Best Part of the trilogy?

edited January 2011 in Back to the Future
So, what was your favourite film in the trilogy? What parts were memorable?
Personally, it's a toss up between the first and the last film for me. Both had so many memorable lines!


  • edited June 2010
    I guess the first is a timeless classic.
    But what makes BttF stick out compared to many other trilogies is, that they all feel like one huge movie, and not like part 2 and 3 were just pulled out to make more money.
  • edited June 2010
    For me it's Part 2 for much of the same reasons that LeChuck's Revenge is my favorite Monkey Island game. The story and action were stepped up, the stakes were higher, and the movie was darker and less silly (not meant as an insult to it) than the admittedly fantastic third movie. It had that logical progression and it played out perfectly. It's one of the few perfect sequels and I love it.
  • edited June 2010
    Ooh that's a tough one. I've had to go for the first one as it's simply brilliant. But I love the 2nd & 3rd just as much really.
  • edited June 2010
    I have to say Part III, I really enjoyed Part I but the 3rd film was really awesome. Even though Part II was also good, I can't say it was really much of a favorite for me; it had nothing too compare with the other films. But, what I enjoyed about all the films (And I wish I could vote for them all) is that they all stayed into the plot, and it smoothly ran that way up until the very end.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2010
    Ohh, must I choose only one? It would have to be between Part 1 and Part 2.

    Part 1 is just a beautiful movie in so many ways. It has some awesome moments, particularly the one where George decks Biff, and the dance scene where Marty is fading away but resolidifies instantly when the music swells and George and Lorraine kiss... always makes me go "yay!".

    What I liked most about Part 2 was the messed up timelines, going back to 1955 and seeing Marty work around what he'd done the first time he was there. And the scene where Doc meets his past self is lovely. There is some good stuff in the 2015 scenes as well.

    I'd have to watch them back-to-back to properly make up my mind, but Part 1 is probably the most special for me.
  • edited June 2010
    I've loved Part 2 since I was a kid. I'm a sucker for lots of time traveling, paradoxes, duplicates, seeing what happened in the last movie kind of stuff. Love it.
  • edited June 2010
    Part II- The whole going to 2015 (I don't think we're going to get flying cars, hoverboard or a news clippings of a Queen Diana by then but it still was awesome to see). Plus I liked the whole Biff taking the Almanac and using the time machine for evil. Made the story interesting.
  • edited June 2010
    Part I is the best, but Part II is my favorite
  • edited June 2010
    I voted Part II, I'm not really sure why but it's just always been my favorite one.
  • edited June 2010
    I like them all, and almost want to say part 2, but I think I'd have to hand it to #1 just for being the one that works best standalone.
  • edited June 2010
    I like 2 best. The whole almanac thing was very clever, and it has the hover board :) I also think 3 is underrated, but still the least good of the series.
  • edited June 2010
    I like them all, for me they are all part of a big movie, and thats how i see them i dont really see them in parts.. Their whole the continuarity is what makes it so great and that its the same great actors.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2010
    In fact, the second part had the most appeal when I was young and saw it in the cinema. Honestly, me and my brother only wanted skateboards for christmas because we saw the first movie, but seing the hoverboards in part 2 really knocked us out of our socks. Add to this the multiple timeline experience - which has inspired millions of Science-Fiction stories since and is probably one of the most influential SF stories ever.

    Nonetheless, I since settled on part 1 as my favourite movie (OF ALL TIMES). The time travel idea is so fresh, the DeLorean so new, Michael J. Fox so young; the finale actually feels like three finales packed into one. I also feel as if the first part brought the most emotion across: Marty hugging Doc, the moment Emmet realizes what a friend he has in his future; Doc willing to risk his life for Marty - the moment when he finds that he can be a hero; the same moment for George McFly when he rescues Elaine from Biff. Later at the dance, he has another first-kiss-goosebump-scene while Alan Silvestri's orchestra heroically but all so subtly ends "Earth Angel" with just a hint from the Back to the future theme. Also, Crispin Glover really played his character in an incredibly brilliant, over-the-top way, sadly missing from following installments (all for want of money :( ).

    There are of course scenes in all three movies which I love, so please don't think for a moment that I don't love II & III as well. Still, it's Back to the Future part one as my favourite!
  • edited June 2010
    When I was younger, I always felt part 2 was the best. Mainly because all I remembered of it were the awesome sections at the begining where they actually went to the future. But the rest of the movie deteriorates into a retelling of the first.. which is somewhat cool, but not very interesting. I'd actually say it's the weakest part.

    The third is easily my favourite, perhaps because I have a thing for westerns, but I just found it to be the most enjoyable.
  • edited June 2010
    And Part 2 seems to be overtaking the previously-leading Part 1 vote!
  • edited June 2010
    And Part 2 seems to be overtaking the previously-leading Part 1 vote!
    Wow. Considering i never really liked part 2 ( i remember being incredibly disapointed in it, being the last film in the trilogy i saw). Maybe thats because the other two films had some nostalgia attatched to them.

    I'm also shocked by how apallingly part 3 is doing, considering that was my favourite!
  • edited June 2010
    Friar wrote: »
    I'm also shocked by how apallingly part 3 is doing, considering that was my favourite!

    I think it's a case of a very good movie losing out to two great movies. Just my opinion.
  • edited June 2010
    I'm voting for part three.... especially everything aboard the train as they try to get up to 88mph!
  • edited June 2010
    zhebrica wrote: »
    I think it's a case of a very good movie losing out to two great movies. Just my opinion.

    As I sated, BTTF 3 is underrated. It has some of the funnier moments in the trilogy, and the part with the train toward the end was very exciting. I don't think the old west setting was as interesting to people as the future though, and the movie was must more low key and slower paced than the second one which was packed with action and a quick moving story.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2010
    As I sated, BTTF 3 is underrated. It has some of the funnier moments in the trilogy ...

    Also, for the female demographic, it had a nice shot of Michael J. Fox' naked behind.

    Just sayin'. :D
  • edited June 2010
    I liked BttF 3 best. Everything with the wild west get's my vote :)
  • edited June 2010
    For me it was between 1 and 3. All were good, and in the end it was easier for me to pick the one I liked least (but still liked a lot).

    Part 2 was clever with the almanac and all that, and I did quite enjoy the future world, but for me it couldn't compare with the initial... freshness, for want of a better word, that surrounded the world. Also, the very personal motives of his mum and dad getting together, and the way his dad turned out to be a loser were very fun themes. The Johnny B. Goode bit at the end was great, too. Also, for some reason the "you are my density" gag gets me every time I watch it... no idea why.

    Then the third one seems quite polished. Like the second, they know what they're doing more, so there's less of that wonderment that we had in the first film. It's a solid episode and isn't all about getting rich. But then I don't think there were many stand-out moments (again, one of the cheesiest gags in the movie makes me laugh every time I watch: 'far-out!').

    Actually in the process of writing this, I think if I watched them all again, I might rank 2 above 3.
  • edited June 2010
    As I sated, BTTF 3 is underrated. It has some of the funnier moments in the trilogy, and the part with the train toward the end was very exciting. I don't think the old west setting was as interesting to people as the future though, and the movie was must more low key and slower paced than the second one which was packed with action and a quick moving story.

    I didn't like part 2 because it took place in the future. That was actually my least favourite part. I already said it was because of paradoxes and the genuinely unique storyline. Part 3 was just part 1 all over again. And while I didn't mind that and really enjoyed part 3, maybe a lot of people just thought it was the same thing as Part 1 except in the old west and centered around Doc instead of Marty.
  • edited June 2010
    I love them all, but I gotta pick the first movie. It's just perfect in every way.
  • edited June 2010
    Although the second movie is my favorite, None of the Back to Future trilogy were really that bad. The third one was neat because you got to see how people from now would act if they had to adapt to life 100 years ago.
  • edited June 2010
    For some reason I like number 3 the most out of them all, so it's the one I have watched the most. The first 2 is also really good, but number 3 just takes the top spot.
  • edited June 2010
    I like Part 2 the best. The whole concept of going back to the first movie was pure brilliance. When I was younger, I loved the part in the future most, but after all it's only like the first 30 minutes of the movie, and now I like the rest of the movie much more.

    Still, BTTF is just the perfect example of a movie trilogy that works together as one big masterpiece, and actually I LOVE the whole trilogy very much.

    I'm so excited to see what TTG will do with it.
  • edited September 2010
    From the first time I saw the trilogy, I always like Part II the best, mainly because it was more about Marty and he's my favourite character. Then my least favourite part was Part III just because I could never get on board with the Wild West scene. But I love all the films and have done for a while now!
  • edited September 2010
    Didn't like bttf 2 really didnt make sense, if Biff gave the book to himself, probably Doc couldnt ever even test the time machine or even make it since he was declared crazy, which means marty didnt go to 1955, doc and them didnt go to 2015, and Biff wouldnt be able to give himself the book sense it was never invented the TM, then if he didntgive the book, everything would go back to normal and biff can give the book with the TM, but that causes the delorean to be made, think about it, i guess thats what doc means with A MAJOR PARADOX, BTTF 1 was great, I love bttf 3 espically the end, the music made the part when the flux disporsal was starting
    like here at
    at 1;02 it was great, i like the bttf 3 delorean sounds during fluxing, :)
  • edited September 2010
    Part 3 was my favorite, if I had to choose. The story is so closely interwoven between all the films that it's hard to single out one, because it's only a small piece of the big picture. Part 3 brings a satisfying conclusion not only to it's own story but to the trilogy as well. I enjoyed the wild west setting very much. And Doc's steampowered time train is awesome.
  • edited September 2010
    Part 2 is definitely my favorite. It really used the concept the way it should.

    It's really about time travel, more than a comedy / family drama.

    The first one comes second for me, it's still pretty good.

    I HATED part 3... Really I don't like Westerns that much anyway so a "parody of westerns" is even worst for me.

    Being stuck in one time period for the whole movie, again, in such a time, with not so interesting characters and deja vus scenes... Meh don't like it.
  • edited September 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    Part 2 is definitely my favorite. It really used the concept the way it should.

    It's really about time travel, more than a comedy / family drama.

    The first one comes second for me, it's still pretty good.

    I HATED part 3... Really I don't like Westerns that much anyway so a "parody of westerns" is even worst for me.

    Being stuck in one time period for the whole movie, again, in such a time, with not so interesting characters and deja vus scenes... Meh don't like it.

    Completely agreed! :D
  • edited September 2010
    Part 2. A thousand times.

    Strayth hit the nail on the head. It's more of a time-travel, science-fiction comedy that you'd expect from "Back to the Future" than a family dramedy.

    I did, however, like Part 3 a lot. I think Part 1 and 3 are about tied. What would we do without golden lines like "he just likes to hold it." I seriously need to say that more than I already do.
  • edited September 2010
    Well maybe "hate" is a little strong.

    I mean it's definitely not the worst movie ever. It's just a little too basic and too based off existing material to have its own identity the way the two others did. And if you don't like the place where they're stuck, it's hard to really enjoy it. I mean after what the second episode made, it's hard not to be bitter about the 3rd one, being the last and all. It's like a whole world of great stories are being thrown away for a parody of western. I had a hard time accepting it.

    Now I feel better about it, but couldn't help but think how great the potential was... and when Tell Tale announced the game, I was SO happy. Because I already loved what they did with Monkey Island (even if it had some flaws like over using the same character model over and over and over and over ...), it really was an incredible job. So knowing that the writer from the movies was also helping them out, I just couldn't be happier !

    Finally we will have a decent story based off BTTF ! (cauz the tv cartoon and the previous games weren't really worth anything, story-wise)

    And It obviously will follow the BTTF 2 theme, since there's no way we will visit only one time period during the whole game ^^.

    As for Marty, FutureGirl, I also love him so much. He has a golden heart and always tries to do the right thing, even if he doesn't always succeed. That makes so "real". He's my favorite character too.
  • edited November 2010
    For me Part 1 > 3 > 2

    Three was great, but it just couldn't beat the original.
    And I'd go so far as to add
    1>3>The old ride at Universal>2
  • edited November 2010
    My favorites are; 1, then 3, then 2. Two was just too weird for my liking, 3 was pretty awesome, and then 1 was just... superb :D
  • edited November 2010
    BttF1 is a masterpiece. Every scene is important and perfect.

    Second comes BttF2. And that is only because of the awesome third act back in 1955. If it weren't for that I might have favoured 3 over 2. Owh and ofcourse hoverboard <3.
    I love 3. Marty has to adapt to a complete new era. Marty and Doc's relationship get fleshed out more(love how Marty goes back solely to rescue Doc) and the climax is great with the train.
    Also Tom Wilson gets to show off how diversive of an actor he is. That Maddog Tannen character is wonderful.

    The only thing that bothered me about BttF3 is Marty's remark about crashing into the indians. By now he should know how timetravel works. As if he was expecting that movie theater board to be there too back in 1885.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    So it WAS a good idea to reference this old thread in another. :D
  • edited November 2010
    I have to say that my favorite one is Part 2. I really liked it for the clever twist halfway through the movie and if it weren't for that it would be the worst in the triology IMO.
  • edited November 2010
    Spoilers Ahead
    My favorites are; 1, then 3, then 2. Two was just too weird for my liking, 3 was pretty awesome, and then 1 was just... superb :D

    I just watched Part II then (after watching Part I last night), and I agree that it is a little too weird and silly. But, for me, the only part that I found overly silly was the first 40-odd minutes set in the future. I just thought that that whole part was sickening to watch. It was like some odd comedy spoof that wasn't funny but was just incredibly hard to watch. None of the characters acted serious at all, practically all of the actors exaggerated their roles way too much, some of the acting and delivery of dialogue were just awful, the representation of the future was just stupid and unbelievable (I don't care if the film was made in the 80s, this was just freaking dumb!), and overall, it was just a ridiculous mess that I completely despised and hated. I began to think "Geez, this film better improve in a big way or it's going to completely tarnish everything that I found was good about the first film".

    Luckily, things took a turn for the better, with the whole Biff-ruled-alternate-reality which I actually liked quite a lot. Then the travel back in time to the setting of the majority of the first film (1955[?]) - this was done really well. I love how all of the events of the second film were woven and integrated into the events of the first film, and how we got to re-experience the events of Part I from a different perspective. Also, the suspense that was involved in that part of the film - with the whole don't-mess-a-thing-or-everything-will-go-pair-shaped scenario - was executed perfectly. And the scene with Biff in his car and Marty on the hoverboard was pretty awesome, I must admit!

    Then, towards the end of the film, I was feeling the same feelings that I had when watching the end of the first film - *fingers-crossed* "please, everything just go well! Let everything just return to normal!". By this time I was completely caught up in what was happening to the characters and what was happening in the story - nothing else mattered in the world; I was completely immersed in the film. I began to get excited when I thought that Marty and Doc were actually going to return to their proper time period safely (at least, that's what I was hoping), but then when the lightning struck the Delorean, I was taken by surprised and a little shocked (no pun intended). What was meant to be a nice, clean-cut, happy ending was completely thrown in the bin to make way for a nice little cliff-hanger - which I love! (I'm actually one of those strange people that gets a real kick out of cliff-hangers and 'to be continued's.

    So, anyway, overall, what began as a pretty woeful piece of crap turned into a suspenseful, exciting, enjoyable experience which has ultimately hyped my up for Part III big-time!
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