After 6 months of living in this apartment, I'm finally getting civilised and buying some furniture.
Time to put an end to the era of "sure you can come round, we'll sit on the floor and watch movies on my 13-inch laptop".
I'll probably take a pic of my room once the couch is finally delivered and I have everything set up.
Ohhhh that's a nice one. I'm still stuck with "come over, I've got a 32 inch TV, an almost-impressive DVD/BluRay collection and a nice sofa that's great to sleep on even for two people. But I've got no desk and scarcely any chairs, so we'll sit on the floor to eat."
I had my haircut, and bought "The Time Meddler", "The War Machines" and "Battlefield" at £6.49 each from the BBC shop. You get an additional 10% off with this code: RPMAY12. Not that much cheaper then the likes of amazon, but they accept PayPal, which has around £70 in it as I'm in the middle of selling off my Eighth doctor audio plays.
I want to be extravagant but I need to wait and see on what my options are.
I had the luxury of having my fiancee not be especially keen on extravagant jewelry. That being said, I eventually gave her a ring that's been in my family for generations. Have you got any heirloomed rings to give her? That's much more heartfelt than something you can buy.
PSP 1000 battery
(hopefully an official Sony one. The packaging looks genuine, and the seller got positive feedback from it. ebay is give and take though... -_- )
Silver PSP 2000 battery cover (unofficial, its one designed for larger batteries)
Planning to put this battery and new cover in my PSP 2000 for that extra boost to battery life.
Combined with the grip, (which is desinged for the thicked 1000 model specifically in the first place), and possible need for modification (might stick one of those double sided pads on the other side if its too lopsided with the new battery cover in place), it will last for a very long time on a full charge (perfect for long walks which I plan to do).
Probably going to buy a new backpack at some point, just waiting for some vouchers.
(Tesco is doing a promo on luggage but you need 10 vouchers, and we only have 6!)
Would make travelling lighter easier (sidebag is good for bulkier travels like uni stuff, but gets in the way in a straight walking situation. Need a bag to carry my lunch, my PSP, and maybe a laptop and some paper & pens. Thats it.))
Just the TV (Samsung 46" LED), not the child... I could probably figure out how to make one of those myself if I really wanted one. The balloons would've been cool though I guess.
For a friend's birthday celebration. Because we're all foreign the theme was "tourist". We bought a bunch of crap and dressed up like idiots, then wandered around the crowded tourist spots doing all the stupid annoying shit tourists do. Walking really slowly 5 people across and taking up the entire pavement, stopping suddenly at random intervals to talk and/or point at stuff, looking upwards with our mouths gaping open, wandering into people's photos and ruining them. Good times!
It WAS available in the US between 1998 and 2007, and the few years before 2007 it was REALLY hard to find. I tried to see if there were any like, unsold boxes that were still around and found out that KOREA STILL MAKES THEM.
Is that the Google Chrome language immersion thing? Been meaning to get that.
Ohhhh that's a nice one. I'm still stuck with "come over, I've got a 32 inch TV, an almost-impressive DVD/BluRay collection and a nice sofa that's great to sleep on even for two people. But I've got no desk and scarcely any chairs, so we'll sit on the floor to eat."
And here's the last item I purchased.
Been postponing the purchase for six months now.
I thought two months without a computer desk with my monitor suspended on a chair was janky enough. As of yesterday, this is now what I have:
Excuse the hipstervision.
Star Ocean: First Departure: £8
Good finds in CEX
Got some graph paper, and some highlighter pens (nice pen-like sharpie ones!
Looking to go back to basics in game design.
(Draw up plans & designs and that)
Attachment not found.
Hey, that's a ring box!
Must be something really nice in there...
Attachment not found.
Well, close enough. It's small and shiny.
This is actually the first time I've given a house key to someone I don't live with. Ooh er.
I'm assuming that it's the key to your house? It would be a pretty weird present to give someone the key to your aunts house.
"Hey babe, I found this in the gutter. With a bit of polish I thought it would make a fine pendant for you!"
That needs to be a moving wind-up toy.
And it needs to play the theme tune!
...and these were probably your EXACT words when you gave it to him?
They sure will be!
You know.I was thinking it being the key to your heart. But living space key was the second guess.
I'm a going to buy this for the misses when we go to florida in October...for the whole seaworld thing.
Yeah we will go with that.
Dude, advance congratulations!! Hope you've got something awesome lined up for the proposal. Does she have any idea, or will it be a big surprise?
I want to be extravagant but I need to wait and see on what my options are.
I had the luxury of having my fiancee not be especially keen on extravagant jewelry. That being said, I eventually gave her a ring that's been in my family for generations. Have you got any heirloomed rings to give her? That's much more heartfelt than something you can buy.
It's for Father's Day next month. Saw it on offer and thought 'well, now all I need to remember is a card!'
(hopefully an official Sony one. The packaging looks genuine, and the seller got positive feedback from it. ebay is give and take though... -_- )
Silver PSP 2000 battery cover (unofficial, its one designed for larger batteries)
Planning to put this battery and new cover in my PSP 2000 for that extra boost to battery life.
Combined with the grip, (which is desinged for the thicked 1000 model specifically in the first place), and possible need for modification (might stick one of those double sided pads on the other side if its too lopsided with the new battery cover in place), it will last for a very long time on a full charge (perfect for long walks which I plan to do).
Probably going to buy a new backpack at some point, just waiting for some vouchers.
(Tesco is doing a promo on luggage but you need 10 vouchers, and we only have 6!)
Would make travelling lighter easier (sidebag is good for bulkier travels like uni stuff, but gets in the way in a straight walking situation. Need a bag to carry my lunch, my PSP, and maybe a laptop and some paper & pens. Thats it.))
Is this anything to do with Icedhope's key? I'm on to you two! A forum wedding! Can't wait. Dibs on brides maid.
* 3 advanced tickets booked for 'Prometheus' at my local cinema, for two of my friends and I (June 1st).
* 3 advanced tickets booked for 'Prometheus' at the IMAX cinema in London, for my parents and I (June 3rd).
I hope that I actually enjoy the film, lest I resent having to view it for a second time!
Last bought some blank DVDs, because I went to use one today and realized I had about 3 left.
Max already called maid of honour, so your outfit would have to match.
Or me! Planes aren't that expensive these days, are they?
... I just realised how much I will probably spend on airfares this year. My carbon footprint must be kicking Earth repeatedly in the kidneys.
I'd rate this a 6/10. The three live tracks are the highlights.
Just the TV (Samsung 46" LED), not the child... I could probably figure out how to make one of those myself if I really wanted one. The balloons would've been cool though I guess.
Also these:
Attachment not found.
For a friend's birthday celebration. Because we're all foreign the theme was "tourist". We bought a bunch of crap and dressed up like idiots, then wandered around the crowded tourist spots doing all the stupid annoying shit tourists do. Walking really slowly 5 people across and taking up the entire pavement, stopping suddenly at random intervals to talk and/or point at stuff, looking upwards with our mouths gaping open, wandering into people's photos and ruining them. Good times!
Last bought some bread. Go me and my exciting life.
Because it's disgusting.
I'd still eat it. It's Oreos. In cereal form.