The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited July 2010
    Ah, do not worry. It happens to us all~

    :o *is relieved to find at least one forgiving boardie*
  • edited July 2010
    I AM HAPPY THANK YOU~~ <333333333

    Mmm... I'm getting inspired to make up my own Bollywood film thingy with Sam & Max now... me thinks~~ *brick'd and shot*

    AHAHAHAHA I dare you
  • edited July 2010
    AHAHAHAHA I dare you

    Hoorah it's on! Sam & Max starring in their first Bollywood film, with songs and dance routines and everything! XD
  • edited July 2010
    You better make this a reality.... or else >:|
  • edited July 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    Oops. I've shown myself up several times today within this community. *looks for a rock to crawl under*

    As has been said, don't worry about it! I do remember watching Sam and Max on Fox Kids when I was younger. At the time though they meant nothing to me but I loved the show.

    In fact that memory is probably the reason I haven't got round to watching them again. That and every time I mention to my little bro that I may watch it he says "don't, you'll destroy the nostalgia".
  • edited July 2010
    SillyStell wrote: »
    You better make this a reality.... or else >:|

    I will. I'mma start by making a poster with a concept... and then write it out in some form... X3
  • edited July 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    As has been said, don't worry about it! I do remember watching Sam and Max on Fox Kids when I was younger. At the time though they meant nothing to me but I loved the show.

    In fact that memory is probably the reason I haven't got round to watching them again. That and every time I mention to my little bro that I may watch it he says "don't, you'll destroy the nostalgia".

    We do have Sky here but my parents never saw any need for it, I'm sorry to say.
  • edited July 2010
    You're welcome! ^_^ And I'm gonna hafta look into that now.

    And now, I came here to share something I doodled while working on a rough outline for a stupid comic I've got in mind that makes me giggle.


    I dunno if I'll ever finish the comic, but I might at least do up the first page, because I like that, at least. ^_^ This samulacra was from the first panel of the second page rough. Don't ask.

    I wouldn't mind seeing that comic.
  • edited July 2010
    I can't post the file here because it's longer than 7000 pixels tall, so here's a link to it on dA:
  • edited July 2010

    Those are really good. Also, I can't help but notice how brave the girl with Max is...I sorta would have expected him to have accidentally bitten her already. :p
  • edited July 2010
    Those are really good. Also, I can't help but notice how brave the girl with Max is...I sorta would have expected him to have accidentally bitten her already. :p

    Oh she's definitely been bitten before. But Leah bites back.
  • edited July 2010
    Leah don't take nothing from Max. SHE WEARS THE PANTS. LITERALLY.
  • edited July 2010

    Lady Libertay! In all her demonic glory!
  • edited July 2010

    Lady Libertay! In all her demonic glory!

    totally awesome!
  • edited July 2010
    Nice (big) picture

    Lady Libertay! In all her demonic glory!

    Very good!
  • edited July 2010

    Lady Libertay! In all her demonic glory!

    Wow! That's really amazing!
  • edited July 2010
    OMFG rubygloommel that is, dare I say, scary good. AHAHAahaha...bad puns...My other super power.
  • edited July 2010

    Lady Libertay! In all her demonic glory!

    HOLY CRAP that freakin' rocked my world. <3
  • edited July 2010
    Thanks everyone! ^_^
  • edited July 2010
    Interesting, pretty unique idea as far as fanfictions usaully go. Keep it up! Just remember to have fun with it, keep to Sam and Max's tone of humour and you'll be fine!
  • edited July 2010
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Interesting, pretty unique idea as far as fanfictions usaully go. Keep it up! Just remember to have fun with it, keep to Sam and Max's tone of humour and you'll be fine!

    Cheers! Yeah, I must remember that at the end of the day, it's just for the craic! Thanks! XD
  • edited July 2010
    Hayley that front cover looks absolutely superb but as you've already highlighted, it would be a very time-consuming effort indeed and you need to consider how small the demand is within both the Sam & Max and Bollywood fanfic fanbases.
  • edited July 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    Hayley that front cover looks absolutely superb but as you've already highlighted, it would be a very time-consuming effort indeed and you need to consider how small the demand is within both the Sam & Max and Bollywood fanfic fanbases.

    Gee thanks! ^^; Even though that was only a rough sketch concept....

    It might end up being a short story, mainly involving songs and them taking the piss out of the industry, the best way they know how. XD
  • edited July 2010
    I'm legally blind, and am really impressed y all the awesome artwork you guys make. I can't really draw, but I enjoy sculpting stuff.

    Here's a sculpture of Max I did, holding the Teleportation Phone.



    A close up of the phone


    There's more pictures in my profile, plus some Sam and Max three-dimensional head pins (decapitated S&M pins FTW!)

    Should I paint the sculptures, or leave them white?
  • edited July 2010
    I can't post the file here because it's longer than 7000 pixels tall, so here's a link to it on dA:

    I don't wanna kill you. I just wanna demand more of Flamenco dancer Sam. I dunno why, but I love that. ^_^ And my insane brain can't help but wonder what's under the censor bars...
  • edited July 2010
    I don't wanna kill you. I just wanna demand more of Flamenco dancer Sam. I dunno why, but I love that. ^_^ And my insane brain can't help but wonder what's under the censor bars...

    I second the insane thought!
  • edited July 2010
    I don't wanna kill you. I just wanna demand more of Flamenco dancer Sam. I dunno why, but I love that. ^_^ And my insane brain can't help but wonder what's under the censor bars...

    Nothing bad its just I needed an excuse to use them ahahaha

    And since the idea amuses me, I will deliver this "flamenco Sam" of which you speak...when I am not drawing comics that have nothing to do with anything.
  • edited July 2010
    Nothing bad its just I needed an excuse to use them ahahaha

    And since the idea amuses me, I will deliver this "flamenco Sam" of which you speak...when I am not drawing comics that have nothing to do with anything.

    I admit I am another one who wants to see flamenco!Sam plz... >////<
  • edited July 2010
    I admit I am another one who wants to see flamenco!Sam plz... >////<

    I have found proper reference...ITS ON!!
  • edited July 2010
    Painted the pins, and the statuette is partially done.



    Are they okay? Granted, these photos are several times the size of the pins, so they do look jagged.
  • edited July 2010
    I wouldn't mind seeing that comic.

    Well, because you asked so nicely, I'll share the EXTREME roughs I've done up of the first and second pages. They may be a little spoiliery, since I kinda gloss over practically everything that could happen in episode 305 to get to the point where the joke'll work in the first couple panels (as in, I'm just sorta guessing the basic idea of what'll happen, not that I know for sure or anything ^_^).

    Not worth sharing a direct picture, I'll just post links for those of you who wanna see the crack trip that's forming in my brain. It's gonna be taken over by a host of cameos (including Lorne, that's gonna be fun) from various Sam and Max mediums if I can get it working the way I want. I'm not terribly happy with the dialogue on page two. ...and suggestions of a Sam and Max character who could fill the role of paramedic is welcome. I can't think of anyone off the top of my head, though for some reason I keep thinking of that bungee instructor from Hit The Road. ^_^

    Also, YAY! More Flamenco Sam! Can't wait to see it! ^_____^

    ...I babble way too freakin' much...
  • edited July 2010

    I'M SO SORRY! ;A;
  • edited July 2010
    I still find those absolutely hilarious.
  • edited July 2010
    Best so far for me, Hayley! :)
  • edited July 2010
    Thanks guys! ;A;
  • edited July 2010
    Love the Sailor Moon crossovers, Hayley! ^_^

    I felt like drawing Sam in oversized clothing (and as a child), so I used a tired old cliche and doodled this bit of silliness!


    Of course, now I've got this strange idea where they get "adopted" by Sybil, and then somehow left with Flint Paper as their babysitter. I have no idea. ^_^

    And Sam in his oversized suit made me wanna draw him in a little one, so I drew this, too.

  • edited July 2010
    Love the Sailor Moon crossovers, Hayley! ^_^

    I felt like drawing Sam in oversized clothing (and as a child), so I used a tired old cliche and doodled this bit of silliness!


    Of course, now I've got this strange idea where they get "adopted" by Sybil, and then somehow left with Flint Paper as their babysitter. I have no idea. ^_^

    And Sam in his oversized suit made me wanna draw him in a little one, so I drew this, too.


    I love it!! ^__^ Oh man, to be babysat by Flint Paper... imagine it... XD
  • edited July 2010
    I love it!! ^__^ Oh man, to be babysat by Flint Paper... imagine it... XD

    I imagine someone would end up dead...or at least very damaged. ^_^
  • edited July 2010
    *Sailor Max & Tuxedo Sam*

    Hahaha! I'm not the one putting Sam & max in anime costumes, hooray! also, those drawings are absolutly wonderful, great job

    Sorry for the simplicity. I did this at school.

    Right now I'm working in two drawings of our Freelance Police in another set of anime cosplay getups. my last drawing was with Kamimax (Kamina/Max) & Samon (Simon/Sam), what could I come up with next?
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