The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited August 2010
    I got a lot of fan art that has Sam and Max, but they're mostly crossovers...
  • edited August 2010
    Enough talk! More Sal!
  • edited August 2010
    gilau wrote: »
    no i didnt xD, sorry, but is better for me submiting a link to the image

    I like it! Nice style and the scenes are funny.
  • edited August 2010
    Because everyone was doing human Sam and Max a while back I decided to give it a try...but I didn't really like the end result so have kid Sam instead (tell me if you want to see them though, they're scanned already anyways).

    Funny thing, I just noticed today that he actually has 3 toes instead of 4, wish I knew before drawing this and another picture I'll post later >_>

    Quick edit: Change the link from tinypic to my DA account.
  • edited August 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I like it! Nice style and the scenes are funny.
    Thank you i tray my best,^w^ i have others but the one i show first is what i like more of my fanart of Sam and Max anyway maybe i will try naw to show other fanart on the correct way...(2 seconds later and editing...) ok i couldnt, so hear is an other link of other image i did.
  • edited August 2010
    gilau wrote: »
    gallery this is a fanart i made, i alredy use it on a competition of telltale, i have others, but i think this stills the best i not shure i posted well the image...o well...

    Let me help you out with that


    Here's you go. I liked the first time I saw it in the Halloween Contest Blog Post. In fact, this is one of the Drawings which make me go "Awww.... I lose... Oh well ^^U"
  • edited August 2010
    chewtoy11 wrote: »
    After introducing my son to the TV series, he was enamored with Sam and Max, and a puppet had to be made. We'll make a Sam one next, and post back afterwards.

    We made this using (2) Sharpies, one red and one black, on some white card stock we picked up at Big Lots. We made 2 parts, the gaping maw and the head, and glue-sticked them onto a brown paper lunch bag. We used the concept art PDF from the DVD for a drawing reference.

    love it xD!
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Let me help you out with that


    Here's you go. I liked the first time I saw it in the Halloween Contest Blog Post. In fact, this is one of the Drawings which make me go "Awww.... I lose... Oh well ^^U"
    ginny, <3 thank you a lot! how you did it xD, i like your works for the contest to, indeed or your fanart is very creative, and hehe, i knew i wouldnt won ether.
  • edited August 2010
    well i never did them on their human version, but i did them on a manga version xD. color_sam_and_max_manga_style_by_gilau.jpg
  • edited August 2010
    gilau wrote: »
    ginny, <3 thank you a lot! how you did it xD

    Click Derecho sobre la imagen y seleccionas "Copiar Ruta de la Imagen" o cualquier cosa que suene a Ruta o Dirección. Después en el foro, apretas el iconcito con la Montaña y el Sol (O luna XD) y pegas la dirección que acabaste de copiar. Con éso debería funcionar ^^!

    Edit: Ninja'ed
    gilau wrote: »
    i like your works for the contest to, indeed or your fanart is very creative, and hehe, i knew i wouldnt won ether.

    We just have to try harder this year because, will be a new Halloween Contest, right? RIGHT?
  • edited August 2010
    jiji, i love this one :)
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Click Derecho sobre la imagen y seleccionas "Copiar Ruta de la Imagen" o cualquier cosa que suene a Ruta o Dirección. Después en el foro, apretas el iconcito con la Montaña y el Sol (O luna XD) y pegas la dirección que acabaste de copiar. Con éso debería funcionar ^^!

    Edit: Ninja'ed

    We just have to try harder this year because, will be a new Halloween Contest, right? RIGHT?
    yeeeyy i did it xD, im sush an idiot thank you guys 8D. look, look, hear is an other fanart, just becuase i learned xpmore_sam_and_max_by_gilau.jpg
  • edited August 2010
    I love the non humanoid version of Sam!
  • edited August 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Quote my message and you'll see how I did it.
    Also, you can edit your messages to add the pictures there.
    thank you 8D, i finally did it, im so sorre ^///^¿ shayme on me, he,he.
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I love the non humanoid version of Sam!
    the non humanoid Sam? jejeje, you mean best sam i ever drew ? xD thank you ^^ this one is an other one i have...i hate how i made max look on this one, and the backgraund is like...not on the rigth place xD, how i can explain that?sam_and_max_bored_mood_jeje_by_gilau.jpg
  • edited August 2010
    I think it's funnt how Max's calves and feet are wider than his body ^_^
  • edited August 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I think it's funny how Max's calves and feet are wider than his body ^_^

    Sam looks deformed as well. I know it would hurt me a lot to try to put my legs into that position!
  • edited August 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    Sam looks deformed as well. I know it would hurt me a lot to try to put my legs into that position!
    you think so? :( yes, what ever is no my best fanart i guess, all i can do then is a better pic, as i know i can. :)
  • edited August 2010
    I fully endorse this joke!

    Sam was okay with it once Sybil told him clamshell phones are, like, so 2005. Also, he was feeling particularly lazy that day.

    But enough of me making up backstory based on other people's work! Here's the rest of my avatar, post-Real Life intervention:


    An attempt at marrying the old-timey Sam & Max universe with art nouveau. Rumor has it they'll spilt due to irreconcilable differences and too many profile shots, but hey, it was worth a try.

    The original sketch was finished on May 16, which explains why Maximus has a Colt M1900. That, and I didn't have the sufficient funds or bones left unbroken heart to take it away from him. Awww.


    Brushes used for Papierwaite's smoking jacket made by ro-stock. Includes textures courtesy of
    i love your style, this is the best fanart of sam and max pic i ever sow xD
  • edited August 2010
    gilau wrote: »
    you think so? :( yes, what ever is no my best fanart i guess, all i can do then is a better pic, as i know i can. :)

    The torso upwards is fine and don't get me wrong; I like the rest of it.
  • edited August 2010
    We interrupt this Art Thread to bring you a small Sam & Max doodle:


    Had this been actual art, you would have been instructed where to go and what to do.

    We now return you to you regularly scheduled Art Thread.
  • edited August 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    The torso upwards is fine and don't get me wrong; I like the rest of it.
    i dont take you wrong,critic usualy helps. i just bealive is not as good fanart, but thanks :).
  • edited August 2010
    I was looking through some older posts I missed earlier...
    Spadge wrote: »
    Another one of my doodles....

    Yog-Soggoth Monday!

    Love-Craft. I just got it! Great picture!
  • edited August 2010
    I wish I was as good as you guys at drawing poses, almost everything I try besides the usual "just standing there" ends up looking awkward.

    Anyways, I did say I'd post something else didn't I (not like anyone cared I'm sure, but I'm used to that)?

    Sam just stopping for a moment to scratch his head while trying to think of a solution to a puzzle. I get quite a number of things wrong trying to draw from memory, the hat, the tie, the feet, etc. Well, not much I can do to help that when I do all of this in class. As I said in my DA, I promise the next one will look better >.>
    Klatuu wrote: »
    We interrupt this Art Thread to bring you a small Sam & Max doodle:


    Had this been actual art, you would have been instructed where to go and what to do.

    We now return you to you regularly scheduled Art Thread.

    Heh, nice doodle, did you do that on Paint?
  • edited August 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    I wish I was as good as you guys at drawing poses, almost everything I try besides the usual "just standing there" ends up looking awkward.

    Anyways, I did say I'd post something else didn't I (not like anyone cared I'm sure, but I'm used to that)?


    Sam just stopping for a moment to scratch his head while trying to think of a solution to a puzzle. I get quite a number of things wrong trying to draw from memory, the hat, the tie, the feet, etc. Well, not much I can do to help that when I do all of this in class. As I said in my DA, I promise the next one will look better >.>

    Try to use boxes. Wrap everything, including Sam inside a box and then try to do the perspective. The problem is Sam is not in the same perspective than everything else. And, if you have problem drawing Sam in that perspective, try putting everything else in Sam's. Here's a fast tutorial I found at first search in deviantart.
  • edited August 2010
    Well, I drew Sam first (funny story, it was supposed to just be a drawing of noir Sam first but then I gave up and just drew normal Sam because I couldn't get it to look right) and I'm neither skilled at drawing backgrounds nor did I put that much effort on it tbh. Will check the link btw, thanks for that.
  • edited August 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    I wish I was as good as you guys at drawing poses, almost everything I try besides the usual "just standing there" ends up looking awkward.

    Anyways, I did say I'd post something else didn't I (not like anyone cared I'm sure, but I'm used to that)?

    Sam just stopping for a moment to scratch his head while trying to think of a solution to a puzzle. I get quite a number of things wrong trying to draw from memory, the hat, the tie, the feet, etc. Well, not much I can do to help that when I do all of this in class. As I said in my DA, I promise the next one will look better >.>

    Heh, nice doodle, did you do that on Paint?
    i like it, drawing sam is very hard, at last for me xD.
  • edited August 2010
    i have an other fanart, is not the big thing,and isnt original ethir, but i love the cinematic trailler of season two, is the first ok...second fanart i had made of sam and max, the first one was on my school desck xD :).sam_and_max_by_gilau.jpg is the first fanart i had made of sam and max, :).
  • edited August 2010
    gilau wrote: »
    i like it, drawing sam is very hard, at last for me xD.

    Haha, with the way he comes out on your drawings I don't think anyone would notice if you weren't saying that constantly :P
  • edited August 2010
    Your style is so skinny :) I mean, Sam looks thin to average instead of chubby and Max looks skinny.
    It takes some getting used to. Seeing a thin Sam I mean :p
  • edited August 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I think it's funnt how Max's calves and feet are wider than his body ^_^
    yes, but i think the problem too is that i drew hem very ugly on this fanart, xD, but i like how sam looks.
  • edited August 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Your style is so skinny :) I mean, Sam looks thin to average instead of chubby and Max looks skinny.
    It takes some getting used to. Seeing a thin Sam I mean :p
    yea, when i post this draw on deviantart i had wraiten the same thing, i mean, sam looks to thin xD, and he is chobby and adorable, but was my first...ok second fanart ever made of sam and max, this is the first one,sam_and_max_hit_my_desck_xD_by_gilau.jpg i made it on the desk of my university, when i was hating a teacher and i was very bored xD, i drew them using my memory, and i was just watching the charactrs after a long time ago scinse the cartoon on my childhood, when i drew this i was just plaing episode 1 of the first season, so unconcsiounsly sam looks more like rocko, of rockos modern life than hes self lol, i think is the nouse, the harts are proportional to my love for eash character, not a gay reference or somthing xD. bThe giant clown tie and the giant gun that i made for sam just had not excuse xD.
  • edited August 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Haha, with the way he comes out on your drawings I don't think anyone would notice if you weren't saying that constantly :P
    thank you <3
  • edited August 2010
    Poor Sam, he can't even go to the kitchen to get a popcicle without Max stealing all of the fun.

    The "help" speech bubble is just there to tell you that whoever they were chasing is not dead, just horribly horribly hurt >.>

    I've had these done for days now if anyone was wondering why I post so often (having lots of free time also helps) >.>
  • edited August 2010
    Okay, I added more details and also cleaned some stuff up.
  • edited August 2010
    The perspective's still off, but I like Max's pose.

    I drew this picture of Sameth.
    Just because Sameth. I used a screenshot as reference.
  • edited August 2010
  • edited August 2010
    Well, since it's been roughly a month since I was last able to show up here, I first want to say that everything that has been added since then is TOTALLY AWESOME. I mean that, seriously. ^_^ (As is everything that's been added since the thread's been opened, though I may have said that before. Bears repeating, still.)

    Anyway, since my computer is dead and I don't like scanning colour images with the scanner I have yet to learn to tweak (it makes them look dreadful), I shall share a couple of pencil shaded pics I did for fun, and because I was bored. Hope I'll be able to share a lot more once my machine is fixed. ^_^

  • edited August 2010
    I wish I could shade like that =O

    Anyways, I had this idea since I finished 304 and there was aboslutely no way I would NOT do it.
    If that scene when Sam finds the golden shorts on the ground in Beyond the Alley of the Dolls is any indication, then Sam REALLY hates them. Who took Sam's clothes? Max obviously. Why? I can think of at least two reasons, he thought it'd be funny and probably someone convinced him/paid him to do it and record it (who? Eh, probably Momma Bosco, but it could've been anyone that wanted to see an almost-naked Sam again =P).

    Originally both Sam and Max where going to be on the pic, but I couldn't get Max holding the camera to look good so I redid it from the camera's point of view, and honestly, I think this pic is much better because of it.

    Btw, if I were you I'd run away to an end of the world bunker of something, me doing a pic with a background, color, AND shading (color shading at that!) just can't be a good sign.
  • edited August 2010
    Awww, that picture looks really cute, SunnyGuy. :D
    I really like the way you have drawn Sam there, he looks unusually cute. <3
    And I think I will check out your deviant art gallery while I'm at it. ;)
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