Overrated Video Games: Your Opinions



  • edited April 2010
    I hate the term "quick time events". Makes me think of this every time I hear it:


    Oh, overrated games? The Sims, WoW, and Bioshock.
  • edited April 2010
    For me it's super mario galaxy, super smash bros. brawl, spore, rag doll kung fu and loco roco cocoretcho (the PS3 one).
  • edited April 2010
    God of War (all of them), MadWorld, BioShock, Fallout 3.
  • edited April 2010
    God of War....hmmm....maybe slightly overrated. But it is a bar raiser as far as gameplay is concerned. And the story is excellent. I loved it. I wouldn't call it disappointing. At first I thought it was overrated until I tried it. It's actually very engaging and quite fun. A combination of a strong remeniscence of the old Ray Harryhausen Greek mythology movies with modern action-packed adventure and, well, gore. I thought the writing specifically, though, was of much higher quality than that of your average blockbusting overrated video game.
  • edited April 2010
    GTA IV. That's the most overrated game I've ever played. Seriously, a 10 from IGN? (And they also claimed that it was the best game since Ocarina Of Time. I wonder if the reviewer actually played any games in the time span between the realeases of the titles I mentioned?) And a ridicolous amount of GOTY awards from Gametrailers. Not to mention the popularity.

    And Modern Warfare 2. Way too many people on my school play it all the time. I like it when my games are original and don't involve stereotypical plotlines about Russian terrorists (Like, seriously? Sounds like something from MacGyver.)
  • edited April 2010
    Usually I'm a very easily influenced person, and I go along with all hypes.

    I'd go with the Sims as well.
    I'd also like to mention the entire King's Quest series, though I've vowed to play through them all (5 is next).
    True Crime: Streets of LA (although it didn't take long for the whole world to recognize its suckiness).

    Hey, is there a thread about games everybody else hates but you actually enjoy? I'd have some entries for that.
  • edited April 2010
    Syberia! Yes!! What a lousy game! I really don't see what's so great about it. What a snooze-fest. My wife rather likes it, though.
  • edited April 2010
    Ganon159 wrote: »
    GTA IV. That's the most overrated game I've ever played. Seriously, a 10 from IGN? (And they also claimed that it was the best game since Ocarina Of Time. I wonder if the reviewer actually played any games in the time span between the realeases of the titles I mentioned?) And a ridicolous amount of GOTY awards from Gametrailers. Not to mention the popularity.

    Agreed. It was a marvel to look at, but i found myself only playing to see waht all the islands were like. Once i'd unlocked the last one (and was dissapointed) i stopped playing. As for the GOTY awards, it deserved one for it's graphics, but definately not Soundtrack. That should have gone to Smash Bros. Brawl (combining the some of the best gaming melodies of the past 20 years with new tracks, and remixes. Fantastic. Especially compared to GTA's which were mostly lifted from various record companies, and will sound dated (if not so already). Gameplaywise, it was mostly the same stuff. Drive from a->B, kill people, escape.
  • edited April 2010
    Friar wrote: »
    Especially compared to GTA's which were mostly lifted from various record companies, and will sound dated (if not so already).
    Say what?

    Of course it's "mostly lifted from various record companies", it's meant to be "authentic" radio stations - well, except for the insanity that happens between songs...

    I'm pretty sure having someone doing music for them would have been cheaper than licensing tons of stuff, but it just wouldn't be the same. Same goes for hiring people like Karl Lagerfeld to do radio show hosts...

    np: Autechre - st epreo (Oversteps)
  • edited April 2010
    I enjoyed Force Unleashed. That's probably because I rented it, though, and finished it during the rental period. The Ultimate Sith Edition is on sale on Steam now for $15, and honestly? That's a pretty good price for it.

    Yeah it was £10 on Steam in the UK... decided to grab it despite the negative reviews. It's alright really, worth the money but no more than that. The story is better than the game, which gets a little repetitive at times.
  • edited April 2010
    My list?

    Dragon Age: Origins
    BioShock 2
    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
    Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (Looked great at first, then ended up as crap)
    Fallout 2 (yes, two)
    Fable 2
  • edited April 2010

    It had so much hype and looked so cool in the youtube playthroughs by the designers, but when the game actually came out they'd gotten rid of all the cool stuff, like the marine stage, control over intelligence, and the underwater cities. And the fact that originally if your creation wasn't evolutionarily fit, you could lose.
  • edited April 2010
    My list?

    Dragon Age: Origins
    BioShock 2
    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
    Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (Looked great at first, then ended up as crap)
    Fallout 2 (yes, two)
    Fable 2

    I don't really call Staff of Kings an overrated game, since it was obvious since the moment they cancelled the PS3 version that it was going to be crap. Still enjoyed it the whole game through, but don't think I'll play it again.
  • edited April 2010
    I'd like to say that I don't get why Legend of Zelda Occarina of Time is so highly put in games. When I played it I thought it was kinda average and realy get pissed off when I find it near the top of best games list and every game has been compared to it. I mean their are alot of better games who deserve the spot, but no its always this. You can say it started video games and brought us to where we are know but I think a game should be the sum of its parts and it just comes up short. To be honest to hear people rant and rave I feel we must of played a intirely different game.
  • edited April 2010
    Did you play it all the way through? Ocarina is a a great game. But Twilight Princess is better. Some argue that Link to the Past was the exact same thing but better and deserves the glory that Ocarina got. Still prefer Twilight Princess, myself.
  • edited May 2010
    It's not that I don't like the game, I just don't think it deserves a place in "Best Game of all Time'. I found it realy mediocre and I think the only reason its on the list is because its part of a franchise every one knows (probably the same reason Super Mario Bros keeps getting number one), I think the place would be better for games like Deus Ex and Fallout .
  • edited May 2010
    Your experience must be very different from mine. I was very engaged and drawn into its world.

    I agree about Mario Bros, though.
  • edited May 2010
    I agree about Mario Bros, though.
    I think Junaid put it best in the general art thread:
    Junaid wrote: »

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