Best Part of the trilogy?



  • edited November 2010
    (I don't care if the film was made in the 80s, this was just freaking dumb!)

    I don't think you'd say this if you watched it a decade earlier.
  • edited November 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    I don't think you'd say this if you watched it a decade earlier.

    Probably not in those exact words, and I probably wouldn't have felt as strong feelings towards it, but I think I still would have felt some kind of resentment towards the whole thing.
  • edited November 2010
    I think of the 3 movies, part 2 ages the worst only because of the future section. It's still an awesome movie, though. Part 1 to me is the best; it's timeless. I just saw it in a theater which was packed with teenagers and 20-somethings who probably weren't even born the year it came out. Most of the jokes (except maybe the "pepsi free/tab" joke) and dialogue are still relevant today.
    In part 2, I think they intentionally went over the top with the future. Yes, it's a little corny (for me the corniest part is Marty's future family, all played by M.J.F.) but these movies are meant to be comedies.
  • edited November 2010
    I love the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimeyness of #2 myself, although some of the actor performances *cough*LeaThompson*cough* are not ... as good as they could be.

    Also just enjoy the heck out of the theme park ride that is #3.

    But hey, they're all good. :)

    -The Gneech :cool:
  • edited November 2010
    I like part 2 the most but thats just because i like futuristic stuff myself.
    I do agree that the "future" in part 2 is very "80's" like and a bit over the top. But the flying cars and hoverboards were just awesomely made.
  • edited November 2010
    Trackah123 wrote: »
    I like part 2 the most but thats just because i like futuristic stuff myself.
    I do agree that the "future" in part 2 is very "80's" like and a bit over the top. But the flying cars and hoverboards were just awesomely made.
    Too bad the 2015 segment only lasts a short time, and then the movie gets kinda dark.
  • edited November 2010
    I only picked this up on my 100th viewing and with english sub-titles on, but Marty actually wanted 'to do' his mother! I never knew that!
    But when he is with her together in the car he says something like: "Lorraine, have you ever been in a situation where you know you had to act a certain way, but when you got there you don't know if you could go through with it?"

    I think he was going crazy there. :D
  • edited November 2010
    Can someone tell me in what magazine that DeLorean shoot will appear? I think I am going to look for a copy.

    Nevermind. And I guess I am too late.
  • edited November 2010
    Back to the future part 3

    Final scene.

    I was shocked when i saw this.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm surprised you and so many other people are.
    Kids fidget like that constantly. Ever remember being 6?
    One of the reasons kids that young are rarely used for bigger acting roles.
  • edited December 2010
    The first one. The story is just the best. Time travel is still new and Marty is all surprised and confused.
    And it had the best moments. First time travel, akward situations with 1955 mum, the clocktower part, when we see that Doc was saved and when we see some of Marty's "normal" life in the beginning.

    The third is good too. The second is alright, but the humor seams a bit too "forced" in the future part.
  • edited December 2010
    I was raised on these films by my parents, its the only series of movies they actually encouraged me to watch when I was growing up.

    The first is a classic, and always will be. However, what I like about the other two is that, unlike so many other trilogies, they didn't mess them up like they could've done. They're all good films, but 2 and 3 don't compare with the original.

    Original - The best, undoubtedly.

    Second - I feel as if its the weakest of the three, but still enjoyable.

    Third - Better than part 2, as I've already mentioned, they could've messed this one up so bad, but they didn't.
  • edited December 2010
    TentuZero wrote: »
    back to the future part 3

    final scene.

    i was shocked when i saw this.

    this mute demon dwarf has ruined the films for me.
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    I only picked this up on my 100th viewing and with english sub-titles on, but Marty actually wanted 'to do' his mother! I never knew that!
    But when he is with her together in the car he says something like: "Lorraine, have you ever been in a situation where you know you had to act a certain way, but when you got there you don't know if you could go through with it?"

    I think he was going crazy there. :D

    Actually, no. You misunderstood him. Sure, that's what Lorraine thought he meant, but what Marty didn't want to go through was the whole act he was supposed to put on. He was supposed to "feel her up" so that George could come in and stop him, but he didn't want to do it (for obvious reasons). He never really did want to (in fact, there's a deleted scene where he talks about how much something like that could gross him out, and screw him up permanently, but I guess he figured having to "feel a cop" with his mom was better than erasing from existence).
  • edited December 2010
    I liked the second one the best. It was the one that actually had alot of time travel going on, whereas the first one was just set in the 1950s America (which not being American doesn't really mean much to me) and the third was set entirely in the West. The delorean actually got a lot of use and a hell of a lot of things happen in it when compared to the other two.
  • edited December 2010
    Personally I preferred the second movie. Not sure why. I think it's the whole jumping back and forth, whereas 1 and 3 were stuck mostly in one time, meant the time travel aspect was toned down, though in the first one they did put a lot more pressure on the fact that what you change here can completely alter the future.

    The future segments of 2 just seems funny now, as in "some actually believed this of the future?". Sure I was just a kid back then, but seeing that Jaws 3D thing made me go "WOW, the movies of the future are going to be in 3D COOOOOL". And now we have 3D movies and they're kinda....meh.
    Also seeing the consequences, discussing an alternate reality going back in time and only having Marty be there because he managed to actually bring a time machine with him from the future presented an interesting idea about the reverse of the "All possible outcomes has a universe branching out from now, and now and now etc. etc. etc." Getting caught in an alternate path however minute the change was a fun thought. I still wonder whether it'd have made for a more interesting idea if Marty started to fade in II too as he was in a past coming from a different branch of reality that doesn't exist, and the more time he spent there he'd get wiped out from the timeline.
    Either way, though all 3 are great movies, I prefer 2.

    Maybe it had something to do with the fact that out of the trilogy of games released for home computers (I had a C64, not a NES) I liked the 2nd game best. Was completely lost of what to do in the first game, just knew I'd be wandering around aimlessly, watching my picture disappear bit by bit or getting knocked out by Biff.
    The 2nd one was a lot more arcadey and had more different gameplay styles to follow the movie.
    And never got to play the 3rd one much, but it seemed a bit rushed.
  • edited December 2010
    My favorite part of the trilogy? That would have to be the trilogy. :D
  • edited December 2010
    I think Parts II and III weren't originally conceived when the first one came out. The TO BE CONTINUED wasn't in the first one initially, but was put in later.

    I wasn't too crazy about the steam engine time machine and wanted to see a part IV back in 1990 after Part III. Well, in a way, we ARE getting Part this game!
  • edited December 2010
    You're correct. BttF1 was supposed to be a stand-alone movie, no sequels.
    BttF1 was also released 5 years earlier than the latter two movies.

    Also...about the To Be's omitted in later releases again. At least it's not in the DVD release I have seen. Personally I prefer it. I want to experience BttF1 as a stand-alone movie as well as part of a trilogy.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Well, I sure hope they'll have the "to be continued" in the game at the end of the episodes! Well, three times at least. Episode 4 ends with "to be concluded" and episode 5 with "the end". :D
  • edited December 2010
    new user here, seeing the future was favorite bit
  • edited December 2010
    I hope so to. :D
    But I think it's a given we'll get to see those screens.
  • edited December 2010
    I had to go with part II. I love the whole trilogy, but there are so many aspects of the 2nd that stand out to me. I love the numerous characters, all the time travel, and more paradoxes than you can shake a stick at.
  • edited December 2010
    Sorry Vainamoinen didn't know there was one already, thanks for closing it.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    prizna wrote: »
    Sorry Vainamoinen didn't know there was one already, thanks for closing it.

    Hope you voted here as well! ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Yep, i voted for part 2
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    BTTFfREAK wrote: »
    new user here, seeing the future was favorite bit

    Welcome BTTFfREAK (lots of new user names with "BTTF", "McFly" and "Fan" here in the last two months, I wonder why? :D )!

    2015 was great. Granted, this is the part where these movies do not age well, as might be visible from Hayden's post. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Part I cause it's the original. They were all great, though. I liked Part III better than Part II.

    The thing about Part II is, aside from the fact that I doubt will have flying cars in 5 years, why did they have to go into the future to stop "future" events from happening? My best guess is because they ended the first movie with the throw away line: "something's gotta be done about your kids" and had to pick up from there.

    I don't rightly see why Doc didn't come back and say, "Hey Marty, we've got lots of time since this is thirty years in the future, but you're son's gonna get arrested, so you might wanna consider different parenting techniques" lol. But then there'd only be one movie, and seeing as it's my favorite trilogy, I would want that.
  • edited December 2010
    But then there'd only be one movie, and seeing as it's my favorite trilogy, I would want that.

    Well, BttF WAS planned as only ONE movie. But because of it's popularity, they decided to do another two with or without Gale and Zemeckis (and obviously Gale and Zemeckis didn't want them do some shit without them :p ) I think with a different BttFI ending we could've got a better BttFII beginning. But then the BttFI ending maybe wouldn't have been so cool... (depends on the ending)
  • edited December 2010
    Without the same crew, the sequels could have been disasterous like the sequels of so many other well-liked movies. (For example: The Santa Clause 2 & 3, George of the Jungle 2)

    So, in the end, everything worked out after all :D
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Choosing a favorite is a hard decision for me. I used to like Part II the most, mostly because I was old enough to get excited in all of the pre-release coverage the film was getting. I loved the future, I liked the idea of Marty screwing up the timeline and seeing Biff completely take over Hill Valley. I also really liked the scenes where the characters would see themselves in 1955 from the first film.

    Then, I started to like part one more because I started watching it more. I liked the idea of Marty being sent into the past by accident, meeting his parents at his age. I liked all the 1980's references getting confused by people in 1955. Also I liked seeing George getting confidence. I liked Doc's eccentricities a lot more in this film than in part II. The whole clock tower scene is great, and Doc's reactions make it even better. I watched the film so many times, but it took forever for me to notice Doc blew a kiss at Marty when he saw him drive into position with the DeLorean. :P

    But lately I've been liking Back to the Future Part III more. It has my favorite scene out of all the movies (the scene where Doc freaks out at his house because Marty's come back to 1955 :)), and I really like Doc's emotion when he reads the note (I never knew I could write something so beautiful). I like the fact that Marty took charge in this one, and that Doc was the one with his head in the clouds. It was real character development for both characters that worked well. And it was great to see Doc get his happy ending too. :)

    So, I'm voting for III right now, but I'm sure my opinion will change again at some point. ;) All three films are great. :D
  • edited December 2010
    I vote for Part 3. I really enjoyed the feel of the movie, and the interactions between the characters.

    Marty and Doc's roles switch for who the more logical one is and who the more impulsive one is.

    Doc meets his one true love, who lives during his favorite time period and whose future depends on him meeting her. It's as though he's destined to meet her, but he must build the time machine first.

    Marty discovers that he has a great-great-great-uncle who shares his name and was killed because he would react to being provoked the same way Marty does.

    Buford isn't just a bully, but a real and present danger.

    The Old West, though it has issues (buckshot in the food, dirty water and no Tylenol,) it has a somewhat romantic quality to it here.
  • edited December 2010
    The first one is technically the best, but Part II is th ebetter Sci Fi film. I like part II.
  • edited December 2010
    I love everything about Part II. It's got the future (which is still cool, despite not coming true), the alternate 1985, the re-1955, and the greatest cliffhanger ending to a film of all time. What's not to like? :D
  • edited December 2010
    Welcome BTTFfREAK (lots of new user names with "BTTF", "McFly" and "Fan" here in the last two months, I wonder why? :D )!

    2015 was great. Granted, this is the part where these movies do not age well, as might be visible from Hayden's post. ;)

    YEA BUT DOCs CAMERA!! OMG!!! It's just like the camera's of today with the green high light focusing!! ;)
  • edited December 2010
    The 1985A stuff in Part 2 is great especially when you realize that most of the town establishments like the bars, porn stores, and bail bonds are the same in both versions of the time periods lol they just made them stick out more in evil Biff the World climate seem to be almost identical to the alternate 1985 in Watchmen so rock on. Always wondered if it was intentional, but everyone in America knows that a dark reality is Nixon still in office.

    Also I have to give it to the last scene of the movie at the railroad track. That always gets my eyes welling up.

    So ultimately I prefer Part 3 but Part 2 has the best parody. Really want to see how they will explain later in the game how 2011 Hill Valley will look absolutely nothing like it did when they went to 2015. We all can't have flying cars, hydrated pizzas, self lacing shoes, rejuvenated body procedures, etc. In four years or less. No way no how.
  • For me it ranks in the following order

    #1) Part II: the only one we get to see the future which is neat seeing characters we saw in their teenage years as senior citizens. It also deals with the subject of time travel more than either of the other 2 films; shows 3 different time periods (4 if you count the alternate timeline), deals with the timeline itself more than the other 2 films including the effects of time travel, does something no movie has ever done (revisit its prequel from a different perspective).

    #2) Part I: the whole erased from existence part, dealing with parents as teenagers, I could go on but it was a very groundbreaking film

    #3) Part III: There's been a few posts here explaining why it is the weak sister of the trilogy and I agree mainly because of the fact that it does lose some of the momentum from part II but part II was a high paced film while III is more relaxing. Things I liked are that we truly see the more human side of Doc and see him doing things we never thought we'd see from him. Some people wish the series ended with the almanac getting destroyed in part II and doc and marty returning to the future but personally I think that would make for a depressing ending; Docs greatest invention gets destroyed and Marty destined for a gloomy future. Part III gives doc a happy ending, allows marty's character to develop past the name calling stage (he learns more in the 5 days he spends in the old west than he does in the 30 years between 1985 and 2015). And of course we get the ambiguous ending that shows there's more adventures in store for Doc. Many would call part III the weakest of the trilogy and I'd agree but I don't think Back to the future would be nearly as popular if it werent for the 3rd film.
  • edited January 2011
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Ohh, must I choose only one? It would have to be between Part 1 and Part 2.

    Same here. I loved part 2 for totally screwing my brain (what happens when and why....and WHEN does Marty have to go next to prevent what from happening?!)
    But to me, nothing really tops the DeLorean introduction scene at the mall at night- and of course the one at the end with Doc running along the street, screaming happily because he succeeded in sending Marty back to the future. That scene is SO cute.
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