's actually a Bollywood film... an awesome looking one at that. XD

    You're welcome! ^_^ And I'm gonna hafta look into that now.

    And now, I came here to share something I doodled while working on a rough outline for a stupid comic I've got in mind that makes me giggle.


    I dunno if I'll ever finish the comic, but I might at least do up the first page, because I like that, at least. ^_^ This samulacra was from the first panel of the second page rough. Don't ask.
  • edited July 2010
    And now, I came here to share something I doodled while working on a rough outline for a stupid comic I've got in mind that makes me giggle.


    I dunno if I'll ever finish the comic, but I might at least do up the first page, because I like that, at least. ^_^ This samulacra was from the first panel of the second page rough. Don't ask.

    Awwwww~ That is so charming~! XD Someone get the lad tea, pip pip!
  • edited July 2010
    I can't post the file here because it's longer than 7000 pixels tall, so here's a link to it on dA:
  • edited July 2010

    I can draw Ho-Tep scarily well.
  • edited July 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    Oops, my bad. Over in this part of the world, we've only been exposed to the games.

    Surely Guernsey isn't THAT far from the rest of the UK? :P

    Although you make a good point the comics would be quite scarse even on the mainland.
  • edited July 2010
    I can't post the file here because it's longer than 7000 pixels tall, so here's a link to it on dA:

    No, no one will kill you. Instead, they'll praise you to the heavens~~ XD

    Incredible. They are amazing.

    Now for my stupid crap.
    Based on the Tamil movie "Kanthaswamy" and a song I love from it.

    Based on the song "Love Mera Hit Hit" from the Bollywood movie "Billu Barber".

  • edited July 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    Surely Guernsey isn't THAT far from the rest of the UK? :P

    Although you make a good point the comics would be quite scarse even on the mainland.

    1) The animated show, as far as I'm aware, was only broadcast in North America.

    2) I've never seen Sam & Max comics on sale in a physical store anywhere in my life. I've lived on that little 50km2 rock you mentioned (yes, US folks, they actually exist and ppl do live on them) and Portsmouth (3 years for uni).

    3) I've yet to come across anyone else in the Channel Islands who has even heard of Sam & Max before I told them. Fair few MI fans, though.
  • edited July 2010
    LOVE THEM, HAYLEY <33333 aaaaaaaa
    somehow a crossover of Bollywood seems fitting and just the right type of weird.
  • edited July 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    1) The animated show, as far as I'm aware, was only broadcast in North America.

    My older brother watched it on Fox Kids all those years ago. And we're in Ireland. D:
  • edited July 2010
    LOVE THEM, HAYLEY <33333 aaaaaaaa
    somehow a crossover of Bollywood seems fitting and just the right type of weird.

    I AM HAPPY THANK YOU~~ <333333333

    Mmm... I'm getting inspired to make up my own Bollywood film thingy with Sam & Max now... me thinks~~ *brick'd and shot*
  • edited July 2010
    My older brother watched it on Fox Kids all those years ago. And we're in Ireland. D:

    Oops. I've shown myself up several times today within this community. *looks for a rock to crawl under*
  • edited July 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    Oops. I've shown myself up several times today within this community. *looks for a rock to crawl under*

    Ah, do not worry. It happens to us all~
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