Uh ... who is it? I'm probably going to feel stupid for asking, but I honestly don't know. (At first I thought, "Woah! Ron Perlman lost a lot of weight "and then realized he's not actually tall enough to be Ron.)
He's portraying a Nerd who is stuck in the past and can't understand the video games of the future, because all he remembers is the NES, SNES, etc. So because he doesn't understand them, he finds everything he can to make fun of them.
Sounds like someone I know actually.
I'm sure the videos must appeal to some, but my general apathy means I can't really be bothered to try them. But, you know, don't let that stop you from enjoying him!
The first video of him I saw was hilarious, so I searched for more, and then the swearing hit. I don't know if he swore less in the first one I saw or if I felt the swearing was more justified, but I hadn't noticed at all.
It kind of turned me off but at the same time he raises good points in his reviews. I've only watched a few videos, if you tune out the swearing it's not too bad I guess.
Uh ... who is it? I'm probably going to feel stupid for asking, but I honestly don't know. (At first I thought, "Woah! Ron Perlman lost a lot of weight "and then realized he's not actually tall enough to be Ron.)
He's a white-haired, old man?! I mean, I guess he would be, I've just never seen him without brown hair ... I feel old all of a sudden (It's like that time I took a pottery class at the junior college and the other students had no idea who Kurt Cobain was. )
I really don't like the Nerd. I do think that the swearing, angry critic type of reviewer can be fun to watch when done properly (see: Nostalgia Critic), and for me there's two major things the Nerd does wrong. First, he's pretty much beaten the word "diarrhea" into the ground. And vomit. And shit. Basically, he confuses disgusting with insulting. Second, it's pretty obvious how forced the anger is. To me he's just not a good enough actor.
I enjoy the reviewers on That Guy With The Glasses much more. I haven't gotten to see everyone on the site yet, but from what I have seen, Mike Walker is an excellent judge of talent and has gathered several highly entertaining reviewers for the site. In particular, I find Spoony to be a much more entertaining video game reviewer than the Nerd.
In particular, I find Spoony to be a much more entertaining video game reviewer than the Nerd.
no and yes.
I agree that Doug Walker is far better than James Rolfe. Really the AVGN's problem is that he does the same old song and dance every time. The Nostalgia Critic changes things up before they get old and stale.
However, I haven't been able to forgive Spoony for his long-winded Final Fantasy 8 review. Sure, he can bash it if he wants. Not everyone has to like the same games, but my biggest issue is that he made a review of the game that takes longer than an hour and a half to watch. Seriously, it's in 10 parts of ~10 minutes each and that's just overkill. Secondly, his criticisms often times seem forced, as though he's trying to manufacture reasons to hate the game where if he'd just shut up and play it instead of trying to think of things to talk about, he might actually have fun.
It would be easy enough to overlook a bashing of a game that I like alot if he didn't take over 100 minutes to rant about stupid stuff like androgyny in Japanese culture and the real-world practicality of using a gunblade.
edit: and then he starts in on Final Fantasy 10 as well and seems to be taking just as long with it as with 8. I can say that I didn't like FF10 very much, but that's primarily because the story is too linear, the biggest plot twist is given away near the beginning of the game, the characters have no numeric values for their EXP levels and the various weapon choices only differ in their number of available slots... and I don't take over 100 minutes to tell you that.
I agree that Doug Walker is absolutely FANTASTIC, and he's very very funny. I adore his reviews. Spoony's Let's Play "review" of Phantasmagoria 2 is a masterpiece of video game reviews; I recommend you check it out. It's incredibly hilarious BUT the game itself is nasty, awful, and disgusting. It's a testament to Spoony's comedic power that he got me to sit through it unable to stop laughing; or I'm a horrible person.
As far as James, he seems excited about the BTTF games Telltale is making. Much like how he felt about waiting in line for the 3DS, it's not worth watching the whole video for it though, cause it's just a few seconds long mention. It's cool they're getting more acknowledgment though. I liked in the Day 2 video when he just yelled "SHUT THE **** UP!" right at the Konami booth at the top of his voice; that made me lose it. I'm surprised that didn't get him kicked out.
I think it's meant to be Alan Sugar. (Correct me if I'm wrong). At first though, I thought it was my boss. (No, my boss isn't Alan Sugar, but there's a really strange likeness...)
You can't go around 'fixing' other people's opinions. Just post your own without trying to change somebody else's post.
The only game I'm really looking forward to is DeathSpank. Kirby Epic Yarn looks interesting, but the new gameplay and graphics style of the Kirby game will take some getting used to. Epic Mickey looks interesting too, but I'm a bit afraid it'll become a bit of a generic action platformer, even despite the paint and paint thinner stuff.
And of course Portal 2 is interesting, but that's a bit too far off to get excited about.
Civilization V and Fallout: New Vegas have had some preview media come out for them at or during the show, and I'm definitely getting excited about those. I really should reign in my expectations for New Vegas, since it's going to have to follow in the footsteps of Fallout 3 for technical and marketing reasons, but the names they have on the project are great ones.
You can go around 'fixing' other people's opinions. Just don't post your own without trying to change somebody else's post.
The only games I'm really looking forward to are DeathSpank and Dead Rising 2. Kirby Epic Yarn looks interesting, but the new gameplay and graphics style of the Kirby game will take some getting used to. Epic Mickey looks interesting too, but I'm a bit afraid it'll become a bit of a generic action platformer, even despite the paint and paint thinner stuff.
And of course Portal 2 is interesting, but that's an obvious OMGSPLOSION OF EPIC, and so I'll not reiterate the obvious.
See?! It's occured to me that since my first glance made me think it was my boss, and then we're informed it's actually Steven Speilberg, that means my boss looks at least a little like Steven Speilberg! I have a whole new level of respect for him now.... (my boss, that is)
There is no need to edit in peoples texts like that to serve your own needs.
No one is holding you back to post your own games you like to see, without "fixing" my thoughts.
And as for me, I have never played Zelda and I never will. And I never really liked Rayman.
There is no need to edit in peoples texts like that to serve your own needs.
No one is holding you back to post your own games you like to see, without "fixing" my thoughts.
And as for me, I have never played Zelda and I never will. And I never really liked Rayman.
We do that for a joke.
look around people do it all the time for their opinions.
Nobody does that but me.
I do it because I go mad when people have different opinions to me and the last time it happened, the result was disaster and tragedy for a small group of Peruvian campers.
Sounds like someone I know actually.
I'm sure the videos must appeal to some, but my general apathy means I can't really be bothered to try them. But, you know, don't let that stop you from enjoying him!
It kind of turned me off but at the same time he raises good points in his reviews. I've only watched a few videos, if you tune out the swearing it's not too bad I guess.
Steven Spielberg.
I enjoy the reviewers on That Guy With The Glasses much more. I haven't gotten to see everyone on the site yet, but from what I have seen, Mike Walker is an excellent judge of talent and has gathered several highly entertaining reviewers for the site. In particular, I find Spoony to be a much more entertaining video game reviewer than the Nerd.
no and yes.
I agree that Doug Walker is far better than James Rolfe. Really the AVGN's problem is that he does the same old song and dance every time. The Nostalgia Critic changes things up before they get old and stale.
However, I haven't been able to forgive Spoony for his long-winded Final Fantasy 8 review. Sure, he can bash it if he wants. Not everyone has to like the same games, but my biggest issue is that he made a review of the game that takes longer than an hour and a half to watch. Seriously, it's in 10 parts of ~10 minutes each and that's just overkill. Secondly, his criticisms often times seem forced, as though he's trying to manufacture reasons to hate the game where if he'd just shut up and play it instead of trying to think of things to talk about, he might actually have fun.
It would be easy enough to overlook a bashing of a game that I like alot if he didn't take over 100 minutes to rant about stupid stuff like androgyny in Japanese culture and the real-world practicality of using a gunblade.
edit: and then he starts in on Final Fantasy 10 as well and seems to be taking just as long with it as with 8. I can say that I didn't like FF10 very much, but that's primarily because the story is too linear, the biggest plot twist is given away near the beginning of the game, the characters have no numeric values for their EXP levels and the various weapon choices only differ in their number of available slots... and I don't take over 100 minutes to tell you that.
He briefly pays TTG a visit.
I agree that Doug Walker is absolutely FANTASTIC, and he's very very funny. I adore his reviews. Spoony's Let's Play "review" of Phantasmagoria 2 is a masterpiece of video game reviews; I recommend you check it out. It's incredibly hilarious BUT the game itself is nasty, awful, and disgusting. It's a testament to Spoony's comedic power that he got me to sit through it unable to stop laughing; or I'm a horrible person.
As far as James, he seems excited about the BTTF games Telltale is making. Much like how he felt about waiting in line for the 3DS, it's not worth watching the whole video for it though, cause it's just a few seconds long mention. It's cool they're getting more acknowledgment though. I liked in the Day 2 video when he just yelled "SHUT THE **** UP!" right at the Konami booth at the top of his voice; that made me lose it. I'm surprised that didn't get him kicked out.
Wow, he DOES look like your boss.
Further Fixed :P
The only game I'm really looking forward to is DeathSpank. Kirby Epic Yarn looks interesting, but the new gameplay and graphics style of the Kirby game will take some getting used to. Epic Mickey looks interesting too, but I'm a bit afraid it'll become a bit of a generic action platformer, even despite the paint and paint thinner stuff.
And of course Portal 2 is interesting, but that's a bit too far off to get excited about.
Sure you can, they just did.
See?! It's occured to me that since my first glance made me think it was my boss, and then we're informed it's actually Steven Speilberg, that means my boss looks at least a little like Steven Speilberg! I have a whole new level of respect for him now.... (my boss, that is)
Aww they like each other. Also.
Lucky bastard. I want to touch it too.
...Is that Angry Joe with Spoony and the Nerd?
There is no need to edit in peoples texts like that to serve your own needs.
No one is holding you back to post your own games you like to see, without "fixing" my thoughts.
And as for me, I have never played Zelda and I never will. And I never really liked Rayman.
We do that for a joke.
look around people do it all the time for their opinions.
Heh, that'll confuse you for a while.