
edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
Where is Bosco?

I mean, I know he's in
but.... Are we gonna see Bosco at all this season? Would make me sad if we didn't... He's my favorite non-title character.


  • edited April 2010
    According to this interview with Bosco's voice actor, Bosco isn't needed for Season 3.
  • edited April 2010
    *reads interview while eating lunch*

    What?!?! Noooooo!!! :mad:

    What an epic misjudgement on TT's part.......

    How awful.

    They better do something incredible to make up for Bosco's absense.
  • edited April 2010
    I don't know if he's going to be there, but I'm glad they didn't re-use all characters. The major side characters from Season 1 AND 2 not being as overly present in Season 3 seems to be a good thing to me. Some less important characters and characters who appeared in Season 2 are enough for me.

    They might appear later, but they pretty much appeared in every single episode up till now so it's nice to have time away from them I feel.
  • edited April 2010
    I'm kinda happy to gets some time away from Bosco and Sybil. I think after two seasons in the spotlight they need some time away. Though I'll admit, things are a lot less lively without Abe. Though the sewer sculpture helps a little.
  • edited April 2010
    Sybil, Abe, no problem!

    Philo Pennyworth... sure why not.

    Soda poppers, I think we're all on the same page.

    Blaster Master, I'll cope..

    Jimmy Two Teeth... I'll miss him but I'll deal with it...

    But Bosco?! BOSCO?!?!? Come on... seriously... not cool.
  • edited April 2010
    Bringing back characters for the hell of it is a huge mistep. Remember The Phantom Menace?

    I mean, hell, I'd have liked to see the gorilla-man from Sam and Max Hit the Road again, but where does he fit? Even if TTG did manage to bring him back, how does he serve the story?

    Please stop asking for characters to return for the hell of it. Unless the purpose you need for a puzzle or story can only be served by a pre-existing character, introduce a new one (or redesign your puzzle and story). But don't bring back people for the sake of it!

    I can debate this with you for days.
  • edited April 2010
    Fair enough but what about Superball? He's still here, is it absolutely necesarry? No.

    My point is just if the character is fun to have around and is generally well recieved by fans why take that away? To better serve the story?

    I'm just genuinely dissapointed, him being my favorite character other than Sam an Max.

    Hey where'd u go? I'll take your silence as an "I agree with you kind sir, good day." :D heh just kidding.
  • edited April 2010
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    Fair enough but what about Superball? He's still here, is it absolutely necesarry? No.

    Call me crazy, but I liked agent Superball more than Bosco.

    silence for more than 20 mins =/= not there anymore
  • edited April 2010
    That's cool man to each thier own. I don't dislike him.

    lol it was just funny because he said "I can debate this with you for days" and then leaves. : D
  • edited April 2010
    I'm guessing since the Two Teeth family are apparently missing as well then it probably all boils down to: they couldn't afford Joey Camen anymore... In which case I would say sorry that happened TT but I still feel the same way.
  • edited April 2010
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    lol it was just funny because he said "I can debate this with you for days" and then leaves. : D

    This is a forum, not a chatroom. Just because he isn't on 24/7 doesn't mean he's gone.
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    I'm guessing since the Two Teeth family are apparently missing as well then it probably all boils down to: they couldn't afford Joey Camen anymore... In which case I would say sorry that happened TT but I still feel the same way.

    Or maybe that character ran out of mileage. Like Bosco.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Given that the second half of Season Two was basically "The Story of Bosco," it seemed like he needed a break. There wasn't a lot for Sybil to do so she is also on a break. It seemed like a good idea to not open the new season with literally the same supporting cast as Culture Shock, for a third year running. That said, the season's not done yet so who knows.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah I know no reason to be like that.

    Maybe. I don't know.
  • edited April 2010
    Thanks Jake I was hoping for an official statement.

    Err unofficial maybe... But still nice for a TT employee to pitch in some info.
  • edited April 2010
    Feel free to multi-quote instead of double posting. (sorry, its a pet peeve of mine >_>)

    The nice thing about not having the main cast used once again is that we can get a taste of new characters as well as some characters that haven't had a huge role in the series. I like that.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2010
    Kroms wrote: »
    I mean, hell, I'd have liked to see the gorilla-man from Sam and Max Hit the Road again, but where does he fit? Even if TTG did manage to bring him back, how does he serve the story?
    Hey! That would be a great idea! :D With Skun-ka'pe in this season, Bruno the Bigfoot would fit in well. :)

    It would be interesting if Skun-ka'pe was a member of a race of intergalactic bigfoots. The race could have members on Earth, just as the intergalactic molemen do (as shown in Hit the Road and further expanded upon in The Penal Zone).
  • edited April 2010
    I think Bosco just accomplished his goal, in a way. And Sybil. Their stories got an ending and although they might come back, they don't have their use like they did in Season 1, and keeping them around at all times would seem a bit forced.

    Superball is an Agent and has been involved in that kind of things, it makes sense he'd be around for an alien invasion.
  • edited April 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Feel free to multi-quote instead of double posting. (sorry, its a pet peeve of mine >_>)

    Now you're just borderline trolling me. leave me alone please. I'll just shutup and everyone can go on their merry way.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Superball is an Agent and has been involved in that kind of things, it makes sense he'd be around for an alien invasion.
    Plus, Max is still president, so it makes sense a secret service agent would be around to inform him of the situation.
  • edited April 2010
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    Fair enough but what about Superball? He's still here, is it absolutely necesarry? No.

    Actually, yes. Even if he doesn't show up later, Superball fits. He's the one who gives you the info on where Skunkape is headed, thus setting up the third act. He works at some new department in the US government. Since they needed a character to do that, and they already had a government secret service agent who was popping up everywhere, they brought back Superball. :)
  • edited April 2010
    It fits yes. I knew that.

    Absolutely necessary... I don't really think so. I don't mind him there... Anyways have fun guys.
  • edited April 2010
    And I'm all for new characters which is why I hope they bring in someone I liked as much as Bosco.
  • edited April 2010
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    Now you're just borderline trolling me. leave me alone please. I'll just shutup and everyone can go on their merry way.


    err... I wasn't trolling, I was merely suggesting some forum etiquette. I'm sorry if it came across as angry.
  • edited April 2010
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    And I'm all for new characters which is why I hope they bring in someone I liked as much as Bosco.

    I approve this message :).
  • edited April 2010
    To be honest, I'm glad they decided to tone down on Bosco, Sybil and Abe for this season. I won't mind if they're not brought back at all, they have been really overused and their absence along with the new street design for Penal Zone has been really refreshing.
  • edited April 2010
    Puddin' Head Lincoln was a high of the game for me :D but I miss Bosco... But, more than that, I can't stand the COPS anymore. For me, Bluster Blaster and the things he did and made the others did was the main thing I liked about the COPS. And Carol is no substitute for Bluster!

    Also, I don't get how Sybil and Abe can still be on their honeymoon after over a year. Also, how did the DeSoto get back?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    According to this interview with Bosco's voice actor, Bosco isn't needed for Season 3.

    What an incredibly disturbing interview. And I don't mean the "bosco cut"-part. ;)
  • edited April 2010
    oye, it seems like just because TTG makes a few cosmetic changes to Sam & Max, we all gotta start biting their fingers. personally, I think the Devil's Playhouse may be the best season yet so far. don't get me wrong, I miss Bosco too, but what happens, happens.
  • edited April 2010
    I was a little disappointed he wasn't in the episode, but at the same time I don't think it's bad if they want to give him a rest, if he isn't in this season at all, it'll just make his reappearance when it does eventually happen all the more awesome.

    Also, one of the major complaints for the first two seasons was the reuse of characters and locations, so I'm not that surprised to see them shaking things up a little.
  • edited May 2010
    I thought the vegas thing was was forshadowing of an episode location. Sounded like a few of the previous characters came into money, went to vegas and get wrapped up in a some villians plot because of it.
  • edited May 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    According to this interview with Bosco's voice actor, Bosco isn't needed for Season 3.

    The same was written about Flint Paper, though.

    I may be alone with this opinion, but I actually wouldn't mind if there weren't any returning characters from previous games. If I want a dose of Bosco, or Mr. Featherly, or Sybil, then I just install Season 2.
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah, I mean...look, who here has played Hit the Road? Show of hands.

    Because when Season One came out, everyone was asking for the Hit the Road characters to make a re-appearance. "Where's Conroy Bumpus? Where's Asterisk Mouth? Where's the courier cat?" I even remember people asking for the drinking pigeons.

    Even if TTG could bring them back, they weren't needed for Season One, they weren't needed for Season Two, and, if they had shown up they'd have been a nuisance, an extra face that ruined the surprise of the new. Think of it as C-3PO showing up in The Phantom Menace. Remember how bad it was and how harmful it was to the series? Admittedly, The Phantom Menace is bad anyways, but that managed to actually ruin the original movies - even for someone like me, who'd hardly been a Star Wars fan in the firstplace.

    My point is that giving characters a rest is important. I understand that fans will always want "more of the same, but just different enough", but there comes a point where the old just doesn't work anymore. It's like chewing gum, and it loses its flavor. Of course, the new has to maintain the spirit and tone of the originals, and has to base everything off of what made those so special. You need to have a deep understanding of what makes things work, and what in particular makes the game you're making a sequel to work. Not just on a basic level (aka you don't just need to know that making Guybrush have the ability to fly would be a bad idea, even if flying and pirates worked really well together in Peter Pan), but on a structural level too. It's something TTG's struggled with before, and something I knew even though I kept it to myself (for example, although I reviewed "The Siege of Spinner Cay" for Mixnmojo, I refrained from mentioning the so-so puzzle structure because I knew they were going to get it right, and they did a month later). But they're first and foremost a game company based on feedback, and it'd be extremely harmful for us to force them to cram everything and everyone into a new season for the sake of it.
  • edited May 2010
    The same was written about Flint Paper, though.

    If I may correct you, when Peter Barto (Flint Paper's voice actor) was asked if he'd be returning for season three the answer was "I’m hoping so", which is pretty vague.
  • edited May 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    Given that the second half of Season Two was basically "The Story of Bosco," it seemed like he needed a break. There wasn't a lot for Sybil to do so she is also on a break. It seemed like a good idea to not open the new season with literally the same supporting cast as Culture Shock, for a third year running. That said, the season's not done yet so who knows.

    Wait, are you saying that the story isn't even made for some episodes in season 3 yet or are you saying that there's some tiny things that aren't quite finished in the final episodes? If this first thing is true on witch episode are you on? :D
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2010
    Episode 2. Duh! ;)
  • edited May 2010
    Pinchpenny wrote: »
    If I may correct you, when Peter Barto (Flint Paper's voice actor) was asked if he'd be returning for season three the answer was "I’m hoping so", which is pretty vague.

    Ummm, sorry if I misquoted, read so many interviews in a short while that I probably confused myself :o

    Still, when that interview went online, I assume his part for TPZ must have already been recorded - so I don't trust these gentlemen are telling the truth to such questions :)
  • edited May 2010
    Added a poll.
  • edited May 2010
    I do miss the character but its ok that he isnt there.... We didnt see him in Sam & Max Hit the Road either.. he was only mentioned....
  • edited May 2010
    I miss Bosco.
    I'd rather have Superball though, but I'd definetly rather Bosco over the Stinky's.
    Girl Stinky just rubs me the wrong way.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    Wait, are you saying that the story isn't even made for some episodes in season 3 yet or are you saying that there's some tiny things that aren't quite finished in the final episodes? If this first thing is true on witch episode are you on? :D

    I think it's very unlikely that Bosco will be in season 3, but I also think that voice actors don't know which episodes they're in until they get the call, so those particular questions in the pre-season-release interviews should be taken with a grain of salt! For what its worth, we are recording ep 4 right now, and ep 5 is being scripted.

    We're at that horrible time where we are all knee deep in the mid-late season here at the office, but you guys haven't even played the second episode yet! I want to talk about some of the awesome stuff in episode 3 so bad...
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