I won’t show you a picture of me, but I will tell you this: I am 6 foot four, I have red hair, blue eyes, and a small red beard. My real name also begins with an S.
Me and my two year old son playing Hotel Dusk on a DS Lite.
Another one. Here we're visiting an open farm in the city.
Since the forums are really slow now anyway, here's one with my wife (she's got a bun in the oven) and son at the Norwegian museum of science and technology.
Me (left) and Rather Dashing (right) at the aquarium for his birthday.
I'm not THAT pudgy, I swear. I'm just wearing three layers of clothes.
Also, super jelly of Dashing's Banner Saga shirt. Just you watch- one day that shirt is going to "mysteriously disappear" from his closet. And I will not be responsible.
Since the forums are really slow now anyway, here's one with my wife (she's got a bun in the oven) and son at the Norwegian museum of science and technology.
Good thing you didn't post that quip in the Walking Dead forum. The Clementine fans would eat you alive for even suggesting that you stole it from her. They're a scary bunch.
Good thing you didn't post that quip in the Walking Dead forum. The Clementine fans would eat you alive for even suggesting that you stole it from her. They're a scary bunch.
Good thing you didn't post that quip in the Walking Dead forum. The Clementine fans would eat you alive for even suggesting that you stole it from her. They're a scary bunch.
I am amused by the suggestion that the Clementine fans are zombies. Because that's the first place my brain went when I read "eat you alive".
I need to find what I did with this hat. With my luck, it's still somewhere in Japan.
This was from Halloween my sophomore year of college. Good times...
I was the only person in my apartment not dressed like a chicken or a maid. Or a zombie maid. Actually, nobody knew who I was supposed to be that year.
...smell my finger... uh-huh-huh-huh
Unnecessary to mention that. We already knew.
I can imagine where.
AND holding a beer!
I figured that was his only excuse for not getting a photo with one in each arm.
Hoverhanding a beer sounds... messy.
Me and my two year old son playing Hotel Dusk on a DS Lite.
Another one. Here we're visiting an open farm in the city.
Since the forums are really slow now anyway, here's one with my wife (she's got a bun in the oven) and son at the Norwegian museum of science and technology.
Me (left) and Rather Dashing (right) at the aquarium for his birthday.
I'm not THAT pudgy, I swear. I'm just wearing three layers of clothes.
Also, super jelly of Dashing's Banner Saga shirt. Just you watch- one day that shirt is going to "mysteriously disappear" from his closet. And I will not be responsible.
Your little family is too cute! Gorgeous.
I saw a bunch of pictures... looks like you enjoyed your first Christmas, or at least the company.
...resized for your pleasure.
Getting ready to play Chivalry!
(And it also looks like I need a shave! XD)
Nooooooo. They're nice!
I won't though.
I am amused by the suggestion that the Clementine fans are zombies. Because that's the first place my brain went when I read "eat you alive".
This was from Halloween my sophomore year of college. Good times...
I was the only person in my apartment not dressed like a chicken or a maid. Or a zombie maid. Actually, nobody knew who I was supposed to be that year.
Yeah... well... guess which one is me? Btw, thanks for the shirt, Telltale
Awesome game, awesome shirt.
Ah, aren't I pretty?
So are my action figures. Lara Croft pfft.
Unless I'm lying.
...Christ, I need to clean my shelves.
I want to see a list of everything on those shelves. WHAT DO YOU OWN.
The green one is the Hulk movie. The white ones are his huge interracial gay midget porn collection.