302 - It's released!!! [on Steam, too!]



  • edited May 2010
    I do wish people would stop calling Valve "lazy". They're trying to adapt and release a truckload of games for Mac. When people say "But Tentacle, they already have a Steamplay package for ToMI + S&M3x!" then they obviously don't realise that they can't create Mac versions for episodes that don't exist yet.

    Give 'em a break, guys. Admittedly, this is the last time I buy TTG stuff off Steam, seeing as it's cheaper off Telltale anyway and I get a flash DVD at the end of the season.
  • edited May 2010
    SmokinDan wrote: »
    Valve doesn't comment at all on Steam releases. There have been a few cases in the past where games have been delayed and they haven't said anything. Just be patient and wait.

    You make it sound like it's alright that Valve completely ignores their costumers. Or am I reading you right.

    It would be a LOT easier to be patient if I knew how long I had to be patient. As it stands I have no idea when I'll get the game I bought and I have no way of finding out what the planned release time is.

    Again, Valve sucks when it comes to customer relations.
    Tentacle wrote: »
    I do wish people would stop calling Valve "lazy". They're trying to adapt and release a truckload of games for Mac. When people say "But Tentacle, they already have a Steamplay package for ToMI + S&M3x!" then they obviously don't realise that they can't create Mac versions for episodes that don't exist yet.

    Give 'em a break, guys. Admittedly, this is the last time I buy TTG stuff off Steam, seeing as it's cheaper off Telltale anyway and I get a flash DVD at the end of the season.

    While it stands to reason that they need to build to make the Steamplay stuff that's still no excuse for delaying the PC version.

    All this does is make me frustrated, annoyed at anyone playing on a Mac and less interested in continuing to support Steam and Valve. I'll say again, a word from Steam would work wonders.

    Edit: See, I have way too much time on my hands to post. Reason being that I don't have my game yet. :P
  • edited May 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    More like 3 am.

    Sorry, it was 5am for me when I posted that and I have been up for over 20 hours. I'm tired. :o

    Also: Telltale sent them PC and Mac builds, so I don't know why you're saying Valve would have to make the Mac version or whatever.
  • edited May 2010
    Tentacle wrote: »
    I do wish people would stop calling Valve "lazy". They're trying to adapt and release a truckload of games for Mac. When people say "But Tentacle, they already have a Steamplay package for ToMI + S&M3x!" then they obviously don't realise that they can't create Mac versions for episodes that don't exist yet.

    Give 'em a break, guys. Admittedly, this is the last time I buy TTG stuff off Steam, seeing as it's cheaper off Telltale anyway and I get a flash DVD at the end of the season.

    Why would the need to "create mac versions" they are not the developers, TTG is the developer, they created all versions of their games, not Valve/Steam.

    Valve may or not be lazy, I don't know either way. I do know that customer service, and by extension, me as a customer are anathema to them. This is not guesswork, this is through experience in dealing with the company.
  • edited May 2010
    I didn't really care for Valve's new love affair with Mac, and I would have not cared at all had it not started infringing on new games that I technically own.

    All this does is compound the reasons that people hate Mac and especially Mac gamers. But this isn't the right forum for that, as it is out of TTG hands now unless they give us a free game like they did with the Steam users for the TF2 items :P

  • edited May 2010
    Keeping in mind that I am not a mac gamer, I don't really understand all the hostility towards them. If they can convince the companies that there is a profitable market for the games, more power to them. The other reason I don't have a problem with coding games for mac is that it is honestly the only method known to man to get them to whine less. The challenges have to be huge writing games for mac since they are really a poor gaming platform regardless of how they excel in graphics.

    That being said, we should not be punished for Valve's inability to keep up with the release even counting in the delay from TTG. Valve's apathy, or even antipathy, towards its own customer base is almost legendary at this point so I am not surprised by the delay at all. Valve/Steam really needs to understand the customers and be able to communicate with us to reduce our own anger at them. I would be posting in the Steam forums as well, but since I had felt no prior need to even open a forum account there, now I am forced to wait until they decide to allow me to post there.
  • edited May 2010
    My Steamforum activation came pretty quickly so you won't have to wait too long hopefully.
  • edited May 2010
    Wow. Really, Valve? It STILL isn't available? Guess it's time to go over to the Steam forums and complain about it there, because TTG shouldn't have to put up with this crap anymore.
  • edited May 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    You guys are fickle as hell! When we worked it out so that TTG customers could get the TF2 unlocks, threads filled up with reminiscing on how awesome and customer-focused both companies are, but now that there is a delay, everyone is instead traditionally notorious for being anti-customer, unreliable jerks. It's kind of funny.
    Don't worry, I have then and now always thought you guys are awesome (although I really crave my nutricious specs now) and valve sucks.

    Having a myriad of issues with the only Steam-game I bought (yeah, sure, "There is an offline mode!"... it just doesn't work) and their EURO EXTORTION PROGRAM(TM) makes me sure I would never buy from Steam...
    Doesn't mean I don't indulge in free stuff like the Portal action now :p.
  • edited May 2010
    Don't worry, I have then and now always thought you guys are awesome (although I really crave my nutricious specs now) and valve sucks.

    Having a myriad of issues with the only Steam-game I bought (yeah, sure, "There is an offline mode!"... it just doesn't work) and their EURO EXTORTION PROGRAM(TM) makes me sure I would never buy from Steam...
    Doesn't mean I don't indulge in free stuff like the Portal action now :p.
    Is this the first time you post this? It looks awfully familiar...
  • edited May 2010
    Maybe it's his go-to post whenever Valve screws up and people blame TTG for it.
  • edited May 2010

    Valve doesn't set the prices the company who sends in the game does.
  • edited May 2010
    Wootman wrote: »
    Valve doesn't set the prices the company who sends in the game does.

    Actually, Valve does set the prices to a point. Steam is a distributor, they purchase the licenses just like a brick and morter store would and can sell for whatever they want to sell for. I don't know about the Euro thing but I suspect it is probably the international banking system that is at fault. International money transfers can get expensive.
  • edited May 2010
    Actually, Valve does set the prices to a point. Steam is a distributor, they purchase the licenses just like a brick and morter store would and can sell for whatever they want to sell for. I don't know about the Euro thing but I suspect it is probably the international banking system that is at fault. International money transfers can get expensive.
    I don't know about other services, but when I buy something with any coin other than NIS, my credit card company only charges a 2.5% conversion fee. Either my credit card company is super awesome, or it's not that expensive.
  • edited May 2010
    NeatNit wrote: »
    I don't know about other services, but when I buy something with any coin other than NIS, my credit card company only charges a 2.5% conversion fee. Either my credit card company is super awesome, or it's not that expensive.

    Big difference between corporate and personal charges. I am not saying that is what it is but the infrastructure to ensure that VAT and all the other wierd european charges are paid can't be cheap and without a direct presence in every country, Valve would have to have some alternate system that they would have to pay out of pocket. Of course those savings are passed on to the customer but still, valid or not, it is a possible reason.

    Back to the rails, where is my game Steam? I see other things being added to the store, why isn't 302 up?
  • edited May 2010
    Still no access to the game (Steam) I paid for.
  • edited May 2010
    Someone on the Steam forums just said it showed up in his library.
  • edited May 2010
    It's there now. Make sure you organize your games list into "ALL GAMES" and not "Installed". Downloading that sucker right now.
  • edited May 2010
    Finally! It's on Steam. Took long enough.

    Edit: Go figure; servers too busy. I'm so sick of Valve at the moment. :(
  • edited May 2010
    Or not downloading that sucker right now...CURSED BUSY SERVER ERROR!
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah, it showed up shortly after I posted that, now to wait for the "steam servers are too busy" message to go away. . .
  • TorTor
    edited May 2010
    Big difference between corporate and personal charges. I am not saying that is what it is but the infrastructure to ensure that VAT and all the other wierd european charges are paid can't be cheap and without a direct presence in every country, Valve would have to have some alternate system that they would have to pay out of pocket. Of course those savings are passed on to the customer but still, valid or not, it is a possible reason.
    A fair point, but you'd think that a huge customer like Valve would get good rates because of the high volume of transactions they get. Usually these things cost less per transaction the bigger you are, right? I refuse to believe that it costs Valve 40-50% extra process a European payment. IMO it's pretty clear that the euro pricing scheme was introduced mainly to make it slightly less obvious to a casual observer that they are charging more from European customers.

    Anyway, I was very impressed with Telltale's hosting solution when I downloaded the latest episode yesterday evening. I started the download five to ten minutes after the release, and I downloaded at 500-1600 kilobytes/s. Pretty impressive considering that a lot of users were probably hitting the servers simultaneously.
  • edited May 2010
    NeatNit wrote: »
    Is this the first time you post this? It looks awfully familiar...
    Nope, which might explain the familiarity.
  • edited May 2010
    Its out!
  • edited May 2010
    Steam servers are too busy to install!
    ...really? with this? This is not a major release like Call of Duty!
  • edited May 2010
    keeps saying error D:
  • edited May 2010
    loltypicalvalve. Seriously, though. This happens almost any time something gets released. It's a bit old. :|
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah, I had the same experience with both of the previous Sam and Max series I purchased as well as Monkey Island. Those were bought directly through TTG and the service was excellent, wish I had bought it directly this time but it is so convenient to simply backup my 350Gig Steam Directory to my server when I have to slick my computer compared to individually downloading and re-installing each program.

    137 games on steam and another 30 or so off disk, not even including Direct2Drive and TTG takes far too long to download and re-install individually. This is the ONLY reason I tolerate all the other problems with Steam.

    Next release I am going to deal with the relative inconvenience and just buy directly from TTG, not worth all of the Valve problems for episodic content.
  • edited May 2010
    Done downloading from Steam and now playing the game!
  • Wow, if you pre-ordered the season with TTG and then activated it on Steam for the TF2 hats, then it looks like you'll be getting the full season on Steam as well! Awesome!
  • edited May 2010
    Well the middle-eastern server is not too busy but it limits my speed to 200kb/s D:

    365 MB / 634 MB so far
  • edited May 2010
    The Steam icon problem again. The Episode 302 icon looks like a little icon in my Steam Library and doesn't enlarge with the other Steam Grid views. It looks ugly. Any fix for this?
  • edited May 2010

    And as you see, design wise, the Episode 301 icon doesn't look that great either. Who is responsible to make and design the icon, Telltale or Steam?
  • edited May 2010
    It's still not available for me. Did they forget to turn it on for the Devil's Playhouse/Monkey Island pack?
  • edited May 2010
    Did you restart Steam?
  • edited May 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    Did you restart Steam?

    Restarted it 5 or 6 games, wasn't there. Played another game for a few minutes and it was there when I next looked.
  • Wow, if you pre-ordered the season with TTG and then activated it on Steam for the TF2 hats, then it looks like you'll be getting the full season on Steam as well! Awesome!

    It also looks like Steam also recognizes my saved game from the version I downloaded from TTG! I doubt this works from computer to computer, but still kind of neat that they're compatible like that.

    (Yes, yes, I quoted myself. So what?)
  • edited May 2010
    I would like to note that Jurgen continues to be the only character I dont like. It might be the way his voice is done, it might be the timing (which I doubt because the voice actor whose name escapes me does perfect as max) I almost liked him as a not vampire. almost
  • edited May 2010
    Will there any possibility of TTG-purchasers to get Ep2 or future episodes off Steam, in the same manner that TTG and Valve worked to get us Ep1 as to get the TF2 hats?

    I have zero expectations for this to happening given the original feat from TTG and Valve that I am highly appreciative of, and certainly cannot complain if they can't get it to work again, but am more curious if this even is on the table.
  • edited May 2010
    Masem wrote: »
    Will there any possibility of TTG-purchasers to get Ep2 or future episodes off Steam, in the same manner that TTG and Valve worked to get us Ep1 as to get the TF2 hats?
    Ahum. Have you tried starting Steam yet?
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