I've decided to let my hair grow out long again after so many years. I used to have my hair all the way down my back in highschool. I cut it all off one day when I got upset about being teased by everyone. Maybe I'll cut it short again in a year, or two. Hmm..Anyways, I've dyed my hair back from brunette to it's natural black. So it's back to the geeky librarian look for me, again. I'm only missing my glasses, which I'm afaid to wear in public. I feel kinda dorky in them. I don't know, maybe I'll start wearing them again. Contacts can be so irritating at times.
PS. This photo was taken 2 days ago, and it's kinda bad but....Please excuse the messy hair, and goofy sleepy look. It was 5 in the morning, and I was trying to get ready to go jogging (I fail at mornings). It's still bleh though.
The thing about glasses is that they almost never look as bad as people think they do, and they can actually be pretty cute on the right person.
So yeah, you should totally have us judge that for you.
I think it also depends on the glasses. Some models need a very specific type of face to look decent. I should know, I was the one who thought perfectly round glasses were awesome until I looked at a picture of myself and saw that practically half of my face was covered by my enormous specs. Then, I got better glasses.
Good point. I favor more thin, rectangular shaped glasses. I have a friend who was never totally happy with hers until she found that she looks great in dark red plastic frames.
Good point. I favor more thin, rectangular shaped glasses. I have a friend who was never totally happy with hers until she found that she looks great in dark red plastic frames.
I more favor no glasses at all, myself, simply because having to endure middle school with taped up frames is an experience that jades one to their use. But when I have to wear them, I have my nice rectangular ones. I should get a new pair some day, as I've had these for almost eight years, but I quite like them...for being glasses.
I usually get a new pair every summer, but I was without any kind of vision insurance for about a year, so I've had my glasses for two years now. I'm due to get some, and I'd prefer it be before these ones break. After that incident where the arm broke last week, I'm suddenly without a spare pair.
I used to get a new pair every year, but then my eyesight stopped getting worse every year once I switched to contacts. Apparently the gas-permeable ones I wear prevent my eye from changing shape.
I guess it's not the time I should butt in by pointing out my perfect sight which is still keeping its state after 8 years of blandly staring at a computer screen, 8 hours a day in overall.
Eh...I've had crappy vision since I was six. I honestly can't even remember what it's like to see clearly without some sort of lens between me and the rest of the world.
I'll see if I can work up the courage to snap a photo with my glasses sometime this week. Mine are kind of thick black rectangles, and I've only had them for the past year. Back in highschool my glasses were round. They weren't very flattering on me, and the middle was kept together with tape. I ended up going through school with my silly looking broken glasses. XD I've only recently switched to contacts.
Eh...I've had crappy vision since I was six. I honestly can't even remember what it's like to see clearly without some sort of lens between me and the rest of the world.
Sixth grade for me. And I got braces the same week. I left for spring break with neither and came back with both.
Eh...I've had crappy vision since I was six. I honestly can't even remember what it's like to see clearly without some sort of lens between me and the rest of the world.
Well really, I don't even know the feeling of having a piece of plastic and glass on your nose for the entirety of one day. I haven't been even AWARE of the taboo of wearing a pair of glasses in elementary school/highschool since like, RIGHT NOW, now that I remembered "that one cartoon" I watched "when I was little" which had such a theme -which I forgot immediately after watching it but I guess I was carrying it around in my subconcious the whole time.
Well really, I don't even know the feeling of having a piece of plastic and glass on your nose for the entirety of one day. I wasn't even AWARE of the taboo of wearing a pair of glasses in elementary school/highschool, now that I remembered "that one cartoon" I watched "when I was little" which had such a theme -which I forgot immediately after watching it but I guess I was carrying it around in my subconcious the whole time.
I don't think it's totally a taboo on glasses as such, or at least it wasn't for me. It was more the fact that I was the one wearing the glasses and was also a smartass. It's also different when you're a girl since no one really says anything to your face...they just think it really loudly.
I'll see if I can work up the courage to snap a photo with my glasses sometime this week. Mine are kind of thick black rectangles, and I've only had them for the past year. Back in highschool my glasses were round. They weren't very flattering on me, and the middle was kept together with tape. I ended up going through school with my silly looking broken glasses. XD I've only recently switched to contacts.
Tape buddies! Except I had mine taped in middle school. Not fun at all. Afterwards, I switched to contacts.
I don't think it's totally a taboo on glasses as such, or at least it wasn't for me. It was more the fact that I was the one wearing the glasses and was also a smartass. It's also different when you're a girl since no one really says anything to your face...they just think it really loudly.
Better than getting "Mr. Potatohead" everytime by your presumedly sincerest of friends.
Better than getting "Mr. Potatohead" everytime by your presumedly sincerest of friends.
I guess I wouldn't know about that. I had a fairly low tolerance for people back then.
Getting this thread somewhat quasi back on topic, all this talk of glasses has prompted me to take a picture of myself wearing my ancient glasses. Try not to trip as you run away in abject terror.
I wouldn't actually mind using those glasses, although I guess they would look unusual on my absurd shape of face anyway. But well, they suit you well!
Speaking of glasseslessness;
Man I should get some photos taken OUTSIDE for a change.
I wouldn't actually mind using those glasses, although I guess they would look unusual on my absurd shape of face anyway. But well, they suit you well!
Nice of you to say, but these are my new(er) and improved ones. Even though their pretty old. My original ones took up like half my face. Even my best friend made fun of me when we were looking back through old pictures since I look like an owl.
Man I should get some photos taken OUTSIDE for a change.
Everyone knows that outside is for losers. TRUFAX.
I guess I wouldn't know about that. I had a fairly low tolerance for people back then.
Getting this thread somewhat quasi back on topic, all this talk of glasses has prompted me to take a picture of myself wearing my ancient glasses. Try not to trip as you run away in abject terror.
I wouldn't actually mind using those glasses, although I guess they would look unusual on my absurd shape of face anyway. But well, they suit you well!
Speaking of glasseslessness;
Man I should get some photos taken OUTSIDE for a change.
Dunno if anyone has ever said this but you would look amazing as a pirate.
Dunno if anyone has ever said this but you would look amazing as a pirate.
I've got rockstar, guitarist, bum, chewbacca and pirate so far. Aside from bum, I have no relation to any of them whatsoever. I'm a ninja guy. Thanks anyway.
@Falanca: I was called monstie, dorkarella, and dorkasaurus in highschool. XD It didn't help that I was a quiet, weird little comic book/gamer nerd back then either (I'd admit I still kinda am one now though). And your head doesn't look absurd either.
@Alcoremortis: I'd love to trade my horrible thick rectangle ones for those. I haven't had luck finding a good pair of round glasses in forever. Which for me is sad, because round glasses have been my favorite shape on me. Sans the tape of course.
@Falanca: I was called monstie, dorkarella, and dorkasaurus in highschool. XD It didn't help that I was a quiet, weird little comic book/gamer nerd back then either (I'd admit I still kinda am one now though). And your head doesn't look absurd either.
I had those too but those were aimed at my behavior rather than looks, so I left them out. I got square, monster, abnormal, alien and a bunch of other "you're different and strange" themed ones. Even these days in fact, a girl approached me and said "don't be that strange". My response was "lolgtfo", which I assume she didn't understand because of the difference of language.
Well thanks! Pretty much the best response I've heard this year.
Nice of you to say, but these are my new(er) and improved ones. Even though their pretty old. My original ones took up like half my face. Even my best friend made fun of me when we were looking back through old pictures since I look like an owl.
Oh I remember the owl glasses... I think everyone who has had glasses since the 80's had a pair. I've had glasses since i was 4, so I've had plenty. I can also share your taped up pain... I love my rectangular type glasses now, and since I get a couple pairs a year and have managed not to break any recently, I even have halfway decent sunnies and a purple pair with dimontes on the arms for special occasions (not that I have ever worn them ).
I had those too but those were aimed at my behavior rather than looks, so I left them out. I got square, monster, abnormal, alien and a bunch of other "you're different and strange" themed ones. Even these days in fact, a girl approached me and said "don't be that strange".
Hmm, just the other week a friend of 10 years went into a rage at our local pub and called me a "freak" and a "weirdo". Needless to say he isn't a friend anymore... the asshole.
Here's Mr. Clayton rescuing me from my nuclear hatchery, last Christmas. I've lost a lot of weight since then so don't be calling me fat-beak or any such thing.
Getting this thread somewhat quasi back on topic, all this talk of glasses has prompted me to take a picture of myself wearing my ancient glasses. Try not to trip as you run away in abject terror.
Hah! You're actually one of the few people who turned out looking somewhat like how I pictured them. Usually I'm completely thrown off and surprised when people post pictures of themselves in this thread.
And yes. That is a skull in the background. Also yes. It is indeed wearing a hat.
Hah! You're actually one of the few people who turned out looking somewhat like how I pictured them. Usually I'm completely thrown off and surprised when people post pictures of themselves in this thread.
I'm curious. How exactly did you picture me? Aside from looking how I do?
Every good skull deserves a hat.
I'm glad someone agrees with me. Also, they make excellent hat racks.
Wheeze, and wince! I finally snapped some pics with my glasses. Unfortunately, when you don't invest in a good camera, shots end up blurry in bad lighting. I know they don't flatter me, and always end up sliding down my nose somehow. Eh... And photos are cropped, because seeing my bathroom is a completely unnecessary evil. Please be kind. I'm still shy about wearing glasses. XD
Bigger is better. Fact.
I don't think he sees that it's broken.
Oh wow. I don't see that on my end! Is this better?...
Done and done, and I mean done.
Yes, but it has a watermark. Rehosting is the future.
It's hard enough getting any picture via my PS3 so it's watermark city I'm afraid.
PS. This photo was taken 2 days ago, and it's kinda bad but....Please excuse the messy hair, and goofy sleepy look. It was 5 in the morning, and I was trying to get ready to go jogging (I fail at mornings). It's still bleh though.
So yeah, you should totally have us judge that for you.
Seconding that. It probably won't look bad anyway, given the properties and the overall quality of the canvas.
I think it also depends on the glasses. Some models need a very specific type of face to look decent. I should know, I was the one who thought perfectly round glasses were awesome until I looked at a picture of myself and saw that practically half of my face was covered by my enormous specs. Then, I got better glasses.
I more favor no glasses at all, myself, simply because having to endure middle school with taped up frames is an experience that jades one to their use. But when I have to wear them, I have my nice rectangular ones. I should get a new pair some day, as I've had these for almost eight years, but I quite like them...for being glasses.
Sixth grade for me. And I got braces the same week. I left for spring break with neither and came back with both.
Well really, I don't even know the feeling of having a piece of plastic and glass on your nose for the entirety of one day. I haven't been even AWARE of the taboo of wearing a pair of glasses in elementary school/highschool since like, RIGHT NOW, now that I remembered "that one cartoon" I watched "when I was little" which had such a theme -which I forgot immediately after watching it but I guess I was carrying it around in my subconcious the whole time.
Ouch. I had the glasses and braces thing, too, but I'd already had the glasses for seven years by that point. And practically everyone had braces.
I don't think it's totally a taboo on glasses as such, or at least it wasn't for me. It was more the fact that I was the one wearing the glasses and was also a smartass. It's also different when you're a girl since no one really says anything to your face...they just think it really loudly.
Tape buddies! Except I had mine taped in middle school. Not fun at all. Afterwards, I switched to contacts.
Better than getting "Mr. Potatohead" everytime by your presumedly sincerest of friends.
I guess I wouldn't know about that. I had a fairly low tolerance for people back then.
Getting this thread somewhat quasi back on topic, all this talk of glasses has prompted me to take a picture of myself wearing my ancient glasses. Try not to trip as you run away in abject terror.
Attachment not found.
And yes. That is a skull in the background. Also yes. It is indeed wearing a hat.
Speaking of glasseslessness;
Man I should get some photos taken OUTSIDE for a change.
Nice of you to say, but these are my new(er) and improved ones. Even though their pretty old. My original ones took up like half my face. Even my best friend made fun of me when we were looking back through old pictures since I look like an owl.
Everyone knows that outside is for losers. TRUFAX.
You nearly look just the freakin frickin frak like Chris but with a blonde wig on....Chris.
Dunno if anyone has ever said this but you would look amazing as a pirate.
We already established that everyone on this forum is Chris back when Dashing came back, so is it really a surprise?
Also, I think it all has to do with the smirk.
I've got rockstar, guitarist, bum, chewbacca and pirate so far. Aside from bum, I have no relation to any of them whatsoever. I'm a ninja guy. Thanks anyway.
@Alcoremortis: I'd love to trade my horrible thick rectangle ones for those. I haven't had luck finding a good pair of round glasses in forever. Which for me is sad, because round glasses have been my favorite shape on me. Sans the tape of course.
Speaking of look-a-likes, oh hai Silverwolfpet.
I had those too but those were aimed at my behavior rather than looks, so I left them out. I got square, monster, abnormal, alien and a bunch of other "you're different and strange" themed ones. Even these days in fact, a girl approached me and said "don't be that strange". My response was "lolgtfo", which I assume she didn't understand because of the difference of language.
Well thanks! Pretty much the best response I've heard this year.
That could be worse, too. I'm in a treat today.
Oh I remember the owl glasses... I think everyone who has had glasses since the 80's had a pair. I've had glasses since i was 4, so I've had plenty. I can also share your taped up pain... I love my rectangular type glasses now, and since I get a couple pairs a year and have managed not to break any recently, I even have halfway decent sunnies and a purple pair with dimontes on the arms for special occasions (not that I have ever worn them
Hmm, just the other week a friend of 10 years went into a rage at our local pub and called me a "freak" and a "weirdo". Needless to say he isn't a friend anymore... the asshole.
Here's Mr. Clayton rescuing me from my nuclear hatchery, last Christmas. I've lost a lot of weight since then so don't be calling me fat-beak or any such thing.
Hah! You're actually one of the few people who turned out looking somewhat like how I pictured them. Usually I'm completely thrown off and surprised when people post pictures of themselves in this thread.
Every good skull deserves a hat.
I'm curious. How exactly did you picture me? Aside from looking how I do?
I'm glad someone agrees with me. Also, they make excellent hat racks.
Thats totally me, and not just some random picture I'm posting to throw those hounds of my scent.
So...uhh.... Sexy huh?
I have to say, I'd developed a mental image similar to your true form too. Congrats on being, um, like yourself!
And.......this is me as an alien reading comics.
End embarrassment here.