*spoilers* In Memoriam *Extreme 305 Spoilers*

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Note: Listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIuotFZnBtk whilst reading for maximum effect.
This is a log of all the characters we lost in The City that Dares Not Sleep:

Sal - Killed by radiation poisoning in Max's arm control room. Died in Max's Cerebral Cortex.

Sam Jr. - Left inside Max to die.

Grandpa Stinky's Body - Switched Bodies with one of Stinky's minions and was aboard Skun'ka'pe's ship when it was destroyed.

Sammun-Mak - Was piloting Skun'ka'pe's ship when it was destroyed.

Girl Stinky - Was aboard Skun'ka'pe's ship when it was destroyed.

Skun'ka'pe - Was aboard his ship when it was destroyed.

The Narrarator (Max's Superego) - Was a part of Max, and was destroyed when he was.

Max - In an effort to save the city, teleported to Skun'ka'pe's ship and blew up inside it, killing all inside and himself.

[cheesyline]Let these who died not have died in vane![/cheesyline]


  • edited August 2010
    Note: Listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIuotFZnBtk whilst reading for maximum effect.
    This is a log of all the characters we lost in The City that Dares Not Sleep:

    Sal - Killed by radiation poisoning in Max's arm control room. Died in Max's Cerebral Cortex.

    Sam Jr. - Left inside Max to die.

    Grandpa Stinky's Body - Switched Bodies with one of Stinky's minions and was aboard Skun'ka'pe's ship when it was destroyed.

    Sammun-Mak - Was piloting Skun'ka'pe's ship when it was destroyed.

    Girl Stinky - Was aboard Skun'ka'pe's ship when it was destroyed.

    Skun'ka'pe - Was aboard his ship when it was destroyed.

    The Narrarator (Max's Superego) - Was a part of Max, and was destroyed when he was.

    Max - In an effort to save the city, teleported to Skun'ka'pe's ship and blew up inside it, killing all inside and himself.

    [cheesyline]Let these who died not have died in vane![/cheesyline]

    I wouldn't be so sure about 3, there was no indicator if he was still onboard the ship. One could argue that 7 and 8 are not dead either, because at the end you see another max from the past join sam, possibly containing another superego :D. So they are both alive (in some sort of paradox way).
  • edited August 2010
    Melchon wrote: »
    I wouldn't be so sure about 3, there was no indicator if he was still onboard the ship. One could argue that 7 and 8 are not dead either, because at the end you see another max from the past join sam, possibly containing another superego :D. So they are both alive (in some sort of paradox way).
    It's not Max from the past, but a Max from an alternate dimension where Sam gets juniorfied.
  • edited August 2010
    Sam Jr. makes it out just fine if you remember to pick him up after you get Sal. What cruel person would leave poor, adorable Sam Jr. to die? :-(
  • edited August 2010
    Swarn3r wrote: »
    Sam Jr. makes it out just fine if you remember to pick him up after you get Sal. What cruel person would leave poor, adorable Sam Jr. to die? :-(

  • edited August 2010
    It's not Max from the past, but a Max from an alternate dimension where Sam gets juniorfied.

    I'm pretty sure that was past Max from 204. Though that may have resulted in a split time line, but the more likely conclusion is that it happened sometime in the distant past or future.
    Anybody depressed in spite of the ending emotional yo-yo.
  • edited August 2010
    Given Sam is alive and doesn't remember such a thing happening, we can assume it's not distant past.

    It also can't be future since if it was, that Max is cycling infinitely through a time loop(he goes to past, hangs out with Sam, has to blow him up, goes bakc in time again, repeat ad infinitum).

    My best guess is split timeline.
  • edited August 2010
    And I'll admit, I did start tearing up at the end.
    I actually liked Sal, and I grew attached to Max and his violent and destructive, yet childlike shenanigans
  • edited August 2010
    Yeah, I saved
    Sam Jr.
    too. Ending? Contrived. But funny.

    Girl Stinky's apparent backstory
    explains so little, and kinda creates plot holes for What's New, Beelzebub... or was Flint Paper just mistaken? Hm, confused, though Sal did kinda begin to admit
    that he'd been doing whatever he'd been doing with her for a couple of DECADES.
  • edited August 2010
    Honestly I didn't care for the ending, seemed kinda contrived for how much buildup was made. Great game though, just ending seemed a tad off.
  • edited August 2010
    xaviorbat wrote: »
    Honestly I didn't care for the ending, seemed kinda contrived for how much buildup was made. Great game though, just ending seemed a tad off.

    You ARE a tad off.
    It was strong. It wasn't done to be funny. A paradox or not, writers made a Max kill himself, to show people no matter how psychopathic he talks, in the end he can jump off to save many people.

    Sure, the split time gag at the VERY end is what you may consider to be rushy, but that's Sam and Max for you. Noone expects a story that makes total sense, actually what people do expect is the complete opposite. Well, noone expected that kind of an ending too, but still. They tried something new. And I believe, with that season, they did their best.
  • edited August 2010
    Suit yourself.

    BTW, I noticed that "
    Grandma Moleman
    " was mentioned in the voice credits. I don't believe I ever ran across that character.
  • edited August 2010
    I'm in the consensus that
    'Max X', as I call him, got lonely without Sam and found the time elevator and used it to traverse to a dimension with Sam still alive without Max.
  • edited August 2010
    It's not Max from the past, but a Max from an alternate dimension where Sam gets juniorfied.
    That's not correct.
    He came in via the time traveling elevator. It's the Max from episode 102, who stole the time machine from "present" Sam & Max in episode 204. He and Sam from 102 have been having their own adventures during the last 6 episodes.
  • edited August 2010
    Chuck wrote: »
    That's not correct.
    He came in via the time traveling elevator. It's the Max from episode 102, who stole the time machine from "present" Sam & Max in episode 204. He and Sam from 102 have been having their own adventures during the last 6 episodes.

    Oh my god, you are amazing for clearing this up and that is hilarious.

  • edited August 2010
    HeroicJay wrote: »
    Suit yourself.

    BTW, I noticed that "
    Grandma Moleman
    " was mentioned in the voice credits. I don't believe I ever ran across that character.

    I also saw a credit for
    Soda Popper
    which I don't remember seeing.
  • edited August 2010
    Grandma Moleman was in early parts of 302 I believe, before the tomb. She is watching the elves outside the window.
  • edited August 2010
    The Big z wrote: »
    I also saw a credit for
    Soda Popper
    which I don't remember seeing.

    It was for
    , and I caught that one:
    When Sam asks how Momma Bosco is keeping the Max spores away, she reveals she's playing a high-frequency "I can hear yoooooou!" from Peepers. Sam couldn't hear it, but remarked that he was wondering why he was feeling a homicidal rage building up.
    blucentio wrote:
    Grandma Moleman was in early parts of 302 I believe, before the tomb. She is watching the elves outside the window.

    Wrong character, wrong episode. I was referring to a voice credit in THIS EPISODE, and the character in question was
    Nefertiti/Bubbles. She was credited as such in "They Stole Max's Brain".
  • edited August 2010
    The Big z wrote: »
    I also saw a credit for
    Soda Popper
    which I don't remember seeing.

    If you ask Momma Bosco how she's been keeping the
    Max spores
    at bay, she plays a clip of them for you.
  • edited August 2010
    I didn't get Jr out, but to be fair I wasn't expecting Max to blow up. Although I did technically forget about him. Sorry little guy.
    And another thing, from the get-go I didn't trust Sal because he was way too nice to be an entirely honest character. I misjudged him, and I was wrong. Godspeed, gentle cockroach. Godspeed. :(
  • edited August 2010
    Anyone else slightly
    disappointed in this episode? It was certainly a whole ton of fun, and the ending (while slightly depressing seeing as the Max you adventured with from 103-305 is gone forever) was pretty funny, there was no last boss. Seeing the Narrator and Girl Stinky turn evil was pretty satisfying while it lasted, but there were absolutely no battles.

    Episode one had Skunkape, episode two had Paiperwaite, episode three had Sammun-Mak, and episode four had Charlie Hotep (wow, strange names for bosses this season). Episode five had no boss battles, nor Max, for that matter. It just seemed a bit... unfulfilling to me. Either way, great job on the episode, it was a bunch of fun.

    Hey, now that I think about it, Max isn't President anymore, is he?

    Also, does this mean Season 4 might follow the alternate Sam and Max in the past? With you playing as Max!? Maybe I'm just getting my hopes up... but that would be awesome.
  • edited August 2010
    I loved the ending
    And I totally forget about Sam Jr. Forgive me T_T
  • edited August 2010
    Doesn't Max X specifically say that he just had an adventure where Sam transforms into a gigantic psychic monster who had to be destroyed in a spectacular fashion? I don't remember that happening in either season. I'm of the opinion that Max X is from an alternate timeline from that simple comment.
    Also, it might be best to keep Telltale away from any other properties for a little while, considering the high body counts in their last few games. I shudder to think of the utter bloodbath that might occur in Bone or Wallace and Grommit.
  • edited August 2010
    My Telltale Hunger is fullfilled... for now. I don't think I can resist until Back to the Future, so... Telltale Team GET TO WORK.

    Oh and one more thing:

    Was this the last adventure of our beloved Freelance Police?

    Hope not

    May the Gift be with you.
  • edited August 2010
    I saved Sam Jr. Not that I knew that Max was going to blow up.
    Sal and Max's deaths
    were the worst. But what exactly happened on that spaceship? I couldn't tell.
  • edited August 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Sal and Max's deaths
    were the worst. But what exactly happened on that spaceship? I couldn't tell.
    Max was hit with a nuke, and teleported to Stinky and blew up so Sam wouldn't be killed with the rest of New York.
  • edited August 2010
    Oh! Now it all makes sense. I didn't get that at all. Thanks.
  • edited August 2010
    Considering that the title of this thread has "spoiler" in it twice, are all the spoiler tags really necessary? But until I know if anyone agrees that anyone who's read to the middle of page 2 knows what happened anyway, I'll use them too I guess.

    Anyway, before Chuck's comment, I was going to ask if
    this means that The Devil's Playhouse essentially retconned itself out of existence
    , but now it has me wondering a couple of other things. First off, how did
    Sam A turning into a giant electrokinetic monster
    go unnoticed by Sam and Max Prime? Second,
    how did Sam and Max A escape from and survive the destruction of the Mariachi ship? Didn't T.H.E.M themselves escape on the time machine, back to earlier points in season two? How did Max A end up with it?
    And last is just an observation.
    This now means that from this point forward, we have a Max with no memory of anything that happened in the Telltale series other than Culture Shock. Of course, given how Max's memory normally functions, it may be a lateral move.
  • edited August 2010
    Max's death was BAD?

    Okay it's entitled as a COMEDY SAGA but it doesn't mean you should be totally emotionless.
  • edited August 2010
    Just to be aware for the next time I play the episode:
    When and how do I rescue Sam Jr.? Cause I forgot to pick him up
  • edited August 2010
    You can do it any time after
    Max has eaten Sal
    . I personally did it immediately after.
  • edited August 2010
    You can pick him up once you've got Sal inside Max.
  • edited August 2010
    Just to be aware for the next time I play the episode:
    When and how do I rescue Sam Jr.? Cause I forgot to pick him up
    After you pick up Sal, you can do it at any point until the very end

  • edited August 2010
    I am KING NINJA!
  • edited August 2010
    My Opinon is, this was the best episode of Sam&Max I have ever played, it touched me and made me realize, that sometimes we take friendships for granted, and you don't really notice til they're gone, and this is enough Philosophy from me tonight.
  • edited August 2010
    Just like the rest, the ending also touched me. For starters, I was sueprised when ToMI took a emotional turn...but this is freaking Sam & Max!!! I never expect them from all of people being able to make me feel sad. Still, it truley proves that no matter how sociopathic, reckless and somtimes heartless he is, max has always cared for Sam as his best friend
    Sweet Dreams, oh Legamorph Prince
  • edited August 2010
    So I can't be the only one who almost burst into tears when
    died. He died a hero, helping out the one person who has caused him to be beaten up and very gravely injured three times in the past two weeks
  • edited August 2010
    Sweet Dreams, oh Legamorph Prince

    Hey, that reminds me.

    ...No, that scene is still hilarious.
  • edited August 2010
    First off, how did
    Sam A turning into a giant electrokinetic monster
    go unnoticed by Sam and Max Prime?
    Well, it could have happened at any time after 204. Maybe It was during 302 or something. Maybe it happened in between season 2 and 3. Maybe it hasn't even happened yet.
    A giant electrokinetic Sam monster wouldn't be the strangest thing to happen in the city,
    that's for sure.
    how did Sam and Max A escape from and survive the destruction of the Mariachi ship? Didn't T.H.E.M themselves escape on the time machine, back to earlier points in season two? How did Max A end up with it?
    After I beat Season 2 I was almost sure
    the alternate Sam and Max would have died, along with the Moai heads, since the ship was destroyed, but since the Moai heads showed up in the wedding in the credits, I guess we can assume they did something that saved the ship. HOLY MOLY this was foreshadowed! We should have known the alternate Sam and Max were still alive!
    And last is just an observation.
    This now means that from this point forward, we have a Max with no memory of anything that happened in the Telltale series other than Culture Shock. Of course, given how Max's memory normally functions, it may be a lateral move.
    I thought about that, too. It's pretty depressing, really, it's like I lost a close friend myself. And while Max's memory is normally far from perfect, he still remembers most of the adventures they had and mentions them throughout the episodes. Heck, a part of the level involved Sam trying to get Max to remember the good old times. Dang, now I'm even more depressed than before, and I thought the ending to 302 was sad.
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Hey, that reminds me.

    ...No, that scene is still hilarious.
    Yeah, but that Max is DEAD NOW!

    Oh God, it's gonna take me a while to get over this depression.
  • edited August 2010
    In 204, if you go into the time elevator room after activating the self-destruct, there's a scene of past Sam and Max stealing the time elevator before you can escape through it.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    In 204, if you go into the time elevator room after activating the self-destruct, there's a scene of past Sam and Max stealing the time elevator before you can escape through it.

    Haha oh god that's right, that scene is optional. Everyone should go back and play 204. It's clearly the linchpin of all three seasons.
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