Sam and max for mac?



  • edited August 2007
    Either that or Darwine. Plus I've heard that Wine compiles on Mac OS X if you're willing to jump through a few hoops. (
  • edited August 2007
    Isn't Crossover based on Wine?

  • edited August 2007
    Yeah, that's why I brought it up.
  • edited August 2007
    Crossover is based on Wine. I'm not sure if it was a branch or what, but it is more for Office applications (hence the old name of Crossover Office) and I'm not to sure they are all that worried about DirectX compatibility. Though IDK, it may work fine.
  • edited August 2007
    As I said in the other thread:
    I don't need a Mac version as I use Windows Vista, but if there is a big enough market out there, I don't see why not -- as long as it doesn't delay the time it takes to get Sam and Max games out! :D

    Personally, I don't think Sam and Max needs to go to the consoles... I like the idea of us PC gamers having them all to ourselves. :cool:
  • edited August 2007
    Just for information, VMWare Fusion 1.0 is out now, activation works and game launches, but I experienced the same problems than with Parallels. It's not good for the moment ^^
  • edited August 2007
    Just letting TellTale know I'm yet another who purchased Season 1 and will be running it exclusively on my Mac. Would really enjoy a native version!
  • edited August 2007
    Sam & Mac???
    No, Sam & Macs. ;)
  • edited August 2007
    Had no luck running it on crossover or wine.
  • edited October 2007
    I'm in the process of setting up tripleboot on my osx, but it's much work. I would love to have it running natively. I don't see why telltale don't use SDL/OpenGL for their games, then they would get all SDL platforms for free (Windows, OSX and Linux), so they'd have a wider base _and_ use a free/open-source framework. To my ears that sounds like win win win...
  • edited October 2007
    so far, all the sam on macs things i've heard seem to require intell. any way to get it working on a PowerPC mac? (of course, a native version would make me a very happy deli!)
  • edited October 2007
    'Fraid not, sorry :(
  • edited October 2007
    *sigh* back to waiting i go then...

    *sits on ground, staring at telltale*
  • edited April 2008
    So yeah, you got them all on the PC! So how bout some for the Mac OS? Huh? Huh?!!


    So you can get XP on a Mac?
  • edited April 2008
    Boot Camp, right?
  • edited April 2008
    jup...but only on those flashy new intel macs...
  • edited April 2008
    I bootcamp. it works great but the time to boot into windows takes forever since i installed leopard.
  • edited April 2008
    Am currently able to run the downloaded versions on Crossover Games on my MacBook. Am still deciding whether or not to spend the money to buy from Codeweavers though.
  • edited April 2008
    I've been enjoying Crossover Games mostly because it runs TF2 surprisingly well. You can also play Audiosurf if you don't mind some hilarious glitches ;)
  • edited May 2008
    I'm able to run Season 1 on crossover games, but not season 2. For season 1 I had to set the config as vista, but for season 2 it can't seem to log me in the splash screen, anyone else seeing this?
  • edited May 2008
    I think it's something to do with the splash screen in Series 2 needing Internet Explorer.
  • edited May 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    I've been enjoying Crossover Games mostly because it runs TF2 surprisingly well. You can also play Audiosurf if you don't mind some hilarious glitches ;)

    Really? Do you have the GeForce 8800 card, or the stock ATI one?

  • edited May 2008
    Badwolf wrote: »
    I think it's something to do with the splash screen in Series 2 needing Internet Explorer.

    Yeah I tried to install Internet explorer in the session and the splash screen seemed to improve, but still no ability to select and play the game.
  • edited May 2008
    I would love these games supported on the mac! I would buy'em all in a heartbeat!
  • edited September 2008
    I installed the free episode of sam & max (abe lincoln must die!), and it worked on crossover. Once I was hooked, I went to the store and bought the disk of episodes 1-3, and it worked on crossover. I was even more hooked. Then I bought the Complete season on disk, and it wont run, because it says "CD DRIVE NOT FOUND" or "PLEASE INSERT CD". I didn't need to use a CD for episodes 1-3, so what is Wrong?

    Note: I have tried inserting the CD, I'm not an idiot!
    Note: I tried WINE, no luck.
  • edited December 2008
    natlinxz wrote: »
    I installed the free episode of sam & max (abe lincoln must die!), and it worked on crossover. Once I was hooked, I went to the store and bought the disk of episodes 1-3, and it worked on crossover. I was even more hooked. Then I bought the Complete season on disk, and it wont run, because it says "CD DRIVE NOT FOUND" or "PLEASE INSERT CD". I didn't need to use a CD for episodes 1-3, so what is Wrong?

    Note: I have tried inserting the CD, I'm not an idiot!
    Note: I tried WINE, no luck.
    I'm having the same problem here. Bought both seasons of S&M before switching to a Mac and ordered the free season 2 DVD. Can't get the downloaded episodes to work now (because of the launcher) and the CD won't work because of the blasted SecuROM protection. Even though I do have a copy of Vista (and even installed via BootCamp), I really don't want to reboot every time I feel like playing Sam & Max :(

    Would be really nice if there was a way to make the launcher work for the downloaded episodes!
  • edited December 2008
    mridc wrote: »
    I'm having the same problem here. Bought both seasons of S&M before switching to a Mac and ordered the free season 2 DVD. Can't get the downloaded episodes to work now (because of the launcher) and the CD won't work because of the blasted SecuROM protection. Even though I do have a copy of Vista (and even installed via BootCamp), I really don't want to reboot every time I feel like playing Sam & Max :(

    Would be really nice if there was a way to make the launcher work for the downloaded episodes!

    oh, wait... There is!

    Sorry that I can't give you specifics (I forgot most of it)
    But it involves installing internet explorer on a bottle (i think its windows 98) and then Changing the bottle type to something else. (windows vista maybe?) and that fixes the securom thing. :)
  • edited December 2008
    Have you tried a virtual machine? I think parallels is a Mac one.
  • edited January 2010
    Some interesting news (even if it’s a RUMOR ;)) :
    We have it from a very reliable, confidential source that Telltale Games may be planning to release its entire lineup of games to Macintosh very soon, possibly next month (February 2010).

    The timing is perfect to coincide with the upcoming MacWord 2010, taking place February 9 through 13, 2010, at the Moscone Center in in San Francisco, CA (USA). An official announcement likely won’t be made until then. Of course, sister site Appletell will be at MacWorld 2010 to find out whether or not this rumor is true (and make certain we’re kept up on all the other gaming announcements).

    If you read though Telltale’s forums (and believe people are honest about their relationship with a company on a forum site) you’ll find a comment by ” Emily, Formerly of the Telltale Team” that reads, “Telltale has *a lot* of Mac users in the company, and we are very interested in porting Sam & Max to the Mac.”

    Telltale’s current lineup includes the Sam & Max series Tales of Monkey Island, Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People, Bone and Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Adventures. All of these tiles currently exist for PC and some are also available for Wii and/or Xbox 360.

    Source : Gamertell
  • edited January 2010
    I've had season one working when I was on Ubuntu but I've switched to a Mac (because I wanted a powerful new computer from a laptop). I've been trying to get the episodes working on WINE. To be honest, I don't want to buy the episodes again as I already have season one on PC and Wii. If they release season two on Mac, then that's a different matter :)
  • edited January 2010
    Wow… Talk about thread resurrection.

    That rumor site misspelled "Macworld," so that makes me question their credibility a little bit more than usual.

    Meanwhile, I still can't play Telltale's video games on my platform of choice. *Sigh*
  • edited January 2010
    Yohmi wrote: »
    Some interesting news (even if it’s a RUMOR ;)) :

    Source : Gamertell

    That would be awesome. I had Boot Camp set up for a little under a year but I haven't booted into it in so long I trashed it. I can't wait to fill up my shelf with all the Telltale games on Mac DVDs.

    I have S&M S1 on my Wii and I'll pick up S2 when it drops. I bought the entire Strong Bad series and I'll be grabbing the MI titles soon on WiiWare.

    I do own a 360, but I find that control-wise the Wii is better suited for the games. But my 24" iMac would make these games shine.
  • edited January 2010
    natlinxz wrote: »
    oh, wait... There is!

    Sorry that I can't give you specifics (I forgot most of it)
    But it involves installing internet explorer on a bottle (i think its windows 98) and then Changing the bottle type to something else. (windows vista maybe?) and that fixes the securom thing. :)

    all that did for me was make it able to install, It's still stubborn that the disk isnt there when trying to play, I did XP and vista. Securom sux. Did I did something wrong, do I need to quit/restart Cgames first?

    edit: I would like to note that I can not download the episodes as my grandmother bought it for me
  • edited January 2010
    1. Get crossover mac, NOT crossover games
    2 use the trick for crossover games in crossover mac
    3 install sam and max from downloads
    4 use the serial number confirmation (may need to be done twice, log in freezes it and request code does not give you the request code)

    I did this for culture shock and it is now unlocked and working.
    Special thanks to my awesome grandmother for helping me be able to get the downloads
  • edited January 2010
    Telltale Games are off to the MacWorld Expo. Booth 786, to be specific.

    If this simply turns out to be you people toying with my emotions I will fly out to California and personally break Rodkin's legs.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    Oh man, I really hope we ARE toying with your emotions. Jake would never be able to leave his desk! MWUAHAHAHAhhaaa... oh wait, Jake doesn't ever leave his desk anyway. Well then, carry on.
  • edited January 2010
    I hear Telltale are at MacWorld to promote their PC-only games.
  • edited January 2010
    I'm both excited and dreaded about Telltale being at Macworld.

    Do I keep with the Wii like I have been doing so thus far or do I switch over completely to the Mac...dammit.
  • edited January 2010
    "Today the Mac, tomorrow the world"

    The Rodking knew what was good for him.
  • edited January 2010
    I just bought the entire season 1 ($5 offer price was irresistible!).

    Does anyone know if I (and others who bought the PC version earlier) would be allowed to download the Mac version?
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