Guilty Pleasures
List 'em guise!! My particular vices are
The Cleveland Show: I really should know better
Microwaveable Donor Kebabs: Eating one of these bad boys presents as much of a social stigma as wearing a bell around your neck. Half a days calories ingested in 3 minutes flat. Yummers!
Chris De Burgh: I may as well be a middle-aged woman drunk on gin crying away with mascarra running down my face
No doubt i'll think of many many more. But what are your particular shameful loves?
The Cleveland Show: I really should know better
Microwaveable Donor Kebabs: Eating one of these bad boys presents as much of a social stigma as wearing a bell around your neck. Half a days calories ingested in 3 minutes flat. Yummers!
Chris De Burgh: I may as well be a middle-aged woman drunk on gin crying away with mascarra running down my face
No doubt i'll think of many many more. But what are your particular shameful loves?
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I'm ashamed.
I'm also a bit embarrassed by the extent of my love for Avatar. I always wanted to learn another language... little did I know it'd be one made for a movie. And to think I used to scoff at people who spoke Klingon. Seems we are aysmukan in geekiness after all.
My addiction to Deadpool may count, but just maybe
I love dragonball, Z and GT
Nonrelated food, my guilty pleasure is naruto and one piece. But where i live very few know em and cant understand why i see it. I also consider playing video or pc games are guilty pleasures in a way. As people consider those nerdy activities which i clearly believe i arent.
What can I say? I'm a peoples man.
You're not American? I feel like the only American on these forums... And it's an American company!!!
damn immigrants coming in talking all the forum places.
I felt i wasnt putting to good use my money and that i could have done lots of better things with it than to play WoW. So i stopped playing WoW and paying it.
I stick my middle finger at he CCTV on the lift cam
Maybe I'm just shameless.
With all that said, I have been told that this is something I should feel awkward about....but I don't, it's a fantastic bit of fun with lots of famous comedians.
Edit: The awkward part is probably that I re-watch it on a somewhat regular basis.
McDonald's Chicken McNuggets.
The problem is it backfires quite often.
I shouldn't but I do. So satisfying.
Also, Kim Possible for some reason, though that's one I hardly ever indulge.
We won't judge (much). Do tell.
I'm trying to find more audiostuff to listen to while knitting. They're called "saga MP3" in French but I have no clue about the English name. You know, like webcomics, only audio.
Anyway, trying to find more of these to follow, I got a SD card just for them for my MP3 player and it's not nearly full!
Also, I'm slowly typing up my knitting patterns so I can have them as ebooks on my reader. Need to get a hold of a scanner someday so I can keep the pictures too, as they can be useful.
Talking about this made me realise I still haven't added table of contents to most of my omnibus ebooks (likem all volumes of one series in a single ebook, or collections of short stories, things like that), which I'll have to finally get to doing. The earlier I can remember how to, the better, since I'll definitely need a TOC for pattern ebooks.
Oh, and I'm having a lot of trouble finding audio version of stand up comedy. What happened to that? I used to have lots, surely they're still available somewhere!
I'm also thinking that between my sagas, speeches, comedian routines, audiobooks, radioplays, etc, etc, I'd never survive if I had to use one of these "shuffle only" players.
Heck, even for opera and stuff that wouldn't be very practical.
EDIT: oops, for some reason I thought this was the "whatever's on your mind" thread. Sorry.
And eating chocolate, especially because I'm allergic to caffeine.
For that matter, I still have a huge box full of all my old toys from the first four Power Rangers series.
How old am I, again?