ESRB leaks plot details again.

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
ESRB is a rating board that most games must be reviewed by in order to sell in specific markets. They mention roughly what sort of content each item has.

They get advance copies of the items for their reviews. And their reviews are public. They don't review stuff until it is complete enough, meaning that a review means that the title is probably complete at the point they review it.

So long story short, not only can they leak the very existence of a title, but some details about it as well.

[url= and max]It happened to 305[/url].

You can speculate some things from the description text, like who will be returning.


  • edited August 2010
    "So, uh . . . looks like you and Lincoln had an, err, eventful honeymoon"

    Are Sybil and Abe returning?
    (as a chicken strains to lay an egg)

    Mr. Featherly?
    Throughout the game, a large monster can be seen attacking a city.

    [sarcasm]I wonder what that could be[/sarcasm]

    I'm a little disapointed of no mention of Bosco though.
  • edited August 2010
    It also sounds like Mr Featherly might be as well...

    EDIT: Nevermind, I had not read all of Blooglspash's post.
  • edited August 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    EDIT: Nevermind, I had not read all of Blooglspash's post.

    Don't you hate it when people edit their post right after posting? ;)
  • edited August 2010
    This ESRB article is just stating the parts of the game that may be offensive or anything similar. It doesn't mean Bosco won't be making an appearence in some form.

    I doubt it though, I think that the absence of both Bosco and the Two Teeth family this season is partly because their VA couldn't be afforded (they are all voiced by Joey Camen, correct?) But who knows, maybe Telltale will do another Earl Boen and surprise us...?...
  • edited August 2010
    Who wrote this Mary Whitehouse, "The words a*s and damn can be heard in dialogue."
  • edited August 2010
    Not only do I infer from the egg laying comment that Mr. Featherly will return, I infer from the carnival joke that this entire game will be set in Monkey Island and we'll play as Guybrush in the Carnival of the Damned and this game will be the one to finally reveal the secret of Monkey Island.
  • edited August 2010
    That's it, I hate ESRB now. I wanted to wait until I got the game to find this stuff out. henke, please edit your post to tell people not to scroll down or click the link if they want a surprise
  • edited August 2010
    That's it, I hate ESRB now. I wanted to wait until I got the game to find this stuff out. henke, please edit your post to tell people not to scroll down or click the link if they want a surprise

    That's what the little "SPOILERS" tag next to the title of the post means: That there are spoilers (i.e., you find out things that are in the game).
  • edited August 2010
    weird i dont get it why is this E-10 ?? Alcohol Reference, Comic Mischief, Language, Mild Cartoon Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes ....The words "a*s" and "damn" can be heard in the dialogue. ... i thought it would be rated T .. but nevermind cant wait so when does it come out??? =D

    im guessing Mr federally (misspelled) gonna be in the game with sybil and Lincoln
    and you can play as both sam clone and Sam
  • edited August 2010
    RoadRunner wrote: »
    That's what the little "SPOILERS" tag next to the title of the post means: That there are spoilers (i.e., you find out things that are in the game).

    [sarcastic]No way, really?[/sarcastic]

    Do you think I don't know that? But some people don't want to see stuff, but don't see the tag.

    Stop patronizing me, what do you think I am, a new guy?
  • edited August 2010
    Gogeta504 wrote: »
    weird i dont get it why is this E-10 ?? Alcohol Reference, Comic Mischief, Language, Mild Cartoon Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes ....The words "a*s" and "damn" can be heard in the dialogue. ... i thought it would be rated T .. but nevermind cant wait so when does it come out??? =D

    im guessing Mr federally (misspelled) gonna be in the game with sybil and Lincoln
    and you can play as both sam clone and Sam

    That would still qualify for an E10+. And, why on earth would you need to play as a clone(storywise) in this episode?
  • edited August 2010
    For the same reason that you play as a lagomorph, because it's fun!

    @TheHighway: What did you expect when you opened a topic titled "ESRB leaks plot details again."?
  • edited August 2010
    That would still qualify for an E10+. And, why on earth would you need to play as a clone(storywise) in this episode?

    ok its still E-10 ... so when is the release date??
    oh yea . .. heres from ERSB... Players control a wily dog and private detective named Sam .. the wily dog is sam clone .. see?? i dont know why you play as a clone but we will find out soon :p:p:p
  • edited August 2010
    henke37 wrote: »
    For the same reason that you play as a lagomorph, because it's fun!

    @TheHighway: What did you expect when you opened a topic titled "ESRB leaks plot details again."?

    I expected a link, I didn't expect to see Blooglspash's post telling me stuff.
  • edited August 2010
    Gogeta504 wrote: »
    ok its still E-10 ... so when is the release date??
    oh yea . .. heres from ERSB... Players control a wily dog and private detective named Sam .. see?? i dont know why you play as a clone but we will find out soon :p:p:p

    By wily dog and private detective, those would both be referring to Sam. They are both describing him.
  • edited August 2010
    [sarcastic]No way, really?[/sarcastic]

    Do you think I don't know that? But some people don't want to see stuff, but don't see the tag.

    Stop patronizing me, what do you think I am, a new guy?


    But yeah, you should definetly put spoiler tags on the link, so if people want to check it out they can, and the sort.
  • edited August 2010
    By wily dog and private detective, those would both be referring to Sam. They are both describing him.

    ohhh ok i get it because there's an "and" i thought u play as sam clone
    wily dog- sam clone
    private detective- real sam
    well im wrong XD:rolleyes:
  • edited August 2010
    quit with the spoilers
  • edited August 2010
    "So, uh . . . looks like you and Lincoln had an, err, eventful honeymoon"
    Are Sybil and Abe returning?

    OMG Sybil must be
  • edited August 2010
    sam clones cod kill them shells act as bate ore do stuff to detract distract monster max
  • edited August 2010
    Well, sounds to me that the returning chars are;
    Sybil, Mr. Featherly and Jurgen

    1) Meh (I like Bosco more too).
    2) More meh.
    3) Better.
  • edited August 2010
    Well, sounds to me that the returning chars are;
    Sybil, Mr. Featherly and Jurgen

    1) Meh (I like Bosco more too).
    2) More meh.
    3) Better.

    Where'd you get
  • edited August 2010
    poured himself another fifth of pineapple schnapps.

    Schnapps is german. But apparently also used in english googled just learned me. Or it could mean the European tourist. Still think it refers to Jurgen though.
  • edited August 2010
    poured himself another fifth of pineapple schnapps.

    Schnapps is german. But apparently also used in english googled just learned me. Or it could mean the European tourist. Still think it refers to Jurgen though.

    Oh god. It would be extremely awesome if
    the tourist
    was the main villian.
  • edited August 2010
    English speakers use that word all the time.
  • edited August 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    English speakers use that word all the time.

    I've never heard it used, ever.
  • edited August 2010
    I have. Lots of times.
  • edited August 2010
    Same, just by Germans.

    EDIT: Reply to Ringmaster. Someone ninja'ed!
    EDIT2: Although it does also fit Shwoo's post :D.
  • edited August 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I have. Lots of times.

    Oh, you probably meant "English" as in England, and not the USA.
  • edited August 2010
    Oh, you probably meant "English" as in England, and not the USA.

    No, I'm thinking you just don't pay attention when people order drinks.
  • edited August 2010
    No, I'm thinking you just don't pay attention when people order drinks.

    Uhh, I'm 13.
  • edited August 2010
    Uhh, I'm 13.

    Excuses, excuses
  • edited August 2010
    Oh, you probably meant "English" as in England, and not the USA.
    Look at my location. I'm Australian.

    And it really depends on how much attention you pay to alcohol, but it's not exclusive to German speakers at all.
  • edited August 2010
    is pretty commonly known in the U.S., certainly among urbanites of drinking age. Especially
    peppermint schnapps at Christmastime
    peach schnapps, which is used in drinks like fuzzy navels and sex on the beach

    Still, I wouldn't mind seeing
    back. Before 304, I had speculated he might be responsible for the clones, LOL. It's
    I could do without.
  • edited August 2010
    Yeah I never liked Mr Featherly I like the idea that Sam and Max and their family are the only talking animals.
  • edited August 2010
    Gah! I tried not to look, I tried my absolute hardest not to look! But... I looked.

    Looking forward to the return of Featherly. I loved that guy. Sybil and Abe's return should be interesting. Though I wouldn't be surprised if their appearance was limited to a quick after credits scene.
  • edited August 2010
    It contains an "S" & a "Damn." Oh my! S is a mighty swear!
  • edited August 2010
    Yeah I never liked Mr Featherly I like the idea that Sam and Max and their family are the only talking animals.
    im agree, i mean Mr Featherly is ok for a season but as a more permanent character :/ well, i never faund hem as a very strong character, lets say i dont like the idea, even when telltale can make evry thing funny and cool, sybil and abe back, ok, i like them, but i dont see way bring them back if they dont brink back bosco xD, i mean i think hes more a beloved secondary character, and i dont fill interested on controling a Sam clone, but again, telltale can make the unexpected be fun and interesting, i kind of not bealive this reviwe, maybe because i dont like anything at all of what says and implies that is going to happend xD.
  • edited August 2010
    I've got it.

    The local weatherman is crushed by Max Jr.'s foot, and Featherly becomes his replacement. Admit it, you've always wanted to hear him say "It's partly cloudy with a 30% chaAaaAance of rain!" in his Midtown Cowboys voice.
  • edited August 2010
    Well, at least Featherly beats Baby Amelia.
    And we all know how nice 302 was despite that %#%@#%.
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