The Telltale Community Dinner AT PAX!
Allright, so I know a few of the telltalers are going to be attending Pax, and I know we are gamers, and I know we get hungry.
So this is my plan to have a community dinner at Pax.
This is the plan so far.
The Dinner Kells
Time&Date. Friday Sept 3rd @8pm
Price Will probably be 10 dollars with that includes food and drink.
The Plan: To meet up at the door, get seated, order food, and have a blast.
Also this doesn't go for just the people attending Pax, oh no this goes to the telltalers in the seattle area too.
So with all that said, who may be able to come and eat, and game?
Coming: Giant Tope
Will be there in paper form Avistew
Will be there spirutaly: Captain Mickey
So this is my plan to have a community dinner at Pax.
This is the plan so far.
The Dinner Kells
Time&Date. Friday Sept 3rd @8pm
Price Will probably be 10 dollars with that includes food and drink.
The Plan: To meet up at the door, get seated, order food, and have a blast.
Also this doesn't go for just the people attending Pax, oh no this goes to the telltalers in the seattle area too.
So with all that said, who may be able to come and eat, and game?
Coming: Giant Tope
Will be there in paper form Avistew
Will be there spirutaly: Captain Mickey
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It's "we're gamers".
You don't need to capitalise "Will" when it's not my Willy-Nilly.
... Oh, crap, wrong thread.
Yeah, I can't make it. Still not allowed in the US, yadda, yadda.
it was like 3 in the morning, and my head hurt...well like I said, were saving a place for you.
And yet, you're still up NOW :P
Also, yay! But I doubt most people want to be streamed eating. Pictures and tales would be sufficient.
Also, you'd better have a lot of fun!
Also, I say "also" too much. But hey, it's late here too.
Friday at 8pm sounds perfect. Gameworks is fun, but it is true that it might be too crowded since it is so close to the convention center.
If you guys are thinking about eating somewhere else, an idea would be going to Capitol Hill, which is a bit of a walk, but not too far. There is a really cool sandwich shop called Honey Hole, and nearby are Bauhaus Coffee, Stumptown Coffee, and Molly Moon (great ice cream!).
There is also Red Fin sushi. It is a bit more pricy, but it is at Hotel Max, so it's something to consider.
I am open for anything. I live in Seattle, so let me know if you need any help to make reservations or anything else.
I can't wait!
Yeah, thats true...and IGN holds there after party there too.
Well we can save a spot for you, we saved one for Avistew, who also can't make it.
As for food, I am not picky I can go for a good ol american cheeseburger and still be happy, also another Idea I had.
Is we all meet by the exhibit all before it closes and meander and scout for good places to eat.
By the exhibit, you mean meeting at Telltale's booth (if they have one) at 8pm?
Meeting there would be fine, but depending on where we are going, we should probably make a reservation (especially if we have a big group).
In fact, you can print off this handy paper version of me and take pictures with him next to famous landmarks and people and smear spaghetti on his face.
You know... if you want to... or whatevs
My beard makes ladies swoon with heavenly desire at the sight of my beard (it also brings all the boys to the yard)... Just sayin'.
It's the same thing, you silly butt.
Also, you'll have won the beard-off already by then.
I've already won the beard-off since my beard is so awesome (and cures cancer) that it is obviously some sort of super beard made from the bodies of lesser beards.
Oh, I'm beard is so awesome, that it's typing this message right now saying your beard, is not as elite as this beard.
@kinya if they have a booth we will meet there, in hopes to gather some telltale staff to come or something.
P.S. My beard is sex
Can it make bagels?
...I didn't think so.
Same's to you, Icedhope.
Of course mine can make bagels, it can also weight lift and woo the ladies.
A friendly wager between Me and SeanT to see who's beard is epic.
hometown pride man
Well I will have a laptop, and that would be awesome.
And when I say pretty sweet I mean pretty awful.
How does he know of my secret must be one of those spys from dream works...eisner sent you didn't he?
I'll be at the dinner! ...In spirit. So that odd feeling you get of someone watching you? It's probably me.
Or a stalker. It really depends on location.
Don't worry PB, I'll have Energy drinks on hand to keep the excitement going.
I hear you can even get coffee in Seattle if you look hard enough.
And we'll all win another fanny pack!
edit:er i mean seattle
I love his intro to "Where the Streets have no Name"