Totally wrong. They do flatter you. You've got one of those faces that looks nice with or without glasses, and those frames compliment it really well. Nothing to be shy about whatsoever.
That's too awesome. Did you print the lab coat yourself?
Yeah. I decided to mix the two logos that they use (the blue and black ones) in the Aperture image; it gradates from black in the upper left to blue in the lower right.
There's a larger print of the logo on the back, maybe 10 inches long. If I can corral a friend into helping, I'll take some shots in our sciencey-looking basement with a (prop) flamethrower.
Yeah. I decided to mix the two logos that they use (the blue and black ones) in the Aperture image; it gradates from black in the upper left to blue in the lower right.
There's a larger print of the logo on the back, maybe 10 inches long. If I can corral a friend into helping, I'll take some shots in our sciencey-looking basement with a (prop) flamethrower.
Just out of interest, did you literally print the coat yourself, or did you hire a service to do so for you? Also, where did the plush Companion Cube come from?
Just out of interest, did you literally print the coat yourself, or did you hire a service to do so for you? Also, where did the plush Companion Cube come from?
I printed it. Same with the other T-Shirts you saw three pages back. I've been screening since I was in high school, and my parents own a printing company, so I've been trained on the machines since I was little.
I printed it. Same with the other T-Shirts you saw three pages back. I've been screening since I was in high school, and my parents own a printing company, so I've been trained on the machines since I was little.
The way I see it, everybody who is a regular forum poster(and it isn't their job) has some hang-up relating to it whether it be social, self imposed, physical or what I find is more often the case, intellectual. One can also debate that everyone has a hindrance for everything they do. Make of that what you will I guess. I don't think gender is one of those reasons though.
The way I see it, everybody who is a regular forum poster(and it isn't their job) has some hang-up relating to it whether it be social, self imposed, physical or what I find is more often the case, intellectual. One can also debate that everyone has a hindrance for everything they do. Make of that what you will I guess. I don't think gender is one of those reasons though.
And that boys and girls is what we call a generalisation.
Here, I'll be more specific. For this forum, I would say the number one reason would be self imposed as this is a gaming forum...but there are a whole lot of people out there that shouldn't be allowed to add any footprints in the internet. *cough*wikipedia*cough*
@Comrade pants: Sorry, if I came across as obnoxious. I usually only post once in a blue moon. You could probably tell that from my post count, and join date combined. I just like reading through some of the forums every once in awhile, because there are usually a lot of neat projects going on. Maybe I'll go in lurk mode again. XD
@doodo!: Out of curiousity, in what way do I look like a 14 year old girl? I'm 22 years old.
I printed it. Same with the other T-Shirts you saw three pages back. I've been screening since I was in high school, and my parents own a printing company, so I've been trained on the machines since I was little.
How would you like to make another one of those and ship it one state over? <.<
@Comrade pants: Sorry, if I came across as obnoxious. I usually only post once in a blue moon. You could probably tell that from my post count, and join date combined. I just like reading through some of the forums every once in awhile, because there are usually a lot of neat projects going on. Maybe I'll go in lurk mode again. XD
@doodo!: Out of curiousity, in what way do I look like a 14 year old girl? I'm 22 years old.
Abstract speculation? Soft, youthful skin, pretty face, reserved, covered up by long bangs and enclosed by glasses.
Youthful vigour .
Of course as a personality you have made personal decisions or choices for your appearance and there for you may argue that these ideas of how you are represented are at all truly present. You may consider my judgment shallow, premature as it's from a photo , and also, it's falsehood.
But my personal thoughts, feelings were shy, innocent, perhaps naive when I saw your photo. Which must abstract the truth that I've constructed in my mind as youth. Or at least mirrored that truth enough to draw those abstract parallels and create a sense of illusion of truth within falsehood.
That's the problem with commoner idea, it's only idea. It's not truth, absolute, it's not entirely logical, rational, it's not pure.
Even if you don't consciously choose to be you , you must be psychologically coherent in who you are and able to identify yourself by your own image.
@doodo!: Don’t worry. For the most part, most people do generalize on appearance. It’s a sad thing sometimes, because you can miss out on being friends with a really great person. I guess it’s one of those things about being human though. I've been called out for looking younger than I am on numerous occasions prior to this. My doctor thought I was 17, last week, and my dentist asked if I was 16 before. I just thought I'd ask, because I was curious. I've never bothered to ask any of these people before.
As for the long bangs, and hair kind of in my face, that may be my subconscious trying to hide. I am timid, and shy in real life. I've let a lot of people push me around my whole life. I've only slowly been coming out of my shell lately, and I'm still working on my self-esteem. I'm not perfect, and I don't try to be. But I do try to be a decent person to everyone I meet.
@All-thumbs: The photo cuts off and blurs too much for us to get many age cues. It might be more obvious with a sharper photo that includes more of you. Then again, maybe not. Maybe you're always destined to look younger than you are, which might not seem so great now, but you'll love it when you get old and non-gray.
I especially like that "giving you the look" pose with the glasses on the tip of your nose. You look good both with and without the glasses.
No one is perfect, a smile can get you far in life, but it can't spread as far as a rainbow leading to your pot of gold.
Appearance is almost everything with people. Do you appear interested, do you appear bored, do you appear excited, do you appear truthful, do you appear happy. Why? It's simple, people use their senses as a blind guide, the senses that society, culture, school, experience has taught them to use. And they of course follow idea and common sense.
Since you were a infant, you see a smile across your mothers big face when you burp up your food or whatever it is your doing, you taste your baby food as time goes on your tastes evolve, develop.
Your senses and your emotions. Basically people put these forth as your experiences and they are stronger than most intellectual arguments when it comes to people, socializing, no one wants to get hurt. For example fear is stronger most the time than giving a guy a chance who could break your heart. (Common sense starts to take over now)
People, judgments, yeah. I'm 23 years old, I've been studying people for almost a entire decade. Of course, it hasn't been a entirely fruitful journey. I've needed to mature, and open my mind up to others, which is hard when you isolate yourself and study others.
I still have much to learn.
I read your comments about yourself and I feel and think nothing though. To be honest.
I already guessed the majority of it in my prior post and I already know how your story ends. That or the infinite solutions to your "problem" are too tiring, exhausting to explore, yet I suppose that we are typically limited to only a few solutions, choices because of who we've become.
There's only a few reasons, mostly, at the pivotal moments for change why change won't occur with human beings. I've been studying those things for years, but right now I'm too tired and out of it to bring those things up. There's really not that many, sure, every one is special, different BLAH BLAH BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, but at the end of the day it's always between point A and B
The regular repeating issues
(A) "but...blah blah I'm different (b) (Whatever the 1st may reason would be)
(A) but...blah blah blah (B) (issue two)
See, what I'm saying?
It's usually complicated because the mind can be complicated, but our basic needs and wants as human beings aren't alien, and are rather human and naturally occurring.
The solution is the trick. People are easy to read, solving their problems can be complicated.
Whenever I hear anyone complain it's 1 of 5 reasons I'd imagine.
We subjectify things because that's in our nature, but more so is it in our nature that we all express basic human emotions, and generally are held back for similar , if not the same reasons in life.
The problem is I've studied for so long that I subconsciously sabotage myself. Perhaps.
@doodo!: It’s ok to feel that way. And you don’t always need to sympathize with others. It’s not necessary, especially with a stranger. If someone did, it would become emotionally taxing lickety-split. I think it’s a pity that you’ve isolated yourself from others. You can observe people from a distance in isolation, and speculate about their nature. But you’ll never get the true nitty gritty joys, frustrations, up and downs you get when you actually interact with the person. People can teach you a lot of life lessons, and open you up more as an individual, only if you let them in your life. I’ve met so many wonderful, beautiful, genuinely nice people this year. They don’t always understand me, or why I do certain things. I’m ok with that, because they don’t always need to understand me. And vise versa. Find people that will love you unconditionally for who you are, and don’t over complicate what they’re saying. Trust me it really helps. Most times, when dealing with people, you don’t need to over analyze, and nit pick at every word.
You can take what I’m saying however you want. You seem like you could be a really cool guy if you relaxed, and laid back a bit. But maybe it’s not in you nature, and I’m wasting my breath. I just like giving people the benefit of the doubt. I don’t care if it makes me naïve, or stupid.
Act now and we'll throw in some extra science for the low, low cost of MORE SCIENCE.
That's too awesome. Did you print the lab coat yourself?
Yeah. I decided to mix the two logos that they use (the blue and black ones) in the Aperture image; it gradates from black in the upper left to blue in the lower right.
There's a larger print of the logo on the back, maybe 10 inches long. If I can corral a friend into helping, I'll take some shots in our sciencey-looking basement with a (prop) flamethrower.
Just out of interest, did you literally print the coat yourself, or did you hire a service to do so for you? Also, where did the plush Companion Cube come from?
I printed it. Same with the other T-Shirts you saw three pages back. I've been screening since I was in high school, and my parents own a printing company, so I've been trained on the machines since I was little.
The Companion Cube can be found here.
Your parents own a printing company?! Oh man, I'm so jealous right now.
*Thinks of what devious antics I could get up to if my parents worked within such a business*
...Yes, very jealous indeed.
This looks like a authentic metalhead.
That's why I'm going to Rammstein tonight. Supposed to be an awesome show.
I want to steal your lab coat.
Happy Science!
(Oh, Im currently working on a really cute Space Core shirt)
I think I love you Divisionten *Swoon*
Awww. ^__^: Well, I'll be at AnimeNext and Otakon juggling combustible lemons in costume. Should be fun!
Sounds like fun. I wish I could be there, if only to stalk you in a creepy manner!
Wait, All-thumbs is gorgeous? I envisioned you as some kind of obnoxious 14 year old boy. Pleasantly surprised.
And that boys and girls is what we call a generalisation.
Here, I'll be more specific. For this forum, I would say the number one reason would be self imposed as this is a gaming forum...but there are a whole lot of people out there that shouldn't be allowed to add any footprints in the internet. *cough*wikipedia*cough*
"Let me tell you something, this is exactly how Nazi Germany started!"
@doodo!: Out of curiousity, in what way do I look like a 14 year old girl? I'm 22 years old.
How would you like to make another one of those and ship it one state over? <.<
Abstract speculation? Soft, youthful skin, pretty face, reserved, covered up by long bangs and enclosed by glasses.
Youthful vigour .
Of course as a personality you have made personal decisions or choices for your appearance and there for you may argue that these ideas of how you are represented are at all truly present. You may consider my judgment shallow, premature as it's from a photo , and also, it's falsehood.
But my personal thoughts, feelings were shy, innocent, perhaps naive when I saw your photo. Which must abstract the truth that I've constructed in my mind as youth. Or at least mirrored that truth enough to draw those abstract parallels and create a sense of illusion of truth within falsehood.
That's the problem with commoner idea, it's only idea. It's not truth, absolute, it's not entirely logical, rational, it's not pure.
Even if you don't consciously choose to be you , you must be psychologically coherent in who you are and able to identify yourself by your own image.
Footprint? Like this?
As for the long bangs, and hair kind of in my face, that may be my subconscious trying to hide. I am timid, and shy in real life. I've let a lot of people push me around my whole life. I've only slowly been coming out of my shell lately, and I'm still working on my self-esteem. I'm not perfect, and I don't try to be. But I do try to be a decent person to everyone I meet.
Yes. My cat, who is 12 years old has taken up the occasional habit of buying his face in my shoulder.
He also does this to the floor as well....
For a cat of his age, he is incredibly soppy.
(But thats why I love him!
I especially like that "giving you the look" pose with the glasses on the tip of your nose. You look good both with and without the glasses.
Appearance is almost everything with people. Do you appear interested, do you appear bored, do you appear excited, do you appear truthful, do you appear happy. Why? It's simple, people use their senses as a blind guide, the senses that society, culture, school, experience has taught them to use. And they of course follow idea and common sense.
Since you were a infant, you see a smile across your mothers big face when you burp up your food or whatever it is your doing, you taste your baby food as time goes on your tastes evolve, develop.
Your senses and your emotions. Basically people put these forth as your experiences and they are stronger than most intellectual arguments when it comes to people, socializing, no one wants to get hurt. For example fear is stronger most the time than giving a guy a chance who could break your heart. (Common sense starts to take over now)
People, judgments, yeah. I'm 23 years old, I've been studying people for almost a entire decade. Of course, it hasn't been a entirely fruitful journey. I've needed to mature, and open my mind up to others, which is hard when you isolate yourself and study others.
I still have much to learn.
I read your comments about yourself and I feel and think nothing though. To be honest.
I already guessed the majority of it in my prior post and I already know how your story ends. That or the infinite solutions to your "problem" are too tiring, exhausting to explore, yet I suppose that we are typically limited to only a few solutions, choices because of who we've become.
There's only a few reasons, mostly, at the pivotal moments for change why change won't occur with human beings. I've been studying those things for years, but right now I'm too tired and out of it to bring those things up. There's really not that many, sure, every one is special, different BLAH BLAH BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, but at the end of the day it's always between point A and B
The regular repeating issues
(A) "but...blah blah I'm different (b) (Whatever the 1st may reason would be)
(A) but...blah blah blah (B) (issue two)
See, what I'm saying?
It's usually complicated because the mind can be complicated, but our basic needs and wants as human beings aren't alien, and are rather human and naturally occurring.
The solution is the trick. People are easy to read, solving their problems can be complicated.
Whenever I hear anyone complain it's 1 of 5 reasons I'd imagine.
We subjectify things because that's in our nature, but more so is it in our nature that we all express basic human emotions, and generally are held back for similar , if not the same reasons in life.
The problem is I've studied for so long that I subconsciously sabotage myself. Perhaps.
You can take what I’m saying however you want. You seem like you could be a really cool guy if you relaxed, and laid back a bit. But maybe it’s not in you nature, and I’m wasting my breath. I just like giving people the benefit of the doubt. I don’t care if it makes me naïve, or stupid.
Because I just can't comprehend the true nature of such beauty.
EDIT: You literally just crashed my internet. XD