Toys of Power catalogue

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
In the recently released fourth episode it's said that actually there are hundreds of Toys of Power. Those we are able to get and use (silly putty, ventriloquist dummy, telephone, can of nuts, etc.) are just a drop in the bucket. I think it would be cool if Telltale created a catalogue of all the Toys with pictures and descriptions, either in form of a video (a-la Sam & Max Secret Origins), a webpage or even a physical book that can probably be included in Season 3 case file.


  • edited July 2010
    I think that would be cool, a catalogue for the Toys of Power! It would totally fake but it would have pictures of each Toy and a description of the toy and the use of it's power, in a literal magazine of course.

    Yes, I just repeated what you said but it sounds so good anyway.
  • edited July 2010
    Cyrus7 wrote: »
    In the recently released fourth episode it's said that actually there are hundreds of Toys of Power. Those we are able to get and use (silly putty, ventriloquist dummy, telephone, can of nuts, etc.) are just a drop in the bucket. I think it would be cool if Telltale created a catalogue of all the Toys with pictures and descriptions, either in form of a video (a-la Sam & Max Secret Origins), a webpage or even a physical book that can probably be included in Season 3 case file.

    this has to be one of the best ideas yet!

    possible toys apart from the 7 we've seen:
    *balloon - levitation
    *uhhhh... crap, this is hard
  • edited July 2010
    this has to be one of the best ideas yet!

    possible toys apart from the 7 we've seen:
    *balloon - levitation
    *uhhhh... crap, this is hard
    • swap minds with someone else/one-way, ie. taking them over
    • paralyze someone (like Charlie Hotep did)
    • move objects and people around without touching them (see Matilda)
    • obscure/manipulate ppl's memories (see Harry Potter)
    • revive someone injured, gravely ill or dead
    • contact disembodied spirits that aren't ghosts
    • animate/give a soul to a random object
    • give/remove abilities of someone else
    • block ppl's senses
    • disguise oneself as someone else (lookalike and soundalike)

    Can't think of relevant toys, sorry. Perhaps you lot could help me out here.
  • edited July 2010
    how about brain control with a hypno-bear
  • edited July 2010
    Nicking some other people's ideas:
    • Telekinesis - RC control
    • Transvection - Balloon
    • Stopping time - Yoyo
    • Bilocation - Newton's Cradle
    • Invisibility - Etch-a-Sketch
    • X-ray vision - X-ray goggles
    • Psychometry - Pinart
    • Telepathy - Crayons
    • Hypno-control - Juggling balls
  • edited July 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    • swap minds with someone else/one-way, ie. taking them over
    • paralyze someone (like Charlie Hotep did)
    • move objects and people around without touching them (see Matilda)
    • obscure/manipulate ppl's memories (see Harry Potter)
    • revive someone injured, gravely ill or dead
    • contact disembodied spirits that aren't ghosts
    • animate/give a soul to a random object
    • give/remove abilities of someone else
    • block ppl's senses
    • disguise oneself as someone else (lookalike and soundalike)

    Can't think of relevant toys, sorry. Perhaps you lot could help me out here.

    telekenisis: magic wand
    disguise: groucho marx glasses
  • edited July 2010
    time travle-pocet watch
  • edited July 2010
    have it in sections like shirt for ex-amp View-Master Nutrition Specs there
  • edited July 2010
    A few more possible powers
    Remote Viewing - Remoter control?
    Death Warning
    Scrying - Magic 8 Ball?
  • edited July 2010
    Psychic Duplicator - Small calculator with scanner on the back - Makes and exact copy of any object it's used on
    Psychic Controller - Remote Control - Allows you to take control of anyone it's used against, in the same way the player controls Sam. Gives access to any objects that person may be holding.
  • edited July 2010
    * swap minds with someone else/one-way, ie. taking them over
    * paralyze someone (like Charlie Hotep did)
    * move objects and people around without touching them (see Matilda)
    * obscure/manipulate ppl's memories (see Harry Potter)
    * revive someone injured, gravely ill or dead
    * contact disembodied spirits that aren't ghosts
    * animate/give a soul to a random object
    * give/remove abilities of someone else
    * block ppl's senses
    * disguise oneself as someone else (lookalike and soundalike)

    Those old cans on a string
    String Puppets(if a ventriloquist puppet is voice, string puppet for movment makes sense)
    puzzle pieces?
    a feather(Phoenix down, get it)
    remote control?
    those glasses with the fake nose and moustache
  • edited July 2010
    Chess Pawn = Mind Control: More than a simple chess piece my friends, eh? Who said only board game pieces can be pawns in real life?
    Top = Time Control: Spinning the top forward or backward lets you go forward your backward through time, and no it doesn't select a location.
    Water Gun = Psychic Death Ray: It is the real world version of the Cthonic Destroyer, if you need to kill or destroy anything from the real world use this on anything.
    Yoyo = Telekenesis: Sending an object out of your hands and then allowing it to come back to you is quite a marvel, and with this toy you can send a psychic hand and grab an object and then snap it right back at you!
    Model Wooden Airplane = Levitation: Although an ancient and possibly very useless toy for a child, this lets the controller lift himself up in the air and allowing him to fly.
    Scuba Gear = Aquakenesis: Allows the controller to breathe underwater by surrounding him/herself with a bubble and then letting the bubble enter his or her skin.
    Rubber Keys = Transportation Control: A car cannot go without a driver, or start without keys.... Or can it?
    Decoder Glasses = Clarvoyance: How useful would it be to look through the eyes of your enemy or friend and watch what trick they had up their sleeve?
    Mustache Glasses = Face Stealer: While Rhinoplasty steals a picture of an inanimate object, this toy steals the face of anyone you are focusing on.
  • edited July 2010
    Don't forget, we need some "practical" powers. As Max said, they can't all be showstoppers :P

    the paddle-ball lets him know exactly how much tip to pay at restaurants.
  • edited July 2010
    An Egg timer that tells you exactly when something is perfectly cooked
  • edited July 2010
    Ew, that's not even logical.
  • edited July 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    Chess Pawn = Mind Control: More than a simple chess piece my friends, eh? Who said only board game pieces can be pawns in real life?
    Top = Time Control: Spinning the top forward or backward lets you go forward your backward through time, and no it doesn't select a location.
    Water Gun = Psychic Death Ray: It is the real world version of the Cthonic Destroyer, if you need to kill or destroy anything from the real world use this on anything.
    Yoyo = Telekenesis: Sending an object out of your hands and then allowing it to come back to you is quite a marvel, and with this toy you can send a psychic hand and grab an object and then snap it right back at you!
    Model Wooden Airplane = Levitation: Although an ancient and possibly very useless toy for a child, this lets the controller lift himself up in the air and allowing him to fly.
    Scuba Gear = Aquakenesis: Allows the controller to breathe underwater by surrounding him/herself with a bubble and then letting the bubble enter his or her skin.
    Rubber Keys = Transportation Control: A car cannot go without a driver, or start without keys.... Or can it?
    Decoder Glasses = Clarvoyance: How useful would it be to look through the eyes of your enemy or friend and watch what trick they had up their sleeve?
    Mustache Glasses = Face Stealer: While Rhinoplasty steals a picture of an inanimate object, this toy steals the face of anyone you are focusing on.

    awesome list
  • edited July 2010
    Didn't they do this for a Telltale Tuesday oh so long ago?

    Well played, Telltale, well played.
  • edited July 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    Didn't they do this for a Telltale Tuesday oh so long ago?

    Well played, Telltale, well played.

    No, that was naming a toy of power in order to get a free game.
  • edited July 2010
    an animadvert about the toys that we haven Sean
  • edited July 2010
    Kane, I'll only say this once. People ignore your posts because they don't understand them. Stop trying to be clever and post with the correct words or people will continue to ignore you.
  • edited July 2010
    Btw there are some excellent ideas in here. Keep it up, guys!
  • edited July 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    Kane, I'll only say this once. People ignore your posts because they don't understand them. Stop trying to be clever and post with the correct words or people will continue to ignore you.

    Why, I understood him perfectly :D
  • edited July 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    Kane, I'll only say this once. People ignore your posts because they don't understand them. Stop trying to be clever and post with the correct words or people will continue to ignore you.

    He uses the speech program because he has dyslexia. He's not trying to be clever.
  • edited July 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    He uses the speech program because he has dyslexia. He's not trying to be clever.

    Oh. Sorry, Kane. Didn't even occur to me.
  • edited July 2010
    Disc of Madness/Frisbee-power to enrage whoever you throw it at
    Orb of Unending Bounciness/Superball(toy not agent)-the power to leap really high
  • edited July 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    Didn't they do this for a Telltale Tuesday oh so long ago?

    Well played, Telltale, well played.
    splash1 wrote: »
    No, that was naming a toy of power in order to get a free game.

    Avel's right, splash is wrong.

    The TTTuesday was a blog/facebook comment contest where you had to come up with a Toy of Power, both the item and the use.

    I should know, because I was one of the winners and still has said coupon code.[/brag]
  • edited July 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    Kane, I'll only say this once. People ignore your posts because they don't understand them. Stop trying to be clever and post with the correct words or people will continue to ignore you.
    tabstis wrote: »
    He uses the speech program because he has dyslexia. He's not trying to be clever.

    He needs to find a better one, then. I'm sure there are better options out there that type what he is saying more accurately.

    OR we could just find him the Toy of Power that does that for him. I'm thinking it may be one of those pencil balloons that you only see in carnivals...
  • edited July 2010
    Zeek wrote: »
    OR we could just find him the Toy of Power that does that for him. I'm thinking it may be one of those pencil balloons that you only see in carnivals...

    OR one of those kiddy abc things that teach toddlers how to spell, keeping with the Fisher Price theme we've had thus far. Sorry Kane, couldn't resist. Perhaps I've gone way too far now. *hides*
  • edited July 2010
    The only one I could think up was a Pretty Pretty Princess Crown that would make everyone else obey you when you wore it. Downside is, they'd always address the one wearing the crown as a female, which would be embarrassing in Max's case.
  • edited July 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    OR one of those kiddy abc things that teach toddlers how to spell, keeping with the Fisher Price theme we've had thus far. Sorry Kane, couldn't resist. Perhaps I've gone way too far now. *hides*
    Ooo, a Speak-N-Spell? Nice.:D
  • edited July 2010
    Oh, I got one.

    Those "Cow says Moo" wheels-Turns target into an animal of choice
  • edited July 2010
    Magnifying Glass-Pyrokinesis
  • edited July 2010
    Oh, I got one.

    Those "Cow says Moo" wheels-Turns target into an animal of choice

    That was already used to hold the Toys of Power in Max's mind. Didn't you hear the guy say the name of the Toy after you point the arrow to it and click?
  • edited July 2010
    oh, thought that was just a wheel. meh.

    actually, i just remembered trying to use the Cthonic Destroyer on the grand finale."The wheel says, toy not available"
  • edited July 2010
    Monkeys in a Barrel- Conceils large groups of people inside.
  • edited July 2010
    Pinwheel - Levitation
  • edited July 2010
    Monkeys in a Barrel- Conceils large groups of people inside.

    That ability is already there in 302
  • edited July 2010
    Any Telltale employees reading this topic? Looks like a toy catalogue would be just as popular as MI tarot cards.
  • edited July 2010
    USS Enterprise model - warp (bend) time and space (to one's own whim?) (think Sammun-Mak)
  • edited July 2010
    Ey dudes, and what do you think about:
    3D glasses: Allows you to see a short fragment of the nearly future.
    Toy Telephone: Teletransport you and your friends to another phone (note: don't open your eyes during the travell)
    Plasticine: Gives you the power of the Rhinoplasty. Transform yourself to any inanimated image that you have copied.
    Cards: The power of read the minds. I don't have to say much more.
    Can'o'Nuts: Desapear for a short period of time.

    Just kidding. The new toys would be:
    Those "Sheep says Bee" wheels: Narcolepsy (probably bad writtened): Just imagine the power of this toy in a transitated road.
    Your first make up pack: It make yourself the most beautyfull person in Earth (just for a few seconds, of course). And that's the kind of toy that put sam on his nerves.
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