Will there be an announcement when S3 DVD ships? [It's shipped :) ]



  • edited January 2011
    I haven't gotten home yet, since I'm hanging out at my mom's office until she's done work so that I can walk home with her. I'm praying that when I get home my DVD will be there.

    Also, my season three movie posters. My brother ordered them for me for Christmas, but they didn't ship until about two days before. I was extremely disappointed when he told me that his present for me wasn't here, especially since it's something I wanted so badly, but whatcha gonna do?

    For now, I'll simply bide my time and twiddle my thumbs until I can check the mailbox.
  • edited January 2011
    Woo-hoo! Arrived in the UK a smidge under 7 weeks!

  • edited January 2011
    Hi there,

    According to my account my copy shipped on December 17th 2010, but when I click on the 'track your package' link it says 'there is no record of this item'.

    I'm in Melbourne, Australia. I'm a bit worried as I'll be moving to Canada in 2 weeks time. If the package has already shipped, should it arrive here by then? I still haven't got it :(

  • edited January 2011

    Finally 8D
  • edited January 2011
    So, has anybody in Australia received theirs yet? I got a package that was sent on the 7th of Dec a few days ago, so heres hoping its not too far away.
  • edited January 2011
    Mine arrived a few days ago, much to my delight. :p

    (Sorry, adventureaddict, but I'm not in Australia. Just wanted to share my good news anyway.)
  • edited January 2011
    Still waiting on mine. Friday will mark 4 weeks since it shipped.
  • edited January 2011
    Mine took about 3 weeks to arrive from US --> The Netherlands. Keep in mind it was caught in the holiday shipping madness, so that's fairly reasonable all things considered.
  • edited January 2011
    I'm the only one kinda disappointed about the concept art in the DVD? it's only the few images that all of us know :(
  • edited January 2011
    Woohoo - just got it! Crisis averted. :-)
    yamman wrote: »
    Hi there,

    According to my account my copy shipped on December 17th 2010, but when I click on the 'track your package' link it says 'there is no record of this item'.

    I'm in Melbourne, Australia. I'm a bit worried as I'll be moving to Canada in 2 weeks time. If the package has already shipped, should it arrive here by then? I still haven't got it :(

  • edited January 2011
    Mine just arrived. Installing now!
  • edited January 2011
    Malleys wrote: »
    I'm the only one kinda disappointed about the concept art in the DVD? it's only the few images that all of us know :(

    I mentioned it a page or two back. Jake said he'll try and get some of the concept art that wasn't on the DVD here to the forum, but so far.... nothin'.
  • edited January 2011
    lombre wrote: »
    I mentioned it a page or two back. Jake said he'll try and get some of the concept art that wasn't on the DVD here to the forum, but so far.... nothin'.
    Look for it when the NutriSpecs come out for PC.... that is, the 32nd of Nevervember.
  • edited January 2011
    I could take a quick look at the DVD yesterday. There is in fact a small easter egg on the DVD. But what about the BIG easter-egg, what about including nutri specs now? I'm sort of disappointed that it still is not available for PC users.

    I love the S+M History featurette, though :)
  • edited January 2011
    I just wanted to order mine, but $49.39 shipping to Germany for just one DVD? You must be kidding me. :mad:

    What? Mine costed only about 10$ (shipping to Hamburg, Germany).
  • edited January 2011
    And on the day that it marks 4 weeks, I got the DVD! It's great, even despite the meager concept art, but I'm easily suckered in with bloopers.
  • edited January 2011
    Forgot to post about it, but I got mine 3 weeks after shipping. Brilliant DVD, posters and I love the comics! I'll let my DSi camera (not the best way, I know) show you the current look of my walls/desk:

    Attachment not found.

    Those tarrot cards were a Christmas present, just dotted around my room.

    Attachment not found.

    Another Christmas present. I love them to bits!

    Attachment not found.

    Another present. I should add I was going to frame them, but it was quite hard to find some suitable sizes, so I just used some white tack.

    Attachment not found.

    Attachment not found.

    Not TT, true, but I picked it up at HMV today with the complete Futurama boxset and another DVD. Looks nice.
  • edited January 2011
    i ordered it and i didn't even get a comfirmation email
  • edited January 2011
    Just wanted to say that I loved the commentaries. I was pleasantly surprised that the Sound Guys were back, Jared and Julian are brilliant. I hope you guys keep making commentary tracks for feature games, they're always the best part of the DVD!
  • edited January 2011
    still no dvd here Y_Y

    however I've got the poster with the purcell sign on it and I've noticed that it's a lot smaller than yours, also mine lack the movie reference D:
  • edited January 2011
    I haven't gotten my dvd either :(
    I've e-mailed telltale support, but haven't received any replies from them.
  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
    edited January 2011
    Vyse220 wrote: »
    still no dvd here Y_Y

    however I've got the poster with the purcell sign on it and I've noticed that it's a lot smaller than yours, also mine lack the movie reference D:

    For your information, the posters with the movie references are part of the Devil's Playhouse movie poster set, which consists of five 11" x 17" movie-type posters (one for each episode) and which are not signed by Steve Purcell.
    The other poster print for The Devil's Playhouse can be purchased signed or unsigned and is 11.7/8" x 15.5/8" (it's the same picture as "The City that Dares not Sleep", but without the movie reference).
  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
    edited January 2011
    I haven't gotten my dvd either :(
    I've e-mailed telltale support, but haven't received any replies from them.

    Did you order the DVD itself, or just the downloadable version?
    If you purchased the downloadable version from the Telltale website, you are eligible to receive the DVD for free (plus shipping), but you still have to place an actual order for it.
    I'm not sure when the pre-orders for the DVD started, but I placed my order on September 2, so it was probably not much earlier (I usually buy Telltale's games as soon as I can, but I might have waited a little for that one to take advantage of the Poker Night at the Inventory sale to order more stuff and save on shipping).
    Do you see the DVD (it would be described as "Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Collector's DVD") in your order history (under "Stuff You've Bought: a retrospective") or just the downloadable version (described as "Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse")?
    If you ordered the DVD, post your ticket number in this thread to bring it to Amy's attention.
  • edited January 2011
    Thank you. I checked my receipt and it did not say DVD. I meant to purchase the DVD of course and qualified for free shipping at the time. So I hope that I can get what I meant to order without having to pay shipping :(
    I posted my problem in Amy's thread.
  • edited January 2011
    I still haven't received my copy :( but I'm going to assume that's because I also got the Poster Set and the Signed Purcell poster in the same order, so perhaps one of them is holding it up.
  • edited January 2011
    Thank you Telltale! I recieved my DVDs today. It took a month since they were shipped (3 months since I ordered), but certainly worth the wait.
  • edited January 2011
    Received the dvd's! Thanks Telltale!
  • edited January 2011
    Did TTG not send out a notice to digital download customers that the DVDs were available this year? I just dropped by after realizing I hadn't heard anything about the DVD after a few months, only to find out it's been available for over a month now.

    Last year/season the digital download customers got a notice when the DVDs became available for order; this year I didn't get such a notice. Did I miss something?
  • edited January 2011
    If you get the Telltale Interloper, there was a bit about it in the September 2010 edition, sent on September 3 (just checked my archives):

    Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Collector's DVD Available for Pre-Order!
    Great news: The end-of-season Collector s DVD is ready for ordering. If you own the season, the DVD is free - you pay only shipping and handling.

    Yes, the apostrophe is really missing in "Collector s". I wonder if it's a clue to something. (We haven't had a "Telltale is trying to send us a secret message" rumor in, oh, an hour or so!)
  • edited January 2011
    Ok, another 5 days since my last post, still nothing in the post regarding Sam & Max Season 3, considering I've received stuff from TellTale ordered AFTER the DVD, is it time to wave a flag on this?
  • edited January 2011
    Ribs wrote: »
    It's in final mastering now, and is expected to begin shipping within a week or so.

    The update is really appreciated

    Thanks a lot....
  • edited January 2011
    Ash735 wrote: »
    Ok, another 5 days since my last post, still nothing in the post regarding Sam & Max Season 3, considering I've received stuff from TellTale ordered AFTER the DVD, is it time to wave a flag on this?

    You're not the only one, the stuff I ordered alongside BTTF arrived last week. I emailed them about it and they said it was dispatched, but god knows when it's going to get here. I ordered the damn thing in September.:(
  • edited January 2011
    I'm sure this has been pointed out before, but now that I have somewhere to keep my artwork I have been able to look at the 5 poster set in more detail and have just seen that at the top of the Penal Zone poster the 5 star rating was given by Theodore Dudebrough! Nice touch!
  • edited January 2011
    Ash735 wrote: »
    Ok, another 5 days since my last post, still nothing in the post regarding Sam & Max Season 3, considering I've received stuff from TellTale ordered AFTER the DVD, is it time to wave a flag on this?

    Did you, by any chance order the signed "Devil's Playhouse" poster along with the DVD? My situation is the same as yours: I've ordered the DVD back in August, along with some posters, and it hasn't arrived yet. Other stuff I've ordered during the 80%-discount phase has already arrived, so I mailed support. They told me, my other order hasn't been processed yet, because the signed DPH-prints are backordered right now (even though my order status was already "submitted to the warehouse").

    BTW, does the DVD have any DRM or online check, or is it "clean" like the ToMI-DVD?
  • edited January 2011
    BTW, does the DVD have any DRM or online check, or is it "clean" like the ToMI-DVD?

    It's just like the ToMI disc, as far as I can tell.
  • edited January 2011
    Did you, by any chance order the signed "Devil's Playhouse" poster along with the DVD? My situation is the same as yours: I've ordered the DVD back in August, along with some posters, and it hasn't arrived yet. Other stuff I've ordered during the 80%-discount phase has already arrived, so I mailed support. They told me, my other order hasn't been processed yet, because the signed DPH-prints are backordered right now (even though my order status was already "submitted to the warehouse").

    Ahh, thanks, just checked and I did indeed throw a Signed Poster in the mix, so that's what's causing a delay eh?
  • edited January 2011
    Totally irrelevant, but my second package containing a Devil's Playhouse Unsigned print, a Max Imp shirt and a copy of Surfin' the Highway just arrived.

    I feel complete.
  • edited January 2011
    Mine has already arrived. Thanks god ^^!
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