The Last Item You Purchased?



  • edited March 2013
  • edited March 2013

  • edited March 2013
    Humble Android Bundle V

    Monster Hunter Tri

    Its going offline at the end of April, but it will keep me till Monster Hunter 4

    (Also its two player split screen coop)
  • edited March 2013
    Some of those images are a little on the large side. Would you guys mind tracking down some slightly smaller ones? Cheers.

    More games from Blockbuster, albeit a different branch, for the PS3.

    Binary Domain
    Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock

    Just over a tenner for them. Also got some more drinks and Fruit Gums. Freakin' LOVE Fruit Gums.
  • edited March 2013
    Some of those images are a little on the large side.

    That's what she said.
  • edited March 2013

    Spider-Man shooting you in the face WILL NOT BE MINIMIZED.
  • edited March 2013
    1) I was asking politely.
    2) I wasn't really talking about Spider-Man - he's fine*.
    3) The comment was more geared to the Mars Attacks! / Popeye image.
    4) Seriously, I was making a friendly request. No need to get so defensive.
    5) There is NO #5.
    6) No Poofters.
  • edited March 2013
    1) I was asking politely.
    2) I wasn't really talking about Spider-Man - he's fine*.
    3) The comment was more geared to the Mars Attacks! / Popeye image.
    4) Seriously, I was making a friendly request. No need to get so defensive.
    5) There is NO #5.
    6) No Poofters.

    Whatever you say, Bruce.
  • edited March 2013
    So that Monster Hunter 3 only has limited offline coop.

    And its going offline at the end of April
    (Because of 3 coming out on 3ds and WiiU)

    But that's no real issue for me.
    (Besides you can hack the online missions into the offline game (which I may do so depending on whether or not I get 3 on the 3ds or whenever 4 comes out)) (whaaa? By the ways I see it I own the game and its no longer being supported by Capcom or Nintendo so why not?)
  • edited March 2013
    Some of those images are a little on the large side. Would you guys mind tracking down some slightly smaller ones? Cheers.

    More games from Blockbuster, albeit a different branch, for the PS3.

    Binary Domain
    Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock

    Just over a tenner for them. Also got some more drinks and Fruit Gums. Freakin' LOVE Fruit Gums.

    Exactly why did you buy Doctor Who? I thought you hated that game :/.
  • edited March 2013
    Exactly why did you buy Doctor Who? I thought you hated that game :/.
    Because it was cheap (£3.90) and I want to do a video review of it at some point.

    Oh, and it's freakin' Doctor Who. Good or bad, I was gonna get it at some point.
    (Besides you can hack the online missions into the offline game (which I may do so depending on whether or not I get 3 on the 3ds or whenever 4 comes out)) (whaaa? By the ways I see it I own the game and its no longer being supported by Capcom or Nintendo so why not?)
    The exact justification I plan to use when I hack Phantasy Star Online for the XBox. Go nuts, my friend.
  • edited March 2013
    Because it was cheap (£3.90) and I want to do a video review of it at some point.

    Oh, and it's freakin' Doctor Who. Good or bad, I was gonna get it at some point.
    The exact justification I plan to use when I hack Phantasy Star Online for the XBox. Go nuts, my friend.

    Heh. I already made a xbox profile so I didn't need to hack my copy to get it working.
    (Unless you are speaking of some kind of additional hack I am not aware off)
  • edited March 2013
    1) I was asking politely.
    2) I wasn't really talking about Spider-Man - he's fine*.
    3) The comment was more geared to the Mars Attacks! / Popeye image.
    4) Seriously, I was making a friendly request. No need to get so defensive.
    5) There is NO #5.
    6) No Poofters.
    You can't fool me!

  • edited March 2013
    Heh. I already made a xbox profile so I didn't need to hack my copy to get it working.
    (Unless you are speaking of some kind of additional hack I am not aware off)
    My XBox doesn't have one (I don't think), so I'd need to play a hacked version (I think).
  • edited March 2013
    Just preordered these:
  • edited March 2013
    MK vs DCU is a warning, not a bonus.
  • edited March 2013
    MK vs DCU is a warning, not a bonus.

    If you say so Dashing, from what I've seen, it really doesn't deserve the hate it gets.
  • edited March 2013
  • edited March 2013
    I'm assuming that's Stephanie Brown as Robin?
  • edited March 2013
    I'm assuming that's Stephanie Brown as Robin?
    That would be her very, very short tenure as Robin, yes.
  • edited March 2013
  • edited March 2013
    A 5M HDMI cable so I can connect my PC to my TV and use it as a second monitor without having a shorter cable draped across my bed being easily dislodged and looking a mess.

    Oh, and Dreamfall Chapters, if that counts - they took their $20 today, so...
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    (image taken from; actual books to arrive next week or the week after)

    KIM JUNG GI 2007 & 2011 SKETCHBOOKS!!! *convincing fangirl swoon*

    Not tellin' how much this cost me. I promised myself to be less crazy careful with my money in 2013 regardless of ample reasons for saving up, and heeeeeeeeeere we go. Methinks I'm good at spending money.
  • edited March 2013
    £3 in Asda. It would be a crime not to buy it.

    And none of my family even recognised it. Neither did the cashier, which is a shame because it's such an awesome film. Not really a disney film though.

    Oh, and I used the reward points inside to top up my balance and get
    Which was by far my favourite film growing up. Heck, it probably even influenced my uni choice.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Both those movies get flack because they were made during the rough years at the Disney Animation Studio between Disney's death and the Disney Renaissance.

    Both have their issues (Robin Hood's being a large re-use of animation from The Jungle Book (which doesn't bother me personally) and The Black Cauldron's mostly being the pacing issues due to so much material being cut from the final release), but they're both really good films.

    Does the 25th anniversary release of The Black Cauldron have any of the deleted scenes on the disc? I'd love to see the stuff that was cut, although most probably will never be released since the cuts were made to make the movie more family friendly (and I doubt Disney would want them on a disc marketed as such).
  • edited March 2013
    Jennifer wrote: »
    Both those movies get flack because they were made during the rough years at the Disney Animation Studio between Disney's death and the Disney Renaissance.

    Both have their issues (Robin Hood's being a large re-use of animation from The Jungle Book (which doesn't bother me personally) and The Black Cauldron's mostly being the pacing issues due to so much material being cut from the final release), but they're both really good films.

    Does the 25th anniversary release of The Black Cauldron have any of the deleted scenes on the disc? I'd love to see the stuff that was cut, although most probably will never be released since the cuts were made to make the movie more family friendly (and I doubt Disney would want them on a disc marketed as such).
    I don't think it did have the deleted scenes in, unless they were actually put into the main feature (which seems unlikely, as it was only 70-something minutes long.). I ripped the feature from the disc to put on my tablet, So i never actually saw the menu to browse the extras, but I don't remember seeing anything on the box about it.

    The black Cauldron is a weird disney film, in that it doesn't have any musical numbers whatsoever, or even a romance. Not really. It could easily have been mistaken as a film by another company. It feels like a generic RPG, and has more in common with non-disney films like "The Secret of Nimh" then the likes of "The sword in the stone".

    Robin Hood on the other hand was an amazing disney film. I watched it so much I wore out the VHS tape. It also inspired a young me to write a letter to the then Prime Minister Tony Blair asking him to ban fox hunting. My dad then claimed to have faxed it, but how he'd have the PMs Fax code, I have no idea. We did get a response though, so i guess it must have gone somewhere...

    Also, no kid cares about re-used animations. Robin Hood had a fat dancing chicken! Far better than a fat dancing bear. But yeah, I loved it far more than any other disney films. And I grew up in the time when the likes of "Pocahantas" "Mulan" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" were coming out in cinemas. In fact, I even vaguely remember The Lion King coming out on VHS. (Coming home and finding my mother had bought it. Being scared by the Space Mountain advert at the beginning.)
  • edited March 2013
    This past week, I've picked up all 8 Harry Potter movies on DVD for a grand total of $40. Oh,, and Sherlock Holmes 2 for $10.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    The black Cauldron is a weird disney film, in that it doesn't have any musical numbers whatsoever, or even a romance. Not really. It could easily have been mistaken as a film by another company. It feels like a generic RPG, and has more in common with non-disney films like "The Secret of Nimh" then the likes of "The sword in the stone".
    Interestingly, the studio interference on The Black Cauldron is what caused Don Bluth to leave Disney to make his own films. Since The Secret of Nimh was the first feature film that Don Bluth Productions made after Don Bluth quit The Black Cauldron animation team, it's not surprising that the two films would be stylistically and thematically similar.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Friar wrote: »

    Oh, and I used the reward points inside to top up my balance and get

    Gotta look up the German dub and buy it as well. Reinhard Mey as Allan-a-dale... ahhhhhh sweet memories.

    <leave this space for following ketzer quote>
  • edited March 2013
    Gotta look up the German dub and buy it as well. Reinhard Mey as Allan-a-dale... ahhhhhh sweet memories.

    <leave this space for following ketzer quote>
    I've always wondered how true foreign dubs are to the original songs. Afterall, literal translations have got to be thrown out the window if they hope to have any semblance of the original's tune to them. I've looked up "Not in Nottingham" which is about the only song I can remember from the film. It seems to be a pretty accurate translation, but then my German is lousy these days, and It's a very slow song.

    Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious must have been pretty hard to do.
  • edited March 2013
    Decided to pre-order Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the 3DS

    Right, I could have got it a little cheaper, but I paid £31.50 from Tesco (that's including the discount else it would be £35)

    The incentive: pre-orders get 500 clubcard points added to their account

    So 535 points from this shop eventually becomes £5.35 in clubcard vouchers in the next statement.

    (Which could then double up to £10 if there is a double up exchange taking place on certain items, (doesn't include videogames sadly... :( )

    So eventually the game would have only cost me £26.15. (Or if the double up event happens, only £21.15 ;D)
    (Not bad for a brand new 3ds game)
  • edited March 2013
    <leave this space for following ketzer quote>

  • edited March 2013
    Airplane ticket to England, or I am going to pay my Boyfriend half of it as he bought it.
  • edited March 2013
    Just a heads up, Football over here is a game where you actually kick a ball around with your foot, not one where you carry it around with your hands. We call that one Rugby.

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »

    Music. Dubbing. German. Balladeer. Respond.
  • edited March 2013
    Last time i bought an expensive and luxury bags for my big brother.
  • edited March 2013
    Music. Dubbing. German. Balladeer. Respond.

    You forgot Disney. It's all kinds of awful. But hey. Who cares what you do with your money.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Not a fan of Reinhard Mey? Eisenbahnballade, no tears at all?

    Now I hate you. :(
  • edited March 2013
    Now I hate you. :(

    Mission accomplished.

  • edited March 2013
    I would buy StarCraft 2 if it was on Steam.

    But it's not.
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