WHAT PART OF IT WAS NOT ORIGINAL?! Please tell me that you were either trolling or being sarcastic.
Most of it paid homage to various sci-fi movies of the 70s. There were so many gags that if you had a shot of vodka every time you came across one in any episode, you'd be under the desk by Act III (except for Tomb, ofc but that's because of the running order, not a negation of the point).
C'mon. Even I have to admit that even if some of the episodes in third season were not completely my cup of tea, and the rest were superduperunbelievably AMAZING, the gameplay was very original. The reels thing, for example, was pure genius. The bit about the interrogation. The combination of future vision and mind reading to solve puzzles.
Season 3 was amazing. It had its flaws, but it still remains the best adventure game I have ever played. And it's in my top five of my games overall. The comedy writing, the graphics, the puzzles, the MUSIC for God's sake.
C'mon. Even I have to admit that even if some of the episodes in third season were not completely my cup of tea, and the rest were superduperunbelievably AMAZING, the gameplay was very original. The reels thing, for example, was pure genius. The bit about the interrogation. The combination of future vision and mind reading to solve puzzles.
Season 3 was amazing. It had its flaws, but it still remains the best adventure game I have ever played. And it's in my top five of my games overall. The comedy writing, the graphics, the puzzles, the MUSIC for God's sake.
Please, I'm only saying most of the ideas were unoriginal. It was a brilliant season and I enjoyed it immensely. The graphics, puzzle design (in places), music, voice acting and script were superb.
To be honest I don't mind if Sam & Max make pardoies of popular culture, think about Hit the Road and On the Road they use the concept of roadside atractions certainly not something new. If everything was original and didn't take inspiration from something else imagine how small a scale of arts we would have. I think of Sam & Max like shows like Pinky and the Brain that are like a culture blender and have whole episodes taking inspiration from a genre, a film, a book, a subculture etc.
To be honest I don't mind if Sam & Max make pardoies of popular culture, think about Hit the Road and On the Road they use the concept of roadside atractions certainly not something new. If everything was original and didn't take inspiration from something else imagine how small a scale of arts we would have. I think of Sam & Max like shows like Pinky and the Brain that are like a culture blender and have whole episodes taking inspiration from a genre, a film, a book, a subculture etc.
Agreed. I like parodies (including the gags in S&M3 and Pinky & The Brain).
Let me re-phrase that. Season Three wasn't original at all.
I've never read a sam&max comic that had a continous story arch and I own surfing the highway. I'm not saying your wrong I just want to know more about why it got that score?
I can't think of anything clever add to the discussion of originality, other than reminding you all of the space gorilla thing and the psychic toybox and all that, so back to the discussion about suggestions for season 4.
Copypasta'd from the WMG page on the Sam & Max article on TV Tropes. I feel like this is okay for me to do because I'm the one who posted it there in the first place.
"At the end of 305, all of Max's psychic powers were shorted out by the electrical shock Sam gave him - except for astral projection, which allows the user to inhabit the bodies of different "versions" (clones, relatives, etc.) of themselves. After Max's death, he's replaced by Past Max through use of the time elevator. It's possible that his ghost could use the astral projection to possess the new Max."
Just throwing that out there for people to think about, in case they've forgotten about the possibility.
"At the end of 305, all of Max's psychic powers were shorted out by the electrical shock Sam gave him - except for astral projection, which allows the user to inhabit the bodies of different "versions" (clones, relatives, etc.) of themselves. After Max's death, he's replaced by Past Max through use of the time elevator. It's possible that his ghost could use the astral projection to possess the new Max."
That is a very elegant solution. Especially if he then gets stuck and the identities end up merging. The only problem is that the psychic ascension would make all the psychic powers carry over to the next season, which I'm guessing Telltale isn't planning on. But that should be easy enough to do something about.
That is a very elegant solution. Especially if he then gets stuck and the identities end up merging. The only problem is that the psychic ascension would make all the psychic powers carry over to the next season, which I'm guessing Telltale isn't planning on. But that should be easy enough to do something about.
The idea of getting stuck DID occur to me. It would be an interesting plot point, having a sort of split-personality Max, or maybe some form of rivalry betweent he two of them over which of them is REAL and which of them Sam likes better.
I don't think the carrying-over thing would be a problem, since the Narrator specifically said that all that was left of Max's powers were his memories of them, except for the astral projector that Sam used in one of 305's final puzzles.
I'm just hoping someone from Telltale reads this and is all, "Oh, hey, that's an awesome idea!" and then BAM! Season 4.
The idea of getting stuck DID occur to me. It would be an interesting plot point, having a sort of split-personality Max, or maybe some form of rivalry betweent he two of them over which of them is REAL and which of them Sam likes better.
I don't think the carrying-over thing would be a problem, since the Narrator specifically said that all that was left of Max's powers were his memories of them, except for the astral projector that Sam used in one of 305's final puzzles.
I'm just hoping someone from Telltale reads this and is all, "Oh, hey, that's an awesome idea!" and then BAM! Season 4.
Surely everyone's not forgetting the teleportation at the end to save the city that blows Skunkape's ship up?
Oh, whoa, I DID forget that...and now that's bugging me because in retrospect, that shouldn't have worked if he didn't have any powers left.
I think the Narrator lied. Max still had his powers but it required so much concentration, his head would explode trying. So even if he weren't about to explode from the missile, he would still have died when he reached Skunkape's ship.
Back to the subject at hand though, I think the story would be better off overall if Max stayed dead. Frankly, the elevator thing seems like a cop-out. The ending of 305 would have been much better without it. For the next season, I would like one of the following:
A. A Prequel.
B. For the last scene of 305 to have been a dream.
C. Max being there but not really; he could be imaginary, or present through his powers, or something else.
I'd love for the elevator thing to just be forgotten completely.
Back to the subject at hand though, I think the story would be better off overall if Max stayed dead. Frankly, the elevator thing seems like a cop-out. The ending of 305 would have been much better without it. For the next season, I would like one of the following:
A. A Prequel.
B. For the last scene of 305 to have been a dream.
C. Max being there but not really; he could be imaginary, or present through his powers, or something else.
I'd love for the elevator thing to just be forgotten completely.
How about if it starts out in a situation like season 2 where they're on different plains and have to help each other out without actual communication and find the obvious cop-out solution in episode 2 or 3 where they reunite? I think I'd be okay with that. You KNOW Max wont be gone gone or there wouldn't be a season 4.
I need to satisfy my inner freelance police. If any administrators are reading I wouldn't mind the following in S4, and thanks for reading:
Places to go:
Swamps of Florida
Mexico (for T.H.E.M. maybe)
Pop culture references:
Sex and the City
Jackie Chan (his voice if possible)
Real housewives
Bad Girls Club
Terra Nova
New Characters (Male or Female):
Ant Eater
now is my turn...
Places to go:
The New Office
Sam & Max's House
The Street
Sub-Basement of Solitude
The Moon
White House
The Mars
HELL (season 2 episode 5)
Pop culture references:
wizards of waverly place (actors voice)
The Muppets
Phineas and Ferb (animation movie and tv sereis)
Team Fortress 2 (mann co.)
Sonic Generations
Mario kart 7
portal 2
Penny Arcade
Johnny test
Disney pixar's cars one and two (for the new DeSoto like this one.)
New & Return Characters (Male or Female):
The Geek (new voice or not?)
the Aliens (from mars)
Flint Paper
Mack Salmon
Sybil Pandemik's baby
Natasha Moo Hoo Man
Sam Jr.
Gabe Newell (cameo appear)
At last there should be in polish < Self-service store > & season 4 Max, because I have season pole 1 only in polish and I understand season only 1, mum < beguile > < have > hope < stuff >, that season will be 4 in polish
(sorry, That I am in 4 class a bit well english not understand not know too only)
So, but I would like season 4 in polish, because I am pole and I understand season 1 only. sorry, That you do not understand I be in 4 class well too only. But does not have polish version still 2 and 3 season.
If people dont want to see season 4 by 2012 why would you click on Sam and Max season 4 speculation thread in the first place.
Because it's extremely unkiely to happen in 2012 they realise this, some people don't like the way the series is going, some might like Sam and Max but are content with what Telltale are doing now so are willing to wait.
If you didn't want any adverse opinion to your own why did you make a survey anyway?
If there's a season 4, there's only one thing I can say for sure I want to see: Bosco. Season 3 was great, but after finishing episode 5, I was rather sad that the most we hear of him is a story or two from Bluster Blaster in episode 4. It wasn't enough, I need my Bosco fix!
After episode 2 of Season one, the first thing I did for the rest of season 1 was rush right over to Bosco's to see what kind of crazy disguise he had on and what item he was selling for an insane price next. Even episode 6, where you drive the DeSoto to the moon, I was like "Nope, forget the moon, have to go to Bosco's." and got right back in the car.
Season 2 was also awesome. Sam and Max's build up of how bad his newest disguise is only for him to not be wearing one, driving him even more nuts than usual with asking if he has things since it's not a store anymore, making him scream over and over by selecting the "them" dialog option constantly... And then episode 4, hahahaha! That was great stuff. His personal hell in episode 5 was great as well.
And then Season 3. Season 3 was great too, especially episode 3. The whole noir style Sam at the start really cracked me up big time. But I went through severe Bosco withdrawals during that season. So again, for season 4, there's one thing I really hope to see:
In season 4 I would like to control Max 95% of the game time.
He's much more awesome then Sam. Sam is a cold, smart detective type while Max is a freaky, childish bunny with great humor.
And more Bosco as well. Moma Bosco is not as awesome as Bosco.
^I think it's best if it's Sam most of the time, when you click on something in the game Sam makes a comment and then Max comes back with something it wouldn't work if Max clicks something and makes a remark you're trying to get the set-up and the punchline in one line which doesn't work.
I think that Season 3 handled the balance between new and old characters pretty well. It focused on new acquaintances while using old friends in new ways. That unfortunately meant leaving my dearest Sybil out of the equation until the very last moment. But her absence during the entire Season made her sudden and unexpected appearance in the nick of time all the greater.
I can't think of an English equivalent to the German proverb "Willst du gelten, mach dich selten" right now, which roughly means that someone's worth rises if his appearances are seldom. The same applies here, I think. I am very sure that Bosco will return in Season 4, and I'm really looking forward to it. But if TTG chooses to make this a one-episode encounter, I'd be OK with it as well.
So, but I would like season 4 in polish, because I am pole and I understand season 1 only. sorry, That you do not understand I be in 4 class well too only. But does not have polish version still 2 and 3 season.
I agree that each country should be in the local language but I am not sure this is up to telltale games.
In France Season 1 and 2 were translated and were great. We offered them as gifst to friends and family. Season 3 was subtitles only and that does not work in a game where the best past is the dialogue between characters, their actions while important and fun are secondary. So I was the only one who played season 3, I think it was the best but only I can play it...
Back to the subject at hand : I am completely for a season 4 but with their other licences I do not know when they will have the time. If they could push their partners to fully translate that would be great.
However I am not waiting for anything particular for season 4, I just want to be surprised like I am in all episodes untill now!
Having read quite a few posts I also would love the nexr Days of the Tentacle.
It would be amazing if they created a fourth season. William Kasten used Max in a different game in 2010 so I know that he is not completely out of the game. I don't think that after three series that the actors could let go of their characters that easily because of how brilliant they are. I want the same quality that we've had in the last three series but I honestly don't care who is in it or where it takes place as long as Sam and Max are alive.
I'm sure we're all fiending for some new Sam and Max right now. I AM and I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED ALL OF 305 YET!!! However, since we are faced with the fact that nothing will be released for at least a little while, can somebody post a list of graphic novels, games, and animated serieses that are similar to Sam and Max, or that Sam and Max fans would appreciate? I bought Surfin' The Highway OOP 1995 edition last week off of Ebay and am planning on netting the 1996 and 2008 editions as well. I'll start off the list:
Graphic Novels:
SCUD: The Disposable Assassin
Ralph Snart
Black Cherry (if you want an entire book of what basically amounts to Noir Sam)
Note: If anyone wants to know the details of the Ebay bid and the deal they missed out on, PM me. It would just provoke aggro on the forum.
Just got done marathoning The Devil's Playhouse. Beat all 5 episodes in less than 48 hours. Unfortunately, :spoiler: That doesn't unlock an alive Max :spoiler:
Oh, and as for Season Four speculations, Sam needs to time travel back to the beginning of The Devil's Toybox, pick up original Max, and I feel that there needs to be some Mack Salmon or maybe something spy-ish like the Kiss Kiss Bang Bang episode of the animated series.
Most of it paid homage to various sci-fi movies of the 70s. There were so many gags that if you had a shot of vodka every time you came across one in any episode, you'd be under the desk by Act III (except for Tomb, ofc but that's because of the running order, not a negation of the point).
C'mon. Even I have to admit that even if some of the episodes in third season were not completely my cup of tea, and the rest were superduperunbelievably AMAZING, the gameplay was very original. The reels thing, for example, was pure genius. The bit about the interrogation. The combination of future vision and mind reading to solve puzzles.
Season 3 was amazing. It had its flaws, but it still remains the best adventure game I have ever played. And it's in my top five of my games overall. The comedy writing, the graphics, the puzzles, the MUSIC for God's sake.
Please, I'm only saying most of the ideas were unoriginal. It was a brilliant season and I enjoyed it immensely. The graphics, puzzle design (in places), music, voice acting and script were superb.
Agreed. I like parodies (including the gags in S&M3 and Pinky & The Brain).
I've never read a sam&max comic that had a continous story arch and I own surfing the highway. I'm not saying your wrong I just want to know more about why it got that score?
Copypasta'd from the WMG page on the Sam & Max article on TV Tropes. I feel like this is okay for me to do because I'm the one who posted it there in the first place.
"At the end of 305, all of Max's psychic powers were shorted out by the electrical shock Sam gave him - except for astral projection, which allows the user to inhabit the bodies of different "versions" (clones, relatives, etc.) of themselves. After Max's death, he's replaced by Past Max through use of the time elevator. It's possible that his ghost could use the astral projection to possess the new Max."
Just throwing that out there for people to think about, in case they've forgotten about the possibility.
The idea of getting stuck DID occur to me. It would be an interesting plot point, having a sort of split-personality Max, or maybe some form of rivalry betweent he two of them over which of them is REAL and which of them Sam likes better.
I don't think the carrying-over thing would be a problem, since the Narrator specifically said that all that was left of Max's powers were his memories of them, except for the astral projector that Sam used in one of 305's final puzzles.
I'm just hoping someone from Telltale reads this and is all, "Oh, hey, that's an awesome idea!" and then BAM! Season 4.
Surely everyone's not forgetting the teleportation at the end to save the city that blows Skunkape's ship up?
Oh, whoa, I DID forget that...and now that's bugging me because in retrospect, that shouldn't have worked if he didn't have any powers left.
I think the Narrator lied. Max still had his powers but it required so much concentration, his head would explode trying. So even if he weren't about to explode from the missile, he would still have died when he reached Skunkape's ship.
Romance for main cast will never ever work for Sam & Max, imo. Supporting cast, low-key and farsical, fine.
A. A Prequel.
B. For the last scene of 305 to have been a dream.
C. Max being there but not really; he could be imaginary, or present through his powers, or something else.
I'd love for the elevator thing to just be forgotten completely.
OOps, I forgot about this too. Now I want a season with two lovable lagomorphs!
How about if it starts out in a situation like season 2 where they're on different plains and have to help each other out without actual communication and find the obvious cop-out solution in episode 2 or 3 where they reunite? I think I'd be okay with that. You KNOW Max wont be gone gone or there wouldn't be a season 4.
Places to go:
Swamps of Florida
Mexico (for T.H.E.M. maybe)
Pop culture references:
Sex and the City
Jackie Chan (his voice if possible)
Real housewives
Bad Girls Club
Terra Nova
New Characters (Male or Female):
Ant Eater
...What in god's name? o_o
now is my turn...
Places to go:
The New Office
Sam & Max's House
The Street
Sub-Basement of Solitude
The Moon
White House
The Mars
HELL (season 2 episode 5)
Pop culture references:
wizards of waverly place (actors voice)
The Muppets
Phineas and Ferb (animation movie and tv sereis)
Team Fortress 2 (mann co.)
Sonic Generations
Mario kart 7
portal 2
Penny Arcade
Johnny test
Disney pixar's cars one and two (for the new DeSoto like this one.)
New & Return Characters (Male or Female):
The Geek (new voice or not?)
the Aliens (from mars)
Flint Paper
Mack Salmon
Sybil Pandemik's baby
Moo Hoo Man
Sam Jr.
Gabe Newell (cameo appear)
you mean 3 people don't want it? well because they don't care
(sorry, That I am in 4 class a bit well english not understand not know too only)
But how can they release an infection if they're all dead?
Because it's extremely unkiely to happen in 2012 they realise this, some people don't like the way the series is going, some might like Sam and Max but are content with what Telltale are doing now so are willing to wait.
If you didn't want any adverse opinion to your own why did you make a survey anyway?
After episode 2 of Season one, the first thing I did for the rest of season 1 was rush right over to Bosco's to see what kind of crazy disguise he had on and what item he was selling for an insane price next. Even episode 6, where you drive the DeSoto to the moon, I was like "Nope, forget the moon, have to go to Bosco's." and got right back in the car.
Season 2 was also awesome. Sam and Max's build up of how bad his newest disguise is only for him to not be wearing one, driving him even more nuts than usual with asking if he has things since it's not a store anymore, making him scream over and over by selecting the "them" dialog option constantly...
And then Season 3. Season 3 was great too, especially episode 3. The whole noir style Sam at the start really cracked me up big time. But I went through severe Bosco withdrawals during that season. So again, for season 4, there's one thing I really hope to see:
More Bosco please!
He's much more awesome then Sam. Sam is a cold, smart detective type while Max is a freaky, childish bunny with great humor.
And more Bosco as well.
I think that Season 3 handled the balance between new and old characters pretty well. It focused on new acquaintances while using old friends in new ways. That unfortunately meant leaving my dearest Sybil out of the equation until the very last moment. But her absence during the entire Season made her sudden and unexpected appearance in the nick of time all the greater.
I can't think of an English equivalent to the German proverb "Willst du gelten, mach dich selten" right now, which roughly means that someone's worth rises if his appearances are seldom. The same applies here, I think. I am very sure that Bosco will return in Season 4, and I'm really looking forward to it. But if TTG chooses to make this a one-episode encounter, I'd be OK with it as well.
I agree that each country should be in the local language but I am not sure this is up to telltale games.
In France Season 1 and 2 were translated and were great. We offered them as gifst to friends and family. Season 3 was subtitles only and that does not work in a game where the best past is the dialogue between characters, their actions while important and fun are secondary. So I was the only one who played season 3, I think it was the best but only I can play it...
Back to the subject at hand : I am completely for a season 4 but with their other licences I do not know when they will have the time. If they could push their partners to fully translate that would be great.
However I am not waiting for anything particular for season 4, I just want to be surprised like I am in all episodes untill now!
Having read quite a few posts I also would love the nexr Days of the Tentacle.
Graphic Novels:
SCUD: The Disposable Assassin
Ralph Snart
Black Cherry (if you want an entire book of what basically amounts to Noir Sam)
Note: If anyone wants to know the details of the Ebay bid and the deal they missed out on, PM me. It would just provoke aggro on the forum.
Oh, and as for Season Four speculations, Sam needs to time travel back to the beginning of The Devil's Toybox, pick up original Max, and I feel that there needs to be some Mack Salmon or maybe something spy-ish like the Kiss Kiss Bang Bang episode of the animated series.