As a random thought, it would be nice to get the DVD shipped for Christmas. Ofcourse, if problems are involved, it's very unlikely to happen. One can dream though :P
So what is this printing place to whom we can direct our frustration? With all due respect, Telltale has our money (and I realize it's not much, but it's a meal's worth, and these days those are getting harder to come by! I hate to choose between food and entertainment but if I'd known the situation I would have waited until it was free...)
Again I hope this doesn't sound badly, I adore TTG, I'm just confused. When I ran my business I took responsibility for my employees, contractors, etc. It's okay with me if TTG wants to pass the buck instead, but in that case may we please have the name of the printing company so we can barrage them with email? There's an army of S&M fans ready to help apply pressure by each sending a message to get the entertainment we love, instead of just being told to wait. I hope I'm not being rude. Just confused and wanting to help and wanting a treat so hard to come by these days. Thank you!
Congratulations, mrskittens. You managed to write a perfectly reasonable sounding request for information; meanwhile, the rest of us continue to whine about not having our DVD's yet while not actually doing anything about it.
Congratulations, mrskittens. You managed to write a perfectly reasonable sounding request for information; meanwhile, the rest of us continue to whine about not having our DVD's yet while not actually doing anything about it.
Thank you, that is very kind, and I hope it is also inspirational for others.
I'm moving to Canada Feb next year - any chance the DVD will get to Melbourne, Australia before the end of Jan 2011? Otherwise I might have problems...
Oh, why the bother? It's almost certain that either my package will be lost somewhere in between as soon as they actually start shipping it, or apocalypse will arrive before I get to be able to obtain it.
Yay! I've cleared a space on my shelf in anticipation! If I'm lucky, they'll ship while I'm on hol, and then arrive about a week or so afterwards, just before christmas.
I hope "within the next week" means "really really really really soon", because I ordered this under the assumption that I'd get this at my dorm before classes were up, and I kind of have this week for finals and then I'm through.
Maybe you could make a belated one? I'd pay $5 to $6 for just one chotsky from the Museum of Mostly Unnatural History.
I quasi-second this (the belated one, not the $6 for chotsky. Not even sure what that references to ). Hell even make this casefile $10. That's still less than ToMI's $15,-...
Same message here Ooh, can't wait!
And here I was, sulking how Rayman Origins possibly gets delayed until next year.. and then we get this! Thank you Telltale, totally cheered me up
(I should also get my signed print with this order.. guess I need to go shopping for some nice frames for it soon!)
I somehow just missed the "processed" stage and went straight to "submitted to our warehouse". Here's hoping it'll ship out soon. I ordered Seasons 1, 2 and 3 of Sam & Max on DVD along with Wallace & Gromit. Looking forward to it!
Again I hope this doesn't sound badly, I adore TTG, I'm just confused. When I ran my business I took responsibility for my employees, contractors, etc. It's okay with me if TTG wants to pass the buck instead, but in that case may we please have the name of the printing company so we can barrage them with email? There's an army of S&M fans ready to help apply pressure by each sending a message to get the entertainment we love, instead of just being told to wait. I hope I'm not being rude. Just confused and wanting to help and wanting a treat so hard to come by these days. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your patience.
And for those obsessed with things like "Do the spines match up?"
Good, good!
Case file was always an extra $5 or $6 extra item, never included for free, and we weren't able to put one together this year. Sorry!
That would be hilarious.
Nice spines by the way ^^!
Maybe you could make a belated one? I'd pay $5 to $6 for just one chotsky from the Museum of Mostly Unnatural History.
By the way, I bought Season 3 on March 12, so I guess the DVD wouldn't have shipped without a request now, right?
I requested the free DVD and my mind was blown when one of the shipping options was "Free". :eek:
Or will my order be held up by that now?
It ended up being a combination of Steve Purcell, Stephen Whetstine and myself, and thanks!
Hooray for me!
Oooooh! Same! Hurrah!
Same with me as well Yays.
Me fourth!
Usually my experience with backordered items means that it shipped today or will ship tomorrow. Here's hoping I get it for the end of the week!
And here I was, sulking how Rayman Origins possibly gets delayed until next year.. and then we get this! Thank you Telltale, totally cheered me up
(I should also get my signed print with this order.. guess I need to go shopping for some nice frames for it soon!)
I have that too. I think it's one step closer than 'being processed'.