302 - It's released!!! [on Steam, too!]



  • edited May 2010
    Steve2911 wrote: »
    The TTG store version got me both. :D

    Unfortunately, I found that out too late. What's on the DVD anyway?
  • edited May 2010
    and now....begins the wait...


    when is 303 coming out? tomorrow? please let it be tomorrow.
  • edited May 2010
    when is 303 coming out? tomorrow? please let it be tomorrow.

    Forget that, when's 401 coming out?! :D

    (Hopefully not before 302 releases on Steam, please!!!) :mad::mad::mad:
  • edited May 2010
    Forget that, when's 401 coming out?! :D

    (Hopefully not before 302 releases on Steam, please!!!) :mad::mad::mad:

    lol, but I seriously hope taht with the clearly improved games, we can get to see more ToMI soon. I'd really love to play a TTGgame every 2 weeks. Preferrably S&M and MI.
  • edited May 2010
    *laughs at Steam users, while his head lights on fire*
  • edited May 2010
    Wait, so steam hasn't put it up yet?
  • edited May 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Wait, so steam hasn't put it up yet?
    Nope. Not until tomorrow.
  • edited May 2010
    Well ain't that a pity for them. :/
  • edited May 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Well ain't that a pity for them. :/
    I've been keeping an eye on Steam's forum for Devil's Playhouse. Valve didn't announce the delay -- Will's announcement was posted there.

    They ain't happy.
  • edited May 2010
    awwww, poor steam users. /gloat /lol
  • edited May 2010
    aw man, do I continue plugging away at the download now, while everyone is hammering the servers, or do I just suck it up, go to bed and try again tomorrow...

    DAMN THE TORPEDOES FULL SPEED AHEAD 9or whatever speed I can get)
  • edited May 2010
    Well, I'm certainly not buying Sam & Max through Steam again.
  • edited May 2010
    Same. I only got it from Steam for the TF2 items, thinking they'd be exclusive to Steam. :(
  • edited May 2010
    Wow, the people on the Steam Forums are being surprisingly civil, considering it's, you know, the Steam Forums.

    I would be miffed about the delayed Steam release but I doubt I'll have time to sit down and play 302 at all until this weekend at least. Boo real life.
  • edited May 2010
    Steam has always been pretty apathetic towards their customer base but this delay seems to be out of laziness and not technical issues. There seems to be no excuse whatever for Valve's unilateral decision to hold the release of a product I paid for. This was the first time I had purchased a TT game through steam and it will absolutely be the last.
  • edited May 2010
    I think it has to do with setting up SteamPlay for it or something like that.
  • edited May 2010
    I think it has to do with setting up SteamPlay for it or something like that.

    There's already a SteamPlay pack for all of The Devil's Play House and Tales of Monkey Island on sale.
  • edited May 2010
    I think it really depends on stuff we aren't privy to: who handles game-into-steam translation; is there extra code (drm or otherwise) topping off the steam version; when does TT give/submit the code to Valve for release; what other games/releases they'd have to deal with during that same time period; etc.

    Also to keep in mind, Valve is not only in the process of optimizing and debugging the mac builds of their own catalogue (Need TF2 for mac badly!), but also putting in some hours into product updates and new projects. The CS:S beta is in full swing right now, and hopefully there's some time being spent on HL2:E3.

    Finally, there has been news releases previously about new mac games coming to steam generally on wednesdays. This does conflict with game releases direct from developers, but there is a precedent for the desynchronous schedule.

    tl;dr version: Valve be super-busy, yo. Jus cause they don' cater specifically to us all the time don't mean they always lazy, sheeyit.
  • edited May 2010
    Lazy, apathetic or incompetent, pick one. Valve has never been one to cater to the customer, just look at the lack of notifiation in the Steam forums. Regardless of the reason, any professional company that actually gave a rat's about their customer would have informed us themselves instead of letting us fume and guess at the reasons for being treated poorly.
  • edited May 2010
    StrawHat89 wrote: »
    There's already a SteamPlay pack for all of The Devil's Play House and Tales of Monkey Island on sale.

    This is true. I was going by what was discussed in the Steam forums. However, it is now obvious that this is a marketing delay instead of a technical one. Shame. Not that one day makes much of a difference. I mean, we've been waiting for over a month, one more day won't hurt. Although, I will remember this next time I decide to preorder a Telltale game.
  • edited May 2010
    Definitely. I'll be pre-ordering stuff on the actual site store from now on.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    You guys are fickle as hell! When we worked it out so that TTG customers could get the TF2 unlocks, threads filled up with reminiscing on how awesome and customer-focused both companies are, but now that there is a delay, everyone is instead traditionally notorious for being anti-customer, unreliable jerks. It's kind of funny.
  • edited May 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    You guys are fickle as hell! When we worked it out so that TTG customers could get the TF2 unlocks, threads filled up with reminiscing on how awesome and customer-focused both companies are, but now that there is a delay, everyone is instead traditionally notorious for being anti-customer, unreliable jerks. It's kind of funny.

    Those are different users. I still love you guys even if you call us unreliable jerks.
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2010
    Re-read Jake's post. I'm sure you got the unreliable thing backwards.

    Pipe down, you'll get it tomorrow (or in a couple of hours*)
    The game is worth it, just be patient.

    * Valve time.
  • edited May 2010
    jmm wrote: »
    Re-read Jake's post. I'm sure you got the unreliable thing backwards.
    I did not but Jake doesn't need to know that
    Unfortunately, I found that out too late. What's on the DVD anyway?
    Nobody knows that right now but looking at the DVDs for the other seasons you might get a small idea what could be on there:

  • edited May 2010
    11:33pm PST now

    and it's STILL not on Steam :mad::mad::mad:

    I hate Valve time.
  • edited May 2010
    Why isn't it on steam yet?
  • edited May 2010
    Why isn't it on steam yet?

    will answered this:
  • edited May 2010
    God damn. First console releases mess with PC releases.

    Now Mac is trying to take over.

    The PC needs to just start slam dancing to get these punks back :mad:
  • edited May 2010
    God damn. First console releases mess with PC releases.

    Now Mac is trying to take over.

    The PC needs to just start slam dancing to get these punks back :mad:

    Well, technically some of the PC releases went fine. It's just Steam that's a problem. I'm pretty disgruntled by that. Other than that I completely agree. The PC needs to rough up all those poser platforms that are ruining everything. :P

    I bought on Steam this time to get the double pack MI/S&M deal as I'm broke atm. Normally I would buy from TTG, but... well... money.
    I'm sure as hell not buying from Steam again. I really feel annoyed that the bloody Mac impacts my games. And why do Mac users have to have all their games released on the same day? Do they get confused and scared if not everything is uniform? :P
    I love you TTG and this is not really anything of your doing. I'm just ranting a bit.

    And Jake, I was not one of those complaining about the TF2 items being on Steam and what not. Had I my way there were no TF2 items. :)

    Edit: More than anything I wish Valve would have given some sort of information on this. A post on the forums would be nice. Not that I expect any such thing from those guys. I love Valve, but they are incredibly bad when it comes to interacting with their customers and fans. It's mind numbingly annoying at times that they refuse to do anything to let people know what's going on. And then there is their support. *lesigh*

    /additional rant (I suppose I should get an account on the Steam forums) :D
  • edited May 2010
    jmm wrote: »
    Re-read Jake's post. I'm sure you got the unreliable thing backwards.

    Pipe down, you'll get it tomorrow (or in a couple of hours*)
    The game is worth it, just be patient.

    * Valve time.

    Well, no one is debating that it won't be worth it...I think. People are just getting fed up with Valve time. I'm not too shaken up about it, with this delay I've suddenly remembered I never finished the last case of Ace Attorney Investigations. Why the hell didn't I? It's awesome!

    It really isn't TTG's fault. I don't really thinking anyone was accusing them of botching the release, though. They held up their end of the bargain, Valve apparently had other plans. Valve does awesome things, but the delays are typical Valve.

    Also, when you really think about it...there isn't really a good reason to delay it because of the Mac version. Especially considering individual episodes aren't available yet. Also the idea of Wednesday only Mac releases is still ridiculous.
  • edited May 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    You guys are fickle as hell! When we worked it out so that TTG customers could get the TF2 unlocks, threads filled up with reminiscing on how awesome and customer-focused both companies are, but now that there is a delay, everyone is instead traditionally notorious for being anti-customer, unreliable jerks. It's kind of funny.

    Not really, you communicated with us, Valve has not done so. Respect for the customer goes a very long way and communication is a vital part of any marriage or business relationship. There might be an excuse for the delay, there is absolutely no excuse for ignoring the customer's concern.

    Were this a meal any of us would be asking what was taking so long and were we told by the dessert baker that the company was delaying so they could re-write the menu we would be right to be upset. Since this is a software company though, we are expected to just sit and wait patiently for some marketting department? Software is tricky stuff, this is not a sofware delay apparently, this appears to be a wetware problem.
  • edited May 2010
    Valve doesn't comment at all on Steam releases. There have been a few cases in the past where games have been delayed and they haven't said anything. Just be patient and wait.
  • edited May 2010
    SmokinDan wrote: »
    Valve doesn't comment at all on Steam releases. There have been a few cases in the past where games have been delayed and they haven't said anything. Just be patient and wait.

    You are essentially stating that Valve has no respect for their customers with that statement as a way of excusing their behavior. Does this seem appropriate to you and would you tolerate this behavior from a restaraunt? I had reservations, where is my meal?
  • edited May 2010
    Where is my game? So I just woke up and was sure it must be released already even with delays, but it is not! Where is my game on Steam?
  • edited May 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    Where is my game? So I just woke up and was sure it must be released already even with delays, but it is not! Where is my game on Steam?

    are you even reading this thread or are you still too tired for that?
  • edited May 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    are you even reading this thread or are you still too tired for that?
    Are you even reading this thread or are you still too tired for that?
  • edited May 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    Where is my game? So I just woke up and was sure it must be released already even with delays, but it is not! Where is my game on Steam?

    It's 5am where Valve live.
  • edited May 2010
    More like 3 am.
  • edited May 2010
    I'm enjoying the game a lot, but have run into a similar problem.

    Apparently lots of bugs/glitches/problems have been occurring on Reel 2 around the Guardians.

    I don't know what to do about it.

    I hope the game gets fixed before it gets released on Steam, especially with the delay. Even more people will be angry if they run into the unpassable area.

    Since I have not passed this area yet, I do not know if there are any other bugs/glitches.

    I have the Playstation 3, which does not mean that the same bugs will be on the other platforms, but I have read several forum posts regarding bugs with the Guardians.
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