I'm honestly waiting for more news on Duke Nukem Forever, and my Symbiote Sam&Max Statue to arrive, and some of the swag from Pax other than that. Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow and New Vegas.
Heading to Germany some time, then prolly back to Holland, I loves me a bit of Europe
More immediately i'm looking forward to see what Valve interview PC Gamer'll publish today, it's always really interesting to see how people who are excellent at what they do go about the creative process.
Also getting back to work, going stir crazy with all this free time
Sunday, a coworker of Rag's is coming over for supper and I'm really looking forward to it.
In October, there is Vcon, and Rag and I are spending a week in Vancouver with the con in the middle, and that should be really great as well.
And in December Sean is visiting, and I really can't wait. I miss him terribly already.
For the rest, all the things I was looking forward to (that have specific timelines) have happened already, and I'm in a bit of an aftershock, having to readjust.
I'm Looking forward to seeing "Doctor Who Live!" next month, and maybe Monty Pythons spamalot the month after. I'm currently wondering whether I should go dressed as the doctor, which would involve shaving my frankly magnificent ginger beard!
Now that Nan Desu Kan is over, I'm looking forward to seeing the TF2 cosplayers I met there again. They were an awesome bunch. We're probably going to meet up sometime and have a photo shoot or just walk around Denver, confusing people.
I'm now very much looking forward to Motorhead's new album, 'The World Is Yours', even more-so now that it has a release date (December 14)! Their last four albums have been some of the best in their entire catalogue (in my opinion), and have rivaled, if not beaten, their 'classic' albums such as 'Ace of Spades', 'Bomber', etc. which didn't appeal to me all that much anyway. Too bad the last four albums have sold extremely poorly due to SPV's lazy, crappy promotion. Hopefully they won't be neglected as much by their new label - EMI.
This may sound strange but mostly I'm looking forward to spending a week with the girlfriend, it's kind of hard to balance my work, and her college courses.
This may sound strange but mostly I'm looking forward to spending a week with the girlfriend, it's kind of hard to balance my work, and her college courses.
I'm not... Christmas means my boyfriend will have left for California again
But then you will have the next visit to look forward to!
I originally typed out something about how I'm not looking forward to Christmas at all, since I'll be stuck in London without family. Thinking about it though, I've changed my mind. There's the Christmas markets (in Germany if I want!), the penny arcade in Hyde Park, the lights on Oxford Street, the December parties, the cruisy days in the office, the Christmas lunch with friends. And, of course, the best thing of all about Christmas in the UK - the Doctor Who special!
But then you will have the next visit to look forward to!
Indeed! But I'm still not looking forward to Christmas, only to stuff happening either before or after it
Also, we haven't planned the next visit yet, because Sean will be out of vacation days for a long time, and I still don't know when I'll be able to make it there...
Hopefully it won't be too long! And then I'm spending at least a month in the US, and that's going to be awesome Well, I'll miss Ian. But for the next few years, I'll have to miss at least one of the two most of the time, so better get used to that
Long-term-wise, I'm looking forward to becoming a resident, moving to BC, getting a license, getting a job, and a bunch of other stuff.
I'm looking forward to before Christmas. I'm going to spend 10 days with my brother and his fiancee! I don't like that we live half a country away from each other.
I'm gonna get a hearty derisive laugh or two aimed at me for this, but... I'm kinda looking forward to seeing Saw 3D. I know, I know... but I've stuck with the series through good and godawful, and 6 was much better than I expected. Might as well see this cash cow off to the slaughterhouse.
But wait, there's more: I heartily enjoyed the first Saw game, and now I also look forward to getting my grubby nubbies on the sequel. *hangs head in shame*
I saw it a couple years ago when it came out here. It was absolutely brilliant.
I'm still pissed that I missed my one chance to see it on Broadway (my dad wanted to see Phantom instead, ugh), but I'm glad I got to see it at all. It was fantastic.
I saw it in San Francisco for my 21st birthday, and it was excellent. I loved everything about it (the vendors were hilarious) and even though it was John O'Hurly as Arthur instead of Tim Curry as it was on Broadway it was still a blast. It's going to be playing in York in the near future and I'm seriously considering shelling out the quid to see it again.
I will be graduating from my graphic design course, I'm really looking forward to, hopefully, being able to learn and experience new things in industry, but terrified at the same time
Because that's when my new iPod Touch is arriving!
well, it is better than "Up to 2 months, or contact support"
I only ordered it on monday!
More immediately i'm looking forward to see what Valve interview PC Gamer'll publish today, it's always really interesting to see how people who are excellent at what they do go about the creative process.
Also getting back to work, going stir crazy with all this free time
Sunday, a coworker of Rag's is coming over for supper and I'm really looking forward to it.
In October, there is Vcon, and Rag and I are spending a week in Vancouver with the con in the middle, and that should be really great as well.
And in December Sean is visiting, and I really can't wait. I miss him terribly already.
For the rest, all the things I was looking forward to (that have specific timelines) have happened already, and I'm in a bit of an aftershock, having to readjust.
I saw Spamalot about two years ago and it was absolutely fantastic. If you go, you're in for a treat.
My new computer
WoW - Cataclysm
Diablo 3
Torchlight 2
Guild Wars 2
Forsaken Worlds
Sacred 3
And I am sure that there is more, but I just can't remember them right now.
Aye, seconded. I wasn't really looking forward to it all that much, but the recent Demon Hunter trailer has hyped me up big-time
When I finally get my new computer.
Doctor Who Christmas Special
Left4dead 1 mac
The day I get to play CoH again.
Hell, I was hyped since the Barbarian and the Witch Doctor.
That's not strange at all.
Also stoked about the LARP this weekend. The group that does it is really damn good, so it's going to be fun.
Thumbs up for that!
And I am also looking forward to Christmas.
But who isn't, am I right.
Christmas is on my list, I want Christmas for Christmas.
I'm not... Christmas means my boyfriend will have left for California again
But then you will have the next visit to look forward to!
I originally typed out something about how I'm not looking forward to Christmas at all, since I'll be stuck in London without family. Thinking about it though, I've changed my mind. There's the Christmas markets (in Germany if I want!), the penny arcade in Hyde Park, the lights on Oxford Street, the December parties, the cruisy days in the office, the Christmas lunch with friends. And, of course, the best thing of all about Christmas in the UK - the Doctor Who special!
Indeed! But I'm still not looking forward to Christmas, only to stuff happening either before or after it
Also, we haven't planned the next visit yet, because Sean will be out of vacation days for a long time, and I still don't know when I'll be able to make it there...
Hopefully it won't be too long! And then I'm spending at least a month in the US, and that's going to be awesome
Long-term-wise, I'm looking forward to becoming a resident, moving to BC, getting a license, getting a job, and a bunch of other stuff.
But wait, there's more: I heartily enjoyed the first Saw game, and now I also look forward to getting my grubby nubbies on the sequel. *hangs head in shame*
I saw it two years ago when I was in England. It is absolutely excellent and you are totally in for a treat. Even the vendors are funny.
I'm still pissed that I missed my one chance to see it on Broadway (my dad wanted to see Phantom instead, ugh), but I'm glad I got to see it at all. It was fantastic.