Oh, I think I see what you're saying. I don't actually know what the law says, but I do know that what's considered acceptable legally and what's considered acceptable morally are not always the same. This could be a prime example.
Looks interesting Ernie76, but personally I would have liked more to see just the original backgrounds turned 3D, without the add of new elements like you guys did. Were they too shabby for you? Don't misunderstand me, they still look good.
And do you guys think there could be other language translations beside English? But maybe I'm thinking too far ahead here.
Got it. I would help, but unfortunately I have no idea of how that software you are using works.
And I gotta say that, despite my previous comment, the moose head it's a nice addition for me.
Got it. I would help, but unfortunately I have no idea of how that software you are using works.
And I gotta say that, despite my previous comment, the moose head it's a nice addition for me.
There are many Ways u could Help us. Do u have any Talents that can be usfull in gamemaking ?
Or do u have webspace u could offer to Deliver the soon comming gamedemo and later the final game to the rest of the Community?
This is for all of you: If u got Talents and wanna help, just contakt me.
The Good one is, that the Demo of MM3d will be coming soon.
That means, early next month.
The bad one is, that we had not the time to make the english Translation in time.
Maybe we find someone from outside who translates the german textfiles into English.
Hope you will find it a good demo, but remember: It is still BETA Version.
I could have a go at translating it - I only know, like, two words of German, but I know the script of the original game like the back of my hand, and I can use Babelfish to help me (then obviously fix the errors! :P)
I could have a go at translating it - I only know, like, two words of German, but I know the script of the original game like the back of my hand, and I can use Babelfish to help me (then obviously fix the errors! :P)
oh oh, i think i wont know the two words of German you know
To Type in just the original lines, would not help, becouse there were some changes made, and we have a lot more text then the original.
But thanks.
I should think there are plenty of German adventure gamers around to help out. If not here, check other adventure game forums. I'd offer my services if my knowledge of German was more extensive (we had it in high school but because I've never done anything with it since - same with French - I'm afraid I wouldn't be much help).
here is a Video with our first test off ingame Voices for our Maniac Mansion Remake.
Daves Voice will Probably stay the same, while the other may change in the future.
Its the German voice Version, but u can see MM the first tim with Voices ever, even if u dont understand them! So its an Worl Premiere
Hope u like it, and Please leave your opinion. Only with your feedback the game can get better and better
And if youre wanna Speak one of the English Roles, just Record them as Wav or MP3 ( pleas the same scene as in the video ) and post a linke here ore send me an PM.
Regard Ernie
Here is a link to a Video with new ingame Footage.
I Turned the light in the Living Room on and off to show the lights, when the power is off.
Theres dry leaf, flying around and al lot of new things, like the Right mousebutten, wich now automaticly chooses verbs like "open" when you move over a door.
Regards Ernie
Here is a link to a Video with new ingame Footage.
I Turned the light in the Living Room on and off to show the lights, when the power is off.
Theres dry leaf, flying around and al lot of new things, like the Right mousebutten, wich now automaticly chooses verbs like "open" when you move over a door.
Regards Ernie
Man. While I find your texturing to be amateur (sorry), your lighting and gameplay mechanics blow the original out of the water. I love little things like how you select characters outside the mansion. That's very, very cool.
Also, the walking speed needs to be a bit faster. I think maybe the same speed as Zak McKracken (and the original MM, if that had the same speed).
You know, I really needs to sit down and play the game properly some day. Only ever tried 10 minutes or so of it.
Anyway, great work. It looks good, and I'll be happy to play it.
Btw, why is it always so that game makers (wether it being a hobby or professionals) write the game in a language that most people don't talk? Why not just start with English, since that will give the game a bigger audience from the start? Why not translate it into different languages afterwards, if there's an interest for it? I will have no chance of playing this until an english version comes out, so until then, it's useless. And who knows, I might have forgotten all about it till then, as translation almost never seems to be completed.
oBtw, why is it always so that game makers (wether it being a hobby or professionals) write the game in a language that most people don't talk? Why not just start with English, since that will give the game a bigger audience from the start? Why not translate it into different languages afterwards, if there's an interest for it? I will have no chance of playing this until an english version comes out, so until then, it's useless. And who knows, I might have forgotten all about it till then, as translation almost never seems to be completed.
Who ever says that this game isent in English? I choosed German for the Video, but u can choose english too , so u dont have to wait !
After watching the youtube videos, I would say this remake is visually comparable to adventure games that were made a decade ago, and I mean that as a compliment. Considering this is fan-made material (and free to play), this looks very good.
You might consider increasing the dialogue audio or decreasing the music/background noise because it seems like it could be difficult to hear what's being said (I don't speak German, so I'm not entirely sure). But I do enjoy the atmosphere you've achieved through the lighting, sounds, and other elements. I think it's pretty cool! Thanks for remaking a LucasArts classic! I'll be looking forward to an English release.
You oughta get in contact with Lucas Arts and offer the game to them. Honestly the game background looks good, but somehow i feel the characters need more polishing. This is a game i would be willing to pay, but knowing its fan made makes me think that most probably the voice acting will be extremely bad and the sound will be so bad. I believe that Lucas Arts holds the missing tool and would be interested in working with it and you could gain some profit off it.
The long awaited DEMO for our Game.
Follow the link to the GS Forum and watch under the screenshots for the Download link.
Post your opinions here or in the GS Forum.
In a few days th Contest Voting starts in the GS Forum, many fine games and Demos were send in.
In our Forum, Vectrex has postet that the Demo Runs Perfectly under Linux by useing WHINE.
Thats a runtime Enviroment, that can start Windows Based Programms under Linux.
Testet with "Ubuntu - Karmic Koala".
If u have experience with the Demo under linux or other Operating Systems, please let us know.
The AUM RETRO CONTEST has begun, and our Meteor Mess 3D is one of the Games, trying to Win.
If you like our Game and thinks its the best, you can vote for us here. http://www.opserver.de/ubb7/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=308642#Post308642
Making an Account there is for Free and there is nothing mor that folowws. No Spam mails oer such things.
So dont be frightened to register there.
Theres a small interview about MM3D on the German gamenews page "www.gamecaptain.de". The text is in German but there are 4 new Screenshots to be seen too.
The Rooms were shown before but this more actual screenshots show the progress made since the Alpha Tech Demo.
The first 5 rooms were retextured and enriched with many new details. Now they are looking far better than the old screens which are still on our homepage and in the alpha demo.
The remade parts of the house give the player more the feeling like there is really someone living there.
Beside new textures and models I worked on cleaning up the room-models from unseen polygones which brings a good performance boost to the new rooms and in the end to the whole game.
My personal goal is to get the level of detail of our 3D enviroment close to the 2D backgrounds of the later LucasArts adventures (e.g. Monkey Island 2, Indy 4). For performance reasons this won't be fully possible, but I try to come as close to it as I can without "overfilling" the well known original rooms with useless stuff or lowering the FPS. I'll just add a few things per room which would fit to it and make the textures more detailed.
Story and puzzles are the same, we just made some dead ends a little less "dead" and the edisons now walk through the House and can catch players ( in the original only Ed could do that, the others just "Beamed" from one room to the destination).
So, the game will be Played, look and feel more modern but stil will be like the Original.
Story and puzzles are the same, we just made some dead ends a little less "dead" and the edisons now walk through the House and can catch players ( in the original only Ed could do that, the others just "Beamed" from one room to the destination).
So, the game will be Played, look and feel more modern but stil will be like the Original.
What? people try to catch you? how does this game work?
In the original, when you entered a room with one of the Edison, they'd run toward you, catch you and throw you in the dungeon. If you quickly left the room, you escaped them, because if I recall correctly they didn't follow you out of the room.
Ed would walk from his room to the front door and it was possible to encounter him along the way, while Edna and Fred wouldn't be seen in the hallways when they went somewhere else.
I gather that in this remake, the NPC's walk around all the time. Perhaps there are hiding places you have to use in order to lose them?
Not really, only annoying. Since you have three playable characters you can switch between at all times, you can use the others to spring someone out of jail.
Only real problem was when all three got caught, and it also might be more difficult to obtain the key depending on each character's abilities.
Kinda, yes. Each character has his own traits. Like the science wiz will be able to fix a broken radio, but might be too scared to get near a flesh-eating plant. It's part of the puzzles, finding out which character to use. And because there were like 8 characters to choose 3 from, it had plenty of replay value because you'd be forced to handle things differently with other characters.
And do you guys think there could be other language translations beside English? But maybe I'm thinking too far ahead here.
Many bugfixing done and some improvments were made.
some new screen:
@Voodoo Lord: as long as there are People who translate it, there will be other language versions
And I gotta say that, despite my previous comment, the moose head it's a nice addition for me.
There are many Ways u could Help us. Do u have any Talents that can be usfull in gamemaking ?
Or do u have webspace u could offer to Deliver the soon comming gamedemo and later the final game to the rest of the Community?
This is for all of you: If u got Talents and wanna help, just contakt me.
and one Bad
The Good one is, that the Demo of MM3d will be coming soon.
That means, early next month.
The bad one is, that we had not the time to make the english Translation in time.
Maybe we find someone from outside who translates the german textfiles into English.
Hope you will find it a good demo, but remember: It is still BETA Version.
oh oh, i think i wont know the two words of German you know
To Type in just the original lines, would not help, becouse there were some changes made, and we have a lot more text then the original.
But thanks.
There is an English Version of the Demo in the Making. Hopefully we can make the Translation in Time to Publish, both versions the same day.
here is a Video with our first test off ingame Voices for our Maniac Mansion Remake.
Daves Voice will Probably stay the same, while the other may change in the future.
Its the German voice Version, but u can see MM the first tim with Voices ever, even if u dont understand them! So its an Worl Premiere
Hope u like it, and Please leave your opinion. Only with your feedback the game can get better and better
And if youre wanna Speak one of the English Roles, just Record them as Wav or MP3 ( pleas the same scene as in the video ) and post a linke here ore send me an PM.
Regard Ernie
and Here is the Teaser Poster for the Demo:
I Turned the light in the Living Room on and off to show the lights, when the power is off.
Theres dry leaf, flying around and al lot of new things, like the Right mousebutten, wich now automaticly chooses verbs like "open" when you move over a door.
Regards Ernie
Man. While I find your texturing to be amateur (sorry), your lighting and gameplay mechanics blow the original out of the water. I love little things like how you select characters outside the mansion. That's very, very cool.
Also, the walking speed needs to be a bit faster. I think maybe the same speed as Zak McKracken (and the original MM, if that had the same speed).
You know, I really needs to sit down and play the game properly some day. Only ever tried 10 minutes or so of it.
Anyway, great work. It looks good, and I'll be happy to play it.
Btw, why is it always so that game makers (wether it being a hobby or professionals) write the game in a language that most people don't talk? Why not just start with English, since that will give the game a bigger audience from the start? Why not translate it into different languages afterwards, if there's an interest for it? I will have no chance of playing this until an english version comes out, so until then, it's useless. And who knows, I might have forgotten all about it till then, as translation almost never seems to be completed.
Who ever says that this game isent in English? I choosed German for the Video, but u can choose english too
You might consider increasing the dialogue audio or decreasing the music/background noise because it seems like it could be difficult to hear what's being said (I don't speak German, so I'm not entirely sure). But I do enjoy the atmosphere you've achieved through the lighting, sounds, and other elements. I think it's pretty cool! Thanks for remaking a LucasArts classic! I'll be looking forward to an English release.
Note: Haven't played the demo
Here's a video of it (I played it in English, but the only good video I found on Youtube was not) :
I would love to see the Videos recorded and uploaded in a better resolution. I would try 960x720.
The long awaited DEMO for our Game.
Follow the link to the GS Forum and watch under the screenshots for the Download link.
Post your opinions here or in the GS Forum.
In a few days th Contest Voting starts in the GS Forum, many fine games and Demos were send in.
The demo is in english and in german language.
Default is english and can be changed to german in a small config.ini file.
SpeechPack-Demo is only available in german, but maybe listen to it is worthwhile, though.
Meteor Mess 3D Board
A Meteor Mess 3D website will be online within the next few days.
In our Forum, Vectrex has postet that the Demo Runs Perfectly under Linux by useing WHINE.
Thats a runtime Enviroment, that can start Windows Based Programms under Linux.
Testet with "Ubuntu - Karmic Koala".
If u have experience with the Demo under linux or other Operating Systems, please let us know.
Regards Ernie
If you like our Game and thinks its the best, you can vote for us here.
Making an Account there is for Free and there is nothing mor that folowws. No Spam mails oer such things.
So dont be frightened to register there.
Regards Ernie
And we released a hotfix for the Demo:
We also won the AUM Contest and got 1.st Place.
Thx to all who votet for us.
Regards Ernie
regards Ernie
The Rooms were shown before but this more actual screenshots show the progress made since the Alpha Tech Demo.
The remade parts of the house give the player more the feeling like there is really someone living there.
Beside new textures and models I worked on cleaning up the room-models from unseen polygones which brings a good performance boost to the new rooms and in the end to the whole game.
My personal goal is to get the level of detail of our 3D enviroment close to the 2D backgrounds of the later LucasArts adventures (e.g. Monkey Island 2, Indy 4). For performance reasons this won't be fully possible, but I try to come as close to it as I can without "overfilling" the well known original rooms with useless stuff or lowering the FPS. I'll just add a few things per room which would fit to it and make the textures more detailed.
So, the game will be Played, look and feel more modern but stil will be like the Original.
Probably not a good idea, I expect they'd end up with a cease & desist letter.
What? people try to catch you? how does this game work?
Ed would walk from his room to the front door and it was possible to encounter him along the way, while Edna and Fred wouldn't be seen in the hallways when they went somewhere else.
I gather that in this remake, the NPC's walk around all the time. Perhaps there are hiding places you have to use in order to lose them?
Only real problem was when all three got caught, and it also might be more difficult to obtain the key depending on each character's abilities.