Massive Sam and Max Copyright infringement.



  • edited August 2010
    Posting this again:
    As it turns out we are scrapping the sam and max angle in favor of something more palatable for us. Though Id think Lucas arts or whoever owns the rights to them would have much better things to do then sue some guys for a game, but then Id be surprised.
  • edited August 2010
    Well, I re-read the entire thread looking up were I could possibly have said the things now apparently claimed, that I compare furries with gays, woman or black people. Not unsurprisingly to myself, I haven't found a single place.


    And every christian is a pedophile.
    Every islamitic person is a terrorist.
    Gays are evil and sick.

    To name just 3 similar stereotypes. Do you agree with all 3 too, now?

    That's kinda a direct comparison of Furries with christians, islamists and gays. You see to know that fursecution isn't on the same level, you just aren't very eloquent about it.
    So, yeah, I was already saying they aren't comparrisons (apples and oranges, know the meaning?), was just wondering if Zonino was hating on them too for trying to spark a discussion how they were seen 'lower than the rest' (albeit on a different scale, but see above).
    Well, sure, I could shut up, but hey, then all the people who think furry = animal rapist would get the upperhand and the name gets tarnished more and more.

    There is such a thing as quiet dignity. The opinions of small minded bigots are worthless. Still you are allowed to express your side of the situation which you can do as long as you stop drawing direct comparison with actual repressed groups.

    Anyway I don't hate all furries. Personally I kinda the art, at least the good stuff. But I feel I should explain a bit more on what I mean about not liking the furries who keep going on about it.

    You know the kind of people who take what they are, for example, Gay, Black etc, and then take it to some sort of extreme? Those people I find annoying. You know what I mean, the Gay people who act all fruity and prance about and everything about what they are has to be some massive act of showmansship because they crave attention. Yes, we get it, you're gay and you're happy, can you shut up and get on with it please? We don't need to be reminded every 5 minutes kthx.
  • edited August 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    That's kinda a direct comparison of Furries with christians, islamists and gays. You see to know that fursecution isn't on the same level, you just aren't very eloquent about it.
    I was just throwing about other well-known "stereotypes" which probably are not true in most cases. About the first that crossed my mind.
    But I can see where the miscommunication came from if interpretated otherwise...
    You know what I mean, the Gay people who act all fruity and prance about and everything about what they are has to be some massive act of showmansship because they crave attention.
    Tell me about it. Either today or tomorrow the "Gay Parade" is here in the Netherlands, and it's just emberrassing to watch.
    Way to undermine your efforts by acting like total retards... eh... :(
  • edited August 2010
    Tell me about it. Either today or tomorrow the "Gay Parade" is here in the Netherlands, and it's just emberrassing to watch.
    Way to undermine your efforts by acting like total retards... eh... :(

    but the whole point of gay pride parade is be as out as you wana be and its fun as hell! and its a parade not a serious march for righs. Also striaght guys act the same at Mardi Gras.
  • edited August 2010
    I'm not gay, and I think the gay pride is a pretty fun event.
    Let people have fun, dammit!

    Oh, and this thread is absurd.
  • edited August 2010
    We can only hope that the Commissioner will call the Freelance Police about this copyright case and bring swift justice to those furries....actually, that'd be a great episode idea.

    "Furries From the Fourth Wall"
  • edited August 2010
    Oh, and this thread is absurd.

    This thread is ready to be closed for 5 pages already.
  • edited August 2010
    I was just throwing about other well-known "stereotypes" which probably are not true in most cases. About the first that crossed my mind.
    But I can see where the miscommunication came from if interpretated otherwise...

    And I can see where you're getting at there as well. I like the art side of things, and I'll even go so far as to say I've looked at the more... mature stuff, but I don't have any inclination to dress up in an animal suit and role play my "fursona". Saying that though I won't really call myself a furry, I prefer being ambiguous in everything :P
    Tell me about it. Either today or tomorrow the "Gay Parade" is here in the Netherlands, and it's just emberrassing to watch.
    Way to undermine your efforts by acting like total retards... eh... :(

    I don't begrudge anyone a bit of fun. Parades tend to be fun events as long as they aren't being done to rile people up. But there will be people at the parade who will act the same as they do there every day and I just have to ask why? Wouldn't they burn out after a while?
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    This thread is ready to be closed for 5 pages already.

    No, moved to general at least but not locked, not yet...

    Ahh who am I kidding we've probably reached the end of this discussion. It'll fade away and die soon enough.
  • edited August 2010
    tell me about it. Either today or tomorrow the "gay parade" is here in the netherlands, and it's just emberrassing to watch.
    Way to undermine your efforts by acting like total retards... Eh... :(


    People are just doing it to just be themselves. Saying they can't be themselves is ruining the entire point.
  • edited August 2010
    I received a "fatal error" when clicking the link today...


    ...and we're talking about gay people now? Godammit, sure they're, well, gay, but let them live their goddamn life! If they want to be gay, then sure why not, it's not your judgement to control someone's life.
  • edited August 2010
    Im wana march in a gay pride parade now
  • edited August 2010
    I am bi-sexual, so it's not like I have anything against gays, if anyone thinks so.

    I just think the parade is... deterimental to the cause. I sure as hell feel "stop making it look like we're idiots"...
  • edited August 2010
    I am bi-sexual, so it's not like I have anything against gays, if anyone thinks so.

    I just think the parade is... deterimental to the cause. I sure as hell feel "stop making it look like we're idiots"...

    just cos you think it looks stupid dont meen everyone sees it as that. and we shoudlnt have to live every aspect making sure we dont let the cause down to be accepted.
  • edited August 2010
    The majority of people I know does.
    And, I have no idea at all what your second sentance says...
  • edited August 2010
    The majority of people I know does.
    And, I have no idea at all what your second sentance says...

    you saying the parade makes the people in it looking stupid and letting down the cause its a parade they shouldnt have to worry how its affecting the gay cause or what people think. Same with camp people cos there are straight men and women ect who act the same over the top showy for attention just cos there gays they shoudlnt be labled as rubbing it in peoples faces when its rly just a charecter trait.
  • edited August 2010
    just cos you think it looks stupid dont meen everyone sees it as that. and we shoudlnt have to live every aspect making sure we dont let the cause down to be accepted.

    My brother's gay and he sees a lot of it as a bit undignified. I like to theorise that it's because gay culture's still in its infancy somewhat, but i'm just postulating.
    they shoudlnt be labled as rubbing it in peoples faces when its rly just a charecter trait.

    I reserve all rights to find it annoying though :p. It really annoys me when I meet someone (or know someone, as is the case for a few people) who treat their sexuality as the only facet of their personality, if the first thing they do is tell me that they're gay for no particular reason I usually give a polite "oh cool" whilst thinking "why was it so important for me to know that?"

    ...just an insight into the hetro mind I guess :p
  • edited August 2010
    Can an admin lock this thread please? The discussion has gone way too far off topic and the issue seems to have been dealt with so this doesn't really need to go any further.

  • edited August 2010
    Shawni wrote: »
    The discussion has gone way too far off topic and the issue seems to have been dealt with so this doesn't really need to go any further.

    Yes it does!
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I like to theorise that it's because gay culture's still in its infancy somewhat

    You must be kidding. Gay culture officialy started with the Roman and the Greek!
    Proof that this culture has matured is that it is nowadays widely accepted.
    More or less, depending on the country, of course.
    Iranian and Dutch gays sure don't get the same treatment...

    But when a subculture has been accepted, and eventually absorbed by society,
    it means it isn't in its infancy anymore. And it loses the "sub" in subculture.
  • edited August 2010
    Even as you mention, there was gay culture in Greece it was much more accepted than today, where then they didn't see sexual orientation as a social divider like most western cultures. Ancient Rome was more like today, where it can vary from strong condemnation to open acceptance.
    I don't believe that acceptance has evolved from the Ancient Greeks, today gays are intimidated into secrecy and has only appeared to have devolved .
  • edited August 2010
    Well, gay union (not necessarily marriage) exists and is legally accepted in some western countries.
    So I don't think it has devolved. At least not in western Europe.

    Now concerning gay people dressed as animals, it's another story.
    Especially if they dress up as Sam & Max! That's asking for hate!
  • edited August 2010
    Yes it does!
    But when a subculture has been accepted, and eventually absorbed by society,
    it means it isn't in its infancy anymore. And it loses the "sub" in subculture.

    Well, this is Ireland like, not exactly the most historically liberal of places, so we've still got at least one generation to weed out before total acceptance. That means basically our most notable LGBT is a drag queen called "Titty Von Tramp" So at least on a local basis it's still a bit... rough round the edges I guess
    Shawni wrote: »
    Can an admin lock this thread please? The discussion has gone way too far off topic and the issue seems to have been dealt with so this doesn't really need to go any further.


    Yeah, people like to ramble and go on big tangents round here, that's just the way of it, and I wouldn't have it any other way :)
  • edited August 2010
    :( I promised i was gonna stop posting here. Curse my youthful persistence!

    Saying that flamboyantly gay men or drag queens should stop acting so is pretty much like saying: Oh I don't have a problem with them at all. Except they can't be any different from me. I mean, at the pride parades, the individuals are dressed no less like showgirls in Vegas or women dressed for the Brazilian Carnival, and yet I never hear anyone complain about them looking or acting retarded. And its not like everyone at pride dress up like that either. They're just having a grand ol' time expressing who they are without judgement. And though these comments by themselves are bad, it only makes it worse that you were fighting for furries who most people feel the same about and asking that people stop judging them. Do you not see the hypocrisy in this? At all?
  • edited August 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    :( I promised i was gonna stop posting here. Curse my youthful persistence!

    Saying that flamboyantly gay men or drag queens should stop acting so is pretty much like saying: Oh I don't have a problem with them at all. Except they can't be any different from me. I mean, at the pride parades, the individuals are dressed no less like showgirls in Vegas or women dressed for the Brazilian Carnival, and yet I never hear anyone complain about them looking or acting retarded. And its not like everyone at pride dress up like that either. They're just having a grand ol' time expressing who they are without judgement. And though these comments by themselves are bad, it only makes it worse that you were fighting for furries who most people feel the same about and asking that people stop judging them. Do you not see the hypocrisy in this? At all?

    I'm gonna assume this was meant for me, if not no harm done anyways.

    I never said anything about drag queens acting as such at all, if you wanna dress up as a woman, a squirrel or a vidya game character then do it. The particular example I gave is local but basically is the face of the Pride parade when it comes to media coverage because they like to hone on that particular example. I mentioned before that my brother was gay, and in this case when we talk about it his eyes roll on impulse. it's sorta similiar to the whole "hollywood gay" thing in a way I suppose.

    As for furries i'm towing the line of "get on with it and don't roar about it from the rooftops" private stuff should be kept that way, it's just a kink in my horrible hipocritical eyes :p
  • edited August 2010
    Well, as long as we're all committed to further derailing the topic...
    Even as you mention, there was gay culture in Greece it was much more accepted than today, where then they didn't see sexual orientation as a social divider like most western cultures. Ancient Rome was more like today, where it can vary from strong condemnation to open acceptance.
    I don't believe that acceptance has evolved from the Ancient Greeks, today gays are intimidated into secrecy and has only appeared to have devolved.

    The Ancient Greeks were as homophobic as the next horribly sexist ancient civilization; they just had a different set of cultural norms by which to define homosexuality. They would not have been accepting of, say, two men of the same age who wanted to have a sexual or romantic relationship together. What they were accepting of was a system of institutionalized pederasty, which is not something that our modern society is at all okay with. Basically, when a young teenage boy reached a certain age, he would be expected to enter into a pedagogical and sexual relationship with an adult man. It was basically a master-apprentice sort of relationship, but with, erm, benefits(?). This relationship would only last until the boy reached adulthood, at which point he could start pursuing a wife or a boy of his own. Now, of course, it was still way better probably to be a teenage boy than a girl or a woman, because boys had the right to say no and entered into what were considered consensual relationships, whereas women were essentially slaves a father could sell to a husband.

    I guess my point is, erm, Ancient Greece wasn't exactly the beacon of enlightenment and reason in matters of sexual equality that you make it out to be.
  • edited August 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I'm gonna assume this was meant for me, if not no harm done anyways.

    Nah, I wasn't meaning it to you.
  • edited August 2010
    It was (quite obviously) pointed towards me.

    You know why furries have a bad name, right? Because a minority acted all sexual and got the rest of the fandom that "fame". Well, from my POV it seems as gays are in the position that furries were before it got infamous, and these parades act in a way of making it get the infame furries get now.
    Do we want that? I sure as hell ain't.

    Does that make me hypocrite? And yeah, my response is about the same as JedExodus's brother.

    Also, to the "OMG! Derail!" people, how long exactly have you been on the TTG forums? Kind of standard practice around here...
    Now concerning gay people dressed as animals, it's another story.
    Especially if they dress up as Sam & Max! That's asking for hate!
    I wouldn't mind that job ;). Along with a QA position of course :P.
  • edited August 2010
    Also, to the "OMG! Derail!" people, how long exactly have you been on the TTG forums? Kind of standard practice around here...

    Strange considering how you were frequently posting on this thread at the time when gay people were mentioned..

    You know who's gay?

    Ellen DeGeneres.
    You know how popular she is? Exactly.

    Case closed.
  • edited August 2010
    Congratiolations. I have NO CLUE at all what this is about :confused:.

    *is confused*
  • edited August 2010
    Congratiolations. I have NO CLUE at all what this is about :confused:.

    *is confused*

    My bad.

    This is Ellen:

  • edited August 2010
    are we just listing popular gays now? cos I could google pics of Oscar Wilde, Elton John, John Barrowman, Sailor Neptune & Uranus ect
  • edited August 2010
    I dunno. Still don't know what BoneFreak is on about... :confused:
  • edited August 2010
    I dunno. Still don't know what BoneFreak is on about... :confused:

    What I am "on about" is how you derailed this thread, and how you seem to hate gays.
  • edited August 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    What I am "on about" is how you derailed this thread
    Possibly. Okay...
    and how you seem to hate gays.
    I am partially one myself... :confused:
  • edited August 2010
    so your a half self hater?
  • edited August 2010
    I am partially one myself... :confused:

    There is a such thing as being gay, as you love your own sex. However, bisexuality doesn't really exist. You are either one sex or the other, and if you love your own sex and the other, that is fake as you are only gay due to the fact that you don't want to love the other gender.
  • edited August 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    There is a such thing as being gay, as you love your own sex. However, bisexuality doesn't really exist. You are either one sex or the other, and if you love your own sex and the other, that is fake as you are only gay due to the fact that you don't want to love the other gender.

    Bisexualty does exsit! Iv known loads of Bisexuals and its not somthing you should dissmiss as fake (or just confused as Iv herd other people say about it)
  • edited August 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    There is a such thing as being gay, as you love your own sex. However, bisexuality doesn't really exist. You are either one sex or the other, and if you love your own sex and the other, that is fake as you are only gay due to the fact that you don't want to love the other gender.

    uh what
  • edited August 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    uh what

    aww your reply is way funnyer then my long winded one XD
  • edited August 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    uh what

    my words exactly
  • edited August 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    my words exactly

    ohh its a simple case of WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!
This discussion has been closed.