Why are we even translating the word church, or farm? It's not like you gonna need that often...
Let's translate:
Where can I find a game shop that sells ep. 5 of TOMI?
Vart kan jag hitta en spelaffär som säljer TOMI epsiode 5
Zcoper - correct;)
Xougar - From Iceland
Sveinn - jújú.. búinn að vera hér í núna einn og hálfan held ég að bíða frekar en að læra fyrir lokapróf í eðlisfræði í háskólanum hahah..
And I'm trying to make the Akinator guess the 3 headed monkey.. but he ain't getting it.. somebody else try
I recognised the language, I'm half Icelandic, but I don't speak it Though I can somewhat understand it (orally) and I can somewhat pronounce the written language :P
Good lord, Akinator just guess Heavy Weapons guy from TF2!
I was sure I'd gotten him there.
He even got obscure comic character Koinzell, this thing knows everything!
Hvor kan jeg finde en butik som sælger episode 5 af TOMI?
Hej Zcoper,
Du kan endnu ikke finde ToMI i nogen butikker, da det indtil videre kun er udgivet på nettet, da vi endnu ikke har fået alle episoder (sidste episode udkommer om nogle timer). Jeg kan dog glæde dig med at TTG plejer at være nogenlunde hurtige til at få deres spil i handlen, efter at det fulde spil har blundet online i et stykke tid. Jeg vil skyde på en måned eller to før du kan finde spillet i din lokale GameStop
Edit: Jeg er langsom idag, først nu jeg ser joken :P
Holy crap man, how in the world does he narrow down "animal with wings" to a dragon, I call work of the devil, here! (but seriously thanks for this link it's really fun)
I tried to get both Banjo and Kazooie at the same time but I couldn't outsmart him, he got Banjo, though. (as soon as he asked me if the character was a bear I knew he got it) I should go for more obscure characters, next!
I did. I'm from Limburg.
I just got away of it.
I can now speak High Dutch and Belgian! (H)
Vart kan jag hitta en spelaffär som säljer TOMI epsiode 5
Xougar - From Iceland
Sveinn - jújú.. búinn að vera hér í núna einn og hálfan held ég að bíða frekar en að læra fyrir lokapróf í eðlisfræði í háskólanum hahah..
And I'm trying to make the Akinator guess the 3 headed monkey.. but he ain't getting it.. somebody else try
I recognised the language, I'm half Icelandic, but I don't speak it
Ahh, that's cool!
Oh yeah I've played that before. I got a lot of characters from MI on it too.
Ce Va?
Where can I find a game shop that sells ep. 5 of TOMI?
Hvor finner jeg en spillbutikk som selger femte episode av Tales of Monkey Island?
I was sure I'd gotten him there.
He even got obscure comic character Koinzell, this thing knows everything!
it works
Hej Zcoper,
Du kan endnu ikke finde ToMI i nogen butikker, da det indtil videre kun er udgivet på nettet, da vi endnu ikke har fået alle episoder (sidste episode udkommer om nogle timer). Jeg kan dog glæde dig med at TTG plejer at være nogenlunde hurtige til at få deres spil i handlen, efter at det fulde spil har blundet online i et stykke tid. Jeg vil skyde på en måned eller to før du kan finde spillet i din lokale GameStop
Edit: Jeg er langsom idag,
Ha ha! Great minds...
that's a bold statement.
What makes you say that?
I got her too.
Couldn't get De Singe.
I've just been watching some of this tonight(hence the earlier smeg). I LOVE RIMMER!!
yes he does, I got her
Holy crap man, how in the world does he narrow down "animal with wings" to a dragon, I call work of the devil, here! (but seriously thanks for this link it's really fun)
I tried to get both Banjo and Kazooie at the same time but I couldn't outsmart him, he got Banjo, though. (as soon as he asked me if the character was a bear I knew he got it) I should go for more obscure characters, next!
Au revoir!
that made no sense to me!!!