hahah no problem, this "game" has been a real time consumer during tests... sooo why not use it to kill some time while waiting for MI... keep on posting what you're trying and getting it's fun
Du kan endnu ikke finde ToMI i nogen butikker, da det indtil videre kun er udgivet på nettet, da vi endnu ikke har fået alle episoder (sidste episode udkommer om nogle timer). Jeg kan dog glæde dig med at TTG plejer at være nogenlunde hurtige til at få deres spil i handlen, efter at det fulde spil har blundet online i et stykke tid. Jeg vil skyde på en måned eller to før du kan finde spillet i din lokale GameStop
Edit: Jeg er langsom idag, først nu jeg ser joken :P
Thanks for the answer, but Zcoper was just translating the sentence I proposed to translate as a way to keep us busy.
And the answer is 'nowhere', anyway - sniff.
Du kan endnu ikke finde ToMI i nogen butikker, da det indtil videre kun er udgivet på nettet, da vi endnu ikke har fået alle episoder (sidste episode udkommer om nogle timer). Jeg kan dog glæde dig med at TTG plejer at være nogenlunde hurtige til at få deres spil i handlen, efter at det fulde spil har blundet online i et stykke tid. Jeg vil skyde på en måned eller to før du kan finde spillet i din lokale GameStop
Edit: Jeg er langsom idag, først nu jeg ser joken :P
Det går sgu nok, venter selv på at steam smider det ud xD
I'm going to sleep now. I want to stay up, but I have school from 8:30 tomorrow (it's 00:46 here atm).
Good night guys. Hope the new episode will be worth the wait! I'm pretty sure it is though. ^^
We need bold statements at this time of day - well, I do
It was just an exaggeration, of course - but we're from opposite sides of the country, so that's what made me say that.
ok, let's choose 5 words and everybody translate in there language:
Farm - boarkerij
Pirate - piraat
Pretty lady - moai famke
Church - tjerke
online friend - online freun
Living in the dutch province of Friesland, I will contribute with strange words in the Frisian language (on the other hand, I refuse to speak Frisian but still understand 100% of it)
Thanks for the answer, but Zcoper was just translating the sentence I proposed to translate as a way to keep us busy.
And the answer is 'nowhere', anyway - sniff.
Yeah I noticed that and edited it
I just wrote that the game won't be released stores until a month or more after the online release of the final episode. At least that's how I think it was with the Sam & Max games.
Sign up for the newsletter if you want to know. I think they'll send out a mail on the day it's released.
Living in the dutch province of Friesland, I will contribute with strange words in the Frisian language (on the other hand, I refuse to speak Frisian but still understand 100% of it)
Thanks for the answer, but Zcoper was just translating the sentence I proposed to translate as a way to keep us busy.
And the answer is 'nowhere', anyway - sniff.
We're doing everything we can while we can.
Right click the image and select "Copy Image Address"
Then click this button
Then paste the Image Address into the box that opens up.
Also, *yawn* just woke up. Good thing I didn't try to stay up for it, woo.
*Edit* It also got Sulik from Fallout 2. Someone had wayyy too much time on their hands, heh.
Jerry Seinfeld
George Costanza
Larry David
Det går sgu nok, venter selv på at steam smider det ud xD
Good night guys. Hope the new episode will be worth the wait! I'm pretty sure it is though. ^^
There was only around 23 pages about 7 hours ago. Things really boomed around the time of the morse code attacks!
he couldnt guess Stuttering Craig from screw attack!
*internet victory pose*
It was just an exaggeration, of course - but we're from opposite sides of the country, so that's what made me say that.
That's all gone now I guess.
Living in the dutch province of Friesland, I will contribute with strange words in the Frisian language (on the other hand, I refuse to speak Frisian but still understand 100% of it)
Yeah I noticed that and edited it
I just wrote that the game won't be released stores until a month or more after the online release of the final episode. At least that's how I think it was with the Sam & Max games.
Sign up for the newsletter if you want to know. I think they'll send out a mail on the day it's released.
Yeah, I beat him too - he thought the rector of the university was Jesus
I once got him to say my Mom. I'm shocked when he can't guess someone.
Another Dutchie!
I'm from Limburg.
For me, he guessed Cedric from KQ5 eerily quickly.
Post the Game.... Come on..
Well. Were waiting....