The Origins of Jurgen

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
Upon the second episode of The Devil's Playhouse, The Tomb of Sammun-Mak, Jurgen was alive about 109 years ago where he met Sammth and Maximus.

Then, after Slushie the Vampire Elf took care of him, Jurgen become the vampire we know and loathe. But then, in Season 2, he was a vampire which had somehow forgotten about the events that happened and his membership of the Brothers of Yog-Soggoth.

But, being the jerky German vampire that he is, Jurgen probably forgot.


  • edited May 2010
    Maybe he'd only recognize Sameth & Maximus, after all they do look very different from each other.


    Also, Jurgen is a lot older then that, since he's been a bas-relief(?) on a wall for almost 5 decades. I also don't think he'd care about The Brotherhood after the loss of over 100 years of never finding a trace of the Devil's Toybox or Sameth & Maximus. You also have to consider that Telltale didn't have a plot back in 2008 involving Jurgen with a villain from Season 3. So he wouldn't be aware of anything that happened in the new Season, unless Telltale redid Season 2 so that it would sinc in with the events of The Devil's Playhouse.

    This also applies to Kringle. AKA, Santa.
  • edited May 2010
    Jurgen, being a fickle trend-follower, probably never took the brotherhood very seriously anyway. As for his not recognizing Sam and Max, well, he does not even recognize them at first when they are in Hell.
  • edited May 2010
    Are you sure Kringle and Santa are the same person? I assumed Kringle was an ancestor.
  • edited May 2010
    Jurgen being Jurgen, it's entirely possibly he never sees a reason to mention it.
  • edited May 2010
    Are you sure Kringle and Santa are the same person? I assumed Kringle was an ancestor.

    I assumed Kringle was his brother.
  • edited May 2010
    Also I think there was a line were he said he failed Yog Soggoth, so maybe he just never went back.
  • edited April 2016
  • edited May 2010
    Jurgen saw Sam and Max on Midtown Cowboys. If he was going to react to them looking almost exactly the same as Sameth and Maximus, he could've done it then.
  • edited May 2010
    Wait, isn't the Jurgen in Sammeth and Maximus time just an ancestor of Jurgen from Season 2?
  • edited May 2010
    I actually thought that Jurgen in 1901 was the Jurgen in Hell today. I know that vampires can live hundreds of years longer and as a bas-relief, it added another 50 or so years to him.
  • edited May 2010
    I know it'd be lovely for the Telltale writers to know the future, but since when has continuity been anything to really care about in Sam and Max?
  • edited May 2010
    What I can't figure out about Jurgen is how he fails to find the Reverse Curse in the molemens' trunk: he is supposed to be knowledgeable about mole-magic, having spent half a century in the tomb. Of course, Papa Mole could have hidden it when he sees Jurgen coming, but there is no explanation in-game.
  • edited May 2010
    Wait, isn't the Jurgen in Sammeth and Maximus time just an ancestor of Jurgen from Season 2?

    In popular culture, vampires are known to be very long-lived (so to speak). Of course it's the same Jurgen. The story makes even LESS sense if they're two different people.
  • edited May 2010
    Randulf he do sent no what feat feat feat mean
  • edited May 2010
    Do you remember every person you interacted with for a few hours (or maybe a day at most) from five or ten years ago?

    Now, add a hundred years to that, and then how many people do you think you'd remember?
  • edited May 2010
    200 but he ons a club so time's it buy 800000000 ans-er um 99
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2010
    Secret Origins: Jurgen

    Sounds like something Majus should tackle! :D
  • edited May 2010
    To be fair, Jurguen has no idea he become a Vampire for Sameth and Maximus fault. Appart of that, "someone else" stoled the toy box. So... in fact he has no actual reason to remember them.
  • edited May 2010
    I bet he still remembers Sameth and Maximus.
    But why should he even mention them to the completely different looking and unrelated strangers named Sam and Max?
  • edited May 2010
    Thespis wrote: »
    Do you remember every person you interacted with for a few hours (or maybe a day at most) from five or ten years ago?
    Thespis wrote: »
    Now, add a hundred years to that, and then how many people do you think you'd remember?
    So many.
  • edited May 2010
    Katsuro wrote: »
    I bet he still remembers Sameth and Maximus.
    But why should he even mention them to the completely different looking and unrelated strangers named Sam and Max?
    So they aren't supposed to look very similar and even talk with the same voice after all? :D
    So guilty as charged: :eek:
    edited May 2010
    Why should he relate Sam with Sameth and Max with Maximus????

    They're entirely different persons, I only noticed they were from the same family when Sam mentioned it :rolleyes:
  • edited May 2010
    Just played thru 203 again.

    Jurgen says something about winner of some poetry award 270 years running. Of course, maybe he's just telling porkies ;)
  • edited May 2010
    So they aren't supposed to look very similar and even talk with the same voice after all? :D
    So guilty as charged: :eek:

    Don't forget we talk about comic characters here :D
    For me it works just like Bugs Bunnys disguises:

    For us, the people who watch it, it is OH SO CLEAR that this is Bugs. However, for the characters in the show it is not.
    For me this applies to Sameth and Maximus as well.
  • edited May 2010
    Katsuro wrote: »
    Don't forget we talk about comic characters here :D
    For me it works just like Bugs Bunnys disguises:

    For us, the people who watch it, it is OH SO CLEAR that this is Bugs. However, for the characters in the show it is not.
    For me this applies to Sameth and Maximus as well.

    I can agree with you. But now I imagined sam&max in a dress thank you for conjuring up this image in my suro.

    I think a major reason Jurgen doesn't care is because, he never actually saw Sameth&Maximus again.

    Another reason, is because now Jurgen thinks he's too damn cool, and too much of an emo to care about it.
  • edited May 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    I can agree with you. But now I imagined sam&max in a dress thank you for conjuring up this image in my suro.
    Always a pleasure sir.
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Another reason, is because now Jurgen thinks he's too damn cool, and too much of an emo to care about it.

    What do you mean with he "thinks" he is cool. :(
  • edited May 2010
    Katsuro wrote: »
    Always a pleasure sir.

    What do you mean with he "thinks" he is cool. :(

    I mean he is cool. But he has that arrogance, where he thinks he's to damn cool for anything, he cares way to much about what other people think of him.
  • edited May 2010
    I think what they are trying to say is... he's a damn German! ;)
  • edited May 2010
    It would've been so much more fun if Sam's grandfather would've been called Maximus and Max' grandpa Sameth :)
  • edited May 2010
    It's because he's from Stuttgart.
  • edited May 2010
    Jurgen is not cool, he's the world's biggest dork, which is why he's hilarious! "Oooooooh, my live iz zo hahd! I'm immohtal and 'afe a cool castle wis a disco and secret lab and undead ahmy! Vhine, vhine, vhine, vhine!"

    Also, why would Jurgen mention Sameth an Maximus to Sam and Max? "Hello complete strangers who 'afe come to deveat me! I knew your gross papas! Vell, time to become zombies!"
  • edited May 2010
    Hee hee.

    When I first saw human Jurgan, I was simply delighted. So happy to play a part in him becoming the eurotrash vampire from season 2. Vampire origin stories are fantastic.
  • edited May 2010
    I think it's highly likely that Jurgen has had the castle for a long time, given the fact that one of the puzzles in 203 centres around the fact that one of the inscriptions is eroded, but he is photographed with it in the past. For it to erode it would take environmental damage over a period of...say 80 years. It couldn't be much before that because colour photography was not in widespread use until the First World War and after. Given that the story takes place in 1901 this leaves Jurgen 20-30 years to have acquired his mansion and had the photo taken. And how did he acquire the mansion? The plot thickens...

  • edited May 2010
    I think it's highly likely that Jurgen has had the castle for a long time, given the fact that one of the puzzles in 203 centres around the fact that one of the inscriptions is eroded, but he is photographed with it in the past. For it to erode it would take environmental damage over a period of...say 80 years. It couldn't be much before that because colour photography was not in widespread use until the First World War and after. Given that the story takes place in 1901 this leaves Jurgen 20-30 years to have acquired his mansion and had the photo taken. And how did he acquire the mansion? The plot thickens...


    Actually, I think that was a painting, not a photograph, so it could be even longer than that.

    It begs the question, who made a painting of JURGEN?
  • edited May 2010
    I'm the only one that noticed the explanation of his fancy with men? Thanks to the Hex it explains Jurgens nature.
  • edited May 2010
    Wait what?
  • edited May 2010
    I don't think Jurgen ever indicated that he liked men, and the hex wore off.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    Knoxer wrote: »
    I'm the only one that noticed the explanation of his fancy with men?

    I'm pretty sure that Jurgen's only fancy is himself.
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