So, is it safe to say?

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
Its been bugging me for 2 years. I know that there have been a LOT of threads for S&M S3, ako boga znate odgovorite mi na one jednostavno question:
"Is it safe to say that S&M are coming in 2010?

Bog blagoslovio onog koji odgovori!


  • edited December 2009
    Its been bugging me for 2 years. I know that there have been a LOT of threads for S&M S3, ako boga znate odgovorite mi na one jednostavno question:
    "Is it safe to say that S&M are coming in 2010?

    Bog blagoslovio onog koji odgovori!

  • edited December 2009
    I versteh, that its very spaßig to write in your native sprache and in english zur gleichen time,
    but i'm really neugierig, what the unbekannte wörter mean, so please übersetz for me. especially the last satz, the rest i versteh, i think.
  • edited December 2009
    'God bless the one who answers.' is the last satz :))
  • edited December 2009
    i feel wierd being the only one posting in emglish, but yes, the site pretty much confirms a 2010 release. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHEEEENNNNN!
  • edited December 2009
    Me gusta comer queso.
  • edited December 2009
    Pale Man wrote: »
    Me gusta comer queso.

    A mí también ^^!
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    I-ay ave-hay ever-nay earned-lay a-ay econd-say anguage-lay.
  • edited December 2009
    Deja-vu! Je le crois etait pour <<Les Soda-poppers>>!
  • edited December 2009
    Deze thread goes nowhere, and snel ook.
  • edited December 2009
    C'est ce qui arrive quand on traduit son texte à partir de Babelfish... Ou bien?
  • edited December 2009
    i only have moderate knowlege of german... i've barely mastered english, and its my native language.
  • edited December 2009
    Trädet handlar om nu andra språk... tydligen.

    Ja, min svenska är fruktansvärd.
    i only have moderate knowlege of german... i've barely mastered english, and its my native language.
    ...Du machst mich fertig, Kleiner.
  • edited December 2009
    You know lecharles, you'd make a great US ambassador to the UN!
    (Political humor, it's always funny!)
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    You know lecharles, you'd make a great US ambassador to the UN!
    (Political humor, it's always funny!)

    Yes, Godbless Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
  • edited December 2009
    Nisam znao da toliko različitih jezika ima na ovim forumima.
  • edited December 2009
    Its been bugging me for 2 years. I know that there have been a LOT of threads for S&M S3, ako boga znate odgovorite mi na one jednostavno question:
    "Is it safe to say that S&M are coming in 2010?

    Bog blagoslovio onog koji odgovori!

    Yep! it is.
    Also, it is safe that you give up using that "season3curious" account that you have and START USING A LOGICAL USER NAME!!!1!!
    .....Like for example... "season4curious"?
  • edited December 2009
    kwate wrote: »
    'God bless the one who answers.' is the last satz :))

    how did you know?
  • edited December 2009
    Kwate either speaks Serbian or used a translator.
  • edited December 2009
    pale man wrote: »
    me gusta comer queso.
    من هم همینطور! من عاشق پنیرم! مثل والاس...
  • edited December 2009
    Milkman08 wrote: »
    من هم همینطور! من عاشق پنیرم! مثل والاس...
    Vill du äter Wallace? Jag tror inte Wallace smackar mycket bra. Bättre att äta bara ost.
  • edited December 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    vill du äter wallace? Jag tror inte wallace smackar mycket bra. Bättre att äta bara ost.
    خوردن والاس؟ نه، من گفتم پنیر خوردن رو دوست دارم همانطور که والاس دوست دارد
  • edited December 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    ...Du machst mich fertig, Kleiner.

    i gave up, and decided to use a translator

    "You make me ready, Small"

  • edited December 2009
    Hunh, why do I allways get confused when I'm posting on the forums in the mornig.
  • edited December 2009
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Hunh, why do I allways get confused when I'm posting on the forums in the mornig.

    Confused? What, do you start translating the englischer Text in den Deutschen, Sie äußerst verwirrend?
  • edited December 2009
    Confused? What, do you start translating the englischer Text in den Deutschen, Sie äußerst verwirrend?

    Yep there we go...I'm confused again..
  • edited December 2009
    なに、なに? :o
  • edited December 2009
    Ummmmm... Uhhhhhhh.... I like carrots... ha...ha...ha...
  • edited December 2009
    Havuç cidden çok dandik bir şey yalnız, patates ezer.
  • edited December 2009
    Blarg Blarg Blarg.
  • edited December 2009
    lecharles wrote: »
    i gave up, and decided to use a translator

    "You make me ready, Small"

    Not really. Those links might be helpful:
  • edited December 2009
    lecharles wrote: »
    i gave up, and decided to use a translator

    "You make me ready, Small"


    ... "You crack me up, little buddy" maybe?

    Is there a reason why everybody is speaking non-english languages? I have no clue what's going on...

    Mein merschweinschen ist weg und mein schmetterling auch.

    (I probably spelled that wrong. It's the only thing I can say in German and it's never going to be useful...)
  • edited December 2009
    Avistew wrote: »
    ... "You crack me up, little buddy" maybe?

    Is there a reason why everybody is speaking non-english languages? I have no clue what's going on...

    Mein merschweinschen ist weg und mein schmetterling auch.

    (I probably spelled that wrong. It's the only thing I can say in German and it's never going to be useful...)

    No idea.

    Pero al menos voy a poder escribir en mi propio idioma sin parecer fuera de lugar. Por muy non-sequitur que sea el tema ^^!
  • edited December 2009
    Bon, bah puisque c'est comme ça je vais parler en français, moi aussi. Déjà que j'en ai pas souvent l'occasion, alors je vais pas me gêner.
    Vive(nt) Sam et Max et vive(nt) les langues vivantes :P (Et vivent les deux combinés. Sam&Max doublés, c'est bien marrant à regarder).
  • edited December 2009
    I'm sick of being confused, so here's the whole thread in English, as part of my continuing love affair with Google Translate. Translation errors probably abound, and a few times I had no idea what people were saying.
    (English and Serbian)

    Its been bugging me for 2 years. I know that there have been a lot of threads for S & S S3, but I want to know the answer to one simple question:
    "Is it safe to say that S & M are coming in 2010?

    God bless the one who answers!
    JedExodus wrote: »
    (English and Serbian)

    Its been bugging me for 2 years. I know that there have been a lot of threads for S & S S3, but I want to know the answer to one simple question:
    "Is it safe to say that S & M are coming in 2010?

    God bless the one who answers!
    Cyphox wrote: »
    (English and German)

    I understand that its very fun to write in your native language and in English at the same time,
    but I'm really curious to see what the unknown words mean, so please translate for me. especially the last sentence, the rest i understand, i think.
    kwate wrote: »
    (Mostly English, a little German)

    'God bless the one who answers.' is the last sentence :))
    lecharles wrote: »
    i feel wierd being the only one posting in emglish, but yes, the site pretty much confirms a 2010 release. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHEEEENNNNN!
    Pale Man wrote: »

    I like to eat cheese.
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Pale Man wrote: »

    I like to eat cheese.
    Me too ^ ^!
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    (Pig Latin)

    I have never learned a second language.
    Lena_P wrote: »

    Deja-vu! I thought it was about <<the Soda-poppers>>!
    bobdevis wrote: »
    (English and Dutch)

    This thread is going nowhere, and fast.

    This is what happens when the text is translated from Babelfish ... Isn't it?
    lecharles wrote: »
    i only have moderate knowlege of german... i've barely mastered english, and its my native language.
    Shwoo wrote: »
    (Swedish and German (I said "tree" instead of "thread", but luckily I know what I meant))

    The thread is now about other languages ... Apparently.

    Yes, my Swedish is terrible.
    lecharles wrote: »
    i only have moderate knowlege of german... i've barely mastered english, and its my native language.

    ...You're killing me, kid.
    Lena_P wrote: »
    You know lecharles, you'd make a great US ambassador to the UN!
    (Political humor, it's always funny!)
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Lena_P wrote: »
    You know lecharles, you'd make a great US ambassador to the UN!
    (Political humor, it's always funny!)
    Yes, Godbless Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

    I didn't know there were so many different languages on these forums.
    Milkman08 wrote: »
    (English and Serbian)

    Its been bugging me for 2 years. I know that there have been a lot of threads for S & S S3, but I want to know the answer to one simple question:
    "Is it safe to say that S & M are coming in 2010?

    God bless the one who answers!

    Yep! it is.
    Also, it is safe that you give up using that "season3curious" account that you have and START USING A LOGICAL USER NAME!!!1!!
    .....Like for example... "season4curious"?
    kwate wrote: »
    (Mostly English, a little German)

    'God bless the one who answers.' is the last sentence :))

    how did you know?
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Kwate either speaks Serbian or used a translator.
    Milkman08 wrote: »
    Pale Man wrote: »

    I like to eat cheese.

    Me too! I love cheese! Just like Wallace...
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Milkman08 wrote: »

    Me too! I love cheese! Just like Wallace...

    You want to eat Wallace? I don't think Wallace tastes very good. Better to just eat cheese.
    Milkman08 wrote: »
    Shwoo wrote: »

    You want to eat Wallace? I don't think Wallace tastes very good. Better to just eat cheese.

    Eating Wallace? No, I said I like to eat cheese, as Wallace does.
    lecharles wrote: »
    Shwoo wrote: »

    ...You're killing me, kid.
    i gave up, and decided to use a translator

    "You make me ready, Small"

    Icedhope wrote: »
    Hunh, why do I allways get confused when I'm posting on the forums in the mornig.
    (English and German)
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Hunh, why do I allways get confused when I'm posting on the forums in the mornig.

    Confused? What, do you start translating the English text into German, you very confused?
    Icedhope wrote: »
    (English and German)

    Confused? What, do you start translating the English text into German, you very confused?
    Yep there we go...I'm confused again..
    ChemBro wrote: »

    What, what? :o
    Ummmmm... Uhhhhhhh.... I like carrots... ha...ha...ha...
    Falanca wrote: »

    The only thing carrots can really dud is mashed potatoes.
    Wusodoolo wrote: »
    (Hey, Shambling Corporate Presence!)

    Blarg Blarg Blarg.
    lecharles wrote: »
    i gave up, and decided to use a translator

    "You make me ready, Small"

    Not really. Those links might be helpful:
    Avistew wrote: »
    (English and German)
    lecharles wrote: »
    i gave up, and decided to use a translator

    "You make me ready, Small"


    ... "You crack me up, little buddy" maybe?

    Is there a reason why everybody is speaking non-english languages? I have no clue what's going on...

    My guinea pig is gone and so is my butterfly.

    (I probably spelled that wrong. It's the only thing I can say in German and it's never going to be useful...)
    GinnyN wrote: »
    (English and Spanish)
    Avistew wrote: »
    (English and German)

    ... "You crack me up, little buddy" maybe?

    Is there a reason why everybody is speaking non-english languages? I have no clue what's going on...

    My guinea pig is gone and so is my butterfly.

    (I probably spelled that wrong. It's the only thing I can say in German and it's never going to be useful...)

    No idea.

    But at least I'll be able to write in my own language without seeming out of place. However much of a non-sequitur the topic may be ^ ^!
    Avistew wrote: »

    Oh well, since that's how it is, I'm gonna speak French too. I don't have the opportunity often, so I'm gonna jump on the occasion.
    Long live Sam&Max and long live spoken languages. (And long live both combined. Dubbed Sam&Max is a lot of fun to watch.)
  • edited December 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I'm sick of being confused, so here's the whole thread in English, as part of my continuing love affair with Google Translate. Translation errors probably abound, and a few times I had no idea what people were saying.

    Much obliged. I know a few words of several languages, maybe I should throw them all together in one sentance and give you translators nightmares evil.gif
  • edited December 2009
    As Corbin Dallas says, I only speak two languages: English and bad English.:D
  • edited December 2009
    This thread just made my morning. Especially because I seriously understood almost all of the posts, only my Persian and Turkish skills were lacking a little here.

    By the way, as far as I know, in this context 'Du machst mich fertig, Kleiner' is the official German translation for 'You crack me up, little buddy', so avistew was right about that.

    I am now thinking if I should throw in a random pointless Danish phrase just for entertainment.
  • edited December 2009
    Mandahaya wrote: »
    By the way, as far as I know, in this context 'Du machst mich fertig, Kleiner' is the official German translation for 'You crack me up, little buddy', so avistew was right about that.
    Yes, it is. I'd been watching a playthrough of the German dub of Season One on YouTube, and picking up more German than I thought I would.

    The point being, lecharles cracks me up.
  • edited December 2009
    I just want to say one thing before I close this thread:

    "Tko živi bez časti umire bez časti"
    Kopiro sam to iz ninđa kornjača.
  • edited December 2009
    Good, bah, since that's how I speak French too. Already I have very little opportunity, so it doesn't bother me.
    Long live (nt) Sam and Max and long live (nt) Modern Languages: P (And long live the two combined. Sam & Max doubled, it's fun to watch).

    More accurate translation of what I said, since babelfish since to have problem with expression and spoken language and stuff:

    "Oh well, since that's how it is, I'm gonna speak French too. I don't have the opportunity often, so I'm gonna jump on the occasion.
    Long live Sam&Max and long live spoken languages. (And long live both combined. Dubbed Sam&Max is a lot of fun to watch.)"
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