DeLorean Rebuilt? *Movie Spoilers*



  • edited October 2010
    Maybe the Train had a malfunction and is lost in time, that could be why you'd need to go back to find Doc! Bit far fetched but hey.
  • edited October 2010
    I hope they get rid of Clara lol...
    I want it to be the duo Doc and Marty.
  • edited October 2010
    remember there was 2 deloreans back in 1885 hense the other one.
  • edited October 2010
    There's a giant, un-tapped hole between when Doc leaves Marty on his porch in the first-incarnation Delorean, and when he reappears in the flying one because there's "trouble with Marty's kids" ... it could be that the entirety of this story takes place in the 3 minutes in BttF1 that Marty is ogling his new truck and boggling at his no-longer-losers parents.

    -The Gneech :cool:
  • edited October 2010
    The Gneech wrote: »
    There's a giant, un-tapped hole between when Doc leaves Marty on his porch in the first-incarnation Delorean, and when he reappears in the flying one because there's "trouble with Marty's kids" ... it could be that the entirety of this story takes place in the 3 minutes in BttF1 that Marty is ogling his new truck and boggling at his no-longer-losers parents.

    -The Gneech :cool:

    i think when he went to 2015 at the end of part1 and arrived in that time he would have appeared in the same lyon estates road. and he see that the cars fly and got an upgrade hense arrived back with the flying circuits, he only put mr fusion on the car himself, but might have learned that you can use waste for energy power etc in that time zone. (2015)
  • edited October 2010
    If you saw the vids on the game page you know this is going to happen 6 months after Back to the Future III hence I believe it is the car from the third movie. Nevertheless,the car from the third movie is the same as the one from the second movie except a lot of crap is broken.
    Now, there is only one small detail... We are dealing with time paradox here and the visiting doc in BTTFIII+6months may be from a time where the delorean was v1.0... Anything is possible! I just hope it's good.
  • edited October 2010
    Can't help thinking some of you are missing the point...

    There is only one Delorean, the different versions you talk about are simply the same car from different points in the space-time continuum!

    Since the one and only Delorean was clearly smashed to pieces at the end of the third film, we can only really speculate as to where (or more to the point WHEN) the Delorean we'll see in the game has come from.

    My guess would be that the Delorean in the game is post Mr Fusion, but Pre the wild west - i.e. a completely separate timeline was created between the two events - My suspiscion is that this "version" (still don't like calling it that, but hey) of the delorean is from Doc's travels that occur at the end of the FIRST film.

    I'd be willing to admit that, it's late and I haven't thought though all the paradoxes that this would involve, or how Doc could have kept Marty in the dark for two full films - but as we all know "No-one should know too much about their own future".
    So maybe Doc had to keep quite about this for fear of distorting the space-time continuum.

    Oh and yes, you got me - i have already pre-ordered the full season! lol

    p.s. Look behind you
    - AThreeHeadedMonkey
    (First post on the forums - hope you liked!)
  • edited October 2010
    The DeLorean was in a cave for over 70 years in part III. They could easily take advantage of that point and have them go back to retrieve it, as long as they return it before the 50's there's no problem using it as much as they want.

    Alternatively, perhaps it's just a brand new one.
  • edited October 2010
    There are two Deloreans in 1955 for the first two movies..Doc from 1985 left the Delorean in the cave after Part II. The timeline was never altered in 1955 so it was there the whole time...only 1985 was altered into 1985A..where Biff is powerful and corrupt. It is the same Delorean, it's just the "other self" concept in 1955 :)
  • edited October 2010
    Alternatively, perhaps it's just a brand new one.
    DMC (DeLorean Motor Company) went bust in 1982, so maybe a 2nd hand one, or maybe Doc bought two from the bankrupcy "everything must go" sale ;)

    Gotta love good space-time continuum speculation ;)
  • edited October 2010
    DMC (DeLorean Motor Company) went bust in 1982, so maybe a 2nd hand one, or maybe Doc bought two from the bankrupcy "everything must go" sale ;)

    It wouldn't have been much of an effort to find another DeLorean.

    You can buy a one today, in 2010, made from new parts that were left over after the company went under.

    All that would be left to do would be to rebuild all the add-ons for time travel.
  • edited October 2010
    Thespis wrote: »
    Sweet - that's so cool, but very expensive.
    Thespis wrote: »
    All that would be left to do would be to rebuild all the add-ons for time travel.
    Hahaha - "All" ahh, if only it were that simple eh! (took me nearly 25 years to build my working prototype and I still can't get my hands on any plutonium! - If only I had the schematics to the Mr Fusion mod!)
  • edited October 2010
    Unimpressed with your username ¬_¬
  • edited October 2010
    Woah I thought I saw two of you.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2010
    Whatever the "basic model", it's clear to me that for a proper Back to the Future, there has to be an individual "incarnation" of the DeLorean for this game, and I wonder what it'll be.

    In every BTTF movie, the DeLorean was customized to have a rather individual appearance, whether with a lightning reception antenna, "horizontal" wheels in the flying DeLorean or the "suitcase" model with railtrack-fitted wheels. There's really the need to have an individual car that's "the DeLorean from the BTTF game".
  • edited October 2010
    Whatever the "basic model", it's clear to me that for a proper Back to the Future, there has to be an individual "incarnation" of the DeLorean for this game, and I wonder what it'll be.

    In every BTTF movie, the DeLorean was customized to have a rather individual appearance, whether with a lightning reception antenna, "horizontal" wheels in the flying DeLorean or the "suitcase" model with railtrack-fitted wheels. There's really the need to have an individual car that's "the DeLorean from the BTTF game".

    Absolutely not.

    The Delorean was destroyed in BTTF 3.

    Only way to get the real Delorean in the game, is if someone (Doc) used it before that. (let's say before BTTF 2 and the flying thingy)

    So really, we've kinda seen everything...

    Though, we might get things we don't know were there ^^ Doc didn't explain everthing he might have gotten in the future ^^ .
  • edited October 2010
    Wait, I'm a BTTF super fan. All the images I have seen show Doc in the same outfit from Part 1, then that may mean it would stand to be Doc is from even before Part 2. Doc was clearly wearing future clothes at the end of part 1 when he came to get Marty. Oh yeah. Its been 6 months, why is Marty still wearing the same exact clothes. is that the only 1985 outfit he owns. I know I'm drawing into things. Their doing it as a animated game and animation, the characters always wear the same thing almost. yet we should expect them
    to notice something like that, which I know they did. I really look forward to this game. I have missed my Friends Doc and Marty since I saw them fresh in 90'. GREAT SCOTT, This is going to be a heavy awesome game!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh I forgot, all the images so Doc as he was in part 1. age wise. he did have the hair done, change of Blood...etc. He looks Old. thats a clue. Looks cool to see Doc as a even younger dude.
  • edited November 2010
    The Time Train stinks, sorry but it does..How can you possibly travel through time in a flying train?..let alone a normal one?!? It's extremely loud, with the whistles and the steam engine. You could never get away with it..Imagine flying through the space time continuum, do you think no one would notice a 40 ft long TRAIN with lights and whistles and steam? would create a paradox..the bad The Delorean has stealth at least

    Dude, the doc was working with what he had, and the result turned out to be fairly badass. Did you see how big his ice-maker was? The fact that he was able to construct another time machine at all in the late 1800's is insanely brilliant. And it even got a hover-conversion.
    The Gneech wrote: »
    There's a giant, un-tapped hole between when Doc leaves Marty on his porch in the first-incarnation Delorean, and when he reappears in the flying one because there's "trouble with Marty's kids" ... it could be that the entirety of this story takes place in the 3 minutes in BttF1 that Marty is ogling his new truck and boggling at his no-longer-losers parents.

    -The Gneech :cool:
    I always thought there was a weird change in personality there with the doc. I mean, first he was absolutely against doing anything that could change the timeline. Then he gave in a little, but it was a matter of life and death and he had thirty years to live with it.
    Then Part II comes along, and he's dragging Marty and his girlfriend across time just to help out their future son get out of a spot of trouble. Instead of trying something a little less drastic. Like better parenting.
  • edited November 2010
    Am I the only one that thinks about the gap between when Marty arrives in 1985 and when the time train shows up?

    Judging from the hover conversion that was not doc's first stop. He could have easily built another Delorean after traveling to the future using the train(complete with Mr. fusion).
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Hmmm... I'm not sure Telltale will take the easy way out of this problem. We know that Marty will find out that Doc is in trouble (In the Hill Valley archives? On the Hill Valley graveyard? Some other place where he can gather information about the past?), and that he wants to search for Doc. As Marty can't build another time machine himself, he must "stumble upon" the DeLorean, wherever it might come from.
  • edited November 2010
    Telltale says in the Behind the Scenes video part 1 that 6 months after BTTF Part III Marty is trying to figure out what to do now that Doc is gone. Then all of the sudden the Delorean "reappears" and he learns that he has to find Doc..I wonder if this means that someone else uses the Delorean to come back for Marty's help. I could imagine if it were true it would happen in the fashion of the endings of both Part I and II..I think that's a cool idea, but who could that person be?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    If the DeLorean is identical to the one in BTTF 1, there's really no need for Doc or someone else to be IN the time machine. There's a remote control!! ;)
  • edited November 2010
    If the DeLorean is identical to the one in BTTF 1, there's really no need for Doc or someone else to be IN the time machine. There's a remote control!! ;)

    Good point!

    Although it could be Einstein...

    -The Gneech :cool:
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    The Gneech wrote: »
    Good point!

    Although it could be Einstein...

    -The Gneech :cool:

    ...AND the first concept art shows Doc with exactly that remote control. That's something to think about! :D
  • edited November 2010
    Whatever the "basic model", it's clear to me that for a proper Back to the Future, there has to be an individual "incarnation" of the DeLorean for this game, and I wonder what it'll be.

    In every BTTF movie, the DeLorean was customized to have a rather individual appearance, whether with a lightning reception antenna, "horizontal" wheels in the flying DeLorean or the "suitcase" model with railtrack-fitted wheels. There's really the need to have an individual car that's "the DeLorean from the BTTF game".

    That's a good point and it would be very cool to have a uniquely styled DeLorean just for the game. I'm pretty sure it will just be the standard one from the first game though.. at least at first.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    I'm pretty sure it will just be the standard one from the first game though.. at least at first.

    You mean "from the first movie". ;)

    I just love to let information snippets from the insider forum leak through. At least in this case,
    because although we do not know what exactly will happen, it looks like there is indeed some individualization of the game's DeLorean to appear in the first episode.
  • edited November 2010
    All I care about if it's a DMC-12. I've said my piece.
  • edited December 2010
    There is one thing that puzzles me. How is it possible to use the same Delorrean in the game without causing a paradox? Surely stealing the delorrean from a previous timeline would mess up future events and I can't see anyway around that.
    Also why would Doc rebuild the time machine, as he was so insistant in BTTF 3 that he should never have built the time machine and asks Marty to destroy it when he got back to 1985.
    Now 6 months on, the Delorrean is back.. Where does it come from? Why would have Doc built another one?
  • edited December 2010
    How would it mess up future events? They could return it to the exact place and time without any problem.

    Edit: And it's DeLorean.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    I just merged three of the existing DeLorean threads that were flying around in this forum like in BTTF II. No need to thank me. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Thanks anyway, Vainamoinen.

    I already posted this on the "DeLorean error" thread, but it's relevant here.
    Myself wrote:
    If they take the DeLorean from the mine (or any other point in the Trilogy timespan, for that matter), then they would suffer the IMMEDIATE changes of the ripple effect when going to any date after Nov. 13, 1955 (in the case of the mine), for the same reason why Marty didn't erase from existence at the moment George wasn't hit by Lorraine's dad's car in 1955 and why Old Biff doesn't feel the effects of his actions but after returning the DeLorean to 2015 (if you consider the deleted scene canon).

    So, if this was the same DeLorean as the one in the mine, BTTF3 couldn't happen, not even if Doc plans to take it back before it's unearthed by Marty and Non-time-travelling-Doc in 1955 (Because, as Bob Gale said, everything happens the moment it happens On-Screen), Doc wouldn't have the ring in his hand and, as we know, the events in the game are happening AFTER the events in BTTF3.

    - Taking the DeLorean from the time Marty leaves it behind the Lyon Estates billboard to walk to Hill Valley on Nov. 5, 1955 and going to the Future cancels 3/4 of the events in BTTF, all of BTTF2 and BTTF3, because of the ripple effect: The future 1986 would be where George is successful and Biff is an auto detailer, with Marty stuck in 1955.

    - Taking the DeLorean from the time where Marty leaves it at the CourtHouse -running to the Lone Pine Mall- and going to the Future cancels immediatelly the events seen in the ending of BTTF, all of BTTF2 and BTTF3, because of the ripple effect: The future 1986 would be one where Marty only returned from 1955 via lightning and Doc doesn't go to 2015.

    - Taking the DeLorean from Old Biff in 1955 and going to the Future cancels half of BTTF2 and all BTTF3, because of the ripple effect: Future 1986 would be the one where Biff is rich and powerful with Marty, Doc, Jennifer and Einstein stranded in 2015A and Old Biff stuck in 1955A.

    - Taking the DeLorean from behind the Lyon Estates billboard when Doc's gone -trying to find Marty at Biff's house- and going to the Future cancels the ending of BTTF2 and all BTTF3, because of the ripple effect: Again, the future 1986 would be the one with Biff rich and powerful, with Marty and Doc stuck in 1955A and Young Biff heading home with the almanac and a bloody nose.

    - Taking the DeLorean from the mine and going to the Future cancels 3/4 of the events in BTTF3, by the same reason: The Future 1986 would be the one where George McFly is alive and Biff is a car waxer, but with Marty stranded in 1955 and 1985-Doc dead in 1885 by Buford's gunshot in the back.

    - Taking the DeLorean from the cave in 1885 (with a ruptured fuel line) and going to the Future would cancel 3/4 of the events in BTTF3, because of, you guessed it, the ripple effect: The future 1986 would be the one with the wealthy McFlys/wimpy Biff while Nobody-Calls-Me-Chicken-Marty and Doc are stranded in 1885.

    - Taking the DeLorean on rails from the abandoned silver mine when Marty's gone to find Doc in the Palace Saloon and going to the Future cancels the ending of BTTF3, ripple effect!: The future 1986 would be the one with the wealthy McFlys/wimpy Biff while I-Don't-Care-What-People-Say-Marty and Doc are stranded in 1885, with a stolen locomotive.

    - Taking the DeLorean off the rails in 1985 before the diesel engine destroys it just messes up the ending of BTTF3 and Marty doesn't have to walk home (he won't try to get the car off tracks by himself as we see he didn't think of moving until he saw the locomotive barreling at him, so Doc would have to be there to warn and help him and, much more likely, give him a ride back home), but this car has a busted engine and 70-years-old time circuits; and I'd want to know how they would get it off the track without a working engine and without damaging the steering mechanism before the 11:00 a.m. cargo train hits it. This DeLorean is doomed, I tell you, DOOMED!

    So, as I see it, this MUST be a completelly new DeLorean Time Machine. I don't see a problem with Doc building a new one. He wanted to destroy (or dismantle) the time machine, not the DMC-12 itself. The car destruction was an unexpected overkill, and Doc already made another time machine, so he's O.K. with Time Travelling again.

    "BTTF" isn't "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure": Going to the future with the first time machine, even when planning to return it, causes the future events to become the ones they would be if that particular instance of the time machine didn't exist, which makes changes to the Future irrelevant when returning the time machine, as the events will go as they were supposed to be if that time machine was there in the first place.

    TL;DR: The game's DeLorean MUST be a new DeLorean time machine and not the original one because of the ripple effect.
  • edited December 2010
    Then there is always the question of why someone building a new time machine would use the DeLorean again, instead of the first convenient used car that would suit their purposes. Especially if it were a rival built one as mentioned in the beginning of this thread.
    One would even hope Doc Brown didn't spend the majority of his finances in this project specifically on the car, or his time waiting for a model just like that to become available.

    There's obviously the nostalgia factor, and in both the cartoon and the ride he reconstructed it using a DeLorean again (in the ride even going so far as to build a new type of eight passenger DeLorean which, looking back now, going out of the way to re-design the chassis itself is an unnecessary, kinda crazy, step too far).
  • edited December 2010
    Yes remember that only one TINY thing has to be changed in order for everything to change in time travel.
  • edited December 2010
    Also, every time I'm reminded that Doc wanted the thing destroyed, I start to wonder if the secrets of time travel stay passed down with the Brown family, and for how long.
  • edited December 2010
    Tyrfing42 wrote: »
    Then there is always the question of why someone building a new time machine would use the DeLorean again. *snip*

    - Blueprints and designs are already done for a DeLorean, which makes construction faster.
    - Stainless steel construction, which helps with flux dispersal.
    - Style.
    - Nostalgia.
    - Mobility (it's easier to move a car than a victorian 1890's steam locomotive)

    Boy, I do love making lists, don't I? :D
  • edited December 2010
    I agree, Carlos. This is EXTREMELY LIKELY a second DeLorean time machine as opposed to the original. Your explanation of all of this makes sense. I have much less of a problem for it being a new one instead of it being the orignal one. I can't see the logic of them "borrowing" the original one between the events of the movies. From everything we know, Doc wouldn't DARE try something like that. Again, I have no problem with this one being a different one.
  • edited December 2010
    Hi everyone. Just thought I would sign up to try and contribute to this discussion :)

    Have a look at this screenshot from the trailer:

    Notice the Last Time Departed display. I haven't read the entire thread so I'm not sure if this was posted before, but the Last Time Departed display is 'blank', no Last Time Departed information is available. This may just be a stand-in for the trailer, so that no extra information about the story is available prematurely, but it seems strange. In any case, it would be reasonable to assume that this really is a brand new Delorean, as a Delorean snatched from any other point in history would have Last Time Departed data.

    Of course, we hear the Delorean arriving in the trailer as well, much to Marty's surprise. So shouldn't there be Last Time Departed data for this trip already?

    In any case, I guess we will find out in a matter of weeks. Apologies if this has already been brought up.
  • edited December 2010
    Yes, Wilkono, it was brought up in a different moment. No explanation yet, but thanks, anyway :D
  • edited December 2010
    Or it could just be a new / reset display panel in an existing deLorean. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Or Doc witnessed the birth of Christ. :D
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