What is the DeLorean of 2010?

Sinaz20Sinaz20 Telltale Alumni
edited May 2011 in Back to the Future
Greetings Programs!

I just wanted to start a little discussion that, mind you, has no bearing or official connection to the BttF game whatsoever. I'm not being cheeky - this really just is random banter and discussion.

Way back, someone in the office joked, "The DeLorean is asking too much money, so we're going to get likeness rights from Universal and hire a sound-a-like."

But it got me thinking-- The DeLorean paid off on so many gags in the BttF series...
  • It was a well known, yet hard to get, American exotic car... why not build a time machine with style!
  • It was known for having serious performance compromises making the 88mph part a bit of a in-joke gag.
  • It's heavy as all get out-- yet it eventually can fly.
  • It looks like the alien spaceship on the farmer kid's comic book.

So, I'm wondering, if BttF were made today, what cars would have been good candidates for a 2010 time machine?

Personally, DeLorean is the be all end all, and it still works as a goofy car to build a time machine out of. It's almost as if DMC made the car specifically for this movie. It's even fun to say with an incredulous inflection: "Wait a minute, Doc... are you telling me you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean??"

I think maybe I could see a Hummer working-- it's gag worthy.


  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    Sinaz20 wrote: »
    I think maybe I could see a Hummer working-- it's gag worthy.

    Heh, that's exactly what I was thinking as I read your post.

    Or it could go the other way with a little electric/smart car. They're easily recognised yet fairly uncommon, underperform compared to "real" cars, and tend to have a slightly futuristic look while being delightfully dinky.

    Does it even have to be a car? Personally I'd love a time-travelling Vespa. Iconic good looks, distinctive retro styling, but kind of wimpy compared to "proper" motorcycles, and amusingly less than masculine. I'd buy one.
  • edited July 2010
    The DeLorean worked because it looks futuristic. I don't think the fact that cars are heavy and some cars are even heavier is an iconic part of the DeLorean's appeal. Maybe my age doesn't give me the perspective needed for that, though?

    There aren't really any cars that match the DeLorean that have been on the market in the past decade, I don't think.

    The best way to go, I think, would be something along the lines of the electric or air pump cars like the Airpod. They don't have the same cultural "resonance" as the DeLorean, but they have a "futuristic" look. You could also probe concept car designs, I suppose, but I think there's some appeal in something that actually exists now.

    I dunno, the Hummer doesn't seem "sleek" enough to match the DeLorean in terms of matching stylistic value, which I think is the most important thing to consider when looking at an equivalent to the DeLorean.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    The DeLorean worked because it looks futuristic. I don't think the fact that cars are heavy and some cars are even heavier is an iconic part of the DeLorean's appeal. Maybe my age doesn't give me the perspective needed for that, though?

    For me, the appeal of the DeLorean as a time machine lies at least partially in its ridiculousness. Sure, it looks futuristic, but it also very much looks like a product of its time. It's just an 80s car pretty much like any other 80s car, except the doors open upways.

    I like that it's NOT a sleek, well-polished machine (as a modern concept car would be). It's very obviously a homemade effort. It looks like what a time machine would look like if it was built by one crazy dude in his suburban garage. It's conceivably real, and that's where the love is for me.

    Audience perspective could well have been different back in 1985 though. :p
  • Sinaz20Sinaz20 Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Or it could go the other way with a little electric/smart car. They're easily recognised yet fairly uncommon, underperform compared to "real" cars, and tend to have a slightly futuristic look while being delightfully dinky.

    A Smart Car could be funny... like I imagine the high pitch whine of its engine as it struggles to reach 88mph... and when it bursts through time, all it's paneling flies off.
  • edited July 2010
    If i were to choose any car it wold be a Figaro (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_Figaro) its a strange retro car that looks kinda futuristic but also old at the same time. Performance wise its basically a Nisan Micra so not too impressive, and its not that well known.

    As a bonus it was even marketed with the slogan "back to the future" I want one even if its not a time machine.
  • edited July 2010
    As soon as I saw this thread I started photoshopping seems like Sinaz20 and I think alike.

  • ShauntronShauntron Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    To me the thing that stood out about the DeLorean when I watched BttF as a kid was that it both looked and SOUNDED mean during action scenes (thanks to them dubbing a 302 V8 over the wimpy stock V6 for the film), and at the time I had no idea what the cultural significance of the car was.

    I could see the Hemi Charger filling that gap nicely in modern times :)
  • edited July 2010
    I think a Toyota. Getting up to 88 mph, no problem! Stopping/slowing down... Not so easy.
  • edited July 2010
    Sinaz20 wrote: »
    A Smart Car could be funny... like I imagine the high pitch whine of its engine as it struggles to reach 88mph... and when it bursts through time, all it's paneling flies off.
    Should be no problem with it's bigger, if problem-ridden and thus discontinued brother... ;)

    np: Sole And The Skyrider Band - Longshots (Plastique)
  • edited July 2010
    Shauntron wrote: »
    To me the thing that stood out about the DeLorean when I watched BttF as a kid was that it both looked and SOUNDED mean during action scenes (thanks to them dubbing a 302 V8 over the wimpy stock V6 for the film), and at the time I had no idea what the cultural significance of the car was.

    I could see the Hemi Charger filling that gap nicely in modern times :)

    Camaro > Charger even with Michael bay trying to make it a robot. I also thought it was a Porsche engine in the Delorian (in 2 and 3).
  • edited July 2010
    Would still use the Delorean, its simply such a cool, stylish and overall AWESOME car. i looks so futuristic.

    If not that them TransAM from Knight Rider.

    Nuff said i believe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2S7J_JBWds&feature=channel
  • Sinaz20Sinaz20 Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    as soon as i saw this thread i started photoshopping seems like sinaz20 and i think alike.


  • edited July 2010
    I don't think we need anything but another DeLorean. DMC is operating under new management and is still building new cars and refurbishing old ones using the original leftover stock from when the old DMC went under. I think new ones are running about $35k, unless they raised the price in the past couple years.
  • edited July 2010
    Sinaz20 wrote: »

    Someone needs to leak that on twitter as concept art from the game :p - Telltale, wanting to reduce its carbon footprint has decided to swap out the deLorean in its BTTF games for something a little more environmentally friendly...

    Then watch all hell break loose.
  • edited July 2010
    Shauntron wrote: »
    To me the thing that stood out about the DeLorean when I watched BttF as a kid was that it both looked and SOUNDED mean during action scenes (thanks to them dubbing a 302 V8 over the wimpy stock V6 for the film), and at the time I had no idea what the cultural significance of the car was.

    It also didn't hurt that they slapped a Porsche engine in the thing for Part II after blowing multiple engines in the first movie.
  • HoboStewHoboStew Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    I'm thinking the Tesla. Sleek, exotic, expensive, American, and probably has some performance issues since its a BEV. Plus it fits with the whole green zeitgeist of the modern day.
  • edited July 2010
    Plus it has Nikola Tesla's last name.
  • edited July 2010
    HoboStew wrote: »
    I'm thinking the Tesla. Sleek, exotic, expensive, American, and probably has some performance issues since its a BEV. Plus it fits with the whole green zeitgeist of the modern day.

    American? What does that have to do with anything? The DMC-12 was made in Northern Ireland. And of course the Tesla Roadster has performance issues; it was designed by a bunch of internet tycoons, not automotive engineers.
  • edited July 2010
    I think a gray Toyota with a laser in the front would work.

  • Sinaz20Sinaz20 Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    xbskid wrote: »
    American? What does that have to do with anything? The DMC-12 was made in Northern Ireland. And of course the Tesla Roadster has performance issues; it was designed by a bunch of internet tycoons, not automotive engineers.

    Manufactured in Northern Ireland for the cheap labor by a Michigan based company.

    It's an American car, just like a Toyota is still a Japanese car, even if it was manufactured in the Ontario plant.

    Am I mistaken?
  • edited July 2010
    The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style? Besides, the stainless steel construction made the flux dispersal...look out!
  • edited July 2010
    This one is odd enough:

    And then there's the Chrysler Atlantic, which unfortunately is just a concept car:
  • edited July 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    And then there's the Chrysler Atlantic, which unfortunately is just a concept car:

    that looks like the batmobile. i want it:eek:
  • edited July 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    that looks like the batmobile. i want it:eek:

    It's very retro and very futuristic at the same time, so you can travel in style no matter what time you drop in.
  • edited July 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    This one is odd enough:

    I like it.
    jp-30 wrote: »

    Holy crap!
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    This one is odd enough:

    That's like the Elephant Man of automobiles.
    jp-30 wrote: »

    [too many DeLoreans]

    I get a little frightened when they... congregate like that. It's like they're plotting something.
  • edited July 2010
    You know what would be perfect? A Prius!



    Just think of the puns and gags you could make!

    Or, I dunno, if you want to go for a sleek clean almost Portalish look, there's the Samsung eMX.


    Although it's just a concept car.
  • edited July 2010
    Sinaz20 wrote: »
    Manufactured in Northern Ireland for the cheap labor by a Michigan based company.

    It's an American car, just like a Toyota is still a Japanese car, even if it was manufactured in the Ontario plant.

    Am I mistaken?
    No, I suppose you're right, thought I never really paid attention to who was building what, except for Fuji Heavy Industries. My Subaru was built in Japan and got here in a shipping container. :P
  • edited July 2010
    Reliant Robin.

    Hah, no, but in all seriousness, perhaps a Beamer would fit.
  • edited July 2010
    Ladies and Gentlemen.... The Bugatti Veyron.

    50 percent engineering and 50 percent sheer lunacy.

  • edited July 2010
    Ladies and Gentlemen.... The Bugatti Veyron.

    50 percent engineering and 50 percent sheer lunacy.

    And 5 mpg at max speed.
  • edited July 2010
  • edited July 2010

    Wow that thing is ugly.
  • edited July 2010
    xbskid wrote: »
    Wow that thing is ugly.

    Poor KITT :(

    How about this?

  • edited July 2010
  • edited July 2010
    A regular DeLorean but, with a shotgun of the front and a button to shoot from the inside.
  • edited July 2010
    Man, vehicles with doors that go up like that look like insects ready to take off when they've got their doors open. Watch out, they sting, too!
  • edited July 2010
    They're called gullwing doors. And for a good reason:

  • edited July 2010
    There just isn't an equivalent of a Delorean today because it would be completely insane to ever build something like that.

    The whole design was futuristic at the time but that's not just it. It's the fact that DMC only ever released a Delorean, they went bust. The whole idea of making something in the same league as the Delorean today would be just as much of a failure.

    Let's face it. The Delorean even though it's an absolutely awesome car is a complete failure, no company in their right mind would blow money on creating an equivalent. Without Back To The Future then the Delorean would be another easily forgotten car..

    The ONLY modern equivalent would be if DMC got off their bums and designed a new car just as ridiculously cool as the Delorean.
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