Exclusive Behind The Scenes of The New Game!



  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2010
    With the adventure involving Young Doc, that gives us a pretty good idea about one of the time periods we will be visiting! 1930's? Perhaps 1935? So very very excited!

    I was thinking about that. Time period 1937 to 1945 in Hill Valley, Doc's High School years - his parents came from Germany and went from "von Braun" to "Brown" in 1908, but his classmates probably still know... probably not the best time to go to school. As much as I initially resented the idea to visit a younger doc (the survey had one plot with doc in his twenties), I'd really like to meet that kid.
  • edited October 2010
    Interesting stuff, I like how they are trying to appeal to the fans. As far as story telling goes it feels like TellTale are going to nail it perfectly.
  • edited October 2010
    I think it's a fantastic idea. It's the next logical point of exploration for the universe of the characters. What home-environment created this lovable eccentric, and will we get to hear Christopher Lloyd voicing Mrs. Von Braun? One can only hope.
  • edited October 2010
    I do hope they have some way of explaining how the DeLorean returns from the grave that freight train sent it to at the end of 3.
  • edited October 2010
    Spykes wrote: »
    I do hope they have some way of explaining how the DeLorean returns from the grave that freight train sent it to at the end of 3.
    It's not like Doc can't buy another DeLorean to build a time machine out of it.
  • edited October 2010
    It's not like Doc can't buy another DeLorean to build a time machine out of it.

    As long as they explain it.
  • edited October 2010
    Spykes wrote: »
    I do hope they have some way of explaining how the DeLorean returns from the grave that freight train sent it to at the end of 3.

    cant put this in words, its easier to paint it


    this should work, shouldnt it? :confused:

    edit: of course you of have to "change" a few ways how some things happen, for example, if doc doesnt get struck by lightning cause he doesnt fly the delorean the exact same way he did "last time".
  • edited October 2010
    Actually the easiest way to have two delorean is that :

    Go back 5 minutes in time having this plan.

    Ask your other self who ALSO has a delorean, to bring you back to your time and then go back to his.

    Then in YOUR time, you have two delorean, his and the one you used to pay him a visit.

    You can actually do that as much as you want.
  • edited October 2010
    No you would still have one. Because your past self would have to use one in his own future to go back in time and leave it behind

    *sigh* Get a headache just trying to figure this out.
  • edited October 2010
    Why should I do any favors for future me? he's not going to do anything for me in return, he's just gonna go back to the future and reap the benefits of my effort, that jerk! Screw that guy!
  • edited October 2010
    I know I just said this in another post a couple minutes ago, but there are two Deloreans in 1955 for the first two movies..Doc left the Delorean in the cave for 70 years after Part II..it's just the "other self" idea..as long as they could get it back to the cave in the 50's before Marty and Doc retrieve it to go to the Old West, it wouldn't cause a paradox...yeah,lol.
  • edited October 2010
    this is so damn confusing.

    imho that doesnt work, you're doing the same thing over and over again. you can do that trick ONCE, but thats it. buy going into the past and stay there. i think. but then there are two YOU there.

    cause every time you go into the past to get a "new" delorean you have to go a little bit further than before, cause you have to go to a point were the delorean you want is still in the old "untouched" timeline.

    but every time you do that, you creates a new (future) timeline by traveling back. and in the new created timelines the orginal delorean is completely gone cause you already took it. in the past. at the beginning of the new timelines... there will be always just the one in the new specific timeline and the one u use for travelling? get it?

    i dont... damn...
  • edited October 2010
    This discussion reminds me of this.
  • edited October 2010
    Not in BTTF, my friends.

    In LOST ? Sure. In BTTF ? No.

    Absolutely "nothing" happened in BTTF.

    When Marty goes back to his time, his memory is still the same while everything arround him is different.

    If you do go back in time to give yourself another time machine, your "future" self from the time you get back to (which isn't exactly your time, same with Marty going back to an alternate reality in BTTF 1 where his parents are changed) won't have to go back to the past and give himself a time machine, because there are two time machines already.


    Oh and YES there should be 2 of you guys at the same time though.

    It didn't happen in BTTF 1 because Doc Brown made sure Marty time travelled (and this Marty couldn't have done the same things our Marty did in the past since he was pretty different. It's also funny to wonder if this new Marty coud have met the original one in 1955)
  • edited October 2010
    I wonder if we'll see Doc working on the Statler (sp?) Ranch? According to one of the books (book of part 3 maybe?) he helped out there.
  • edited October 2010

    ive never seen lost.

    huh? so in one post of yours its possible and in your last one it isnt? this gets more and more confusing...

    thats this paradoxon-thingy youre talking about, arent you ?

    that only does work if theres only one timeline at all and you go forward and backwards in this timeline. in this "one" timeline changes to the past are not possible, yes. and not only the future-you doesnt need to go back, cause he already has two time machines. also your past-you cant do that at all in "his" future, cause he doesnt have a time machine anymore, cause you took it. it just doesnt work with one fix timeline

    but doc explains the "multiple timeline scenario" in part 2 and how changing the past affects the future (by creating new timelines)

    so it doesnt matter if your "other you" does not have to get back cause he already has two deloreans now, cause that "going back"-thing of the "original you" happens in a different timeline.

    im aware that the producers f*cked up a few things about time traveling and different timelines and how that affects things (picture anyone?), but i see time travel (for bttf) how doc explains it in part 2.
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