The Outside look of the Mansion was Redone, and looks much better now.
Some parts were Remodeled, and the whole thing got a new Textur with a higer resolution then the old one. Many small things were added to make the house look more old ( like the edisons stopped to clean and fix it 20 years ago, after the meteor crash )
Broken windows, cracked wooden parts of the haus and nature crawling up the house for some years.
All in all it looks more Creepy now.:eek:
Here is a new video that shows the current state of the outside area and the mansion.
The character models are still the old ones, but they will be replaced as soon as we found an 3D artist for that.
For better quality switch to 720p!
Last night we updated our Meteor Mess 3D homepage.
All screenshots have been replaced by new ones.
The first 12 screens show the "redone" rooms.
The other screens show old, not jet finished rooms, but
you can see the new interface and the English version here.
The Game will now be Released in German, english and Spanish.
We also have some new Team members.
This game is great, I tried out the demo (until it crashed) and it looks promising. The 3D graphics are amazing and really makes me want to play it. I played the original when I was a kid and don't think I ever finished it. By the way, is it possible to do something about the text speed and assign hotkeys to the verbs (like look, use, take etc.)?
The Outside look of the Mansion was Redone, and looks much better now.
Some parts were Remodeled, and the whole thing got a new Textur with a higer resolution then the old one. Many small things were added to make the house look more old ( like the edisons stopped to clean and fix it 20 years ago, after the meteor crash )
Broken windows, cracked wooden parts of the haus and nature crawling up the house for some years.
All in all it looks more Creepy now.:eek:
Here is a new video that shows the current state of the outside area and the mansion.
The character models are still the old ones, but they will be replaced as soon as we found an 3D artist for that.
For better quality switch to 720p!
Sorry for that!
I think that Posting here dosent makes much sense, becouse of the "News" nature of my posts. I could EDIT my post every time we have news to tell but that wouldnt be noticed by anyone.
All i can say is, that im sorry for breaking the Rules.
No Multi posting anymore
Sorry for that!
I think that Posting here dosent makes much sense, becouse of the "News" nature of my posts. I could EDIT my post every time we have news to tell but that wouldnt be noticed by anyone.
All i can say is, that im sorry for breaking the Rules.
No Multi posting anymore
Click on "edit", select all of your post, copy it, then select "delete this post" and "yes".
Then click "Reply", paste all of your previous post, add "EDIT:" then anything you're adding to your previous post.
The thread will show new activity, yet in effect it will look like an edited post rather than double (triple, quadruple) posting.
Sorry for that!
I think that Posting here dosent makes much sense, becouse of the "News" nature of my posts. I could EDIT my post every time we have news to tell but that wouldnt be noticed by anyone.
All i can say is, that im sorry for breaking the Rules.
No Multi posting anymore
Click on "edit", select all of your post, copy it, then select "delete this post" and "yes".
Then click "Reply", paste all of your previous post, add "EDIT:" then anything you're adding to your previous post.
The thread will show new activity, yet in effect it will look like an edited post rather than double (triple, quadruple) posting.
Actually i don't see a violation of the forum guidelines here. Ernie76's posts add new information and don't just bump the thread. Also there is a couple of days between them.
New posts instead of editing add value in that case, because that way subscribers get notified. It's not his fault there was not much discussion going on between his posts.
Heres some new Videomaterial of the actual state.The Charactermodels are still the old ones. New chars will be added iin the final version.
Meteor Mess 3D is making rapid progress. Many rooms have their new look, the code has been cleaned up, a new System has been added that controls the new gestures while the charackters Talk and we changed the animations from vertex animation to bone animation.
What we realy need at the moment, is a 3D charackter modler. So if you are one, and want to join us, then contact the Team on our Page
The game is 100% Playable and all Features are implemented. There are just a Few Rooms left that need a small "Facelifting" and Two bigger jobs that have to be done befor Release. We Still dont have the Final Charackter Models, becouse our Charackter Modler left the Team since he had to much to do in his real-life job. And we have to do the Voice Recording but thats allready arranged and we can start them as soon as alls text Elements are Ready.
And then of course many testing, testing and more testing.
The Final Release will come closer as soon as we finde an Charackter modler who whants to join the project. We are searching since earlyer this year but without any luck. Problem seems to be, that we cant pay anyone.
We do that for fun in our spare time. Even a 2D artist who can make sketches of the charackters ( Side, front, back and Perspectivic view each ), would be a great Help, so we can give that to the Later 3D artist ( or me, if we find no one else ).
So, the Motto is: As sooner we get Help, the sooner we release !
No Luck with a 3D Artist yet. After i modeled an textured the complete House and then Retextured and "pimped it up" room by room to look much greater an better, i think i have to to even the charcters by myself. If this will be the case, i can say that all and everything thats a 3D models or sprite or texture in this game is made by myself, but the bad thing would be, that the release date will be shifted again And that would be terrible, becouse the rest of the game is technicly finished.
To bad, that so many People around the globe are mailing us that they love our remake project and that they cant wait for the release, and that on the other hand not a single one is offering Help. If we could pay for it, we have all characters ready by now, but this is a "non Profit" and "from Fans for Fans" project.
But i have good news too
The Polishing work on the Houses rooms is going strong an the new rooms in the upperfloor were the edisons have their rooms, are looking just great. We added a lot of new things to the Code that give us much more possibilitys in desining the game better and better. All Mirrors in the game ( ednas room, or the bathroom ) are now real working ones. The Main menue look much much better then the old one an the game start up is somwhat faster now. As we have mostly 3 or more descriptions for EVERY thing you can look at in the game, we have more then 4 times as much text then the original had and it realy makes fun just to wonder around the hause and look at things, couse the sentenses are so funny. Jason who wrote all that stuff, realy makes a fantastic job and he exactly hits the Humor of the original. If you wanna know more about the games progress, please dont forget to visit our Facebook page and please check the LIKE button
And Tell all your Friends about us, maybe someone knows Someone else who could help us
Believe me, I really wish I had the talent; and the time. I certainly applaud this project; many remakes - of all kinds of games - take years and years and often suddenly disappear off the grid. This one looks like it's well on its way of completion.
We had a meeting with the Team a few days ago. German Dialog Recording will start within the next few Monthes ( We work completely in English so we first must RE-Translate ist to German fpr the Voice actors ).
An English Talkie version is also Planned but thats comming later.
Its a big Logistic thing to complete the game. We Reached a state were all the elements we worked so hard on the last 3 years, are comming together.
Quality needs Time, but dont worry were woking on it
Just curious, have you had a native English speaker look over the English text at all?
I ask because I just played through Kaptain Brawe, which was an enjoyable enough game but was hampered by the poor English at times.
Yes, we have someone who is a native English speaker, and he dont just looks over the Text, he writes all of those line of Dialog and all the discriptions for every single object and in our version every object has 3 diffrent discription and not every kid says the same about an object. Syd and Razor are Musicans and so they describe things in the musik room completely difrent then the other kids, abd that in again 2 or 3 difrent lines. You see, a single object can have MANY discriptions. It just fantasic. Jason is the name of our native English speaker and he has done the english Texts for the Deluxe version of MM a few years ago. The Game is Developed with an international Team fpr international Fans. The Reason that the German Voices are coming first is just a logistic one. We have a Studio, and a Professional how does the recordings ( We realy had much luck, getting all this together ).
It doesn't matter how many kids are caught and put in jail - you can always bust out all but one of them by holding down the brick in the dungeon.
They said you'd be hearing from them.
No need to thank me.
Nah, I did not send this anywhere but I am downloading the demo now.
Hahaha! While reading your post, line by line, I was like: Oh man, he didn't.... c'mooon, he can't be so cruel!
And then I was relieved
I read this, and all i was thinking was "you bastard"
This was a clever joke. I laughed pretty hard.
i dont judge, im just saying what lucasarts said when I sent them the game...
Really? Never knew about that brick. Then again I've only ever finished it once.
Seems that, posting news here isent the best idea...
Some parts were Remodeled, and the whole thing got a new Textur with a higer resolution then the old one. Many small things were added to make the house look more old ( like the edisons stopped to clean and fix it 20 years ago, after the meteor crash )
Broken windows, cracked wooden parts of the haus and nature crawling up the house for some years.
All in all it looks more Creepy now.:eek:
The character models are still the old ones, but they will be replaced as soon as we found an 3D artist for that.
For better quality switch to 720p!
Here it is:
All screenshots have been replaced by new ones.
The first 12 screens show the "redone" rooms.
The other screens show old, not jet finished rooms, but
you can see the new interface and the English version here.
The Game will now be Released in German, english and Spanish.
We also have some new Team members.
For all the NEWS and the SCREENSHOTS visit:
I think that Posting here dosent makes much sense, becouse of the "News" nature of my posts. I could EDIT my post every time we have news to tell but that wouldnt be noticed by anyone.
All i can say is, that im sorry for breaking the Rules.
No Multi posting anymore
Click on "edit", select all of your post, copy it, then select "delete this post" and "yes".
Then click "Reply", paste all of your previous post, add "EDIT:" then anything you're adding to your previous post.
The thread will show new activity, yet in effect it will look like an edited post rather than double (triple, quadruple) posting.
It barely takes longer than editing your post. It just sounds complicated because I had to explain it rather than just show it.
you're probably right, i dunno. i just edit my posts because i dont post "news" as such
Actually i don't see a violation of the forum guidelines here. Ernie76's posts add new information and don't just bump the thread. Also there is a couple of days between them.
New posts instead of editing add value in that case, because that way subscribers get notified. It's not his fault there was not much discussion going on between his posts.
At aprox. 18:56 in the News section.
Weres my Cake
What we realy need at the moment, is a 3D charackter modler. So if you are one, and want to join us, then contact the Team on our Page
For news, fakts and Media follow the link below and dont forget to hit tht "like" butten ;P
Ernie @ Vampyregames
And then of course many testing, testing and more testing.
The Final Release will come closer as soon as we finde an Charackter modler who whants to join the project. We are searching since earlyer this year but without any luck. Problem seems to be, that we cant pay anyone.
We do that for fun in our spare time. Even a 2D artist who can make sketches of the charackters ( Side, front, back and Perspectivic view each ), would be a great Help, so we can give that to the Later 3D artist ( or me, if we find no one else ).
So, the Motto is: As sooner we get Help, the sooner we release !
No Luck with a 3D Artist yet. After i modeled an textured the complete House and then Retextured and "pimped it up" room by room to look much greater an better, i think i have to to even the charcters by myself. If this will be the case, i can say that all and everything thats a 3D models or sprite or texture in this game is made by myself, but the bad thing would be, that the release date will be shifted again
To bad, that so many People around the globe are mailing us that they love our remake project and that they cant wait for the release, and that on the other hand not a single one is offering Help. If we could pay for it, we have all characters ready by now, but this is a "non Profit" and "from Fans for Fans" project.
But i have good news too
The Polishing work on the Houses rooms is going strong an the new rooms in the upperfloor were the edisons have their rooms, are looking just great. We added a lot of new things to the Code that give us much more possibilitys in desining the game better and better. All Mirrors in the game ( ednas room, or the bathroom ) are now real working ones. The Main menue look much much better then the old one an the game start up is somwhat faster now. As we have mostly 3 or more descriptions for EVERY thing you can look at in the game, we have more then 4 times as much text then the original had and it realy makes fun just to wonder around the hause and look at things, couse the sentenses are so funny. Jason who wrote all that stuff, realy makes a fantastic job and he exactly hits the Humor of the original. If you wanna know more about the games progress, please dont forget to visit our Facebook page and please check the LIKE button
And Tell all your Friends about us, maybe someone knows Someone else who could help us
An English Talkie version is also Planned but thats comming later.
Its a big Logistic thing to complete the game. We Reached a state were all the elements we worked so hard on the last 3 years, are comming together.
Quality needs Time, but dont worry were woking on it
I ask because I just played through Kaptain Brawe, which was an enjoyable enough game but was hampered by the poor English at times.
Yes, we have someone who is a native English speaker, and he dont just looks over the Text, he writes all of those line of Dialog and all the discriptions for every single object and in our version every object has 3 diffrent discription and not every kid says the same about an object. Syd and Razor are Musicans and so they describe things in the musik room completely difrent then the other kids, abd that in again 2 or 3 difrent lines. You see, a single object can have MANY discriptions. It just fantasic. Jason is the name of our native English speaker and he has done the english Texts for the Deluxe version of MM a few years ago. The Game is Developed with an international Team fpr international Fans. The Reason that the German Voices are coming first is just a logistic one. We have a Studio, and a Professional how does the recordings ( We realy had much luck, getting all this together ).