The Second Great Sam & Max Race of 2010



  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, I can still do it. Four weeks will be enough, plenty of time to get them all done.
  • edited December 2010
    I only have two episodes, so I won't join in.
  • edited December 2010
    Yes I'm still up for this (and the MI race).
  • edited December 2010
    id like to join the race and grab they stole maxs brain for the after race
  • edited December 2010
    I will begin this as of the 18th of December. (I cannot do HTR sorry).
  • edited December 2010
    Of course! What better way to celebrate that finals are over? :D I'm thinking of doing Hit the Road on Saturday, the 18th, and then (hopefully) play the TTG seasons during the following week. I haven't decided on a detailed schedule yet but I'll get back to you. That's something I recommend all participants to do, by the way - it makes it way easier for your spectators (and competitors) to plan ahead!

    I'm still looking forward to this!

    *goes back into lurking*
  • edited December 2010
    I'm still in it too! :3
  • edited December 2010
    if you're still allowing people to join i will

    i play on a mac but i can use my brother's pc for season 1
  • edited December 2010
    I'm pretty sure you can join, Supersonic. :) There will probably be more drop-outs before we're done. But perhaps you shouldn't take my word for it; the big bosses are GuruGuru and Icedhope.

    I'll be broadcasting Hit the Road tomorrow (Saturday, 18th) at 6PM 8PM GMT/UCT. (Time changed, I didn't expect my mum's birthday party to go on for this long.)

    Hopefully, I'll be able to continue with Season 1 in its entirety the day after, the 18th, at 12AM GMT.

    I'm a little wary of setting the rest in stone, sorry. I'll be moving to a new place first thing in January, so it's difficult to know how much time will be free. I'm glad we have a few weeks to finish!

    What time will you be broadcasting, TheGentleman? If it doesn't collide with mine, I'd like to come and watch for a while.
  • edited December 2010
    Seeing as that's when most seem to be starting, I too shall start tomorrow, probably with Culture Shock at either 5pm or 7pm GMT, depending on how other things pan out that day. Then I'll play Secret of MI later on.

    I shall broadcast again via LiveStream, username tbm1986, only channel under my name.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, Supersonic, you're in. I'll try and get things sorted out with the OP soon.
  • edited December 2010
    Hey Guru shouldn't the Sam & Max Race dates on the first page be December 19th to January 15th just like the Monkey Island Race?
  • edited December 2010
    You'd think I would've been perceptive enough to know that if the dates were wrong on one post, they'd be wrong on the post I copied and pasted into. Yep, you'd think. I'll get that cleared up.
  • edited December 2010
    The first page is missing my Livestream link(
  • edited December 2010
    here is my livestream:

    and for after the race, 103 has always been a favourite to me for some reason
  • edited December 2010
    I've had to overcome some technical dificulties but am now ready to start Culture Shock.
  • edited December 2010
    Finished 101. 59 mins.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm sorry, I've been very busy with work so I haven't been paying attention to these forums at all (omg blasphemer!). I'm afraid my only chance at some R&R is these days before Christmas and I really would prefer to not spend them playing Sam & Max.
    I'm also going to be very on and off in January and I'm really sorry if I'm causing you any problems but I will just have to un-sign from this race.
    Again I'm terribly sorry but I have no control of my schedule :-(
  • edited December 2010
    That's too bad caeska. Come visit us on the stream pages some time if you like.

    I will start Hit the Road now, half an hour late... :/
  • edited December 2010
    i thought besides Hit the Road we were supposed to start tomorrow
  • edited December 2010
    I'm going to start on Sunday, but it may take a while to finish all the episodes. I'm a little busy next week, due to Christmas and all.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, there seems to be some jumping of the gun going on here, but it's no big deal. Yes, the race is technically supposed to start on Monday. And imagine my surprise when it turned out that I'd scheduled the races to start on the release day for Back to the Future (and two months before it was announced)!
  • edited December 2010
    @Caeska: Good! Means the rest of us have a fighting chance of getting the best times now! Only kidding. You're a pleasure to mingle with in the community.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, there seems to be some jumping of the gun going on here, but it's no big deal. Yes, the race is technically supposed to start on Monday. And imagine my surprise when it turned out that I'd scheduled the races to start on the release day for Back to the Future (and two months before it was announced)!

    Unfortunately the office I work for only closes for the public holidays (in the UK this year, this is 25th-28th Dec and 1st Jan) so I hope you (GG and IH) don't mind if I get these episodes for both races done when I can.

    I plan to do S&M 102 tonight but if you'd rather I didn't, then I won't.
  • edited December 2010
    You guys sure seem to think I'm strict or something. By all means, go for it. Here, if it'll make you feel better:

  • edited December 2010
    I know this is early, but with work going on the way it is...I don't think I run in the race. I can definetly, manage it though, but..running..I can not.
  • edited December 2010
    Aw, everyone's dropping out. I'll check out your stream when you've started playing, tbm1986, if it doesn't get too late in the night.

    My original post got eaten by the forums. I'm not sure I remember my time for Hit the Road, but I think it was 2:03:36. Then again, the game doesn't auto-quit so it can't have been perfectly accurate in the first place. And perhaps the HtR times aren't even considered in the official race.

    I also said that I was going to save Season 1 for Monday, since that's when the race was originally going to start (I too thought it was today for some reason). But now that GuruGuru has made it official, I will play tomorrow (Sunday the 19th) at 12 PM GMT. If anyone's interested, please drop by, even for just a little bit. I had 0 visitors for Hit the Road. :(
  • edited December 2010
    I'll start Situation Comedy now.

    Feel free to watch, Harald! :) Unfortunately though, I cannot chat and get a reasonable time at the same time. For that reason, as a general rule, I don't respond to IMs during play. Apologies to the person that spoke to me earlier.
  • edited December 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    @Caeska: Good! Means the rest of us have a fighting chance of getting the best times now! Only kidding. You're a pleasure to mingle with in the community.

    Hehe thanks ;)

    But you should easily be able to beat my times from the last race because I was slacking all the way through baby.
    I'll catch you on the streams if i can!
  • edited December 2010
    Finished 102. 57 mins.
  • edited December 2010
    Being almost on time for a change, I'm starting Culture Shock in just a few moments. Will do a test run first, to make sure there aren't any technical hiccups. Today, I'll play as many episodes of the first season as possible - hopefully all five.

    Edit: Okay, this wasn't my lucky day. After struggling with a few game crashes and an uncooperative Procaster, I finally got the game and live stream running simultaneously. I used my mobile phone to time the playthrough, and about ten minutes before the end of episode one, it ran out of battery power. So basically, I've finished Culture Shock but I have no final time to enter into the race. Meh, it's just as well, I had a terrible finishing time. Probably spent 20 minutes trying to find one particular inventory item. I'll have another go on Tuesday December 21, 12 PM GMT.

    Edit again: I suppose that counts as a re-run. Can you do the re-runs even if you haven't finished the rest of the race? (I don't intend to use all my four re-runs anyway; this is just to ensure I have a finishing time at all.)
  • edited December 2010
    With all the technical difficulties and stuff, I think I'm just going to give you a mulligan on that one. Have a do-over, on the house.
  • edited December 2010
    I'll have to tell you when I start.
  • edited December 2010
    Starting 103 now.
  • edited December 2010
    Sorry, started wrong episode by mistake. Starting 103 now, for reals.
  • edited December 2010
    Finished 103 in 50 mins. This was partly due to the lockups I was getting in the factory in the final act. Starting 104 at about 9:30pm GMT (in about an hour, so 1330 Telltale Time).
  • edited December 2010
    Seeing as a TV programme isn't on this week that usually is, I'm starting 104 earlier than I planned. Give me a minute and I'll be broadcasting. Sorry if that means someone misses me.
  • edited December 2010
    Finished 104 in 1h02. A personal best? I'll have to check but I can still do better. Might do 105 before bed.
  • edited December 2010
    Starting 105 now.
  • edited December 2010
    Finished 105 in 1h02.
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