Something We All Want To Say About Sam And Max Season 3...

edited February 2010 in Sam & Max


  • edited January 2010
    Something We All Want To Say About Sam And Max Season 3...
    Not really... Seems kind of pushy.
  • edited January 2010
    Izzat from Monty Python?

    I say they take their time, so long as that time is deticated to good script writing, a fun story line, & fixing bugs. Nothing worse than a game rushed out the door to meet a deadline only to be buggy & unplayable. No worries on the voice acting; that's been consistantly solid.
  • edited January 2010
    Rushed games are bad.

    As long as it ain't turning DNF I am fine with a little waiting...
  • edited January 2010
    I Want To Ask Why Every Word In Your Topic Title Started With A Capitol Letter?

    But seriously, it'll be done when it's done.
  • edited January 2010
    Ha ha! Monty Python is freaking awesome!! :D

    With that being said, as much as I'm dying to play Season 3 as well, I agree with the posters above me: I rather TTG take their time in polishing the game and making it as least buggy as possible and wait till the end of the year for it than to get it within the next hour and not being able to complete a puzzle due to a glitch or to have disappointing writing. Patience is a sharp razor to shallow, but it can be done :p
  • edited January 2010
    I'd prefer it to be even better than polished for glitches, but to be constantly improved and to create stronger storylines and more realistic puzzles of difficulty.

    Like I've said before I don't want this to be a medicore adventure game with lots of jokes and some puzzles lacking logic *cough* season 2 *cough*

    Having a S&M game with a strong storyline, good puzzles, some interesting un-bland locations and characters with some good jokes is what I'm looking for, like season one which I highly praise.

    All in all, I'm hoping for a June release.
  • edited January 2010
    I've played a Monty Python game before (a title something like Monty Python's Big Waste Of Time, though that's probably not the exact title). I think it would be funny to see how Telltale would create a Monty-Python-like game, though!
  • edited January 2010
    man alot of you take things too seriously, it was ment as joke considering how sam and max was pushed back for monkey island.

    'Izzat from Mont Python?'

    Are you freaking kidding? :(
  • edited January 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    I Want To Ask Why Every Word In Your Topic Title Started With A Capitol Letter?

    But seriously, it'll be done when it's done.

    Why not? It worked enough to make you take a look
  • edited January 2010
    I don't know about anyone else, but I read every topic on this forum. How you capitalised it had nothing to do with it.

    And please, edit your post if you have something new to add.
  • edited January 2010
    I thought you were going to say, "We'd like it to come with free pie." That's what I'm hoping to see with this season, fingers crossed!
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I thought you were going to say, "We'd like it to come with free pie."

    Yeah! Can we choose what kind of pie? I want apple, with plenty of cinnamon, and vanilla ice cream.
  • edited January 2010
    I want lemon meringue, easy on the meringue.
  • edited January 2010
    Meringue, as we all know, is made from whipped egg whites (in case you've got a particularly bad hangover/turned into a 7-year-old).
  • edited January 2010
    Telltale take your time with Sam&Max season 3, I want it to be perfect and rock so hard, that I'm blown away with the awesomeness that we know only you can do.
  • edited January 2010
    Like I've said before I don't want this to be a medicore adventure game with lots of jokes and some puzzles lacking logic *cough* season 2 *cough*

    Having a S&M game with a strong storyline, good puzzles, some interesting un-bland locations and characters with some good jokes is what I'm looking for, like season one which I highly praise.
    You think season 1 was better than season 2? Hmmm, I am pretty sure most think otherwise. I really rather not return to the quality of S1, but proceed on the quality of S2...
  • edited January 2010
    You think season 1 was better than season 2? Hmmm, I am pretty sure most think otherwise. I really rather not return to the quality of S1, but proceed on the quality of S2...
    Well at least take season 2 and make the puzzles more logical and some good set designs/story to actually make me feel that going on a ufo or hell is worth it and not just an unrealistic scenario.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    Well at least take season 2 and make the puzzles more logical and some good set designs/story to actually make me feel that going on a ufo or hell is worth it and not just an unrealistic scenario.

    Unrealistic scenario? I'm loath to ask what you think of the crime-fighting duo comprising a 6-foot dog and a manic rabbity-thing. :p
  • edited January 2010
    I think people took the topic too seriously, I really doubt the OP really wants them to get on with it, he was just having a Monty Python moment. As for the use of capitals for the title, it is a title and you are supposed to use capitals like that in titles...
  • edited January 2010
    Jazzy wrote: »
    As for the use of capitals for the title, it is a title and you are supposed to use capitals like that in titles...

    I'm... not sure you are. Or maybe you do, it's not as if it's the title of a book or something.

    If I wanted to be really picky I could point out how some words never get capitalized in titles, like to, and and. But I was just making a joke, and the TC was right, it DID get my attention :P
  • edited January 2010
    Mass Effect 2 comes out next Tuesday, and I haven't gotten very far at all in Dragon Age yet. Since I'm going to have two Bioware RPGs at the same time very soon, I'm fine with waiting for Sam and Max Season Three. :D
  • edited January 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Unrealistic scenario? I'm loath to ask what you think of the crime-fighting duo comprising a 6-foot dog and a manic rabbity-thing. :p
    I find using the characters as an animals is a playful and neccessary, the game is all about escapism and enjoyment of another world.

    I don't want this world to feel unrealistic because of the drastic things that happened - maybe having only played the two seasons - I'm only used to the tone and slow calm setting of season one, season two in my opinion was quite a shocking contrast to it, for its fast development and things that I would never expect season one to have:
    abe lincoln's bachelor party and marachis controlling spaceships, comes to mind.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    I understand what you mean - although I really enjoyed the mad situations in season 2. :)
  • edited January 2010
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    I've played a Monty Python game before (a title something like Monty Python's Big Waste Of Time, though that's probably not the exact title). I think it would be funny to see how Telltale would create a Monty-Python-like game, though!

    that is indeed the title of the monty python video game

  • edited January 2010
    Actually, I was wrong. It's Monty Python's Complete Waste Of Time, not simply Big. I apologize to those who have been searching for days trying to find the other title.
  • edited January 2010
    As of right now, I believe Telltale is trying import S&M2 to Wii, then I believe the'll make S&M3 for Pc, XBL, and maybe Wii.
  • edited January 2010
    I still think they can do multiple tasks at the same time, so...

    Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing AT LEAST another concept art or a screenshot from the game.
  • nikasaurnikasaur Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    I still think they can do multiple tasks at the same time, so...

    If I really concentrate, I can pat my head and rub my tummy at the same time.
  • edited February 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    But seriously, it'll be done when it's done.


    *cue dramatic sting*

    But in all seriousness yeah, no sense rushing. Valve took 6 years between half life and half life 2, and twas good. And at least 3 years between episode 2 and episode 3.
  • edited February 2010
    And at least 3 years between episode 2 and episode 3.

    Despite being the guys who sort of brought episodic gaming to mainstream attention, Valve really haven't nailed down quite how to do it. They just seem to get distracted with their other work.

    The inner workings of Gabe Newell's mind:

    "Ok chaps, the Orange Box is done, lets get to work on Episode Three, see if we can't actually justify this episodic approach. Now then... wait, Left 4 Dead's not done yet, lets finish th... hey, how about some new content for Team Fortress 2, that wou.... you know what would be great, if we updated Day of Defeat: Source to the new version of the Source engi... Oh, XBLA, I bet we could do some sort of Portal DLC with tha... got another class to update in Team Fortress 2, snap to i.... I want more Left 4 Dead stuff, lets make a sequel..."

    If "Get on with it!" applies to anyone, it's Valve, not Telltale.
  • edited February 2010
    nikasaur wrote: »
    If I really concentrate, I can pat my head and rub my tummy at the same time.

    *gasps* Witchcraft! Sorcery!
  • edited February 2010
    nikasaur wrote: »
    If I really concentrate, I can pat my head and rub my tummy at the same time.

    Pics or didn't happen!
  • edited February 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Pics or didn't happen!

    I suggest we ask for a video instead. A pic can easily be posed or something.
  • edited February 2010
    To quote the Narrator of Monty Python And The Holy Grail; "A year passed: winter changed into spring, spring changed into summer, summer changed back into winter, and winter gave spring and summer a miss and went straight on into autumn... until one day... "
  • edited February 2010
    "... In the frozen land of Nador, they were forced to eat Robin's minstrels. And there was MUCH rejoicing."
  • edited February 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    To quote the Narrator of Monty Python And The Holy Grail; "A year passed: winter changed into spring, spring changed into summer, summer changed back into winter, and winter gave spring and summer a miss and went straight on into autumn... until one day... "
    ...Telltale announced that their next game would be about Monkey Island, to the confusion and consternation of many a Sam & Max fan.

    And so autumn briefly passed back into summer, before falling face-first into winter, which dutifully passed into spring under the watchful gaze of a gaggle of armed climatologists, which passed into summer, which decided not to hang around and passed into autumn a month early...

    (The seasons only work if you're in the southern hemisphere, and I think a lot of Sam & Max fans are also Monkey Island fans, but it made a good fake out)
  • edited February 2010
    I just found the wonderful game world of Sam & Max. I just played Hit the Road after replaying Day of the Tentacle from years past, and I am hooked! These games are incredible! Classic! Witty and hilarious! And the simplicity of the game play is very relieving. I come from consoles and I get sick of all the next gen "investments" being the same thing over and over. You spend $60 for 6 hours of game play! How many times has it been worth it?!! With Sam & Max you get the legacy of classic fun re-playable games passed on to you. I just played the free episode of Abe Lincoln Must Die and I am buying season 1 while it's on sale for $19.95.

    So if there is talk of a season 3, Tell Tale Games has my support!! Now does anyone know if this is the same as Sam & Max 2010??

    Oh! And while we're on the subject of support, if Tell Tale Games is still waiting to see the sales for the Monkey Island SE to decide if an episodic Day of the Tentacle series will be a go or not, PLEASE DO IT!!
  • edited February 2010
    Click4Life wrote: »
    So if there is talk of a season 3, Tell Tale Games has my support!! Now does anyone know if this is the same as Sam & Max 2010??
    It looks like Sam & Max 2010 is the next season, so yes, probably.
  • edited February 2010
    ...or is it! Maybe fourth. OR EVEN FIFTH?!
  • edited February 2010
    man alot of you take things too seriously, it was ment as joke considering how sam and max was pushed back for monkey island.

    'Izzat from Mont Python?'

    Are you freaking kidding? :(

    The "I was just kidding" defence is an example of trolling.
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    I've played a Monty Python game before (a title something like Monty Python's Big Waste Of Time, though that's probably not the exact title). I think it would be funny to see how Telltale would create a Monty-Python-like game, though!

    Close! It's Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time. Concidering how old it was, there's bound to be an abandonware games site that has it.
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