AVGN: Back To The Future Trilogy

Okay, so I don't know if there are a lot of Angry Video Game Nerd fans on here, but he just posted a revisiting and lengthy review of the games in honor of the upcoming anniversary. The beginning revisits a few of his other reviews but only briefly; the main event is all BTTF.



  • edited September 2010
    I think this means there are some serious questions to ask Telltale regarding these games, now.
  • edited September 2010
    Guaranteed AVGN quality :D Making the game better than those old ones will be a walk in the park for Telltale.
  • edited September 2010
    I remember forcing myself to try and beat the original NES BttF game. Man was that torture. The worst part was that I still never finished it. I got to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance level, died there and ended up having to start the game back at the beginning. I turned off the game and never played it again.

    BttF 2&3 I owned but never even attempted to beat. That made the original NES BttF game look like a masterpiece, as you saw by The Nerd's review. I never could figure out what to do in that game. I never got past the Mario-esque level of jumping on dinosaurs and hamburgers.

    And for the TRULY old-school gamers like myself, I present the ORIGINAL Back to the Future game. Which coincidentally enough, was a point-and-click game for the Commodore 64. A game that can quite literally be finished in 10 minutes as this youtube video shows.


    You could probably beat it in under that if you tried. Anyway, it's still a confusing mess of a game, but it at least has midi versions of the music from the movie AND follows the plot closer than the NES game did.
  • edited September 2010
    It seems to me that he is running out of ideas anymore.... don't get me wrong, I love his newer videos... but he seems to be revisiting more & more games anymore.
  • edited September 2010
    It seems to me that he is running out of ideas anymore.... don't get me wrong, I love his newer videos... but he seems to be revisiting more & more games anymore.

    I can kind of agree with this but to an extent that, it also feels he doesn't enjoy doing it anymore.
  • edited September 2010
    Ya, I know he had to stop doing so much AVGN stuff because he's got so many more obligations, but he was probably happy to move on from The Nerd. You can only yell profanities at crappy video games in so many ways before it gets old.

    I personally liked his stuff better when it wasn't so over-produced like it became after he got super popular. It's kind of the same thing that's currently happening over at The Spoony Experiement. Spoony's stuff was great when he would just rant on crappy games/movies or just do long V-logs complaining about stuff. Now that he's getting more popular, his videos are becoming more complicated and he's stretching himself to thin. The end result is it takes longer for new videos AND they aren't as funny imo.
  • edited September 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    I can kind of agree with this but to an extent that, it also feels he doesn't enjoy doing it anymore.

    I think that is a reason that he is taking so long to release new videos (a month at a time). I think he is just trying to expand himself (such as the Board James videos & the movie reviews) to make the AVGN videos feel less tedious.
  • edited September 2010
    He's not running out of ideas. In the video itself he says so; he says take a look at all these shitty games! Walls and shelves full; he says he's not running out of ideas any time soon. But a lot of his fans have complained that he didn't give some of his earlier reviews like Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde enough attention, as there is a lot of crappiness to be seen that he never delved into. I think he's doing this to please those fans and give some games more attention that they deserve.

    As far as BTTF hes a massive fan, and I think he just wanted to do something special for the anniversary. He already reviewed the movies; so that's pretty much out. I would like to see him do a documentary visiting the BTTF locations though, and I'm sure he'll talk about the Telltale games as James in a video.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm sure he'll talk about the Telltale games as James in a video.

    I doubt it'll be James... but we'll see.
  • edited October 2010
    He's been working on an Angry Video Game Nerd movie for the past two years. He's far from out of ideas.

    Anyway, after Telltale's released all the BttF episodes, I think it'd be neat if James (as himself, not the AVGN) made a video reviewing it, like he did for the new Ghostbusters game.
  • edited December 2010
    I hope the game is downloadable soon
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Wrong thread, poptop! ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Oh sorry im on like 3 threads at the same time sorry
  • edited December 2010
    I always like to post these videos when someone complains about the more recent games. I did it with the Ghostbusters game as well since those NES games were just awful as well.

    Sadly, that did not stop the complaining.
  • edited December 2010
    this video was way better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cJXZUHF_Tw

    too bad that avgn stole so many of his ideas...
  • edited December 2010
    terrd2713 wrote: »
    this video was way better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cJXZUHF_Tw

    too bad that avgn stole so many of his ideas...

    No. This is not the place for that.
  • edited December 2010
    terrd2713 wrote: »
    too bad that avgn stole so many of his ideas...

    I see what you did there.
  • edited December 2010
    Obvious troll is too obvious. Failed.

    Anyway, I do not enjoy Nerd videos lately. I don't enjoy whenever a reviewer goes too much into their own created plotlines instead of just... reviewing what he has on hold. The latest Christmas video was just painful with all the rhyming and stuff. I know it's a homage to Grinch but... Just review stuff, man.

    At least he doesn't take it too seriously like Linkara. Oh my GOD so many bullshit self inserted plotlines.
  • edited December 2010
    That dude even mimicks the AVGN's voice?!?
  • edited December 2010
    terrd2713 wrote: »
    this video was way better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cJXZUHF_Tw

    too bad that avgn stole so many of his ideas...

    So, the AVGN has a flux capacitor? I knew it!
  • edited December 2010
    BTW you should watch Cinemassacre's BttF Trilogy review.
    Cinemassacre is also James Rolfe.
  • edited December 2010
    No. This is not the place for that.
    Just don't get me started on the whole "Irate Gamer came before everyone else" BS!
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    At least he doesn't take it too seriously like Linkara. Oh my GOD so many bullshit self inserted plotlines.

    I love Linkara's story arcs. I think it's fun when a parody review show has better comic book-style stories than the comics being reviewed. That said, I can see why someone might not feel the same way.
  • edited December 2010
    wow turn around for 2 secs and people don't get it.

    too bad that avgn stole so many of his ideas...

    see those three dots of sarcasm? (ok so i guess its hard to tell on print) I was just sharing and adding to the topic heaven forbid with my own opinion (I know in most places opinions different then your own are considered trolling). I personally prefer the ig over avgn, but it couldn't be more clear that in his earlier work he blatantly copies avgn. (see thats why the statement was funny because its really the other way around: too bad that ig stole so many of his ideas)
  • edited December 2010
    James Rolfe is AWESOME! Back to the Future is also AWESOME!! I first came accross the AVGN back when he was the Nintendo Nerd because I was searching for Back to the Future stuff in '06... I am SO HAPPY that I found him when I did, and now that this game is about to be released (any time now Telltale, hint hint) I'm even happier to be a part of this today! I only hope that James incorporates this new game in one of his upcoming episodes... Maybe another BACK to the Back to the Future trilogy alternate skewed timeline edition. Hu, hu? ^_^
  • edited December 2010
    doggans wrote: »
    I love Linkara's story arcs. I think it's fun when a parody review show has better comic book-style stories than the comics being reviewed. That said, I can see why someone might not feel the same way.

    I wouldn't call them "better" compared to, well, anything, when the plot consists of randomly inserted punching scenes, an evil duplicate robot and "reality unwrapping itself and silly things happen because of it". It's Animaniacs humor without animations and it really feels out of place.

    Yeah, well, err, I can't see why someone feels differently on the subject, really :l
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    I wouldn't call them "better" compared to, well, anything, when the plot consists of randomly inserted punching scenes, an evil duplicate robot and "reality unwrapping itself and silly things happen because of it". It's Animaniacs humor without animations and it really feels out of place.

    The punching scenes tend to be gags, not story moments. All the major plot points in the story arcs flow into each other logically, most of the villains have interesting motivations or backstories (aside from the Insanos, who are just comedy villains), and events are foreshadowed often months ahead of time, making rewatching old episodes rewarding for more than just comedy value.

    I'd elaborate, but it occurs to me that once again, I've veered this thread off topic enough. :P So, how 'bout that Rolfe?
  • edited December 2010
    James re-visited the BttF games. The japanese only release fot the Super Famicon was the only decent game. Not good, but at least enjoyable compared to the others.

    He also interviewed AJ Locascio, who does Marty in the TTG BttF season :o
  • edited December 2010
    James re-visited the BttF games. The japanese only release fot the Super Famicon was the only decent game. Not good, but at least enjoyable compared to the others.

    He also interviewed AJ Locascio, who does Marty in the TTG BttF season :o
    I have the Supwe Famicom port of Super Back To The Future 2, I love it!..still alittle difficult to beat and get through at times, but compared to NES games..it's an improvement. I loved AVGN's Reviews, I hope he will review the new Game!
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