Massive Sam and Max Copyright infringement.



  • edited August 2010
    I got nothing. I can't think of any words to describe... I literally can't. I feel like Mrs. White from the Clue movie; "Flames, flames--flames on the side of my face, breathing--breath--heaving breaths, heaving..."
  • edited August 2010
    wow... that is sooooo wrong...
  • edited August 2010
    a furry said to me that cos im gay I should understand the predusise against him I just loled.

    I don't mean this in a mean way whatsoever, but I KNEW IT! No straight man would use that screen name.

    On another note... anybody who is sexually attracted to anything out of there species (real or fake) is just a jacked in brain freak. I mean these "furries" would have to think like that considering the sheer amount of cartoon animal porn out there & the fact that the game in question has a NSFW version. While I have nothing against bisexuals, gays, christians, jews, muslims, blacks, asians (hell... my wife is one) or anything else that is mentioned in this thread, I do have a MAJOR problem with furries... I mean that shit is one step away from beastiality.
  • edited August 2010
    As it turns out we are scrapping the sam and max angle in favor of something more palatable for us. Though Id think Lucas arts or whoever owns the rights to them would have much better things to do then sue some guys for a game, but then Id be surprised.
    They posted that in response to a mention of the legal problems.
  • edited August 2010
    Someone who likes anthromorphic animals (basically animals that act like humans, walking on 2, and wearing clothes etc.) style. Basically if you like many Disneyfilms you already fit the description.

    Of course, there are also those who take the furry stuff to a disgusting fetish level. They're the kind people usually hate.
  • edited August 2010
    I would have liked that comic better if he hadn't been using the sexual definition like there was no other.
  • edited August 2010
    Most people think there is no other.
  • edited August 2010
    I'm not even going to ask why you were looking for Sam and Max on Furaffinity.

    too true
  • edited August 2010
    I too have a FurAffinity account because I'm in Sonic fandom and I thought FurAffinity was simply a site created for anthropomorphic character-related artworks. FurAffinity was actually THE site taught me that there were a bunch of people looking at my beloved cartoon characters "the other way".
  • edited August 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Most people think there is no other.
    In the same way that most people think that video games are GTA and Pac-man?
  • edited August 2010
    The only problem I have with furries is that they keep going on and on and on about it and how they think they're special because they're being persicuted and whatnot.

    Really, that's the only reason to hate them. People who hate them because of their fetish are really just hypocrites because I don't think there's anyone out there who isn't into something... strange. Most people just have the sence to keep it to themselves!

    There is one thing that confuses me about the furry hate though, which is why people think it's too close to beastiality. I mean, take the likes of Star Trek, where multi race relationships are everywhere. Hell even Odo in Deep Space Nine got some lovin and he was from a race of shapeshifting goo people. Even in Mass Effect 2,
    Garrus is the prefered love interest for people who play Female Shepard and he has horse shaped legs and a very non human face

    Hate the annoying furries for the real reasons: The fact that they don't shut up about it and that they keep destroying childhood memories. I say bad furries because there are people out there who just like anthromorphic art. I myself like seeing cartoon animals in hilarious human situations.

    As an Edit, I'd like to cover some more points in focus (I really should have read all of this topic first, oh well!):
    Falanca wrote: »
    Christian has a meaning. Pedophile has another. Muslim has a meaning. Terrorist has another. Gay has a meaning. Faggot has another. They're claimed to be stereotypes (I don't agree with none) because either some people pointed out or rumored the relationships between each two words.

    I'm just saying that if we call every anthropomorphic fictional character lover a furry, what should we call those who want to fuck bears? Those people are called furries by most of people already, and the furries theirselves -in your definition- have nothing against calling only those ones furries. Furry is not a religion, not a race or a sexual decision people have to make, so it's not that important, it just includes a MAJORITY of humanity, even so that watching cartoons and seeing and liking anthropomorphic characters can be considered a social NORM, and that simply means there is not even a need to give a name to that grouping. We can just call all those people cartoon lovers or something similar, and get on with it. It's NOTHING about stereotypes or anything, there is no need to be sensitive about anything.

    I both agree and disagree here. There's nothing wrong with people who like anthropomorphic characters but there's also nothing wrong with a group of people wanting a collective name. Unfortunently words and names tend to get twisted or invented, usually by ignorant people, to make them mean something else. I'm pretty sure when the term "furry" was first used it didn't encompas every aspect of the fandom. So you're left with people who still want to use that term fighting against the people who insist on using it for their terms. Of course it's silly to try and link furry percecution to percecution of Gays (A word that also meant something completely different a long time ago) but that doesn't mean there aren't parallels, they just aren't in the same league is all.

    Also according to Wikipedia the term for someone who would want to fuck a bear would be a zoophile. Although this just brings me back to my previous point, which was at what point does the thought of intercourse with a non human species become unacceptable?
    Jen Kollic wrote: »
    I don't think it's legal for them to make the game if it's non-commercial, The Silver Lining (unofficial King's Quest game) is totally non-commercial (and actually treats the IP with respect) and the creators have had recurring legal issues with Activision.

    I bolded the main part there. It's Activision. These are the same people who charge $15 for map packs for shooters that other companies would do for free. They even tried to stop of Brutal Legend even though they dropped the IP and it was brought up by another company.

    That didn't make what these people at Fur Affinity did any less wrong but not all companies are after your money like Activision, but that's another topic for another day.
    a furry said to me that cos im gay I should understand the predusise against him I just loled.

    And so you should have, I would laugh too and I've never experienced prejudice.

    That's it really. Sorry this has gone really off topic but it's something I find both interesting and confusing. There are worse things on the internet than furries, but they get so much hate in general. I can understand the ones who keep going on about it and try possibly too hard to make it a way of life rather than what many see as a lifestyle choice, although even that could be debatable, but the hate that even simple artists who just like drawing anthropomorphic animals can get seems a little unfair.
  • edited August 2010
    I'll believe Hassat when I see a furry in the white house. :D
    That probably already happened. Multiple times.
    I don't mean this in a mean way whatsoever, but I KNEW IT! No straight man would use that screen name.
    You're pretty late, you know. He made it pretty clear over and over and over in the past.
    On another note... anybody who is sexually attracted to anything out of there species (real or fake) is just a jacked in brain freak.
    All those freaky LOTR Elf-lovers. Ugh. Or Twi'leks. Or... well, you know what I mean.
    I mean these "furries" would have to think like that considering the sheer amount of cartoon animal porn out there & the fact that the game in question has a NSFW version.
    It's the internet. Trust me, there is much worse to find here than pornographic pics of cartoon animals. Much much worse. And with real humans. I take "ruined childhood" over "goatse" anyday, thank you very much.
    I do have a MAJOR problem with furries... I mean that shit is one step away from beastiality.
    I do have a MAJOR problem with anime... I mean that shit is one step away from pedophilia. :rolleyes:
    Hatley wrote: »
    Of course, there are also those who take the furry stuff to a disgusting fetish level. They're the kind people usually hate.
    I don't notice much of that throughout this thread.
    Falanca wrote: »
    Most people think there is no other.
    I do notice a lot of this throughout this thread.
    Shwoo wrote: »
    In the same way that most people think that video games are GTA and Pac-man?
    And CoD now. Keep up with your time ;).
    Zonino wrote: »
    The only problem I have with furries is that they keep going on and on and on about it and how they think they're special because they're being persicuted and whatnot.
    Didn't woman do that in the 70's? Or gays even to this days? Black africans, both in Africa and the US?
    I know, apples and oranges, but it bears pointing out.
    Most people just have the sense to keep it to themselves!
    On the internet? Not really.
    Of course furries can do it a bit more freely than pedo's or snuff-lovers... that's probably why you can find more of it.
    I myself like seeing cartoon animals in hilarious human situations.
    I think if you don't you really are wrong here on the Sam&Max games forums ;).
    not all companies are after your money like Activision, but that's another topic for another day.
    TTG ain't... fortunately.
    There are worse things on the internet than furries, but they get so much hate in general.
    +1. As can be plainly seen in this very thread.
  • edited August 2010
    As long as everybody's grasping for analogies and comparisons to other groups of people, I'd say furries are most similar to Steampunk enthusiasts and men who like to wear kilts casually.
  • edited August 2010
    Didn't woman do that in the 70's? Or gays even to this days? Black africans, both in Africa and the US?
    I know, apples and oranges, but it bears pointing out.

    Actually it's far more like kids being bullied for wearing thick rimmed glasses and pocket protectors.

    Like I said, I hate and do not condone bullying, but you ABSOLUTELY cannot compare being a furry to sex, race, or sexual orientation.
  • edited August 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Like I said, I hate and do not condone bullying, but you ABSOLUTELY cannot compare being a furry to sex, race, or sexual orientation.
    Next, time, read please.
    It was a reply to:
    The only problem I have with furries is that they keep going on and on and on about it and how they think they're special because they're being persicuted and whatnot.
    Congratiolations. So did the groups I mentioned.
  • edited August 2010
    As long as everybody's grasping for analogies and comparisons to other groups of people, I'd say furries are most similar to Steampunk enthusiasts and men who like to wear kilts casually.

    This. Comparing furry 'persecution' to the battle for equal rights for those of different genders, races and sexualities is ridiculous. How many furries have gone on hunger strike, chained themselves to railings to protest their cause or been lynched?
  • edited August 2010
    Congratiolations. So did the groups I mentioned.

    Yeah. Because they were fighting for THEIR OWN RIGHTS as human beings that were refused to them due to persecution. Furries have always had every right to do what they wanted. Sure being bullied is annoying, and again I DO NOT CONDONE IT AND I THINK IT SHOULD STOP, but EVERYONE goes through bullying.

    I cosplay. I get made fun of for it. I don't give a shit because I love what I do. I move on.
  • edited August 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Yeah. Because they were fighting for THEIR OWN RIGHTS as human beings that were refused to them due to persecution.
    I don't recall woman being prosecuted much before the emancipation. They justed wanted to do more "manstuff".
    Lol, and it seems turn it around about these days.

    True on the other points though.
  • edited August 2010
    I don't recall woman being prosecuted much before the emancipation. They justed wanted to do more "manstuff".

    Yes, because voting should only be for men, and women should be paid less because they're women. You do know the equal rights movement was about more than women being allowed to wear trousers, right?
  • edited August 2010
    I don't recall woman being prosecuted much before the emancipation. They justed wanted to do more "manstuff".
    Lol, and it seems turn it around about these days.

    I don't think you realize that women were treated as property for the longest time.
  • edited August 2010
    Jen Kollic wrote: »
    women should be paid less because they're women.
    That still happens btw.

    Forgot the voting part though... you're right there. But over here, I wouldn't even want to vote these days (actually, I don't), man or woman alike.
    Giant Tope wrote:
    I don't think you realize that women were treated as property for the longest time.
    Pretty sure they still are in various religions or countries around the globe.
  • edited August 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    I don't think you realize that women were treated as property for the longest time.

    some places still do!
  • edited August 2010
    I don't recall woman being prosecuted much before the emancipation. They justed wanted to do more "manstuff".
    Lol, and it seems turn it around about these days.

    True on the other points though.

    women have allways been procuted even to this day it might be more suitle but it still happens.
  • edited August 2010
    And so you're proving my point...?
  • edited August 2010

    I kind of lost what we were discussing about anyways around a few posts back.
  • edited August 2010

    I kind of lost what we were discussing about anyways around a few posts back.

    somthing about copyright issues wasnt it?
  • edited August 2010
    You're free to reread posts? Its not like they disappear.
  • edited August 2010
    Forgot the voting part though... you're right there. But over here, I wouldn't even want to vote these days (actually, I don't), man or woman alike.

    Zonino Disapproves -10.

    I bet you're one of those people who doesn't vote and then complains about the government that wins. You really forfeit all rights to complain if you don't take part.
  • edited August 2010
    In case anyone missed it, Shwoo already posted this quote from the people who were making the game:
    As it turns out we are scrapping the sam and max angle in favor of something more palatable for us. Though Id think Lucas arts or whoever owns the rights to them would have much better things to do then sue some guys for a game, but then Id be surprised.

    So there's really nothing relevant left to discuss. I think the furry/civil rights debate can be taken to PM, and the thread should be locked now.

    But, erm, I'm not a mod, so that's really not my decision...
  • edited August 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    You're free to reread posts? Its not like they disappear.
    Sure, but that still doesn't mean we got carried off somewhere.
    Zonino wrote: »
    I bet you're one of those people who doesn't vote and then complains about the government that wins. You really forfeit all rights to complain if you don't take part.
    Well, you probably don't know Dutch politics, but the guys have been spending the past 3 or so months making a coalition. So far all attempts failed. So it seems like we need to re-vote again very soon.
    Normally they last 4 years, but I am pretty sure neither of the past 5 did.

    Oh, and don't forget that none of the parties actually do what they promise during the campaign. Flopping around and making concessions a plenty.
    Sure, that may be part of politics, but it pretty much means it doesn't matter what you vote for, it's all one big pale of sameness.
  • edited August 2010
    This is just getting embarrassing. I know you want to defend your freaky fetish & I'm a-ok with that, but as much as you claim we don't know what we are talking about when it comes to furries, you really seem to be using crappy examples to get your point across that make you seem to be the one who has no idea what they are talking about. Can you legally work & get paid the same wages as any other man? Are you allowed to vote? Are you allowed to eat in the same restaurants & use the same restrooms as non furries use? Are you allowed to leave your house in a pair of shorts with your face uncovered?
    My guess is that the answer to each of these questions is yes. So how can you even begin to compare the "struggles" of being a furry to the STRUGGLES that blacks, gays & women have went through. All we are saying is that we think that the choice is a bit freaky.... we are most certainly not eliminating your rights as a person....

    & yes... I know about that other fetish stuff too... & don't even think for a second that I don't think they are just as jacked up. It isn't about you as a person... it is about the creepiness of the fetish.
  • edited August 2010
    Well, actually the ""Can you legally work & get paid the same wages as any other man?" is no, although that has different reasons than being a furry.

    Also, gays could answer all questions with yes as well, even in countries that's looked down upon.
  • edited August 2010
    What in the name of christ am I reading??

    Now let me weigh in. I'll keep it short because it's late

    Furdom as far as I can tell is basically just a kink (unless you're just really into talking animals and crap and not the saucier side, which is also cool), like most 'out there' kinks it's probably best to keep it to yourself and those that you share it with, because quite clearly other people aren't going to get it.

    Keep it on the DL and nobody'll give a frogs fat ass, rave on about it and people'll start to ask questions.

    Now, if you'll excuse me. It's late and I have several shoe catalogues to browse before bed :p

    Also, I haven't read the thread the whole way through, but if someone's saying their should be some kind of furry emancipation... well that's just wrong, take it from someone who was alive to see proper discrimination
  • edited August 2010
    Well, actually the ""Can you legally work & get paid the same wages as any other man?" is no, although that has different reasons than being a furry.

    Also, gays could answer all questions with yes as well, even in countries that's looked down upon.

    I think its harder in Iran when there neck deep in sand with rocks herling at them.
  • edited August 2010
    Well, I re-read the entire thread looking up were I could possibly have said the things now apparently claimed, that I compare furries with gays, woman or black people. Not unsurprisingly to myself, I haven't found a single place.

    The only place I mentioned something that could even remotely be considered as such would be:
    Didn't woman do that in the 70's? Or gays even to this days? Black africans, both in Africa and the US?
    I know, apples and oranges, but it bears pointing out.
    So, yeah, I was already saying they aren't comparrisons (apples and oranges, know the meaning?), was just wondering if Zonino was hating on them too for trying to spark a discussion how they were seen 'lower than the rest' (albeit on a different scale, but see above).
    Well, sure, I could shut up, but hey, then all the people who think furry = animal rapist would get the upperhand and the name gets tarnished more and more.

    The rest pretty much was going with the convo (which mostly as can be seen was agreeing with what has been stated).
    Carry on, now...
  • edited August 2010
    So this thread went waaaaay of topic. So yeah, making money like that is awful.
  • edited August 2010
    So this thread went waaaaay of topic.

    I am actually shocked to read crap like in this thread anywhere. But reading it here just disappoints me. Please get back on topic guys. This is not a furry-thread.
  • edited August 2010
    Geez. Get your subcultures and sub-subcultures right, people! "Furries" is a fandom subculture. The "Jiff" sub-subculture that made all Furries look bad. It's like blaming the Anime Otaku subculture for whatever Moe Otakus do.

    Anyways, if people have problems with Furries, I would think they would have a problem with the Sam & Max series where humans seem to have or want relationships with cockroaches, rabbits, dogs, sasquatches, and manatees.

    As with the topic at hand, I see it as a major copyright issue. If Sam and Max weren't in the game, I don't think the game's creators would get as many sells for custom sprite sheets. The game is just a gimmick to stand out from the many other sprite makers. Heck, they don't even mention if you can keep the sprite sheet afterwards. $50 is a steep price just to appear as an enemy in a (creepy) two-bit game.

    Something should be done, but I don't think going to court is in order though. A simple letter of Cease and Desist should suffice. Tell them to make their own characters to exploit. Plus, they looked at me funny and they make my skin crawl. I hate that.
  • edited August 2010
    If any ones wants to no it would be Ursusagalmatophilia if they are in to bears of the stuffed variety.
This discussion has been closed.