Future Sam makes me a bit sad



  • edited December 2009
    An American sitcom are just the same as the next American sitcom. The premise may be different but the stories are always the same. They always go through the similar routine one character goes through a inane delema, (sometimes there is another story going on, with a minor character) the actors go through their lines of stupid inuendo and catch phrases and finally the piece ends with another stupid conclusion.

    Inane "dilemma"? Dilemmas are a way to thicken the main plot. It's like, the life is like that. We all choose different paths but in the end what we got is a DILEMMA after all. I mean what the hell? If you don't want a main plot and it's okay if you get cheap gags like physical humor or so, it's your choice.

    British humor is the one which makes the most use of catchphrases and joke repetition, I have to say. True, American sitcoms mostly the same as they all are based on a wide family and their problems (Everybody Loves Raymond, The King of Queens, According to Jim and so on), but what American sitcoms could achieve is just... superior. Seinfeld, for instance, it's like a reality sitcom. American comedy is not composed of sitcoms either, for instance we do have My Name is Earl or Scrubs -although the storywork of the episodes of Scrubs is highly formulaic, but at least they try something fresh and funny- (coincidentally, both of them are at some points, parodied "sitcom" and its contents); NOT sitcoms, comedy and some drama here and there, and they are pretty much original yet they worth so much laughter.
  • edited December 2009
    What Brittish sitcoms have you actually seen?
    And how can you say Scrubs and My Name is Earl are "freah and funny". Their premise is different but realy inside its just stupid clumbsy inuendo. And secondly their are heaps of Brittish shows that try new thing and they are ten times funnier than anything in America. For example in sitcoms The Mighty Boosh, Fun at the Funearal Parlour, The League of Gentleman, Extras, Blackadder, The Young Ones and Red Dwarf. And in sketchs like Monty Python and Snuffbox.

    Brittish comedy intelegant and fresh where American comedy is just mediocre and vulgar.
  • edited December 2009
    What Brittish sitcoms have you actually seen?
    And how can you say Scrubs and My Name is Earl are "freah and funny". Their premise is different but realy inside its just stupid clumbsy inuendo. And secondly their are heaps of Brittish shows that try new thing and they are ten times funnier than anything in America. For example in sitcoms The Mighty Boosh, Fun at the Funearal Parlour, The League of Gentleman, Extras, Blackadder, The Young Ones and Red Dwarf. And in sketchs like Monty Python and Snuffbox.

    Brittish comedy intelegant and fresh where American comedy is just mediocre and vulgar.

    I prefer most British comedies more than American. Like Monty Python, Red Dwarf.
  • edited December 2009
    I tend to find myself laughing more at British television than American television. Its just humorous to me. That's just me though...
    The funny thing about this arguement is that, for one its completely off topic, and for two humor is a matter of opinion. Subjective in other words. Humor varies for different people. Different strokes for different folks and all that jazz...
    To add to the arguement, most sitcoms or comedy series in general are rather similar at their core. The characters vary, but the stories tend to follow the same cliches.
    Like I said, I prefer British humor. Monty Python, in my opinion, is leagues better than most American programs. Doctor Who as well, although that is mostly a SciFi thing rather than humor. Given the choice between Stargate and Doctor Who, I'd pick the Doctor. That's me, though. Not you guys. Don't sweat so much over a difference in opinion.
  • edited December 2009
    Randulf wrote: »
    Adventuring does take its toll. At least future Sam seems happy and safe in his office, unlike DeCava in Tales of Monkey Island, who is demented, bitter, angry and stuck inside the belly of a beast.

    You have a good point. Although, remember that poor senile old Sam is in the care of the rabbity-thing... and Stinky rules the world. Kind of Dystopian.

    I hear ya about the funny-sad future Sam though. Probably because I have a dog... who is getting old... and I can almost hear her confusion in her old age about "things". *sniffles*.

    I actually wanted to give the old-senile Sam a hug.
  • edited December 2009
    Sorry to go of the topic before. I said before in this thread that Max seems the exact same age as his present conterpart. Is there an explanation?
  • edited December 2009
    Sorry to go of the topic before. I said before in this thread that Max seems the exact same age as his present conterpart. Is there an explanation?


    He's awesome that way.
  • edited December 2009
    He just ages well, I think. He does seem to be blind, though.
  • edited December 2009
    That typical, when, in a couple, someone ages bad, the other person ussually ages well. That happened with my grandparents, I guess you can apply the same thing to Sam and Max. Max probably has his own share of health problems, and, since he's using that kind of visor, maybe what Shwoo said of him been blind can been somewhat accurate.
  • edited December 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    He just ages well, I think. He does seem to be blind, though.

    I think his glasses are just there for referencing something that takes place in future. I... well... hope he's not blind.

    Funny fact is that it was Max himself who said the life expectancy of him was very short compared to others, in Hit the Road.
  • edited December 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    I think his glasses are just there for referencing something that takes place in future. I... well... hope he's not blind.

    Funny fact is that it was Max himself who said the life expectancy of him was very short compared to others, in Hit the Road.

    I shall now reveal my uber-geekiness.

    Doesn't his visor remind anyone of Geordi's headband/visor-thing from STTNG? Aaaannd... didn't Geordi have that thing because... he's blind?

    Max is blind in the future. Not a bad price to pay considering the normal lifespan of rabbits (and large dogs).
  • edited December 2009
    I shall now reveal my uber-geekiness.

    Doesn't his visor remind anyone of Geordi's headband/visor-thing from STTNG? Aaaannd... didn't Geordi have that thing because... he's blind?

    Max is blind in the future. Not a bad price to pay considering the normal lifespan of rabbits (and large dogs).

    Duh -clash of geeknesses shall begin- I do know Geordi uses it because he's blind. But I kinda felt bad about it, so I assumed the VISOR is only used for referencing Star Trek because it's, well, future.
  • edited December 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    Duh -clash of geeknesses shall begin- I do know Geordi uses it because he's blind. But I kinda felt bad about it, so I assumed the VISOR is only used for referencing Star Trek because it's, well, future.

    Yes... well... we can all hope... but if it's blindness or death, Max would have probably chosen blindness.. besides, if he has that Visor (girl's headband), then he can still sorta see... and they say rabbits all have good eyesight... pshaw.
  • edited December 2009
    Well, he is a lagomorph to begin with.
  • edited December 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    Well, he is a lagomorph to begin with.

    Mouses are Rodents, Rabbits are Lagomorphs. I mean, Rabbits are a particular kind of lagomorphs; exists 3 kinds of families of lagomorphs according to wikipedia, and those are the familiy of Rabbits and Hares, the Family of Pikas (Also known as Rock Rabbits) and the Family of the Sardinian Pika, which is extint. So, call Max rabbit is as accurate as call him lagomorph.

    Sorry, when I read lagomorph the first time, I google it, and I find that page of the wiki. I don't know any more about it and I'm trusting the wiki this time ^^UUU
  • edited December 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Mouses are Rodents, Rabbits are Lagomorphs. I mean, Rabbits are a particular kind of lagomorphs; exists 3 kinds of families of lagomorphs according to wikipedia, and those are the familiy of Rabbits and Hares, the Family of Pikas (Also known as Rock Rabbits) and the Family of the Sardinian Pika, which is extint. So, call Max rabbit is as accurate as call him lagomorph.

    Sorry, when I read lagomorph the first time, I google it, and I find that page of the wiki. I don't know any more about it and I'm trusting the wiki this time ^^UUU

    Hahahah... are you my geek-clone? I did the EXACT same thing the first time I heard the term "Lagomorph" (which was around the time I wanted to get a Flemish Giant... yes... the 20 pound rabbits).

    I was going to go into the whole wiki thing too... but just thought I'd drop it and let Fala have the last word... she seemed rather intent on it. Understandable as none of us like to think of Sam OR Max as debilitated in any way.
  • edited December 2009
    I think future Max wears the visor because he needs it, like future Sam needs his wheelchair.

    And Max doesn't seem to mind whether he's called a rabbit or a lagomorph. He even said he was a rabbit in Culture Shock. The only reason he corrected Sam in the comic is because Sam called him a rodent.
  • edited December 2009
    The psychic lagomorph has presumably developed such immense power that he needs protective eyeware to prevent himself from zapping everything to the eleventh dimension.
  • edited December 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I think future Max wears the visor because he needs it, like future Sam needs his wheelchair.

    I never knew that visor actually works when you are blind. That means I actually I don't have that all those geeky levels I show off like two post ago
  • edited December 2009
    Well, there's different kinds of geekery. Knowing what lagomorph means is more about taxonomy, and knowing what the visor does is more Star Trek. Although I'm not really a Star Trek geek. I've never even seen The Next Generation, which I think is the series it's from. I just suck up information about shows I've never seen and games I've never played like a giant fandom sponge.
  • edited December 2009
    I'm sitting here wondering less about max's eyes than why (and how) the heck Future Sam got him the bottom half of a Dalek battle armor to use as a wheelchair!
  • edited December 2009
    Same place Davros did, I guess.
  • edited December 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Well, there's different kinds of geekery. Knowing what lagomorph means is more about taxonomy, and knowing what the visor does is more Star Trek. Although I'm not really a Star Trek geek. I've never even seen The Next Generation, which I think is the series it's from. I just suck up information about shows I've never seen and games I've never played like a giant fandom sponge.

    So we're saying I'm the uber-geek... Biology degree AND love Star Trek... AND a gamer. THIS is why I was single all throughout University... it makes so much SENSE now...
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    I'm sitting here wondering less about max's eyes than why (and how) the heck Future Sam got him the bottom half of a Dalek battle armor to use as a wheelchair!

    Hey... if you gotta have a wheel chair... get one with LOTS OF BUTTONS. :D

    Admit it. You want one for your twilight years...
  • edited December 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Same place Davros did, I guess.

    I doubt it, Dravos *created* the Daleks... and becides that's atleast the same universe, so far The Doctor hasnt seen any large anthro canines or rabbits walking around (and we know how hard it is to go to alternate dimentions, even in a Tardis now that the timelords are all gone)

    ...of course we also say Max wearing Jordi laforge's visor... so I guess the "wrong dimention" theory just went out the window...

    I wanna see the fight where Sam collected the Dalek Battle Armor though! lol that would be hilarious I'm sure.
  • edited December 2009
    Davros made his wheelchair before he created the Daleks. Obviously Sam went back in time and to another universe and stole it, forcing Davros to come up with another idea to beat the Thals.
  • edited December 2009
    I don't think the wheelchair or the visor have anything to do with anything, they're just supose to be references to Sci-Fi.
  • edited December 2009
    I don't think the wheelchair or the visor have anything to do with anything, they're just supose to be references to Sci-Fi.

    They are just references. But since they know from where that come from, we can speculate.
  • edited December 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    They are just references. But since they know from where that come from, we can speculate.

    I'm sure the guys at TTG are sitting there rolling their eyes saying "I cant believe how they blow every little think out of proportion! It was just a stupid joke and they're trying to turn it into a back-story long as a novel!" :D
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    I'm sure the guys at TTG are sitting there rolling their eyes saying "I cant believe how they blow every little think out of proportion! It was just a stupid joke and they're trying to turn it into a back-story long as a novel!" :D

    Because that the fans are for
  • edited December 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Because that the fans are for

    That is diffently what we do.
  • edited December 2009
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Because that the fans are for

    A-freakin'-men. Also, it's fun. So long as we're not getting into the equivalent of fisticuffs over this stuff, s'all good to me.

    And this has nothing at all to do with my irrational yet undying love for awesome crossovers. Nnnnnnnope.
  • edited December 2009
    i just hope he isnt like this for season 3, which was made official at the end of tomi episode 5
  • edited December 2009
    Hey guys

    I just finished Chariot of the Dogs today and I enjoyed it immensely. Best idea in a long time to buy Season 2 of Sam & Max.
    However, as I played the game I met the future versions of Sam & Max. After my initial laugh over the Dalek like chair Sam was in, I got hit by a wave of sadness or perhaps melancholy. He looked so... I don't know... sad, sitting there in strange clothes and losing his connection to the world, and Sam telling him people were there for his 'special day'.
    It was a pretty hard thing for me to see. Especially considering it's just a game. But Sam & Max have been part of my life since I was a wee kid playing Hit the Road, so in a sense I was witnessing the twilight of an old hero. A strange sensation in a game. For me at least. But thanks to Telltale for managing that.

    Did anyone else feel something along the same lines or am I just an overly emotional sap? :)
    (mild spoilers)
    i actually felt the same way it kind of reminded me of my own mortality and what could happen i felt terrible until i saw agent superball... good ol' superball.
  • edited January 2010
    Hey guys

    I just finished Chariot of the Dogs today and I enjoyed it immensely. Best idea in a long time to buy Season 2 of Sam & Max.
    However, as I played the game I met the future versions of Sam & Max. After my initial laugh over the Dalek like chair Sam was in, I got hit by a wave of sadness or perhaps melancholy. He looked so... I don't know... sad, sitting there in strange clothes and losing his connection to the world, and Sam telling him people were there for his 'special day'.
    It was a pretty hard thing for me to see. Especially considering it's just a game. But Sam & Max have been part of my life since I was a wee kid playing Hit the Road, so in a sense I was witnessing the twilight of an old hero. A strange sensation in a game. For me at least. But thanks to Telltale for managing that.

    Did anyone else feel something along the same lines or am I just an overly emotional sap? :)

    Sam and Max, my favorate characters of anything. Seeing Sam in the future made me sad, and made my little brother Nate (who loves Sam) also very sad. But We were both happy to see Max returning to him the years Sam spent taking care of him. But we were uplifted when we heared
    "Its lint from my pocket... This could come in handy for later."
    We laughed hard, cried in fact it was that funny to hear David voice it so well and make it so funny. But hey, its 100 years from 2008 it happend so they are like 120/130 something, so theyve lived long after whatever happened.
  • edited January 2010
    What you've got to remember, which is what I said in the How old is Sam and Max thread, is that most fictional universes tend to work in Comic Book Time. Sam and Max need never get old as long as the fans love them, but at the same time creators do like to sometimes envisage how a series might eventually end.

    Plus even if they did keep it on a time frame, remember that that future was in 2108, that's years away! Almost 100 even!
  • edited January 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    Sam and Max need never get old as long as the fans love them, but at the same time creators do like to sometimes envisage how a series might eventually end.

    But if tehy fall out of popularity their creator might decide to end the series by making them grow old and die...

  • edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    But if tehy fall out of popularity their creator might decide to end the series by making them grow old and die...


    But then you just invoke the other comic/cartoon trope: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BackFromTheDead

    Death never lasts. As long as you are popular enough :P
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    But if tehy fall out of popularity their creator might decide to end the series by making them grow old and die...


    Emotional blackmail as a marketing tool? It could work! :p
  • edited January 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Emotional blackmail as a marketing tool? It could work! :p

    Unless somebody decides blackmailing you because you are blackmailing =P
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