Simple. Hatoful Phantom. I'll take my InterMoney now.
On another note, the final book of Franken Fran came out on Monday. So sad to see it end. It was one of the best manga I've read in a long time.
Be forewarned if you DO plan on checking it out- it's a medical horror manga and it delves into super gory territory very very often.
Also, LIAR GAME. That one's a psychological thriller and totally worth checking out too. On an unrelated note, Liar Game helped me pass stats class last semester. Yes, you will learn basic statistics, probability, and lots of other nifty math and psychology tricks.
It's so obvious that your tag is "Alcoremortis is also pretty".
Only kidding! If I had to bet, then I'd say that the "entire thread eats babies" tag is yours.
Close one but no cigar. My tag is even stupider than that one. It's even stupider than when I put "Appalachian granny magic" on every thread that I posted on. And that was pretty damn stupid.
On another note, the final book of Franken Fran came out on Monday. So sad to see it end. It was one of the best manga I've read in a long time.
Be forewarned if you DO plan on checking it out- it's a medical horror manga and it delves into super gory territory very very often.
Also, LIAR GAME. That one's a psychological thriller and totally worth checking out too. On an unrelated note, Liar Game helped me pass stats class last semester. Yes, you will learn basic statistics, probability, and lots of other nifty math and psychology tricks.
You are the only other person I've ever seen who has heard of Franken Fran!
(I read some of that Manga, and it was just amazing. A perfect blend of grotesque almost Lovecraftian horror, and lighthearted humour, with a zest of drama here and there. Just loved it!
(going to have to track down the rest and read it now. Thanks for reminding me! ))
The inebriated puzzlebox approach to courting a man.
puzzlebox: "I think I'm gonna play this emotional push-pull game for a while and then I'll go ahead and fall in love with you and we'll get married and have babies"
Finally! I can watch the 500th episode of The Simpsons on Hulu. My first Simpsons episode I watch since the weekend their movie came out. (No, I don't have Hulu+)
The inebriated puzzlebox approach to courting a man.
puzzlebox: "I think I'm gonna play this emotional push-pull game for a while and then I'll go ahead and fall in love with you and we'll get married and have babies"
My Sega Saturn arrived today, and it works good, and most of the stuff made it.
Shame the loose CD of Clockwork Knight didn't survive transit!
(Will have to send a message to the dude. Maybe he will knock of a few quid for my troubles, after all he packed the game loose in the box, instead of logically putting it in another case (Oh since he sent 4 non-working games, he could have just put the disc in one of those cases, and kept a broken disc loose... ))
Everything else is as described, so I can't complain too much.
After testing the console I have to say the controllers are AWESOME!!
Seriously, the second version of the Sega Saturn controller (I got 1 original, and 1 redesigned one) is just fantastic. Lovely chunky buttons, mediocre shoulder buttons, and a D-pad to DIE for!!!
On another note, the final book of Franken Fran came out on Monday. So sad to see it end. It was one of the best manga I've read in a long time.
Be forewarned if you DO plan on checking it out- it's a medical horror manga and it delves into super gory territory very very often.
Also, LIAR GAME. That one's a psychological thriller and totally worth checking out too. On an unrelated note, Liar Game helped me pass stats class last semester. Yes, you will learn basic statistics, probability, and lots of other nifty math and psychology tricks.
Close one but no cigar. My tag is even stupider than that one. It's even stupider than when I put "Appalachian granny magic" on every thread that I posted on. And that was pretty damn stupid.
When I still tried to ask out women, that was the second most common reaction I provoked.
You are the only other person I've ever seen who has heard of Franken Fran!
(I read some of that Manga, and it was just amazing. A perfect blend of grotesque almost Lovecraftian horror, and lighthearted humour, with a zest of drama here and there. Just loved it!
(going to have to track down the rest and read it now. Thanks for reminding me!
I am yours to command, Master...
What if 'Mary Poppins' was a film about a lady selling LSD?
What if 'Willy Wonka' was a horror film?
What if 'Home Alone' was a horror/thriller film?
Tickets? I don't remember ever seeing an audience.
Mmm... that's good Murphy!
Tex Myrth-y.
Mugs Murphy, mugging for the camera!
They're touring right now with a live stage show. Q&A sessions and some smaller science experiments in front of the audience.
Oh that sounds pretty cool.
I'm very happy for you.
... Clap your hands!
If you're happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
Yay for being nice to blind people!
(on an unrelated note, the PR person my mom spoke to asked if I wanted to help with one of the experiments on stage. HECK YEAH!)
I think that's fairly related. Awesome. Enjoy. Sounds fun!
The NBA All Star Game.
That's amazing. So much envy!
Your body wasn't ready, eh?
Were you told what experiment?
I'm like a kid in a candy store right now.
"Much ado about Muffins"
That is copyrighted and I don't think they put on plays.
I'd definitely want to add a pub called "The Merry Wines of Windsor", or "Taming of the Brew", or possibly even (wait for it!)... "King Beer".
There are times when I just want to stab myself in the face.
Love's Liquors Frost? Twelfth Pint? Or, branching into another line of business, A Midsummer Ice Cream?
Hmm, maybe I should try that...
Shame the loose CD of Clockwork Knight didn't survive transit!
(Will have to send a message to the dude. Maybe he will knock of a few quid for my troubles, after all he packed the game loose in the box, instead of logically putting it in another case (Oh since he sent 4 non-working games, he could have just put the disc in one of those cases, and kept a broken disc loose...
Everything else is as described, so I can't complain too much.
After testing the console I have to say the controllers are AWESOME!!
Seriously, the second version of the Sega Saturn controller (I got 1 original, and 1 redesigned one) is just fantastic. Lovely chunky buttons, mediocre shoulder buttons, and a D-pad to DIE for!!!