Post your desktop screenshots!
Here's mine:

Ah... Relaxes me every time I see it.
Yeah, yeah, I still use an XP like a caveman.

Ah... Relaxes me every time I see it.
Yeah, yeah, I still use an XP like a caveman.
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Oh, I haven't watched that one! I've only watched Color Of Magic and The Light Fantastic. I heard it was okay.
This definately is a fake. This would be the first clutter free windows desktop i've seen in my life.
If you right click directly onto your desktop and then select 'view' in the dropdown menu, you will see an option of showing desktop items or not. This is obviously what Tredlow did in this case.
EDIT: ^ or that.
Which no one uses in real.
Oh and here's my desktop
Also, marvel at my mighty peak download rate on Steam
? I'm thinking it's quite possible in this case considering that Tredlow set up this thread to show of his desktop wallpaper, and not his icons. I may be wrong though, i'm just saying it is a strong possibility.
It should be easy enough to find out -
How come there are no icons present on your desktop? I for one am now very curious to know!:)
Actually i remember the Amiga beeing a clutter free desktop.
Look, I... I think the girl is cute, ok? >:( Also there weren't that many high resolution desktop wallpaper choices in my files when I switched to this screen resolution and I got lazy.
I have to scroll over the taskbar to get it to show and also those two shortcut files are photos that my friend transfered over while we were on a trip to clear space on her camera for more photos. She told me to keep them somewhere where I'd remember I put them and not delete them and she hasn't come to transfer them to her own computer in days. SHEESH.
I hate you.
Erst Gackern und dann net Legen, Feigling!
I'm not kidding.
Who wants to see it?
Tomaten sind die am wenigsten leckeren Tieres.
Tomatoes are the least delicious animals(s).
I change my desktop wallpaper all the time.
J'vous kiffe à donf', les gonzes. Et les gonzesses aussi d'ailleurs. Mais surtout les gonzes.
(Edit: by the way, I mixed several types of slangs. Hopefully that will throw Google translate off).
Bring on your porntop.
J'vous donf saa pois päältä ", keikari. Ja poikasten, että asiassa. Mutta enimmäkseen keikari.
It kept "J'vous" and "donf" as is, so I doubt it.
EDIT: Hey, wow, Google translate knows what kiffer means. Dammit, I'll stick with verlan next time, argot and arabic-influenced words seem to be translatable...
Maybe I'll add some louchebem next time, too :P
(Let's see if Google translation can translate THAT)
She's not naked, but I do admire your morbidity & cast iron stomach.
I'm not posting any icons or taskbar or anything, because we all have at least one of those & second, it's nobody's business but my own what they are/look like.
Instead, I'll post two of the pictures, resized so as not to clutter up these forums. You'll get the gist.
I like her foot in this second one. Reminds me of the hand of the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
There's three more, if anyone wants 'em.
O'Reilly, at least no one i know.
Yeah, it's small but I'm not good at sizing up images.
(click on image for bigger version)
Left hand monitor:
Right hand monitor:
I'm using the background slideshow feature of Windows 7, changing the image every 10 seconds. As the only difference in the images is the colour I get a nice dynamic looking background in 9 different colours. Oh and I got the theme from Rockstar Games' website.
Hm... a redditor are we, by any chance?
Here's mine. I know, I know. It's cluttered. I'll fix it as soon as I upgrade from vacuum tubes to circuit boards.
Anyway, here's one of mine (i think i have about 7/8 on at the moment; a few doctor who ones, and a few trek ones.
Made it myself, hence the dodgy cropping.
Oh, and i have a thing for circles on my taskbar. I did have google earth their but that disappeared...
Why are hidden people, billy mays, and weegee in your taskbar?
Oh yeah, and here is mine.
I downloaded a theme from internet. I have no idea in fact.
it's hard to let it go
Because you used tinypic instead of imgur.