It's the freaking maniac mansionseries!
I'm so sick of hearing people say it's the Day of the Tentacle series. It's the Maniac Mansion series! Even Wikipedia gets it right by calling it that. Have you noticed how Day of the Tentacle at the begining says "Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle"?
So please everyone, get it right!
So please everyone, get it right!
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See, see. This is what I'm getting at. And if you look at the poll on the front, it says Day of the Tentacle, not Maniac Mansion!
Care to explain Telltale? :mad:
Um, maybe you should look at it again. Maniac Mansion is first on the list...
Well then what's the difference?
Well that isn't something that bothers me personally because saying you want to see a sequel to DotT is, due to the huge difference in gameplay between the two titles, vastly different to saying you want to see a sequel to MM. When someone says they want to see Day of the Tentacle 2 it means they want to see a game that follows the DotT style and formula over what MM brought to the table. Now, whether or not the person who says that knows that difference and isn't just an ignorant sod can only be judged on a person by person basis
What do you mean? You said "the poll on the front, it says Day of the Tentacle, not Maniac Mansion!" but it clearly has both. Telltale actually listed MM and DotT as two separate games, which they are. Being part of the same series doesn't change that.
Yes being the same series but calling it the Day of the Tentacle series just don't cut it. It's fact correctness gone mental!
Um, as said earlier when people say "Day of the Tentacle" the Maniac Mansion part is usually implied. To demand everyone call it Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle all the time is just silly, and extraneous. What people call it is completely inconsequential. Why do you care so much?
With the Monkey Island series, fans actually take the time to type the full title why should this be any trouble?
When somebody says "I enjoyed The Empire Strikes Back!" Do you then demand they call it: "Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back?" Everyone knows it's Star Wars, and if they don't know it's probably because they don't care. I don't understand why this is an issue
Yes because George Lucas bothered for everytime to release the film add Star Wars at the begining.
All I'm saying is if Telltale DOES create another to the series, that they add Maniac Mansion at the begining.
Plus if they just want to call it Day of the Tentacle, please refraim from saying series at the end.
Oh and Woodsyblue, it's not called the Empire Strikes Back series
So you actually stop them and demand they say the full thing? In your world a person cannot say "I liked The Empire Strikes Back" or "Fate of Atlantis is an excellent game?" People doing this in any situation incurs your wrath? Really?
You never once said that until now. How could I get that that was the point you were trying to make?
But if Telltale did take it on and called it Day of the Tentacle then it would be a Day of the Tentacle series, thus Day of the Tentacle series would be correct.
I think you've missed my point entirely :S
The question is "What's your favorite LucasArts classic from the list below?" not "What's your favorite LucasArts series from the list below?" So yes, I suppose that would be correct.
Look if Telltale releases it and calls it "Maniac Mansion: Whatever" it's okay.
People can say "Day of the Tentacle is great" because they didn't say "Day of the Tentacle series is great"
Now do you see where I'm getting at?
But what if it was like a Day of the Tentacle spin-off series, like Frasier to Cheers?
That's acceptable if it's a spin-off. As long as say maybe the tentacles were the main players.
That's really up to Telltale... if they even do it :S For all we know they could be getting ready to prep a series based on that 1996 Shaq film, Kazaam :eek:
Well right now, Grim Fandano is winning.
Go grimmy indeed!
First, Dark Forces
Then, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Then, Jedi Knight II (not "Dark Forces III"): Jedi Outcast
Other example (I'm not 100% sure of this, but I think it's correct):
First, Bubble Bobble
Then, Rainbow Islands: Bubble Bobble 2
Then, Parasol Stars: Rainbow Islands 2 (not Bubble Bobble 3)
So, I don't have any problem if we have the following:
First, Maniac Mansion
Then, Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle
Then, Some Cool Game by Telltale: Day of the Tentacle 2 (and not Maniac Mansion 3)
Oh the Jedi Knights series is grand too
But for that, you're going to have to talk about that on the LucasArts forums :rolleyes:
Seriously,if a company does continue the "Maniac Mansion" franchise, I hope is not some messed up concept (like they did in LSL) wrapped with a "Maniac Mansion" skin-deep concept.
I don't want to see something like "Maniac Mansion: The adventures of young Ed Edison" in which apart of the name and that it involves Dr Fred, there is no much resemblance with the original concept, ideas and universe.
Anyway, if someone makes it, then
Maybe they could make it like what Nintendo did with the Mario Land series.
Wario Land - Super Mario Land 3
March of the Tentacles - Maniac Mansion 3
Totally Agreed about the flag!, stuff like that is a nice twist for old fans
Oh no no no no no, Tentacles are such a fun part, and very fun characters, im sure purple tentacle will have his revenge!
Is is it really bad, that i know someone like that?
What's this about the Day of the Tentacle series?
That would be amazing to play as the the tentacles.