The Second Great Sam & Max Race of 2010



  • edited January 2011
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    So let me get this right: 7 of you dropped out, leaving Harald and me? Sheesh, hardly any point in having a leader board.

    Yeah, I was holding off on saying anything, but I think that this whole race thing has played itself out too much for two races to be reasonable anymore. I've made the decision to put an end to the December races after this one. From now on, I think I'll be holding one of the two races in the first half of the summer and the other race in the second half of the summer, and that'll be it for the year. The holidays just don't seem to be a good time at all for most people to get into a race like this.

    I'll get the times all updated soon.
  • edited January 2011
    Our heroes corrected Bosco's cow problem, sent his soul to hell and caused the Big Bang with a massive sombrero in 55 minutes.
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah, I was holding off on saying anything, but I think that this whole race thing has played itself out too much for two races to be reasonable anymore. I've made the decision to put an end to the December races after this one. From now on, I think I'll be holding one of the two races in the first half of the summer and the other race in the second half of the summer, and that'll be it for the year. The holidays just don't seem to be a good time at all for most people to get into a race like this.

    I'll get the times all updated soon.

    Good choice. Sadly, I'll be abroad on an activities holiday during the last weekend in May and perhaps at a Rock festival the second weekend in June or July (lineups and my financial situation dependent).
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah, I'm usually much more busy in the summer than during the winter holidays. :( Oh well.

    I'm going to play the remaining two episodes tonight. No do-overs even though I'd really need it, because I can't be arsed.

    Edit: No, not tonight. It's getting late. Will start some time in the (late) morning instead.

    Another edit: Forgot to tell you that I messed up. I didn't have time to play today, but I really hope I can finish tomorrow. Sorry!

    Edit: Going Beyond the Alley of the Dolls now. However, since it's now pretty late in the evening, I'll have to hold off the last episode for now. :(

    Here I go again: Finished Alley of the Dolls in 2:30. Aw, I was way too tired to do this now. But no matter I suppose. Will probably finish this darned thing tomorrow.

    Edit: All right, enough procrastinating! I'm starting The City That Dares Not Sleep right away!
  • edited January 2011
    I figured it would probably be best to make a new reply this time, since I have now too reached the end of the race! I finished 305 in 2:00.

    And here are my results for the last season:
    The Penal Zone: 2:20
    The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 2:02
    They Stole Max's Brain: 1:58
    Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: 2:30
    The City That Dares Not Sleep: 2:00
    Total season 3: 10:50

    Fantastic results! I'm so very proud of myself.

    No, but it was fun racing with you, tbm1986. :) And thanks to Guruguru for managing the thing.

    Better competition next year, maybe?
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