damn, sam and max dragged its feet on getting to me, so it looks like i gotta go par-tay instead. i guess a hangover will add to the challenge. party on telltale community
I bet they screwed something up and then only one guy can fix it, and so the one guy is all like "Oh man, I gotta fix this!" And another dude is all "I'm gonna get the guy that's fixing it a soda and maybe some food" And the rest of the group is having a big ol' Pity Party for themselves, being all like "omg, wtf, not cool at all d00dz."
I'm sitting here in Norway freezing my butt off, and Nelson is coming over to play this game any minute now. And you don't want to se how he gets if he doesn't get his puzzles Q.Q
For all you sleepy people, make a hellish concotion of Red Bull, 5 Hour Energy, Monster, and raw coffee grounds and stay up for the next week. Then crash in fiery glory like a bird that just hit power lines.
Such poisons... I planned on staying alive at least until I've finished 305
I bet they screwed something up and then only one guy can fix it, and so the one guy is all like "Oh man, I gotta fix this!" And another dude is all "I'm gonna get the guy that's fixing it a soda and maybe some food" And the rest of the group is having a big ol' Pity Party for themselves, being all like "omg, wtf, not cool at all d00dz."
I bet they screwed something up and then only one guy can fix it, and so the one guy is all like "Oh man, I gotta fix this!" And another dude is all "I'm gonna get the guy that's fixing it a soda and maybe some food" And the rest of the group is having a big ol' Pity Party for themselves, being all like "omg, wtf, not cool at all d00dz."
You obviously didn't read the earlier post. The staff at Telltale were electrocuted when Pete knocked the laptop out the window, tripped over a pc cord, knocked over a glass of water, blowing the circuit breaker out, and send an electric shock wave to the other staff members computers.
Such poisons... I planned on staying alive at least until I've finished 305
The cake is a lie.
death to the none believers!
(contains spoilers from the episode 5 trailer)
You obviously didn't read the earlier post. The staff at Telltale were electrocuted when Pete knocked the laptop out the window, tripped over a pc cord, knocked over a glass of water, blowing the circuit breaker out, and send an electric shock wave to the other staff members computers.
*raises hand*
i wouldn't bet my dog on it!
i wonder if sal is dead...
i liked sal
Guess no one can complain of me waiting here like a madman, pets and owners looking alike and all...
Sal is
my dog has a message for you all!
"bmhj imkncvx jk54665
ah the insanity of it all!
Since Sal is a cockroach, he can't die. Cockroaches can survive a nuclear winter
Pet him extra for me will you?
Maybe they are monitoring our insanity:eek:
sam and max are
Thanks for nothing!
"ok... Who is the idiot that designed this?"
"you sir!"
Sammun-Sal is Grand!
When you think of Lord Sammun-Sal, Be careful of where you stand!
I do, I do!
I do belive in Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - The City that Dares Not Sleep
I do, I do!
I do belive in Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - The City that Dares Not Sleep
I do, I do!
Where's my game?
Where's my cookie?
now click your heels three times!