*spoilers* In Memoriam *Extreme 305 Spoilers*



  • edited August 2010
    I thought of something else too; Sam & Max left in the time machine, so they could end up in a time where none of these people (or the Desoto) are dead.
  • edited August 2010
    I wouldn't be surprised if Girl Stinky and/or Skunkape show up at the beginning of the next season with little explanantion. I would be more surprised if the same happens for Sal though...
  • edited August 2010
    the desoto never got destroyed, it got spat out with everyone, it just can't be used on land until it gets upgraded with wheels
  • edited August 2010
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    I thought of something else too
    That's just one ending though.

    In the other they leave it around, for any smuck to find it and mess up history. Oh my...
  • edited August 2010
    Actually, if you watch closely after Max walks away talking about the banker, Sam gives that "that's the Max I know" look and the time machine sinks into non-existence.
  • edited August 2010
    and the time machine sinks into non-existence.
    But who says it wasn't already jacked by that time? If it's let out of sight...
    (needs to replay sequence)
  • edited August 2010
    If it's let out of sight...

    ...True. This is New York City we are talking about after all...
  • edited August 2010
    I didn't find it as powerful as TOMI's sudden depressification, but still... wow.

    I was kinda hoping it'd just fade to black after Sam took off his hat, and we'd all have to wait until Season 4 to see alterna-Max arrive. The forums would have EXPLODED. :D
  • edited August 2010
    To everyone saying they can't get used to the "new" Max because it isn't the real one: you're being narrow-minded. Think of it from Max's point of view: he's just had to kill Sam and is now left having to hang around with a fake alternate version. Why would that point of view be any less valid than the one where Max is the fake alternate. I say Max has at least as much claim to being the real one as Sam does.
    If your reason is that Sam is the one we've been following in the games, then that's just... well I don't know what the technical term is, but it ends with -ist. Let me support things with this advanced analysis (credits to GuruGuru214):
    It's between Sam Prime-B and Max A. Relative to timeline A, Max is a native while Sam is the B-copy of an anomalous invader from the future. Relative to the Prime and B timelines, Sam Prime-B is still a more complex cookie than Max A.
  • edited August 2010
    SushiGummy wrote: »
    Hey, there's another character that died who we completely forgot about!
    The Desoto!

    Nope. Right before Max blows up, we see it land in front of Momma Boscos unharmed.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm not convinced that Sal is dead at all. Sam Jr. scooted in and out of the arms just fine if you tried using him for that, and even commented himself that he could live through anything. I thought for the smallest of moments Sal might turn out to be the villain, faking a death to gain something later. I feel like an ass now, but if he was faking his death, odds are he's gone now...

    (also, this thread is marked as extreme spoilers, so I see no need to hide things)
  • edited September 2010
    Atman wrote: »
    I'm not convinced that Sal is dead at all. Sam Jr. scooted in and out of the arms just fine if you tried using him for that, and even commented himself that he could live through anything. I thought for the smallest of moments Sal might turn out to be the villain, faking a death to gain something later. I feel like an ass now, but if he was faking his death, odds are he's gone now...

    Well Sam Jr. was only in for a few seconds and he is not that reliable. He's in his "rebelious", "nothing is impossible," teen phase so he may have been over eggagarating/trying to escape Sam's smothering parenting, even if it were to cost him his health. In addition he was illiterate so he probably wasn't the sharpest knife in the victim. :P

    But anyways, I think you could be right and Sal could be alive. I love Sal and I want him back; he would be a cool villain, especially because he seems so calm and not insane, unlike most of the colorful
    -in personality at least cause the narrator is in black and white!
    -villans we've had the past three seasons. It would be a really good twist.
  • edited September 2010
    I would buy a mini-game if I could torture Sybil to pieces. Pregnant or not.
  • edited September 2010
    Mooshiiii wrote: »
    But anyways, I think you could be right and Sal could be alive. I love Sal and I want him back; he would be a cool villain, especially because he seems so calm and not insane, unlike most of the colorful-in personality at least cause the narrator is in black and white!-villans we've had the past three seasons. It would be a really good twist. s)

    Frankly his cudled up, unmoving position on the couch seemed to mark him up as pretty much dead. And even if the radiation didn't kill him outright, there's still the fact he was still inside when Giant Max exploded
    ...from a Nuke
    ...in outer space.
    I would buy a mini-game if I could torture Sybil to pieces. Pregnant or not.

    Throw in Bosco and the Poppers and I'm sold too.
  • edited September 2010
    Chuck wrote: »
    I don't understand why people are sad, since Momma Bosco warned you in episode 1 exactly what would happen if you kept using those psychic powers.

    Well, I've known and liked Max for 17 years, of course I feel sad if he gets blown to his atoms - even if I was warned before. And while the return of the alternate Max rectified things, the previous few minutes did leave a sense of melancholy behind for a while. I guess this could have been the case with other people.

    Also, I'm a bit surprised that you're tracing the exact origins of alternate Max. Based on what happened in 204, there could be like 10 different versions of them roaming the universe in parallel ;)
  • edited September 2010
    smuchmuch wrote: »
    Frankly his cudled up, unmoving position on the couch seemed to mark him up as pretty much dead. And even if the radiation didn't kill him outright, there's still the fact he was still inside when Giant Max exploded
    ...from a Nuke
    ...in outer space.

    ....Damm you and your logic. I just want him back; Sal, Jurgen and Max prime should all somehow be alive (well exept for Jugen, because, vampire.) and highly involved in a next season. I would settle for Sal being a ghost or having an identical twin who talks and acts just like him.
    I would buy a mini-game if I could torture Sybil to pieces. Pregnant or not.

    I used to hate her so much, especially in season 2 because she didn't bring anything new or interesting with her, but I didn't mind her in 305 because she felt fresh and funny again.
  • edited September 2010
    I'd draw a picture showing every single S&M character in hell and then another that shows Heaven and it's just Sal standing around if I could draw well.
  • edited September 2010
    I'd draw a picture ... that shows Heaven and it's just Sal standing around if I could draw well.

    Now I'm imagining an episode in the next series starting out like "It's A Wonderful Life" where God calls Sal and sends him on a mission to Earth to earn his wings. He could show Sam what the world would've been like without him, and do the same with Max...(Telltale could work a lot of emotion into that...)
  • edited September 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Well...no, not exactly that's still Max. Who know's maybe in Season 4, there'll be an episode called A tale of Two Max's.

    As long as they don't end it on a cliffhanger that is never resolved. Seriously, Telltale's next game series should be episodes of REBOOT.
  • edited September 2010
    You're all forgetting something.
    In 204, Future Max still remembered all cases at least up to 204. So if the living Max in the future was the Max A from episode 102 that went to 204 and escaped through the time elevator, how did he know how to help Sam and Max 204 Prime?
    Also, in that future, Stinky was alive and handled a huge corporation thanks to her sticky substance.
  • edited September 2010
    Your second try is almost correct; just remove the S's.
  • edited September 2010
    adrian2040 wrote: »
    Also, in that future, Stinky was alive and handled a huge corporation thanks to her sticky substance.

    If this is Max X, then he never knew Girl Stinky in the first place. All we know is it's a stinky and it's a she.
  • edited September 2010
    adrian2040 wrote: »
    In 204, Future Max still remembered all cases at least up to 204.
    No, they didn't. He knew he needed to go up to the moon, but had no idea why. For the rest no memory of other stuff happening in the past but their future.

    So I don't get your question at all...
  • edited September 2010
    I like Chuck's theory that all versions of Max existing at any one time have a collective hive-mind. Not sure if I believe it, but it's a fun theory, and it might fit in with the psychic powers.
  • edited September 2010
    i was able to keep sam jr.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm just gonna say it ,I didn't like 305, i loved the other four but even stories for Sam and Max have to be consistent and 305 didn't go well for the preceding episodes I have to say the bitter taste that 305 left makes me want to buy season 1 that way I can see a happy ending.
    I think if you didn't like it either just say.
    Doesn't mean you don't like Sam and Max
    Just that you didn't like what they did
    with that episode.
  • edited September 2010
    Man. Some of these theories are mindbodginly complex!

    My take on it:
    Alt-max mentions that alt-Sam became giant monster and had to be destroyed. Does this sound familiar?
    It's like an alternate reality, where alt-Sam gained some nifty psychic abilities from toys of power and ended up being infected with junior, getting a brain tumor for using the powers and goes to rampage through the city as a tentacly giant elder creature.
  • edited September 2010
    But Alt-Sam wasn't psychic, it was electromagnetic powers of some sort.
  • edited September 2010
    The episode, i liked... The ending... Ehh... 40% satisfying 60% too damn depresive. Too many people died including
    Sal, Skunkape and the narrator, but not Sam Jr. I rescued him, heh heh... My opinion on Max dying well... Read my signature cause thats what i believe in, i dont know why but I believe that he will return somehow and I hope I'm not the only one thinking this...
  • edited September 2010
    Note: Listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIuotFZnBtk whilst reading for maximum effect.
    This is a log of all the characters we lost in The City that Dares Not Sleep:

    Sal - Killed by radiation poisoning in Max's arm control room. Died in Max's Cerebral Cortex.

    Sam Jr. - Left inside Max to die.

    Grandpa Stinky's Body - Switched Bodies with one of Stinky's minions and was aboard Skun'ka'pe's ship when it was destroyed.

    Sammun-Mak - Was piloting Skun'ka'pe's ship when it was destroyed.

    Girl Stinky - Was aboard Skun'ka'pe's ship when it was destroyed.

    Skun'ka'pe - Was aboard his ship when it was destroyed.

    The Narrarator (Max's Superego) - Was a part of Max, and was destroyed when he was.

    Max - In an effort to save the city, teleported to Skun'ka'pe's ship and blew up inside it, killing all inside and himself.

    [cheesyline]Let these who died not have died in vane![/cheesyline]

    about the character of number 2 if you make your try you can get it back into sam coat before
    Max die
  • edited September 2010
    I just made up a quick theory out of the blue. (Mostly due to barely accepting what happened.)
    What if Max Prime somehow survived and is the Max featured in the Mash Up game of Penny Arcade, Sam and Max, Team Fortress 2 and StrongBad? That would give us, or at least me, some hope for Max Prime...
  • edited September 2010
    My theory was in 204 the Maxes got mixed up, so the paradox Sam and Max both died, leaving the primes to be reunited and live. Max prime was just in the distant past or future in his adventure. The problem with this is demon Max's inventory, but he may have taken objects out of the office before 301.
  • edited September 2010
    adrian2040 wrote: »
    I just made up a quick theory out of the blue. (Mostly due to barely accepting what happened.)
    What if Max Prime somehow survived and is the Max featured in the Mash Up game of Penny Arcade, Sam and Max, Team Fortress 2 and StrongBad? That would give us, or at least me, some hope for Max Prime...

    Ive been thinking about that but your theory is so interesting for some reason. We have Sam & Max X stopping crimes while Max Prime is somewhere else playing cards... XD
  • edited September 2010
    mathman77 wrote: »
    My theory was in 204 the Maxes got mixed up, so the paradox Sam and Max both died, leaving the primes to be reunited and live. Max prime was just in the distant past or future in his adventure. The problem with this is demon Max's inventory, but he may have taken objects out of the office before 301.
    The Max that appeared at the end was not Max Prime since he talked about destroying an electromagnetic powered Sam. So your theory is ruled out.
  • edited September 2010
    am i the only one that thinks that the Max of the last full season most be on hell, and if we think it well is not the first time max is dead, he has been a zombi and was killed on Surfin' the Highway...well then was a dream, but on the web comic of steve purcell sam and max come out of the grave, literaly, soooo maybe that max can be bringed back some how, i mean in the case of the games by going to the hell, but noooo, ¡naw sam is with the other Max of the spase ship of season 2!...thats kaind of sad...sam and max can be crossing from the terrenal world to hell, to bring back this or that character, and some how naw that looks as not posible, and max was just dead, and thinking it more, on all the freekie way i mean, @.@the other sam, the one of the spase ship that becames a dead one by the max of the end of the ep 305 could be on hell with the max that was turned a mounster ???!!!!!xD,
    my head, my heaaaaaad ;_; this makes my head heart ,and soon explote, is too confuse to be thinking on it 9_9, and is a long time to the next season, and who knows if this will even have some plase on it, one thing is for shure, it has to be a new season!!!xD. o my, i love telltale TwT
    Sal die to soon, i think he was a very atractive character for the series, and was hopping to see hem more on the next seasons T-T...and for last, i hate that grandpha stinky is naw an spasce ape Dx...but for the good news, max is not the president any more, hurrey 0W0
  • edited September 2010
    I'm heartbroken that
    is dead, but luckily I have to say that I hope he stays dead, I hope everyone who died in this Episode STAYS dead.

    Truth be told, I like
    Grandpa Stinky as a Gorilla
    . And I'm glad that all the people on
    Skun-ka'pe's ship
    died, telling the truth they were all annoying and I REALLY wanted all of them to die and stay dead.
  • edited September 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    I'm heartbroken that
    is dead, but luckily I have to say that I hope he stays dead, I hope everyone who died in this Episode STAYS dead


  • edited September 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    I'm heartbroken that
    is dead, but luckily I have to say that I hope he stays dead, I hope everyone who died in this Episode STAYS dead.

    Truth be told, I like
    Grandpa Stinky as a Gorilla
    . And I'm glad that all the people on
    Skun-ka'pe's ship
    died, telling the truth they were all annoying and I REALLY wanted all of them to die and stay dead.


    Max Prime's
    death, as much as it saddens me, he's gone for good. I mean, all these theories about he could have survived and stuff just sound really far-fetched and desperate.

    What's done is done. Plus considering the circumstances, it ended up working out pretty well for Sam and
    Max A
  • edited September 2010
    Do we need so many spoiler tags in a triple spoiler marked topic? @__@

    Max's death made me feel quite sad, specially combined with the music during the credits, the only thing I could think of during them was "he'll come back falling from space any momement now! ...Right? Right? Please? ;__;" and even with Past Max's appearance it's the most bittersweet ending in a videogame I've seen.
  • edited September 2010
    Detective wrote: »

    Max Prime's
    death, as much as it saddens me, he's gone for good. I mean, all these theories about he could have survived and stuff just sound really far-fetched and desperate.

    What's done is done. Plus considering the circumstances, it ended up working out pretty well for Sam and
    Max A

    But he can come back to life, Sam brought other people back to life who were trapped in hell, so why not max? Or maybe he could go to heaven and releases max who can join up with his past selfs body.
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