The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited August 2010
    What's with the black border? shouldn't it have round edges?

    I did it quickly.
  • edited August 2010
    Wow, awesome, Ginny. :D I am so using those.
  • edited August 2010
    I did it quickly.

    still, it's cool. i like it. don't think i don't.
  • edited August 2010
    I tried doing some fanart of them as they are but I failed miserably on pretty much all counts

    so I tried drawing them as people and I really like how Sam turned out


    I'll keep trying for a decent dog-Sam!!
  • edited August 2010
    Wow! Thats some awesome marker work! Did you do that freehand? Cause if so than I'm jelouse XD
  • edited August 2010
    Another Ms Painting from my DeviantArt Account.
  • edited August 2010
    Strucci wrote: »
    I tried doing some fanart of them as they are but I failed miserably on pretty much all counts

    so I tried drawing them as people and I really like how Sam turned out


    Yep, he really looks awesome
    Strucci wrote: »
    I'll keep trying for a decent dog-Sam!!

    Come on! You can do it!
  • edited August 2010
    Strucci wrote: »
    I tried doing some fanart of them as they are but I failed miserably on pretty much all counts

    so I tried drawing them as people and I really like how Sam turned out


    I'll keep trying for a decent dog-Sam!!

    hot damn that is nice~ that's in my top 5 best human versions list~
  • edited August 2010
    What would Max be like as a human? A 3-foot tall naked guy? :eek:
  • edited August 2010
    Teeth wrote: »
    What would Max be like as a human? A 3-foot tall naked guy? :eek:

    When I did my version, I did a 3 foot tall guy dress up with a white hoddie and pants, with fakes bunny ears. Of course, he also looked like a 3 year old high on sugar, so, I'll leave you with my favorite one, Cheri's

  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    When I did my version, I did a 3 foot tall guy dress up with a white hoddie and pants, with fakes bunny ears. Of course, he also looked like a 3 year old high on sugar, so, I'll leave you with my favorite one, Cheri's


    Greenheadphones' one is awesome but this is even better. I can even see them behaving in the way I know Sam & Max would, in my head.
  • edited August 2010
    Oh man does this mean we're posting all our human versions now?
    Augh, here's my take on Max, which Cheri kinda based hers off of. A lot. Because she loves me:
    (Colour by Cheri)
    and then here's the Sam that doesn't look like Sam but I did it anyway:
    (Colours by Cheri again)

    also just so you know, these sketches are from last year 8D;;
  • edited August 2010
    I'm still blaming Avistew for this:

  • edited August 2010
    I made this icon yesterday. Looks good on a dark background.

    this is my new background for my phone :D
  • edited August 2010
    I feel a "Disturbing Sam & Max FanArt" thread coming on full of rule34s and rule63s of our lovable duo...

    Btw I really like these human takes on them.
  • edited August 2010
    So...first post. Just wanted to say I absolutely love this thread.

    Anyways, to contribute, my first attempt at fanart (and also first time I ever drew Sam and Max) with a DS homebrew program that I drew at midnight because I had an incontrolable urge to draw. I'm sure some of you must know how that feels.
    Sam has a monocle because it's a scientifically proved fact that monocles make everything better. No, I don't like how Max came out btw.

    Second attempt, I think I made him look cuter than he should be (hey, he's a dog, can't help making them cute). I need to work on that >.>

    And then since the DS screen is too small I just drew Sam from the neck down for practice.
  • edited August 2010
    Well since all the cool kids are doing it I'll post mine too!


    I too was influenced by Cheri's awesome version. I did Sam too but it looks so terribad that I will not post it.
  • edited August 2010
    Oh gosh, how many people have been influenced by me?
  • edited August 2010
    Another Piece of my deviant Art. This is a photo of Sam and Max on duty in Times Square. What a night that was!
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I'm still blaming Avistew for this

    I gladly take the "blame".

    I would draw human Sam & Max, but Max would be naked and people (apparently) don't want that. So I'll stick with human COPS for now I guess.

    Still thinking of getting a scanner at some point.
  • edited August 2010
    Why is no one paying attention to me?
  • edited August 2010
    cry baby
  • edited August 2010
    kane wrote: »
    cry baby

  • edited August 2010
    it the true
  • edited August 2010
    IGNORING that:
    I Made these In LDD a while ago.
  • edited August 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I gladly take the "blame".

    I would draw human Sam & Max, but Max would be naked and people (apparently) don't want that. So I'll stick with human COPS for now I guess.

    Still thinking of getting a scanner at some point.

    You could do one where our view of Max doesn't go beyond his belly button.
  • edited August 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    You could do one where our view of Max doesn't go beyond his belly button.

    Actually, my thoughts were him jumping in the air with his leg or foot tastefully covering anything you might want covered.
    But I like using that as an excuse for not even trying.

    Heh. Maybe I'll give it a try and some point or other.
  • edited August 2010
    just don't human max is just don't
  • edited August 2010
    That would actually be hilarious. :p
  • edited August 2010
    we are not ready for human max
  • edited August 2010
  • edited August 2010
    It's a known fact that after a character has been canonically listed as dead, their fanart amount goes up like whoa from fangirls who didn't realize just how awesome the character was until he was dead.

    Or maybe I'm just pulling your leg, either way, MOAR PAPIERWAITE
  • edited August 2010
    I think Max is too big, you should probably fix that.
  • edited August 2010
    Ok, It's (Mainly) Finished. Whattaya think?
  • edited August 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    It's a known fact that after a character has been canonically listed as dead, their fanart amount goes up like whoa from fangirls who didn't realize just how awesome the character was until he was dead.

    Or maybe I'm just pulling your leg, either way, MOAR PAPIERWAITE

    So people want more Sal as well?
  • edited August 2010
    So people want more Sal as well?

    hell yeah!
  • edited August 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    It's a known fact that after a character has been canonically listed as dead, their fanart amount goes up like whoa from fangirls who didn't realize just how awesome the character was until he was dead.

    If there are people who looked at Papierwaite in 302-303 and say "He's an okay guy with a weird foreign accent", and then he dies and he switches to coolest guy ever, then I think people either have problems and need help, or they're like zombies or robots.
  • edited August 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    If there are people who looked at Papierwaite in 302-303 and say "He's an okay guy with a weird foreign accent", and then he dies and he switches to coolest guy ever, then I think people either have problems and need help, or they're like zombies or robots.

    Naw, it's just that Papierwaite's death inspires already die-hard fans to do that much more for him in memorium. (sp?) Then again, there are lots of people who didn't like "A Knight's Tale" who ended up loving it after Heath Ledger died. You're right, people are weird.
  • edited August 2010
    I think when someone dies, people go "oh crap, we won't get more" and make the most of what's already there, or something. They do the same if someone has some serious illness or something because they don't take it for granted that there will be more stuff and it will keep going as before. They realise that it is finite.

    Strongbrush, your image is too big and the perspective is off. For instance, at most angles vertical lines stay vertical and parallel to one another when yours don't at all. Also, the car looks like it's leaning towards its left side, possibly driving on only two wheels, and while that would definitely be in character I'm not quite sure it's intended. The car also mostly looks like it's viewed from above, but both Sam and Max look like they're viewed from the front.

    The car itself is too angular, did you use reference pictures? It looks like one big brick throughout, and a car is much more complex in shape than that. It might help you breaking it down into more, less complex shapes. Try and think of what you're drawing as three-dimensional objects.

    Mmh, That's all I can think of right now. Hope you can use that advice in your next piece. (In the future, it would be nice if you could resize the picture or post a thumbnail linking to the bigger version).
  • edited August 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Strongbrush, your image is too big and the perspective is off. For instance, at most angles vertical lines stay vertical and parallel to one another when yours don't at all. Also, the car looks like it's leaning towards its left side, possibly driving on only two wheels, and while that would definitely be in character I'm not quite sure it's intended. The car also mostly looks like it's viewed from above, but both Sam and Max look like they're viewed from the front.

    The car itself is too angular, did you use reference pictures? It looks like one big brick throughout, and a car is much more complex in shape than that. It might help you breaking it down into more, less complex shapes. Try and think of what you're drawing as three-dimensional objects.

    The car leaning to the side was intended. As for the view, I should say that they're supposed to be leaning to the opposite side. Max has to stay level when Highway surfing, after all. As for reference pictures, i actually built a model out of legos, mounted it in front of the paper, and mapped out the edges with a pencil and a ruler. I added details later. considering that the car is basically a giant polygon, I used that detail in the building of the model, while keeping in mind that there are fins on the back and a slight curve on the hood, which is visible if you look at it closely. I'll try to fix the size and details, though.
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