Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls discussion!



  • edited July 2010
    There's a nice piece of art near the end of the fan art thread. I don't know if that would work.
  • edited July 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    Might wanna spoiler tag
    I'm frankly a bit surprised that everybody is using spoiler tags in the official "304 Discussion" thread, but I guess if everyone else does it, I ought to as well. Post edited.

    (And no, Mom, this doesn't mean I'd jump off a bridge if they did. I do have SOME limits. ;) )
  • edited July 2010
    I think this episode was great in more than one way. I can't wait for the weekend to come so I can play it again and try some options I left aside the first time.

    By the way ... is it just me or was anybody else creeped out by
    the girl/dog, grampa/Maxcake and girl/cockroach kissing scenes
  • ttg_Stemmlettg_Stemmle Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    Iryon wrote: »
    By the way ... is it just me or was anybody else creeped out by
    the girl/dog, grampa/Maxcake and girl/cockroach kissing scenes

    Hey, what you and your good woman/dog/pastry/insect/Scotsman do in the privacy of your own home is no business of mine...

    Mike "Omnisexual" Stemmle
  • edited July 2010
    juv3nal wrote: »
    Can someone with the pc version screen cap
    full psychic potential glowy max in half-lotus
    in a desktop wallpaper size for me? I would do my own, but I only have the game on ps3.

    What resolution, exactly, do you want it in? And widescreen or not?
  • edited July 2010
    Power46 wrote: »
    What resolution, exactly, do you want it in? And widescreen or not?

    1440 by 900 would be ideal, but I can fiddle around with anything (although preferably it'd use as much of the 900 vertically as possible). Thanks!
  • edited July 2010
    If Hassat's photo isn't what you are looking for, maybe this or this will work? Remember, the pictures contain spoilers!

    And by the way, I set it to 1440x900 for these, so that is what you would get in game.
  • edited July 2010
    Oh God, what kind of horrible hosting site is this ad-laden monstrosity?!
  • edited July 2010
    I really have to establish a time limit playing S & M and hire people to enforce these laws thus keeping me from finishing it on the same day. This would be very beneficial as I wouldn't sit in my chair rocking back and forth and biting my nails waiting a month for the new episode.
  • ttg_Stemmlettg_Stemmle Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    ...stupid rassin frassin duped message...
  • edited July 2010
    Hey, what you and your good woman/dog/pastry/insect/Scotsman do in the privacy of your own home is no business of mine...

    Mike "Omnisexual" Stemmle

    You already said that in this thread.
  • edited July 2010
    Somewhat less than serene.
  • edited July 2010
    Oh God, what kind of horrible hosting site is this ad-laden monstrosity?!
    The only one willing to work with my connection :(.
  • edited July 2010
    Sounds like it will be fun. Hopefully i'll find some time in the near future...just as i'm writing this i had to think of the tentacle beeing in 303 guarding the door which reminded me of the bridge intro scene in Dragon's Lair, somehow sad that you couldn't use a sword. :O9
  • edited July 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    Somewhat less than serene. previous reply got swallowed up by the system it seems. Anyways, this one will do nicely. Thanks everyone.
  • edited July 2010
    Since this is a discussion of the episode, presumably among people who have completed the episode and have thoughts to discuss with OTHERS who have completed the episode, I refuse to use spoiler tags here anymore.This post isn't actually that spoilery, though, so it probably won't come up, but whatever.

    Basically, I've recently realized something weird about Sam & Max that I want an opinion on. It's just a rant about something I've been thinking lately.

    At first, I only played the games because I remembered liking the TV show when I was really little. I'm too young for the comics, unfortunately, although I ordered a copy of Surfin' the Highway a while ago that I completely adore.(It's already falling apart.)

    I actually only started playing Sam & Max at all a few months ago, when I decided to try it after reading about the franchise in some magazine; I totally fell in love with season one and two, because they were completely ridiculous and made me burst out laughing hysterically every five seconds. I got season three for my birthday, which was definitely the best present ever.

    But now, it's starting to feel like I'm relying less and less on the humour of the franchise to keep my interest peaked. It's starting to feel like I'd play the games, even if they weren't funny, just because I want to know what happens next. Sam & Max is known for it's humour, but personally, I don't think I really need it to be funny any more. Which is weird and freaking me out. It's like I'm geniunely starting to care about the characters as more than just vessels for comedy.

    I hate it when franchises known for having ridiculous plotlines and screwball humour leave me feeling teary eyed. I mean, after beating 304, instead of thinking, "Hah, next episode will be awesome!" I thought something more along the lines of "Oh my god, what's happening to poor Max? Is he going to be okay?"

    I don't like having to worry about whether or not a sociopathic bunny with psychic powers is going to suffer permanent damage from using them. I don't like feeling sorry for his best friend when I see him worrying about the same exact same thing. I don't like feeling squishy inside when I realize how much they actually like each other, and I don't like feeling sad when I realize how much they're probably hurting because of all the bad stuff going down in their lives right now. I don't want to be genuinely frightened, or even just spooked, by some bizarre new plot twist. I don't like having serious thoughts about a game that I used to just play for laughs.

    Godammit, Telltale. :mad:

    (Sorry, I tend to get too serious about things I obsess about. Please don't be mad at me for going on.)
  • edited July 2010
    You and I are one in the same, Player 2.
  • edited July 2010
    @Player 2: Agreed 100%
  • edited July 2010
    I realized that too. Suddenly I cared more for the story and characters than the humor which first drew me in.
  • edited July 2010
    Huh. I got nothing, mostly because there's an episode left and we're talking about a main character(and a "hero" at that!). Personally, I felt far worse for
    , because he may not come back. I mean, I'm pretty sure he will(after all, he's popular, so far they've only killed unpopular characters), but they don't HAVE to bring him back.


    On the other hand, Purcell HAS been waiting to do that monkey story.
  • edited July 2010
    They need to create a balance between the humour and between the suspension and caring for the characters. Personally, I prefer the latter.
  • edited July 2010
    The story is ridiculus (I mean JUNIOR?). I'm pretty sure if wasn't because Sam and Max are so involved in it this story will not be so... dark. But I guess is something similar of what happened to some Monkey Island fans when they finished the 4th Chapter.

    While I'm in the same boat as everyone else, 2 things: 1- Rather Dashing is right: Status Quo is god and you can't have Sam and Max with one missing, so, at the end of the season the two will be alright anyway. And 2- Probably this is the first time in which they are demostrating both characters aren't just a wall of jokes with a set personality, which make me happy in a way. I just really, really hoping this is THE Season they will demostrate that and not suddenly become standart (The personal problems of Sam and Max I mean).
  • edited July 2010
    Player 2, I totally agree with you.

    I don't know whether anyone agrees with me, but when
    I used Future Vision on Sam while fighting Charlie Ho-Tep to reveal the screaming and the flashing jaws
    , I was extremely disquieted. This might hint that
    all of Sam's faffing around in other dimensions might have set the gears in motion that will cause his death at the hands (well, mouth) of the fluffy demigod Max
    . :(

    Sal? NOOOO! WHY SAL? When Stinky woke up at the end... oh god...
  • edited July 2010
    You guys are a bunch of weinies.
  • edited July 2010
    Great chapter.

    Don't call me crazy but i dreamed last night that
    and the Narrator were the same person. Like i was playing this episode again and one second it was
    and then it was the narrator playing the piano and all. I think it's because they have simmilar hair. Those things mess up my mind.
    Like when i was little thought that Pluto and Goofy were the same character, who could mutate at will into a dog.
    Because they have the same freaking head, just with different colors.

    Ok, you can call me crazy now.
  • edited July 2010
    Ignatius wrote: »
    Great chapter.

    Don't call me crazy but i dreamed last night that
    and the Narrator were the same person. Like i was playing this episode again and one second it was
    and then it was the narrator playing the piano and all. I think it's because they have simmilar hair. Those things mess up my mind.
    Like when i was little thought that Pluto and Goofy were the same character, who could mutate at will into a dog.
    Because they have the same freaking head, just with different colors.

    Ok, you can call me crazy now.

    I was pretending to finish a 2 minutes long animation in one week. I'm not going to call you crazy.
  • edited July 2010
    You know Max will turn out all right in the end, as he'll have to look after a Senile Sam 100 years later.
  • edited July 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    You know Max will turn out all right in the end, as he'll have to look after a Senile Sam 100 years later.
    I'm pretty sure there's a Telltale post that says they don't worry too much about adhering to that, and in fact are pretty against changing what they might plan to do because it doesn't fit with the Future scene. Don't know where it is, though. :p
  • edited July 2010
    I'm pretty sure there's a Telltale post that says they don't worry too much about adhering to that, and in fact are pretty against changing what they might plan to do because it doesn't fit with the Future scene. Don't know where it is, though. :p
    Senile Sam was a robot, clearly. Future Max built him for the company.
    Continuity fixed.
  • edited July 2010
    Probably been brought up before but I think it's interesting that the newspaper that can be seen on the Devil's Playhouse page shows the mayor looking a lot like the narrator.
  • edited July 2010
    Just replayed 304's finale so that I can see Sam's future again. At first I wasn't sure if it was actually a
    mouth or not, but this time I saw the fangs.
    So, yeah, he's probably gonna
    get eaten by Mathulhu,
    or something along those lines. Why didn't I notice that at first?
  • edited July 2010
    Just thought I should comment that this episode was brilliant - very well balanced gameplay without the issues I may have compained about in previous ones this series. I think it was mostly down to that they managed to use every single psychic power plus inventory and conversation puzzles - a bit of everything. There seemed to be more filled-out dialogue options too (including some v. funny ones).

    As for Player_2's comment about "caring about the characters" - that's just a sign of good writing. If the characters lack depth the game eventually becomes uninteresting because you don't really care what the outcome is.
  • edited July 2010
    My thoughts echo most of whom have posted in this thread, in that I loved all of it. The episode started really well with the cutscene of being chased into the diner (which imo couldn't have been better). The plot felt intriguing right until Charlie spun his little head round. At that point, I got it. I thought "Well played, Telltale!" Pure genius. The final two puzzles, Roger Jackson's acting and the camera shots around the Statue of Liberty were beyond awesome. Badass Psychic Max and Badass Edritch Monster Max - very satisfying.
  • edited July 2010

    Just kidding. And Badass Psychic Max was totally the highlight of the entire episode, at least for me.
  • edited July 2010
    I'm not entirely sure if someone else has already talked about this or something, but I just really need to rant about how can anybody put that much Sam-related "d'aaaawwwww" into one episode. Seriously, how. Between Sam and the Samulacrums and dogglegangers and Sal (who is one letter away from Sam. COINCIDENCE?!) and Fudgie-freezes and little rabbit dolls and doo-be-doo-be-doos and self-image issues and stuff I was constantly gushing through the whole thing and my sister gushed with me and GAH TELLTALE IT'S TOO MUCH ADORABLE I CANNAE HANDLE IT.
  • edited July 2010
    The only memorable scene using future vision is the one that foreshadows the clone master reveal.
  • edited July 2010
    Remember, Max has always wanted to eat Sam anyway. In 301 he says he would resort to cannibalism.
  • edited July 2010
    henke37 wrote: »
    The only memorable scene using future vision is the one that foreshadows the clone master reveal.

    Where was this vision at?
  • edited July 2010
    Where was this vision at?

    The docks, on Sam.
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